TV and Movie - Pet Peeves.

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Villain is only threatening for his OP weapon, not his skill or personality.

This is always erked me in the more recent shows, watching ARC-V the villain Zarc is reborn and starts fighting the main characters, I get no weight behind him. He isn't threatening in the slightest. He has no personality which can be fine for Villains as for example Darth Vader didn't pretty much have one in Star Wars IV and was loved but unlike Darth Vader, Zarc has no skill whatsoever. He doesn't look like he's outplaying anyone, being a better strategist or mind playing his opponents, he's only winning because everything he uses to way to 🤬 OP.
First episode deaths of "important characters"

It's the first episode, how am I supposed to care about a character if I haven't had enough exposure to them before their death (pointing at Eren's Mum from Attack on Titan)

The only exception to this is if comes out of nowhere where you least suspect it like Miguels death in Vanguard G: NEXT, it isn't the first episode but it's the episode he was introduced (so his first episode :P), you knew a bit about him and then suddenly out of nowhere without a death scene a phone call happens to tell you that he just died. Not only does it feel realistic in the sense of how sudden tragic deaths are but it was done where it wasn't expected that he would die immediately after he was introduced, he was just walking down the street before transitioning to the phone call scene. It hooked you in to learn more about the character but then it immediately took it away from you when you are least prepared for it.
Movie sequels that ignore previous movie continuity. One big offender of this: Paul W.S. Anderson's RE movies, god the writing is terrible.
Movies with special effects, but don't have good writing on top of it.

Honestly, I hate that the most because the movie just wants to be pretty instead of telling a great, clever all around good story to follow. Most movies do this quite a lot, and a lot of action flicks do this all the time.
Time travel stories where they just stay in the timeline they travelled too.

The only one that did make a bit of sense was in Rick & Morty since their original world was getting ruined and the Rick & Morty in a different timeline were about to die so they could replace bit for others it's so stupid, especially since they act like nothing has changed whatsoever even though you're literally living in a different timeline with people who might look the same aren't the same people you know, at least in Rick & Morty. Rick was reacting being forced to stay in the new timeline while Morty not caring makes sense since he's done it a thousands time before.

Worst case, Dragon Ball Super. NO, you can't just kill off every minor character in your timeline and then go to a new timeline and pass it off as a happy ending.
When the writer decides to take a character that was a good guy and then make them a bad guy further down the road for no real reason whatsoever. and no, I'm not talking about double agents or people lying about being good. I mean an established good guy and turning them evil. I find this plot most of the time ridiculous and irritating as it comes off to me as conflict filler for a story.
Resonating with the Villain when the crime and reason doesn't fit any close to forgiveness or there is 0 redemption.

This problem is suprisingly not as rare as I thought and it usually comes with lazy or rushed writing where characters can't properly established themselves so they're suddenly friends or allies.

This is a massive problem I have with ARC-V last arc. You had Yuri a guy obsessed with killing people and forcing Yugo, Yuto and Yuya to merge with him and become one. He murdered Yuya's father right in front of him and laughed about it and then was laughing manically as he was beating Yuya, but now Yuya remembers Yuri fondly after Yuya got his dragon. WHAT THE 🤬, Yuri also kidnapped Yuto and Yugo's best friends and they seem chill with Yuri now too, WHAT!!! There's no hostility or anything to redeem Yuri, he was defeated while laughing manically, he has had no redemption, yet he is now being remembered like a good guy???
Over done recycled protaganist and antaganist being a Billionaire in Superhero franchises.

It Wouldn't be so bad if they had unique plots included but when ever the billionaire status is involved it's the dominating factor making it predicable when they go the whole money doesn't buy happyness route.
Dubbed ads

For some reason of late, advertisers have taken to dubbing an actor's voice into their ads. I just saw two ads - one for a toilet cleaner and another for shoe inserts - where two clearly different people had exactly the same voice.
Villains winning simply because every other character is stupid.

When a Villain is meant to be taken seriously, I also get into the antics the put their opposition through and using their smarts or brawn to look imposing.

However, if the other characters act like idiot then it makes the Villain look like a joke. Either the characters are too gullible and the Villains manipulation really shouldn't work, make previous villains look weak to try and make the new one look strong, it just doesn't make the villain look imposing and instead makes the other characters look weak and stupid.
Mind-Controlling Characters

It's simply overdone, everyone and their mother for some plot twist will take a protagonist and have them brainwashed by the villain. It's been done a million times; stop it!
Mind-Controlling Characters

It's simply overdone, everyone and their mother for some plot twist will take a protagonist and have them brainwashed by the villain. It's been done a million times; stop it!
I feel like the trope can be interesting with the right dynamic. I feel like a lot of opportunities can be explored instead of the simple "have to fight best friend due to mind powers" dynamic.
I feel like the trope can be interesting with the right dynamic. I feel like a lot of opportunities can be explored instead of the simple "have to fight best friend due to mind powers" dynamic.
and it can be, but I keep seeing the same old "having to fight best friend due to mind powers" plot that you brought up and it's annoying.
When not all of the story is shown and you have to rely on an outside book or website to know the rest of it.

