Welcome fellow Div 3ers :)

  • Thread starter Kolyana

Just missed out on mission 34 by 0.594 seconds (including a 5 second penalty, a serious off and some minor offs). I'm very annoyed now!

Got an exam in less than 5 hours too
Woohoo! Done it now. Wow, you get 50k for it...

In the end I beat the 300sl by nearly 3 seconds (though I did cut one of the chicanes and I did nudge him/her out on the last corner (naughty boy!)).
I've only done about 12 of the missions ... all the talk of the later ones puts me off from proceeding any further :P
I've only done about 12 of the missions ... all the talk of the later ones puts me off from proceeding any further :P

Heh, put it this way. If I can do it, you surely can :)
I must be honest, golding this thing has given me a level of incentive to chase a few more golds. I've always been one to get what I *need* and then move on, never really finding entertainment in these events or the missions. Maybe, if I ever have time (:P) I'll look at playing them just like you guys do ... repeatedly banging on it forever until something gives!
I must be honest, golding this thing has given me a level of incentive to chase a few more golds. I've always been one to get what I *need* and then move on, never really finding entertainment in these events or the missions. Maybe, if I ever have time (:P) I'll look at playing them just like you guys do ... repeatedly banging on it forever until something gives!

Yeah, I know what you mean. I'm not one of the people who like to get all golds in everything (i think in the licenses I've got 6 gold, 30 silver and the rest bronze). The only reason I did the driving missions is so I could get one step closer to 100% completion.
I've only done about 12 of the missions ... all the talk of the later ones puts me off from proceeding any further :P

Funny you folks mentioning the Missions, ive only done the first ten, then got sick of them, but last night I did all 4 of the drafting missions, including the dreaded Mission 23, which when i discovered how to do it, was great fun (thanks to Famine). Even did it twice again( M23 ) for the fun and now I'm the proud owner of the Zonda race car 👍.
However those later Missions where you have to wait at the start for like 50 sec before you start chasing the slower cars really burns my patience levels. :grumpy:.

However those later Missions where you have to wait at the start for like 50 sec before you start chasing the slower cars really burns my patience levels. :grumpy:. Steve

Funny you should mention that....there is one mission, can't recall what # it is..but they put you in a Nissan Motul Pitwork 350Z....and you go up against other, older Nissans...and not only do you have one lap to beat them all...but the first car has like a minute & 1/2 head start....it took me like 5 trys to finally beat it...barely beating the last car by just about a half-second over the Start/Finish line...!

I still have yet to complete M23...! I just can't seem to get close enough to that lead Skyline in order to draft him & then pass him...but thats a whole other thread topic! :D

From the little time I make progress aside from the WRS. I'm doing the Mission Hall as well and I'm on MH18 and I'm stuck. The ironic thing is, it's La Sarthe (unchicaned). I can't get a clean one. I don't know how hard to push myself because I can't get to th finishline to see how far off the pace I am.
Man, those missions that force you to wait just seem CRAZY ... it wouldn't be so bad, but obviously you're going to have to restart the first few times, maybe a lot of times, so to make you wait on top of this is ... well ... stupid.

Why just simply not start the cars 2 minutes down the track at full speed and be done?

Japanese Water Torture in the digital world.
"What a beautiful day for racing," I think to myself as I walk out to the team minivan to drive to the racetrack to start my WRS week 8 practice sessions. Those big names up in Division 1 have their fancy motorhomes, but I have to make do with the family minivan with my kids' french fries and jelly beans stuck down the chairs. And I don't even want to think about what my feet are sitting on. If I could track down a couple of sponsors, maybe I could afford to have the car washed. It's a nice, scenic drive through the French countryside, and I'm busy thinking of corners, braking points, and turn-in points as the team mascot Baby Doll drives us through the main gate of the famous track that is our destination.

It's a little quiet, and I'm thinking it's odd that I'm actually first somewhere, but I realize that means I don't have to worry about being passed or passing (I wish!) while doing my time trials. As the team manager and pit boss lowers the car off the trailer, I again marvel at my luck at being able to drive such a beautiful car. Driving out of the pits for the first time I scream off down the course, with the engine making lots of noise too.

After several good turns through the course (and ok, maybe a little grass caught up under the car), I pull in the pits for a tire pressure check. Climbing out of the car, I notice the team manager looking sheepish, embarrassed, angry, and confused all at the same time.

"Mark, " he says, "we have a little problem. Somehow we not only drove you to the wrong track, but we brought the wrong car."

