Weekly Race Series, Week 17

  • Thread starter boombexus


Staff Emeritus
Ok, were gonna try this one again, but there are gonna be a few exceptions to the rules this time since there was a clear winner last week. This should put alot of different cars in contention.

The Car: Any car that you can buy at the dealership, but No racing versions and no prize cars. No using the Lotus Motorsport Elise. You may tune your car how you see fit. You may put any part on it but it's final horse power is not to exceed 500.

The Cap: Your car can not have more than 500 hp after you tune it and get an oil change. This also includes the break in period. You can usually account for about 15 - 20 more HP after the break in period.

The Race: Hot Lap. Arcade mode, free run. Get your fastest lap time.

The Track: Trial Mountain II (reverse)

The Rules:

1. No short cuts.
2. Must have 2 tires on the track at all times.
3. Rumble strips are considered part of the track.
4. No hybrids.
5. No racing version cars.
6. Do not exceed a final of 500 HP.
7. Save your replay.
8. No wall touching.
9. The car must be purchased at the dealership.
10. No prize cars.
11. No using the Lotus Motorsport Elise.

Time Discussion: All T times.

The Deadline: Monday at midnight, Mountain Standard Time, the 16th of June.
I think it's gonna be what your gut instinct tells ya! Could be just about any car that can take this I suppose.
did some very quick testing w/ some various cars (only about 5 laps each) and dont know if this is good or not, but so far managed to come up w/ 14.3/41.2/1'01.0 times w/ a car that will for now remain nameless :) Got a lot more testing to do tomorrow, but i think there might be potential in this car
Damn you IDAFC, here I was about to post up some of, (what I thought) good lookin T times only to find out that you have them beat by a few seconds. :eek:

Damn it, I really like this car too.
I just did my runs and came up with a 1.01.9 on an ok lap.

With setting work and practice it will come down fast.

Then when I move to another car, testing later today, I expect to see even better results... 1.00.?

Back with results asap.
I'm just gonna come out and say this.

Is any one here using the Lotus Espirit Sport 350 ( this was my first car choice) I'm getting

T1 14.9 (only 3 laps)

I think it might be a contender. I have an alright setup too. If any of you "Beginners" :P :D would like to know it.
hey noojra i had a couple of goes with this car,down in the very low 41's but that was only a 5 lapper i ran ,so im pretty much undecided as to which car to take..
Originally posted by noojra
I'm just gonna come out and say this.

Is any one here using the Lotus Espirit Sport 350 ( this was my first car choice) I'm getting

T1 41.9 (only 3 laps)

I think it might be a contender. I have an alright setup too. If any of you "Beginners" :P :D would like to know it.

I think you made a little typo here.

Either that or the 350 is total crap:mischievous:
had about a 50 mile run w/ my car today, came out w/ a new best of 14.4/40.9/1'00.4 , BUT i just barely grazed the wall coming out of that first chicane after the starting line, so it was a scrubbed lap :( But im still working on my setup, and my cars currently at like 476 or 477hp w/ a lot to go yet, so im still hopefull
Time for testing here. I have 10 cars in mind, let alone the abundance of cars I can think of that I don't feel like testing. Now that it is only a horsepower gap and no money, I don't think the RX-7 or corvettes are going to cut it this week. I might have a car under my sleeve here, but I still have 10 to test. off to the test track :D

Hey Boom, what about Spoon, Mugen, and Mines. I figure since we can't buy them they are disqualified?
Originally posted by made in holland
I think you made a little typo here.

Either that or the 350 is total crap:mischievous:

Yeh it was

my T1 was 14.9 and the T2 was a low 42

I dont know this track too well so Its goin to be a bumpy ride:D
I just got me a killer lap although I KNOW I could of done better ( I think I beginning to like this track)

T1 14.214 :mischievous:
T2 41.550 :cool:
T3 1,02.529 :odd:

I over steered out of the first Tunnel :banghead: (almost hit the wall ).
I'm still figureing this track out so I think I can do better

I'm not sure but has any one gotten under T1 14.2 :rolleyes:
Well, no surprise this week, I figured out the cars to use, but I think I am going to take another path. I am debating whether or not to use the car that everyone will end up using or not. I would really like to see an overlooked car take gold this week. Who knows. . . I'll be back soon with some times :D
Progressed on to lower times, that I have.

Back at some point if my times continue down.

Car selection is over for me, Im sticking with one and not playing the field. :D

until next time...
Originally posted by miata13B

Hey Boom, what about Spoon, Mugen, and Mines. I figure since we can't buy them they are disqualified?

You are correct, they are disqualified from this race.

I'm still doing some shopping, I've got a few cars that are really close together on this one.

Current T times:

Did I hear someone say my name ? :mischievous:

Well now, this weeks race looks interesting
Trial Mountain 2 a track I'm not all familiar with but I've been there on a couple of occasions in the past so I'll just need to get familiar with it again :P

The Lotus 350 is one sexy lookin car for sure! not sure on it's handling capabilities though... but then again I never tried it under the 500hp I only tried a hybrid 350 once :eek:

Anyway I got a few cars in mind, I'm looking for a little nimble machine that I can throw around the mountain without too many dents being made to the bodywork, wether I'll find one that's fast enough to keep up though is a different story .

Back later with some times hopefully...

(unless I finally get Ron to decorate! HINT, HINT! in that case I'll be too busy pasting wallpaper ;) )
I think i found the car but its hard to handle and im not very good at settings. Ran a low 1'02.*** T3. But itll be hard to improive with the settings im useing atm :(