Video game pet peeves.

You both find that song awful?

Not "awful", just uninteresting.
I know some of the older NFS games were like this as well but not to this extent.
Honestly the old NFS games are the worst offenders of this. Just look at how different High Stakes, Porsche and Hot Pursuit 2 were between the PC and Playstation versions. The Playstation versions were always better.
NFS Undercover was also like this. The PS2 and Wii versions of the game differ greatly from that of the PS3, Xbox 360 and PC versions.
It's EA, they like pulling that crap as long as they can, as both examples show. NFS remained in platform limbo until Underground, and NASCAR until after the 2005 entries, at which point I believe they simply axed the PC side.

As a console player, NFS Porsche Unleashed and High Stakes are the best example of the Greatness/Garbage flipping. I still hate the Porsche one.
I haven't played the PS3/360/PC version of Undercover before, but I have to say, just from what I have seen, I am not sure I like it as good as the PS2 version. (which I have played) I honestly wish they had just made the next-gen versions like that of the PS2/Wii versions instead of changing it up as they did. The next-gen versions of the game just don't look or feel like the NFS I know and like.

What's odd is that Prostreet for the PS2, which came before Undercover, was pretty much the same as the PS3 version, but with less content and worse graphics. Undercover on the other hand, was a completely different story. It's almost like comparing MW2005 to MW2012.
The one that's always stood out to me was the Spiderman 2 tie in game, often praised as the best movie tie in ever(?) on console. I never played that one, I got to play the PC version which doesn't have any of the famous webswinging, had a different story as well, and was just generally trash.
Difficulty Spikes
This is something I definitely have had a problem with in some games that often hinders my desire to play through the game again or just that particular part of it, granted it doesn’t just stop me from progressing any further. (which has happened before) It's especially annoying when it's early or midway through a game. Some examples I have encountered over the years:
One game I failed to mention on this list is:

Twisted Metal (2012) - This game alone has several examples I have come to despise after multiple playthroughs
  • On Mean Juggernauts DM at Ghosttown Gulch is definitely one for me, especially on twisted difficulty. You have to fight not one but two Juggernaut 2.0's which don't appear on radar, will spawn enemies faster than the original and they're hard to kill. It's not too bad on normal difficulty, but it's pretty hard on twisted difficulty. Trying to get a gold on that difficulty just makes for an even tougher challenge than it already is. I honestly don't even know how I pulled it off. :crazy: Calypso certainly wasn't lying when he said it wasn't easy.... Meanwhile, some of the ones afterward aren't as bad, apart from what I am about to mention.
  • The checkpoint race at Diesel City is easily the hardest in the game on any difficulty and I hate it. The race is kind of long for what it is, pretty darn tedious and it's easy to mess up on it, especially with a faster car. If you do fail to make a jump correctly, you may as well restart. It's quite a struggle just to make it through the course itself, but then it gets worse. You have to find the finish line that is on a moving truck which is a major doozie because it doesn't appear on radar, isn't easy to find and you have to do this before someone else otherwise you have to do all this over again. The boss that came afterward was not as bad as this.
  • The boss at the end of Dollface's story is divided into 4 parts and the first two aren't too bad, but the 3rd, while not as bad as the death race before it, is pretty hard. It's an obstacle course that you have to maneuver through to get to the boss itself and it has tons of obstacles that require a bit of skill to get through. I had a time trying to beat it on medium difficulty and I just straight up cheated through it on twisted because I did not even want to think about doing it the normally by then. The boss itself is surprisingly not too hard as long as you ain't stupid with it. It's pretty silly to me how getting to the boss is harder than the boss itself, you'd think it'd be the other way around.
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I don't like speedtree.

Every game I've played that utilizes Speedtree gives trees and foliage this very weird look to them where the leaves stalk you when you turn the game camera making the trees 1) Creepy to look at and 2) Quite cheap and generic.
In Saints Row IV, when you play the game, you know there's this glitch thing that occurs throughout the game since your world is only in a simulator and it sucks. Deactivating it in the cheat codes tab results into voiding you of receiving trophies for the entire game, which is very frustrating.
I have no idea what Speedtree is but it sounds like I've seen it a lot.
After a quick Google search, I think it's where if you drive by a tree or some kind of foliage, it will generate leaves that fly up into the air as if you sped by them. I think the grass on Eiger Norwand in GT5 is an example of this because it will move as you drive by it. (it don't bother me though)
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This must have been mentioned already but...