"What?!? They just handed me the silver trophy, and now you're saying I'm at the wrong place?!!?!?"

"It's perfectly understandable, you'll understand. The big guy in the sky CFM specified S-15 Le Sarthe II (Chicaned) with the Bentley for the week, but Team Wheels has only cracked into a couple of the S Licences, so I kinda sorta thought he meant IA-15 Le Sarthe unchicaned with the Nissan, and well, that's where we are."

"As soon as Milt the team manager said this, I realized I could hear in the distance the scream of Bentley's knocking seconds off each lap attempt while I stood here in the wrong place, going backwards in the standings. Again."

So ok, I didn't really spent any time on IA-15 before realizing I made a wrong assumption. And I did think it rather odd to have picked such a short test for the week. But I was glad since it would be easier to find time for a short race than a longer one. Oh well. Milt, Baby Doll, Bob (my backup driver), and I will all load up in the team minivan and try again tonight.
LMM, you made me smile, gasp and chuckle out loud ... what a wonderful, hilarious, incredible post! Man, if you were here right now I'd hug the hell out of you. HAHHAHAHAHAHHAH ... god that mad me laugh.

Now get your ass to the right track - where all the noise is coming from - and come give me a run for my money.
Doug here, new to the WRS and in Div. 3. I've been playing since GT, which actually got me hooked on racing. My father actually raced some stock, drag and a few other things in his time, and he's thrilled that after all these years I've finally taken an interest in the sport. Anyway, see you at the track.
Hey Bauknin ... welcome to the WRS! I hope you have fun and find the people here as amusing off the track as they are challenging on it!

PS: Please don't be too fast. kthxbyeluvandkisses.
Hi Y'All! Sorry I haven't contributed much lately but R/L (Darling Daughter's Graduation from University) was "Somewhat" more important than the WRS! :lol: Anyhow a quick hour's work & I managed to knock 21 SECONDS off my previous best time w/the Big Green Machine. Might even be another second or two still for ME to find! :dopey: "Good Luck" to all my fellow Division III drivers this week! :cheers: ...O.G. :D
Hey Old Geezer ... it has been a while since we've heard from you, but I think you have your priorities a little skewed man ... gr .. a .. d ...u ... a ... tion ... ? Instead of running hot, HOT laps? You're CRAZY!

Hey Old Geezer ... it has been a while since we've heard from you, but I think you have your priorities a little skewed man ... gr .. a .. d ...u ... a ... tion ... ? Instead of running hot, HOT laps? You're CRAZY!


Nah! He's just had longer to collect what we call baggage, and they 'other's' call 'a life outside WRS' LOL

Some things are more important than WRS but, HEY............

They all require 'swearing to god' about something..........How fun is that??????????????

ps Hope i'm not intruding

Wouldn't want to be sent to Coventry, Mind you worse would be.......

Being sent to Camelot!!!

Mainly coz it's only a model, but also coz in the caffeteria they serve

Ham, and
and Spam, a lottttttttttttttttttt!!
{silly music}
Skeleton Clap's

LMM, I freaking LOVED that story man! That was awesome. I can't remember what else I wanted to type about it when I first read it last night, but yeah, kickass, lol.

And we're going a bit fast this week aren't we!
eeep! i fele like i am really falling behind this week! lol, haven't managed to godl the test yet..but i will...oh i will (i hope lol)
Id just like to introduce myself. Ive been playing GT since the first one came out. I race using the Dual Shock 2 controller. I hope I can be competative in this division and I look forward to competing with you all!
Hello & Welcome to both Bauknin & TeamLosiRacer!

Enjoy the stay, the company, the food & of course the drink...all provided at no cost! :D

See you out on the race track!

Hello & Welcome to both Bauknin & TeamLosiRacer!

Enjoy the stay, the company, the food & of course the drink...all provided at no cost! :D

See you out on the race track!


This "food" and "drink" stuff you speak of ... where may I find that? I'm stuck at work as I type this, and I'm starved.
The food and drink are great, but Teledriel tends to get sand all over the sandwiches when he hits the sandpits. I swear he does it on purpose.
This "food" and "drink" stuff you speak of ... where may I find that? I'm stuck at work as I type this, and I'm starved.

Oh! Sorry! I just checked the 'drivers lounge' and it looks like the buffet is over and all the food is gone! :( .... LOL!
Oh! Sorry! I just checked the 'drivers lounge' and it looks like the buffet is over and all the food is gone! :( .... LOL!

*Hiding under table eating final chicken wing*