This usually happens in rushed or under-funded movies especially those that are based on a buck,
Long Mid Season Breaks
Star Wars Rebels is very bad about doing this and so was The Clone Wars. They usually go on a hiatus around late November or early December and then don't have any new episodes until about a month later, but it's been over a month since Rebels had another and we have no date for it's return yet! I always hated it when they did this and I never really understood why they did it either. It can't be to make room for other shows on Disney XD because they show reruns when new episodes normally air, especially since they already show reruns as it is anyways and i'm no animation expert, but I doubt they would use that time to make more episodes because surely it takes more time than that to complete one.
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Long Mid Season Breaks
Star Wars Rebels is very bad about doing this and so was The Clone Wars. They usually go on a hiatus around late November or early December and then don't have any new episodes until about a month later, but it's been over a month since Rebels had another and we have no date for it's return yet! I always hated it when they did this and I never really understood why they did it either. It can't be to make room for other shows on Disney XD because they show reruns when new episodes normally air, especially since they already show reruns as it is anyways and i'm no animation expert, but I doubt they would use that time to make more episodes because surely it takes more time than that to complete one.
As a Hunter x Hunter fan, welcome to our world :lol: (at least in terms of the Manga)
Main Protagonist obsessed with food.

In terms of anime, it seems like every protagonist after Goku can't think about anything other than food and I don't even think Goku was the first.
As a Hunter x Hunter fan, welcome to our world :lol: (at least in terms of the Manga)
It sucks doesn't it? It's been over two months since the last new episode of Rebels and usually it's back by now, but we have yet to get a mid season trailer! I just found out earlier that the next one is coming February 24th, over 3 months after the last new episode. This is probably the longest mid season break they have had.
Weak vampires.

They heal fast, super strength, almost appear in two places at once, slice themselves open for others to drink their blood, yadda yadda yadda. I just watched one get her finger broken by Van Helsing and it screamed in pain. 👎
Visual narration backed up by verbal description.

Rather than allow a scene to play out and tell the story, there needs to be an account of what is happening in case we, the viewer, are not sure what's going on.
So...I caught the end of Pulp Fiction on TV.

It's bugging me; The Wolf asks if he can drop Vincent and Jules anywhere on his way to take Raquel to breakfast. They're going two different directions, so the point's moot, but The Wolf drives an Acura are the four of them to fit? Then Vincent and Jules end up in a diner together anyway.
So...I caught the end of Pulp Fiction on TV.

It's bugging me; The Wolf asks if he can drop Vincent and Jules anywhere on his way to take Raquel to breakfast. They're going two different directions, so the point's moot, but The Wolf drives an Acura are the four of them to fit? Then Vincent and Jules end up in a diner together anyway.

I'm pretty sure that's the joke; Vincent had driven the NSX to the breakers yard in the first place (following the Nova there), so he should have known straight away that it wasn't possible. I guess the fact he doesn't is to highlight how spaced out he is or something.
That Guy With Glasses

Secondary/Tertiary male character mocked for knowing something obscurely helpful early in the movie; later mocked for not knowing something equally obscure at a pivotal scene.

While Nobody Likes a Know-It-All, it's a desirable tendency for the lead to act in this fashion. So Hollywood...please make this stupid trope die already.
Character development amounting for nothing:
This flat out annoys me, when a character gets developed in the story, but it was all for nothing. All of that development occurs just to get thrown out of the window in the end of it. It annoys me as it felt like all of that development was a major waste of time.

Note: This is of course something I'm okay with for comedy shows not aimed to be compelling stories, but when it's a story that wants me to take it seriously; that's when I have a problem.
An instalment gets poorly received so the next one reverses EVERYTHING about it and constantly jabs about it.

I despise Rise of Skywalker for this. The Last Jedi had problems but spending almost the entire movie going back on everything the previous did ( even the good ones) and use it for jokes, instead of continuing to tell a story just because fans didn't like it is fan preaching at it's worse. Not even the Prequels did this, they just it scaled back Episode I faults.

Watching Community and up to Season 5 and it happened here. Season 4 was not as great as 1 to 3 but I don't even think it was so bad that this approach for Season 5 was necessary to even the most die-hard of Season 4 haters. Season 5 opening is just depressing, sets an awful undertone for the rest of the series as every character starts to revert to their original state then rebooted. Meanwhile all the jokes at expense of Season 4 (and Chevy Chase but that's different).

Even these "bad" instalments have good qualities you can churlish further and just don't repeat the mistakes but they think it's such a good idea to go further beyond and scrub it all away clean and the story is never better for it. Also if you happen to like any of these, have fun getting mocked for it
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Flat endings.