The player character and NPCs having different walking and running speeds. WHY?!
I hate this so much especially in missions (usually Assassins Creed games) where you have to follow characters as they walk and you have to stop walking every 3 seconds
I hate this so much especially in missions (usually Assassins Creed games) where you have to follow characters as they walk and you have to stop walking every 3 seconds

In an extremely mundane and asinine way Grand Theft Auto is as bad an offender. Sometimes you just want to potter about like a normal citizen but you're faster or slower than everyone else.
Ooh, I hate those spinny trees.
Are you talking about the kind that are 2D and appear to be facing you no matter what direction you go? If so, stay away from The Dukes of Hazzard II Daisy Dukes It Out, it has trees like this mixed into the 3D environment that you can even drive into and they will drop oranges.

It ain't just limited to the trees either, the corn stalks are the same way too!

It doesn't bother me, but I can easily see why one would take issue with it.
Uhh, that you have to pay for every game.

I found the introduction in Dirt 2 & 3 so 🤬 annoying that I started to get so much stress that I started to hit DELETE SPACEBAR ESC ferociously. :mad:
FPS drops in many games are so annoying. One main example is Gran Turismo 5, where there is a noticeable FPS drop if you watch a replay showing a race while it's raining in it.
Console games ruined with bad aim acceleration/deadzone you can't adjust or turn off! I can name few games with very sluggish aiming due to that..; you are either fine with it or struggle the entire playthrough because the nonlinearity fights against your muscle memory. For me it kills confident snappy aiming and often cause mild nausea as the screen is not synced with my intented/expected stick inputs... Also my thumbs start to ache after 30min or so.

Lack of demo or short trial; it's always big question mark whether the game's sensitivity/FFB is suitable for you or not.
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Let's claim this one again,

Excessive patches with ungodly sizes that take three ages to download and install.

Made worse if you don't buy day 1and have to catch up for the damn thing to even function. Currently in this process for Dirt Rally 2, but tried resetting GT Sport in an evening that became a farce.
OK. I've had it. I knew back at IL-2: Birds of Prey things were gonna go bad, but I'm now to the point of abandoning the gaming ship. Why? All the in-game, real money 🤬!

Haven't bought the game, won't be now. I've had enough supporting these greedy 🤬, and the only thing I've done is buy the games upfront. I am not someone who falls into their hands, however I have a number of family members who are, and now trying to skirt everything established both for and against the industry, just to have even more money they'll sit on until they die. I've heard plenty of excuses, and they can all 🤬 off, there is no excuse for extortion, and nothing is too minor. Vain as people are, even a paid cosmetic item with no tangible benefit will turn those who have it against those who don't, anyone who caves at social pressure or anxiety now "has" to have it too, or God forbid they be shunned.

I'm sick of this even being a problem, but I'm also sick of how the games are now designed to make money. Maybe I'm jaded now as opposed to even a handful of years ago, but knowing that this is happening, getting worse, and shows zero sign of slowing, much less stopping, I'm done with it.

Yes, I know I'm late to the party, but I try to do some reading to NOT look like a complete idiot.
Many people ranting over GT Sport recently because of the downsized DLC cars debuting in each update.
I'm sick of this even being a problem, but I'm also sick of how the games are now designed to make money. Maybe I'm jaded now as opposed to even a handful of years ago, but knowing that this is happening, getting worse, and shows zero sign of slowing, much less stopping, I'm done with it.
I've stopped giving ____ a few years ago. It's just not something worth getting riled up over. There are way too many who support it and every publisher wants a piece of that cake. It's futile.

Let the fools and their money to be parted.
OK. I've had it. I knew back at IL-2: Birds of Prey things were gonna go bad, but I'm now to the point of abandoning the gaming ship. Why? All the in-game, real money 🤬!

Haven't bought the game, won't be now. I've had enough supporting these greedy 🤬, and the only thing I've done is buy the games upfront. I am not someone who falls into their hands, however I have a number of family members who are, and now trying to skirt everything established both for and against the industry, just to have even more money they'll sit on until they die. I've heard plenty of excuses, and they can all 🤬 off, there is no excuse for extortion, and nothing is too minor. Vain as people are, even a paid cosmetic item with no tangible benefit will turn those who have it against those who don't, anyone who caves at social pressure or anxiety now "has" to have it too, or God forbid they be shunned.

I'm sick of this even being a problem, but I'm also sick of how the games are now designed to make money. Maybe I'm jaded now as opposed to even a handful of years ago, but knowing that this is happening, getting worse, and shows zero sign of slowing, much less stopping, I'm done with it.

