What Have You Done Today - (Computer Version)

  • Thread starter tlowr4
Took out my older CPU cooler and fitted a custom water cooling loop.

The loop covers both CPU and GPU.

The PC is currently doing the recommended 12-24 hours of testing, before I connect all the other cables and parts, and can start gaming again. :dopey:

I will upload pictures later when its ready. :cheers:
Recently, I noticed my PC has been running efficiently again and has not lagged too much or trying to load things in the background. So I now feel a bit more comfortable using my PC again quietly and properly. That efficiency, however has come at a price. I noted my 499-something GB internal hard drive now has about 9 GB left. So I will need to get rid of some programs and such taking up most of that space. I do have my 1TB external hard drive. While I am not serious about getting one, I was considering one of those external SATA drives or something. I will need to try to clean up space. Maybe the extra space taken up is to try to provide more updates to keep the computer running smoothly. Still- got to try to leave more space available on this PC.
As a producer of creative content online, I have been wanting to try many different design things. Today, with the help of a certain website, I practiced making my own website. I almost feel like wanting to get into website design or even want to make my own custom website. Just to make a simple website through HTML seemed simpler than I thought. However, as with many things, making something simple can be simple; perfecting something can be more difficult. Perhaps this all starts a new avenue of creativity for me as well as being able to learn how to build websites.
As a producer of creative content online, I have been wanting to try many different design things. Today, with the help of a certain website, I practiced making my own website. I almost feel like wanting to get into website design or even want to make my own custom website. Just to make a simple website through HTML seemed simpler than I thought. However, as with many things, making something simple can be simple; perfecting something can be more difficult. Perhaps this all starts a new avenue of creativity for me as well as being able to learn how to build websites.

Just grab a copy of Bluefish and have at it. It's fairly easy to use.
I will be sure to take a look at Bluefish Editor. I forgot to mention I was using Notepad++ to develop HTML websites. I even read it was possible using LibreOffice and its suite of tools to make websites also. So if you want to make your own site or something, you definitely have plenty of options. I think I will try designing UI once I master the internals of a website.
Beginning the long process of converting my iTunes copies of Seasons 1-7 of Game of Thrones to a format playable on my phone. Trial run of the first episode shows it'll work out fine.
I have been using the aforementioned Bluefish Editor after being recommended it. It is a pretty powerful editor for what it is. My only complaint is how I have to continually change the default browser upon startup of the program. I got rid of Firefox, and so I have to keep telling Bluefish to use another program when I start it up for when I want to test a website in a browser. I use Internet Explorer for site testing. If I can change up the settings one and for all so that it actually remembers I use IE for testing, that would be great.

Speaking of websites, I have also been looking at Wordpress. After years working with Blogger/Blogspot, any website I may create or want to make my new home could be with the Wordpress interface. I learned last night there are two breeds of Wordpress- wordpress.com and wordpress.org The latter of which is used for more than just blogs. I downloaded something last night from Wordpress to perhaps look into what it will take to create web layouts. Nothing set in stone, but this does offer up some interesting possibilities should I take on web design. I still have to learn the ropes before even attempting making my own contributions. Oh, and besides this, I also looked at hosting options for any possible site designs I may work on; but again, that's down the road.
I have been using the aforementioned Bluefish Editor after being recommended it. It is a pretty powerful editor for what it is. My only complaint is how I have to continually change the default browser upon startup of the program. I got rid of Firefox, and so I have to keep telling Bluefish to use another program when I start it up for when I want to test a website in a browser. I use Internet Explorer for site testing. If I can change up the settings one and for all so that it actually remembers I use IE for testing, that would be great.

Easy enough to change the default browser: edit-->preferences-->external commands. If your browser isn't listed you can add it.

Speaking of websites, I have also been looking at Wordpress. After years working with Blogger/Blogspot, any website I may create or want to make my new home could be with the Wordpress interface. I learned last night there are two breeds of Wordpress- wordpress.com and wordpress.org The latter of which is used for more than just blogs. I downloaded something last night from Wordpress to perhaps look into what it will take to create web layouts. Nothing set in stone, but this does offer up some interesting possibilities should I take on web design. I still have to learn the ropes before even attempting making my own contributions. Oh, and besides this, I also looked at hosting options for any possible site designs I may work on; but again, that's down the road.

Have you looked at Joomla? I'm just mentioning it; I have no idea how it compares with other similar stuff like Wordpress.
Yeah, I change it up. I even deleted the entries for the other entries for browser; but it still has those each time I load up the program. Maybe it happens since I use a separate folder to be like my "Program Files" folder. The program probably somehow doesn't save my settings for default browser. It is possible even that I have Edge as my default browser when I could probably use Internet Explorer.

