TV and Movie - Pet Peeves.

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Central Coast, NSW
EelX 5
Is there anything in TV and Movies that happen constantly that annoy you?

I have quite a few:

Recycling Plots:
Now of it is just nods that are just there for candy to the nostalgics then I am fine with them as I can enjoy them too but then there is those moments where the plot structure is so similar to another one that it loses some of its identity and I feel like I wasted my time, as unless it is a remake or a reboot, I usually expect a new story and not the same story of something I already have on DVD, as I might as well watch the DVD.

Character Archetypes in High School Comedy TV Shows:
High School Comedy shows are my guilty pleasure, though what annoys me is that it is obvious who the characters are , especially the ones where a female is the main protagonist. You have the main protagonist who is trying to go through high school and its struggles, the male friend who is either nerdy or socially awkward, and the strong tomboy female character. Lets not forget the hot girl/cute guy the main protagonist wants to have a relationship with. The ones where a male protagonist seems to have more flexibility but the issues are still the same.

Being the Face of [Insert Professional Wrestling Company]
In Pro Wrestling you have the big prestige Championship that everyone wants and when they do have it, it is a sign that they are the best of a group of wrestlers, which is fine as that is how it works but thanks to the 2010 feud with John Cena and Batista, it now means you are the whole Company (which is even more annoying when Heels do it since Face is used for Heroes). TNA is doing it, and I'm sure other companies are joining in on this Face of the company parade. It gets annoying and we have heard it for the billionth time and it needs to stop. The sad part was when WWE was doing it as they had 2 major Championships, but they only labelled 1 title as the one that makes you the face of the WWE, ruining the prestige of the other championship so much that it was put of its misery in 2013 when they were unified.
Computers Are Magic

In TV-land, computers can do whatever the writers want them to do - like magnifying an image from a security camera to catch a killer's reflection in a chrome bumper a hundred metres away, or having two people "hack" (TV-speak for "do what we need it to") by using the same keyboard at the same time to do two completely different things.

Omniscient antagonists

Villains who can not only create elaborate, complex plans on the fly, but accurately predict the hero's response in such a way that they can factor that response into their plan in such a way that the hero unwittingly aids the villain.
Computers Are Magic

In TV-land, computers can do whatever the writers want them to do - like magnifying an image from a security camera to catch a killer's reflection in a chrome bumper a hundred metres away, or having two people "hack" (TV-speak for "do what we need it to") by using the same keyboard at the same time to do two completely different things.

...I absolutely agree. However, you left one more thing out - the constant typing of keyboards, when mostly no one does that nowadays - (hello mouses and touchscreens, have you heard of them, Hollywood?)

I heard the whole trend of doing things on computer = constant typing thing began from a movie in early 80s. I can't remember which one though - guess I'll just google it later on...

Another pet peeve happens to be inaccurate car chase secens. Cars with million gears, normally automatic cop cars gaining a magic manual trannie all of a sudden, and did I mention NOBODY in Hollywoodland locks their cars when they park it?

And the final punch-up between a hero and the villain. Bah. After all that shooting, car chases, explosions and whatnots, all is decided with an one-on-one fisticuff? Gimme a break.
Unplanned sequels and prequels - It's really annoying when the studio suddenly decides to make a sequel or prequel after the previous one has already been released without additional movies in mind. It just seems like the additional movies lack the flow from movie to movie that planned sequels/prequels do.

Remakes of fairly recent movies - It's one thing to redo a movie like Godzilla where special effects technology has massively improved since the 1950's, but I really don't see a need for new versions of fairly recent movies like Red Dawn and Ghostbusters.

Movies of events that only happened a year ago - Remember that thing that happened a few months ago that you still remember? Well we made a movie based on that, only we changed it in attempt to make it more interesting. Isn't that great!?

Group Fights - Because in real life, if it's a 15-1 fight, they totally form a single file line and wait patiently to take on the good guy.

Mid-season breaks - One reason I've never really gotten into TV shows is the fact there is a long break between seasons (understandable) as well as a smaller break in the middle of the season. This just ruins any real flow the show may have had as by the time it returns you've forgotten details that may be crucial to the plot.