Yes, I know I'm late to the party, but I try to do some reading to NOT look like a complete idiot.
The micro transactions that will be in the game won't effect the core gameplay. You can still earn the currency that you would pay for just by playing the game. I'd hate to see someone not get to experience CTR because of micro transactions.
OK. I've had it. I knew back at IL-2: Birds of Prey things were gonna go bad, but I'm now to the point of abandoning the gaming ship. Why? All the in-game, real money 🤬!

Haven't bought the game, won't be now. I've had enough supporting these greedy 🤬, and the only thing I've done is buy the games upfront. I am not someone who falls into their hands, however I have a number of family members who are, and now trying to skirt everything established both for and against the industry, just to have even more money they'll sit on until they die. I've heard plenty of excuses, and they can all 🤬 off, there is no excuse for extortion, and nothing is too minor. Vain as people are, even a paid cosmetic item with no tangible benefit will turn those who have it against those who don't, anyone who caves at social pressure or anxiety now "has" to have it too, or God forbid they be shunned.

I'm sick of this even being a problem, but I'm also sick of how the games are now designed to make money. Maybe I'm jaded now as opposed to even a handful of years ago, but knowing that this is happening, getting worse, and shows zero sign of slowing, much less stopping, I'm done with it.

Yes, I know I'm late to the party, but I try to do some reading to NOT look like a complete idiot.
I know where you are coming from but my advise is if you like a game and the microtransactions don't effect the game buy it and simply don't bother.
The micro transactions that will be in the game won't effect the core gameplay. You can still earn the currency that you would pay for just by playing the game. I'd hate to see someone not get to experience CTR because of micro transactions.
Even if they’re “only cosmetic” the point is they shouldn’t be in there in the first place. Nearly EVERY “AAA” game that comes out now that isn’t a remaster (and even some that are) feature really aggressive “monetisation” and it’s pure BS.

These companies make more than enough just making the games and selling them for £50 (not even counting the **** that is pre orders and special editions) but apparently that isn’t enough and they feel the need to force more ways for players to waste their real money in game.

It’s even gotten to the point where lawmakers in various countries have gotten involved because these publishers just don’t know when to stop and push their luck to get every penny they can from anyone who buys their games.
These companies make more than enough just making the games and selling them for £50 (not even counting the **** that is pre orders and special editions) but apparently that isn’t enough and they feel the need to force more ways for players to waste their real money in game.

It’s even gotten to the point where lawmakers in various countries have gotten involved because these publishers just don’t know when to stop and push their luck to get every penny they can from anyone who buys their games.
It's not about making money. It's about making all the money.

The $60 price tag is just for the base game these days. To get the full experience you'll have to buy the Deluxe/Digital Deluxe edition for an additional $20.

Ofcourse that's not enough though - you'll have to add in-game items available through some dumb in-game currency that you earn while griding for countless hours or pay with real money. To make things more exciting (and surprising) you use that currency to buy spins/boxes/or whatever inane mechanic they've come up with that randomly selects said items. If you're lucky, you might get what you wanted in the first place, eventually.

But hey, it's not gambling :lol:
It’s even gotten to the point where lawmakers in various countries have gotten involved because these publishers just don’t know when to stop and push their luck to get every penny they can from anyone who buys their games.
You're talking about lootboxes specifically in this bit and not more general MTX. I agree on lootboxes being garbage, but that said...

You played GT6 after they added the mtx, didn't you?
Every rally game has to load up with the blasting sound of a high revving 4banger as if I need to remember that the game I just booted up has cars in it.

GTS' tranquil startup was such a breath of fresh air to me.
Introduction in race games which you can't turn off. And that very annoying blablabla in Codemasters rally games.
The micro transactions that will be in the game won't effect the core gameplay. You can still earn the currency that you would pay for just by playing the game. I'd hate to see someone not get to experience CTR because of micro transactions.

Game is over rated anyway, felt incredibly underwhelmed even when playing 4 player local split screen. Mario Kart blows it out of the water in the fun department.
Difficulty Spikes
One last example I want to mention that I remembered recently is:

Lego Star Wars The Force Awakens The game itself ain't too hard, but there is one area on the Death Star level that requires you to play this mini-game and it is obscenely difficult and goes on a bit too long. I have beat the game once and it's the hardest thing in the whole game for me. Like, come on, it's one of the first levels in the game, it should NOT be this tedious this early in the game!

I know it don't look that bad, but believe me, it is!