Been watching a host of films that are engaging and right at the end, the writer must not have been paid for services.
No Kill Moralities in Protagonists when when the stakes and story clearly aren't suited to keep that moral

I was rewatching Avatar: The Last Air Bender and the finale was always off. Aang went by a No Kill morality and really didn't want to kill the Fire Lord but the stakes involved where Aang can't even wait until the Comet has passed or no more Earth Kingdom.

They wrote themselves into a corner here because either Aang sacrifices his morals or the millions of people die. I actually really like the idea of the main character learning to protect the people he cares about, your moral code will need to be sacrificed.

But the writers decided, nah. Let's shoehorn Energy Bending out of nowhere and get Aang to remove the Fire Lords bending, so Aang can save everyone and not sacrifice his moral code. It's a black mark on what could've been a perfect finale but as of now, the shoe ends on a whimper after Azula is defeated which is more satisfying.

Don't get me started on Steven Universe where they tried to shove in a Moral Code of forgiveness to freakin Gem Palpatine.

It's also funny when these tropes come up because if you think about them, it actually gives off the impression that morals should've been sacrificed. If Aang didn't somehow get Energy Bending, he would've doomed everyone because he wouldn't kill the Fire Lord. If Steven wasn't also Pink Diamond, the Diamonds would've killed everyone when Steven made everyone stop fighting so he could talk. If Batman would just kill Joker, none of the bad stuff would keep happening
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Annoying characters that get way too much screen time.
This one is highly opinionated, but I just hate it when this happens. At times, it just seems forced, goes on too long and I just feel like some shows are trying too hard to make me care for the characters I find annoying. When in reality it's only further justifying my opinion of them instead and making me feel even worse about them in the process.

Some examples I can share are:
Star Wars Rebels.
The scene where Gar Saxon interrogates Ezra Bridger in the episode "Mandalorian Super Commandos" is a fine example of this. I absolutely despise Gar Saxon as a character in this show because he really rubs me the wrong way, especially in this scene, and while I don't hate Ezra, he can be kind of annoying at times, and the way he acts here just makes me cringe a little. Given how I am forced to listen to not one, but two characters that annoy me in an interrogation (which I already have an intense distaste for) that goes on a bit too long, you can imagine why I don't like this scene. In fact, I don't even like the episode as a whole partly due to this.

To be fair though, Ezra is a boy so I guess childish behavior is to be expected from him and I imagine the writers wanted the audience to hate Gar Saxon so his eventual death would be much more satisfying. Still, I think they could have toned it back a bit.

SpongeBob Squarepants.
Patchy is easily the worst for this. As a long-time fan of the show, I never have liked him because he's just an awkward, out-of-place, annoying, and unfunny character that hogs way too much screen time in the episodes he appears in and doesn't really add to them either. (if anything he does the total opposite) He's one of those where I dread watching an episode with him in it because those who don't know the show are bound to ask what I am actually watching, not even knowing it's still Spongebob and that's an awkward conversion just waiting to happen. The fact he takes up so much screen time just makes it even worse.

I have heard the episode "Party Pooper Pants" has a ton of Patchy scenes and going off memory, I think it did. However, it's been too long since I've seen it again for me to make a comment, but the episode "Ugh" (aka Spongebob B.C.) however is one I do remember though. I like this episode, but Patchy just gets way too much screen time in this one and ultimately just takes too much away from the actual episode. I swear Patchy has almost if not more screen time than the actual episode does, and if I remember correctly, it occupies an entire hour on Nick's time slot and could have possibly been reduced to the usual length had Patchy been left out.

Thankfully, I think he's made fewer appearances over the years, but I personally would be happier if he wasn't in there at all.
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Dance sequences in Movies

This is quite popular in a lot of movies nowadays, especially animated ones. It shills either a popular song or a new song made for the movie. I only realised how much it peeved when watching both Sonic 2 and The Bad Guys have one. Although admittedly, The Bad Guys was pretty clever in how they implemented theirs and I actually enjoyed that one

Most either fill like filler without any proper character growth in it or are at the end for a really cheap happy ending.

Shrek 2 definitely did this the best.
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Frequent commercial breaks.
I get they have to have these, but there is such a thing as having too many of them. This can be very annoying at times and can really break the emersion of whatever you're watching or even prevent you from getting emerised in it at all. Some examples:
1. The few times I watched Pimp My Ride in the late 2000's, I can remember it had commercials come at a noticeably higher rate than most and it was annoying because it took too much time away from the show and we didn't exactly have a whole lot of that back then.

2. Easily the worst offender for this I have seen yet is when I watched Air Force One on TV about 2 weeks ago. This one frustrated me and my entire family because it felt like they had commercials every 20 minutes and I swear they lasted anywhere between 7-10 minutes. It was just absolutely obnoxious how many times they did this and how long they went on because it was disrupting a movie I was really enjoying. It's made even worse by the fact it was being shown late at night and we all wanted to finish it, but the commercials made it go one WAY longer than it should have and it could have ended so much sooner had they not hogged so much time with them.
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