People that give Adam Sandler money - Stop. Just, stop.
The hero who is rewarded for bad behaviour.

I detest this one, which is unfortunate because it constantly comes up. It's a trope of the modern hero that when they see a system which they feel is flawed, outdated, corrupt or otherwise inconvenient, they take it as a licence to disregard the system. They then take on the moral responsibility of the system, and they usually wind up doing things that are unethical or downright illegal - but so long as they are vindicated, whatever they did was excusable. For example, we're getting a lot of promotional ads for a show called "Heatbeat", about a rock-star surgeon. The writers have clearly mistake her for a strong, assertive, independent woman, but in reality, she comes across as criminally reckless - and in the show, her dangerous behaviour will no doubt be rewarded so long as she is proven right.

Vanity projects.

You can usually pick these because the main character shares a name with the actor playing them - like Charlie Sheen playing the role of Charlie Harper in "Two and A Half Men", or Ray Romano playing Ray Barone in "Everybody Loves Raymond". These shows usually serve as a vehicle for a flailing actor to try and be relevant. The worst offender at the moment is Lena Dunham with "Girls"; she's clearly convinced herself that she's at the cutting edge of a societal awakening to "non-traditional body types", but she isn't. She doesn't have anything interesting to say, and the shoe would be better named "Horrible People Being Horrible To Everyone".
Omniscient antagonists

Villains who can not only create elaborate, complex plans on the fly, but accurately predict the hero's response in such a way that they can factor that response into their plan in such a way that the hero unwittingly aids the villain.
I couldn't read this without thinking of this storyline, it is the most omniscient thing I have seen, and it took "9 months" to put it all together :lol::

Might be Mature

Movies of events that only happened a year ago - Remember that thing that happened a few months ago that you still remember? Well we made a movie based on that, only we changed it in attempt to make it more interesting. Isn't that great!?
What I don't get about this, is that unless it is a Psychotic Villain, why does the Villain plan a revenge 1 year in advance. :confused:

The Hero having little maturity, and has to rely on the power of his "heart" or "friendship"
If it is a Child, I can understand as they aren't mature and it is believable that a child believes such things, but when someone old has zero sense of maturity but still win because of the power of his heart or friendship
Introductions of series starting in the massive event and not before it.
I know people like this as it brings them in towards the action early but I can't enjoy it, when the only pieces I know of the workd before the drama are in flashbacks, I want to actually see what life is like before the big event so I can truly feel what has changed and have a desire for the world and not simply think what was life before the event.
Computers Are Magic

In TV-land, computers can do whatever the writers want them to do - like magnifying an image from a security camera to catch a killer's reflection in a chrome bumper a hundred metres away, or having two people "hack" (TV-speak for "do what we need it to") by using the same keyboard at the same time to do two completely different things.
This one has reached the point of shows doing it to show "computer stuff". They know it is complete garbage in reality, but showing them being slow and methodical is not very good for TV.
Good guys always win against [insert any kind of antagonist or villain]

I hate this so much, Arlington Road was a nice air of change :D
Artistic licence is acceptable when it comes to computer stuff or whatever. My peeve is Extras waiting for their moment to fall over in a fight scene You know... usually our hero is about to fight off anywhere between 5 and 105 men depending on the film. I appreciate these things are choreographed but watch those guys who aren't immediately due to be kicked/punched/shot and you'll notice they're all doing the same thing. Blatantly waiting for their turn to fall over and not get up as theatrically as possible.
"Oh! I'm being chased by a really slow guy who wants to kill me! What should I do? Go in the car right next to me and drive away? Or go to the dark and menacing forest?"

Stupid Characters talking in the Third Person all the time.

I don't know anyone stupid in real life who doesn't know the concept of I's, You's, Me's etc. So why are they making characters who are meant to be dumb talk in the third person.
Fart Jokes in Comedies
It's old and classic but IMO, it hasn't age well.

