Unpopular Opinions - General Thread

  • Thread starter Carbonox
How old are the kids in 9th grade?

I don’t think it’s irresponsible at all to learn about addiction at a young age (hell, if I had maybe I would be an alcoholic) but Master of Puppets romanticise the notion of addiction.

I guess it’s just a sad feature of our modern societies that it needs teaching. I couldn’t imagine any of my students even talking about drug use, never mind actually considering it, but I live in a very different culture.

If you’ve heard 1 Oasis song you’ve heard them all. That said, those dildos did knock out a few bangers that resonated with me, such as What’s the Story (morning glory) and a couple of lighter tunes that are quite melodic.
14 and up. But it see your point too. Making it out to be a good thing is not cool.

Also, Up In The Sky by such Oasis hasa sick melody. I don't particularly dislike the band, but I feel like this song is among one of the ones not hated.
I am affected by it but I really think that this CoViD19 pandemic is really what the world and ESPECIALLY the United States need to go through..

Our society has been operating and spending money that we don't have, using virtual and theoretical money, before we even earn them, and now look at where we are heading...

Things are about to crumble down because we got no money or cash flow to pay for what we owe ...

This is a perfect opportunity to start all over on the right foot, starting from scratch and this time do it right....
Only spend money we have and not spend more than what we dont have.

Our government never believe in giving out money,but that's what we have been needing for the longest time due to how the Corporations and how the 1% holds 98%* of the purchasing power...

We are all modern day slaves...
Enough is enough

Societies all across the globe need to evolve to something more humane and less cut throats....

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Yet sounded so bad.

It's in the "overplayed in every pub and at every party" class of songs along with Bohemian Rhapsody, Wonderwall and Mr Brightside. They're not intrinsically terrible but so overplayed that they're annoying by association.

I can't just stand idly by while you put Wonderwall and the Killers in the same sentence as Queen as if they were roughly equivalent.

Popular or not, there's no comparison. Wonderwall is so musically basic it boggles the mind, accompanied by the uniquely grating Gallagher lyric it is a physical affliction to the ear.

Meanwhile the Killers' market researched lab-grown indy sound brings to mind only the most unbearably middle class and uneventful of high school parties, complete with Lambrini and the passionate assurance that "I can't even begin to even".

Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody, whilst overplayed even more than both of these, is an interesting musical composition with compelling lyrics and a pounding Brian May solo that more than stands the test of time. We may all groan as the circle of 18 year olds belt it out as if they're the first to properly divide all the vocal parts between their friendship group, but that doesn't warrant comparison to two of the least inspired (and enjoyable) pop songs to ever exist.
I can't just stand idly by while you put Wonderwall and the Killers in the same sentence as Queen as if they were roughly equivalent.

Popular or not, there's no comparison. Wonderwall is so musically basic it boggles the mind, accompanied by the uniquely grating Gallagher lyric it is a physical affliction to the ear.

Meanwhile the Killers' market researched lab-grown indy sound brings to mind only the most unbearably middle class and uneventful of high school parties, complete with Lambrini and the passionate assurance that "I can't even begin to even".

Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody, whilst overplayed even more than both of these, is an interesting musical composition with compelling lyrics and a pounding Brian May solo that more than stands the test of time. We may all groan as the circle of 18 year olds belt it out as if they're the first to properly divide all the vocal parts between their friendship group, but that doesn't warrant comparison to two of the least inspired (and enjoyable) pop songs to ever exist.

It has nothing to do with how good or bad the song is.
I am affected by it but I really think that this CoViD19 pandemic is really what the world and ESPECIALLY the United States need to go through..

Our society has been operating and spending money that we don't have, using virtual and theoretical money, before we even earn them, and now look at where we are heading...

Things are about to crumble down because we got no money or cash flow to pay for what we owe ...

This is a perfect opportunity to start all over on the right foot, starting from scratch and this time do it right....
Only spend money we have and not spend more than what we dont have.

Our government never believe in giving out money,but that's what we have been needing for the longest time due to how the Corporations and how the 1% holds 98%* of the purchasing power...

We are all modern day slaves...
Enough is enough

Societies all across the globe need to evolve to something more humane and less cut throats....
Money is just a description of the value we want to attach to things at any given time. It's not a real resource.
Things are about to crumble down because we got no money or cash flow to pay for what we owe ...

This is a perfect opportunity to start all over on the right foot, starting from scratch and this time do it right....
Only spend money we have and not spend more than what we dont have.

Our government never believe in giving out money,but that's what we have been needing for the longest time due to how the Corporations and how the 1% holds 98%* of the purchasing power...

I'm not sure if this will help. The government is just spending the money for us and also giving it to corporations. Previously, the US government had about $70,000 of debt per person. After this, there will be a significant increase. Seems a bit crazy. By the government pumping in money, it doesn't teach anyone anything.
Money is just a description of the value we want to attach to things at any given time. It's not a real resource.

