TV and Movie - Pet Peeves.

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The X amount of time ago trope.
I so hate it, when a show wants to hook you by starting with a climactic scene only to suddenly jump back in time to show the setup for it.

Characters repeating things for the viewer's benefit.
There is nothing more annoying than the writers assuming the viewer is stupid and they repeat plot points using the characters as mouth pieces for it.

Driving in front of a fake background
Especially when the actor is turning the wheel like they are navigating Lombard street, while the projected background shows a straight road.

Sped up driving scenes
It was mostly used in the 80s, but it gets on my nerves every time. You think I won't notice the weeds at the side of the road moving at 2x speed also?

The Michael Bay effect
aka things blowing up for no apparent reason

Shaky cam
It only makes me annoyed it does not enhance the action

Hidden ramps
Ramps put behind stationary objects so cars fly over them instead of crashing into them

Continuity errors
Vehicle gets damaged, then in the next two edits it is undamaged, then damaged again, or has different damage
Whatever happened to the "continuity girl" anyway? Did they meet the same fate as grid girls?
  • Films that are over half an hour longer than they need to be
  • One dimensional characters of any kind
  • Extreme Feminism leaking in movies
  • Shaky cam (biggest sin for an action buff)
  • jumpcuts that induce seizures
  • CGI faces/bodies when it's not needed
  • obvious CGI in general
  • dialogue that's not mentally stimulating
  • bad pacing
  • the amount of bullshyat writing that's made up to force a happy ending in some films
  • indie art films that are more confusing than entertaining
  • films that rely on vagueness to do the job, wheres the detail? I need that
  • TV shows that turn to poo too quickly
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The X amount of time ago trope.
I so hate it, when a show wants to hook you by starting with a climactic scene only to suddenly jump back in time to show the setup for it.
Yea I can agree with this. I never really understood why they would show a scene and then it suddenly says "Earlier" and go back on it right away. It just seems pointless and kind of spoils it a bit.
Yea I can agree with this. I never really understood why they would show a scene and then it suddenly says "Earlier" and go back on it right away. It just seems pointless and kind of spoils it a bit.
Yeah definitely one of the more annoying ones. Like why show me something then change the scene? No I want to watch what I was watching!! lol