When the Villain is more likable than the Hero
Unless if it is meant to be more likable, when they give the Villain who is meant to be hated a relative back story and feelings, most of the time it makes me wish to root for the Villain and hate the Hero, especially if Hero is a heart over everything else character as it just makes them look like unreasonable SJW.
Cars appearing in shows/movies set before their release. It just distracts from the moment - I remember one scene in "Spotlight" where you can see a Mercedes SLK from at least the mid-2000s in the background.
Hostage situations and interrogation scenes.

I get angry just watching these scenes and it often puts me off from watching whatever show or movie that has it.

Hypocrisy can be done right in situations like a Villain not seeing himself as a Villain as that would be natural. Though it can still be a problem if it used as a running parody (bully characters tend to be written this way).

Then you have those moments where they'll say that they won't do something yet do it anyway -_-. Or those moments where they act like they did nothing wrong despite being the cause, it is okay if it is a character trying to manipulate a situation but it is never the case and it just makes the characters look Selfish and Stupid.
1. Valley girls, they are a personal annoyance to me in sitcoms and in their attitudes each time. They act shallow, ridiculous, follow fashion trends, and a whole bunch of other things that peeve me.

2. This is one I found occurring in the later seasons of spongebob; when something bad happens to an innocent character and noone is able to see it. Even when it's happening right in front of them.

3. "That status quo is god" cliche annoys me in cartoons such as family guy and spongebob. For instance, there was an episode of Family Guy where Meg finally called out her family for their abusive behavior and than takes it back. *facepalm*

4. When a character gets abused without deserving it for comedy. I just don't find it funny at all, it's really just cringing to watch.
When people try to write a complex Rival Character
It's a Pet Peeve becaus no one has been able to keep the character consistent.

Rivals are pretty flexible, they can be 🤬, a friend, a tutor, the person on top of a throne.

The issue is, when they go for a complex Rival they try to do all the traits at once. I see so many characters act friendly and then act like 🤬 without reason before switching back and then switching again, they'll throw in tutor stuff which makes it even worst.
Sudden changes in volume.

Ever watch a show or movie that had those really quiet moments that you have to turn up your volume to hear, then it suddenly decides to get loud and you have to turn it down again? (And vice versa) This stuff tends to annoy me a lot.

A few examples?

The movie "Now You See Me", I don't remember it too well, but their is a scene with some people talking really low and then suddenly one of them decides to yell "STOP LYING TO ME!" very loudly for some ridiculous reason. It can startle someone if they had their TV too loud and didn't know it was coming. So annoying....

Pretty much any Star Wars show or movie is another. In example, the scene in Episode III right before Anakin rushes out to save the chancellor and then the one directly after when he gets in his ship. Very quiet when Anakin is standing around near Padme, and then bam! Music gets loud when he is running to get in his ship. Their are even more examples I could list from the Star Wars movies than this alone.
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Main Villain using henchmen to do a job that the Main Villain could do himself better.

This has always confused me, in ARC-V, Jean uses a Dueling Cyborg named Sergey to win the Friendship Cup. Now they made Sergey look really strong but after he was defeated and 2 very stong duelists infiltrated Jean's base. Jean suddenly kicked everyones ass all by himself and is on equal level with Reiji Akaba, currently the best duelist in ARC-V

Why does Jean need Sergey in the first place? He could of just entered himself into the Friendship Cup and win as he appears to be a far better duelist than Sergey.
I honestly don't see the problem with it unless the "good" guy actually complains when the "bad" guy cheats.

I see no problem either. Not everything has to be black and white and the shades of grey can make things interesting.
Alternative Versions of previous Characters.

This entirely kills the buzz of a returning character if it isn't the same character. Even if I was a comic book movie fan, I would not get behind Batman v Superman since it is an entirely different Batman from his recent Movies. Why should I care about Batman in the movie when he isn't the Batman I could've (never seen the movies) saw in previous movies.

You might as well make a new character instead of a new version of a beloved character. It is just false hope.
Main Antagonist turn to Supporting Characters after losing.

This annoys me because losing shouldn't just change someones allegiance quickly. Granted it is alright if the Main Antagonist was under something that clouded his mind which made him evil.