Weekly Race Series, Week 51

  • Thread starter boombexus
I don't think I'll put in a time this week, as I am concentrating on getting to 100% (already at 90% and would like to close up the gap). Oh well, if I get time next week I'll be back in.
No laps in a bmw or toyota in Gt3 tonight...I'm having far too much fun driving a March in GT4P...

tomorrow night, tomorrow night...
Originally posted by scuderia229
No laps in a bmw or toyota in Gt3 tonight...I'm having far too much fun driving a March in GT4P...

tomorrow night, tomorrow night...

You don't happen to have any lemon juice to go with that salt your rubbing in my wound, do you?

Damn I want gt4 to come out...

no progress for the race. :D
i choosen the bmw to race i got better sectors with that that where like half a second faster but that was just a terrible practise run, ill do this weeks challenge for real tonight or tomorow :P
Originally posted by GoKents
You don't happen to have any lemon juice to go with that salt your rubbing in my wound, do you?

Damn I want gt4 to come out...

no progress for the race. :D


The Nissan March REALLY is a fun tiny car to drive, especially in Italy.

The other fun part was driving the March around NYC last night while my wife and I tried to make sure all the buildings and landmarks on the route we correct given we live and work in the area. I love racing down a street that is only footsteps from where I am playing the game! PD did a damn good job with the NYC circuit.

I'm hoping these GT4P school test will help me drive a faster line in the BMW/Toyota. I learned a thing or two about cornering in the first four lessons in GT4P. The lessons in GT4P are SO much more fun and well done than Gt3...
I still have nothing to post ( no racing done ), if I don't have time tonight, I won't have time at all. Good Luck everyone.
t1 15.521
t2 44.318
t3 1.05.863

from the bmw, hmm seems like a very bad time lol
should i go for the altezza an try to produce better with that?
Ok done some more laps tonight in the Lexus, PWR/WEIGHT = 2.612. Extended gears so i dont have to use 6th on the first corner. Worked out a little thing for the first corner to keep speed up :) Lowest i go is 222kmph.

T1 :14.822
T2 :42.591
T3 :1'03.374

With this time i improved my overall time .350 or so.
Still .100 improvment from t1-t2 and .100 i think from t2-t3 and .100 from t3 to finish available but dont know if ill get it.

I'm going to try the beamer out later to see how it compares.
wow, it really amazes me what you guys have done with the Altezza, unfortunately I don't like it, maybe it doesn't suit my driving style, but I prefer the BMW even though I'm 0.7 secs behind you or something like that :)
I've been sick with the flu since wednesday :ill: :irked: - havent even turned the playstation on... that's how bad it's been!
Still quite ill even now :ill: :mad: <koff><splutter><koff><koff>

Looks like I got some work to do but only got today really.
Oh well.
I got a beemer in the garage but I don't like it... maybe give the Lexus a go but I've never tried any of the Lexii so I don't know how it's going to compare (can't be any worse than the fishtailing BMW).
done my time this week, did pretty terrible aswell, probably gonna end up in last place for the first time :(

Welcome Rolfje. :)

Got my best down to:
That damn chicane costing me at least half a second on the first T. :mad:
My best T1 and T2 haven't improved, but I've now got a 1'04.7 for T3, which I think I'm going to submit.

I ran the 100 Laps Of Complex String on Saturday and want to go and die now.
I keep overshooting the righthander at the end of the long straight, as well as the righthander after the first chicane after the start (T1). If that darn Altezza only stopped drifting and skidding on me :irked:

Fun race! :cool:

(The 100 laps complex string is probably an ill joke of PD. I doubt if anybody of the GT3 test team ever raced it. Complex string itself is a hideous track, let alone 100 laps of it! I feel your pain... :) )
Try beefing up the front springs - mine are twice what my rear springs are set to.

I've also got dampers at 5 front (B&R) and 6 rear (B&R), with stabilisers at 3 front, 4 rear. Almost all the tendency to drift is gone.

The Complex String race is an incredibly sick joke, courtesy of Mustang Man. His latest one takes the biscuit though - 225 laps of SSR11.
Well with the couple of hours I had yesterday ( and a weird setup I came up with ), I got two clean laps in da Bimma which are 0.008 seconds apart hehe. Each have their strong points and weak points unfortunately. When I add up my best analyzer sector times from these two runs, I can see that I'm still 0.78 seconds off a "perfect" lap.
Oh man, complex string for week 52 would rule!!! That would be a blast!

I would get killed, but it would be a blast.

This week isn't treating me well. I still haven't seen 1'03... I think I need to learn how to tune better.
Another group of laps tonight, finally after running consistently .5+ over my best time (set in my first running of this race on Tusday night BTW) for about 80 laps (over 2 days) I made some suspension and gear ratio changes that actually worked this time! I cut a full .4xx off my best time. Still slow as death but .2xx from my "goal". I had a string of about 5 laps where I kept notching down .1xx by .1xx ...

I'm most proud of my T2 time of 43.874...worked hard on that. T3 is where I need ALOT of love, how people are running 1'04.xxxs amazes me...
Originally posted by danoff
Oh man, complex string for week 52 would rule!!! That would be a blast!

I would get killed, but it would be a blast.

This week isn't treating me well. I still haven't seen 1'03... I think I need to learn how to tune better.

Yo dude, Im right there with you...

I've been asking for a fully tuned rgt on complex string or complex string2 for a while.

Lets hope that if boom goes with my suggestion he does cxs1... cxs2 is just crazy.

But yeah... 1.03.??? and a complex run... Im with you. :D ;)
Complex string would mean a lot of nights without sleep. It takes ages to get around that thing :lol:

Ill try the stiffer front springs and looser stabilizer tonight.
Originally posted by GoKents
I've been asking for a fully tuned rgt on complex string or complex string2 for a while.

Oh man...I'm up for that but would prefer the RGT at the 473hp mark (is that the base engine or stage 1 turbo?)....full mods/tune otherwise....I vote for complex string in reverse as it gets the damn rolling hill slalom out of the way first which si where I usually blow a good lap, get it out oft he way first.

But ya the RGT on anything and I am game.

I'll even buy a pretty new RGT to rce in that race to replace my beloved yellow RGT with 1200miles+ on it! Hmm red of silver would be nice.....

Wait how about the Speed 12 at Laguna! It doesn't get more painful than that!
Originally posted by hippyneil
You're all mad.... mad I tell ya!!!

hahaha...granted my "vote" is only if i had to choose between complex string and complex string/reverse. otherwise my vote goes for Monte, Laguna, SS11 or Deep Forest with of course the RGT...hahaha.