I'm not sure if this will help. The government is just spending the money for us and also giving it to corporations. Previously, the US government had about $70,000 of debt per person. After this, there will be a significant increase. Seems a bit crazy. By the government pumping in money, it doesn't teach anyone anything.

What I said above does not only concern the individuals or family unit, but also and even more importantly at the corporate level....

Investment based on volatile money and speculation may have been something we done for more than 100 years... But now is the opportunity to set stricter rules on forbidding double dipping or using money we don't have...

Or how the banks are using our money we put into our checking or saving accounts to invest on other things ..
That's too much risks.

I am not a finance person by any means and I don't know much about it... But I think stricter rules should be set to protect the individuals from financial impact due to Corporations investment... Unless people choose to invest themselves.
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Kellogg's brand Pop Tarts are overrated.

The generic store brands are much better IMHO. During this pandemic I suddenly got the urge to start eating pop tarts again for the first time in 7 or 8 years. Publix had their own brand (which I usually get) but I also got a box of Kellogg's frosted. I prefer blueberry and unfrosted but I thought I would try the frosted to see if it was all that. First off there's not that much frosting on them, there's not as much filling in them as the generic ones, the top third of one of them broke off and fell down in the toaster.

Just to get a fair comparison I also bought a box of Kellogg's unfrosted and to me it's just like the frosted ones, not as much filling, brittle in a toaster. So for me Kellogg's Pop Tarts, not impressed.
The Office (US) doesn't live up to the hype. It's not as funny as people make it out to be.

I agree... Well I haven't watch the UK Office either, but personally have never liked the US version, can't seem to see what is so funny or good about it...

Maybe I am too uptight... But then again I like other sort of humour....
I don't disagree, per se. It's a show best looked back upon in clips, but some of those clips are among the funniest things I've seen on television.

I don't particularly hate it, but it's too awkward, and at times, very dry. It does have its moments though as you said, but there aren't that many.

And this is coming from someone who watches Friends for nostalgia purposes. If I actually pay attention to the show I would find the dated humor cringeworthy.

Maybe if I grew up with The Office I would have a different view, I don't know.

Parks & Rec absolutely batters the US office as far as I'm concerned. Not sure how popular that opinion is.

I don't like P&R either :D
I liked the first few seasons of The Office (US Version). Then it started to become unfunny to me with everyone just being caricatures of themselves and unrealistic. Don't even get me started on the new characters introduced later on. They would all turn out to be weird or creepy. I watched one episode of the UK version. There would be random pauses after Ricky Gervais would make a joke which I assume were supposed to be awkward silence. Being from the States, I guess I didn't quite get the humor.

The IT Crowd on the other hand. Now that's a British show I enjoyed.

Edit: I agree with @MaxAttack on Parks and Rec. Maybe it's because I'm from Indiana and can relate to some of what went on. :lol:
Re: Overplayed songs.

ATTN Classic rock radio: John Mellencamp does have a larger backlog than Little Pink Houses, Check It Out(?), and whatever one he did where it was basically legally mandated to end a line with the words "small town". Shame as there's some good stuff of his.
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver did a segment on possible alternatives for sports in this pandemic. He brought up marble racing. He's even going to be a sponsor of the marble racing site on Youtube. So I checked it out last night.

And.........I kind of like it.

Hahaha I remember when they were simple videos at a beach and the comment section would be the grouped based on teams they liked
Hahaha I remember when they were simple videos at a beach and the comment section would be the grouped based on teams they liked

I watched another one last night and in the comments you see, "tough being a Bolt fan for this race, I thought we had this one but we'll bounce back for the next one" :lol: Or "way to go Team O'ranger!!! dominant from start to finish". Just like any other team sports supporters do. I think it's great.

I showed one of the guys I work with the video above right before we went home last night and he came in this morning and said "**** you man, I stayed up last night watching those **** marble racing videos" :lol:
That.... that's not really Metallica, so to speak. Load and Reload are, er, experiments in sound and genre directions. Not everything Metallica has made really hit the nail on the head, but when they did (see mid 80's) it's was pure metal awesomeness.
While it certainly isn't what one would expect from Metallica, it's still a great song either way.
I could probably put the songs One and Master of Puppets on loop and be happy. I do really enjoy the other songs on those albums (and yes, the Black album which many think is too commercialized and overrated), but those two songs really charge me up. Master of Puppets is heavy from the get-go and One picks up in the second half when that double bass drumming starts. Me likey.

They recently uploaded this concert from 1983 on their channel as a fundraiser for Covid-19 relief. Young Metallica in the Kill 'em All days.

I like a Payday. I don't really do candybars though.
