Weekly Race Series, Week 1 RESULTS!!!

  • Thread starter boombexus
On a rather personal note.

I have one problem with this series....IT HAS MORE RACERS THAN ANY OF MINE :(

Why is it that I have done so many series around this place and I have not had nearly the turnout that this one has, its nothing against you Rob I'm just wondering why my series' always lacked participation and this one has a great turn out, its pisses me off :mad:
It's ironic really ... this amount of keen eager racers and we struggled so bad to find 10 for the board challenge!

Nevermind I'm glad that **** is over with anyway :lol:
I would have competed in the board challenge ..But unfortunaly i did not fit the criteria to race in that series ..Plus the fact im not that good ..I would have held the team back :D