I did my research on the hosting deal and in different platforms for hosting. To me, Wordpress speaks best to me more than Joomla! or Typepad or anything. I have to learn how to set up Wordpress sites. After years using Blogspot templates and then modifying them to my blogs' liking, the next step is to try to build my own templates and use them. Lot to learn, but I'm up to it.
I installed another 8GB into my laptop so now it has 16 GB.

Beginning the long process of converting my iTunes copies of Seasons 1-7 of Game of Thrones to a format playable on my phone. Trial run of the first episode shows it'll work out fine.

Finished it. Had to run in half-season batches or else M4VGear would freak out and fail to start the process.
One of my radiator fans is starting to squeak.
I cant remove it as it requires removal of the tubing.

Now starts the waiting game.
When it seizes I will have to change it.

I took my old gravity simulator and added a function to spawn objects at the speed needed to stay in orbit around the selected celestial body. The equation is:

CodeCogsEqn (29).png

where F is the gravitational force, G is the gravitational constant (in this simulation set to 3), M is the mass of the object to orbit around, m is the mass of the orbiter, v is the orbital velocity and r is the distance to the center of the object to orbit around.

It only considers the mass of one particular object though, and if you have a lot of heavy objects near the center then the combined gravitational force is actually much greater. To get a stable solar system it's best to put one massive star in the middle and then add tiny planets around it.
I took my first step towards making my first website template. I am mostly practicing building a layout. One thing I learned is that you can simply build the layout of a website in an image but not code anything. As I was watching some videos on this topic, I found out I am mostly doing front-end work by designing the template. Actually, front-end design of a blog or website template involves making the basic prototype or layout of a site followed by coding in any sort of language (HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, etc.). I am primarily concerned with the UI (user interface) design for now. Down the road, I eventually want to try to bring life to my creations and make them functional websites people can use.
Added the address lines on the homebrew Cosmac 1802-based homebrew computer I'm working on. There's still a lot to do, I need to connect the data lines between the CPU and memory chips. I also have yet to design most of the I/O system.
Was at college today and rather than using the old and slow school computers to do a classroom assignment, I chose to use my personal laptop instead since it was much faster. Thankfully the wifi cooperated. I later fired up our old desktop computer at home to look for an old song but got a little distracted while I was on there. It seems I am always finding things on there I didn't see previously, despite checking multiple times.

Took a small nostalgia trip to an old website I used to play on 10 years ago in an effort to find a track that an old classmate of mine made, but was sadly unsuccessful. Now I am just trying to go through my "watch later" list on Youtube and watch them so I can finally clean them out. I have gotten kind of tired of seeing cluttered for so long and never watching them.
All of the following happened either yesterday or last night.

As an extreme measure to free up PC space, I found out how to delete old System Restore points. I had just over 3GB left on my main hard drive. After the cleaning up of older System Restore points was removed, I went from 3GB remaining to 23GB remaining. I don't have the budget for a bigger hard drive or getting one of those SATA state drives. So this is more than adequate for me.

I also have been learning a bit more about web design. Nothing official, but I am thinking of creating my own website and seeking the hosting and everything. Everything in my mind right now is merely a bunch of concepts. I haven't thought ahead as to making any complete product. I realize what I am doing is mostly trying to make a CMS (content management system). Any CMS could be used on any number of frameworks including Wordpress, Joomla!, Typepad, Drupal, and others. Especially if I wanted to develop templates for people to use for their sites, I know I can only work on what I can actually create and use. All other CMS work will be up to others to implement into their framework.

I finished one web page of a possible website after taking several lessons from an online resource and adapting them into my work. I still have a lot to learn and haven't yet mastered web design. Everything is more or less how I envisioned my work before refining it.
After developing a simple web page recently, I tested it on mobile devices to see how it would work. If you know of blogging or web development, we have a RWD that has nothing to do with cars. The RWD in this case is "responsive web development." This is basically getting one website to look good on PC and various mobile devices (tablets and smartphones mostly). The website I created simply was five different columns complimented by a header up top and a footer at the bottom.

Anyhow, I noted the website I created looked nearly the way I expected it to on a small screen. The screen looked a bit not like I wanted on my tablet PC, though. There was a little empty space on the right side of the screen when I viewed my work on my tablet PC. I would have to try to clean that up for a tablet PC view. Otherwise, I can proudly say I properly tested a website I made. The website work is mostly practice at this point. I am not yet ready for proper website development or hosting.
Spent a lot of time the other day and today going through my moms old vinyl records and looking up the songs and artists to find out what genre they are and such. Been making a list of the ones I find desirable and I am hoping to eventually add them to my music library, somehow. So much music I have been missing out on, I really don't know why I didn't do this sooner! :dunce: It's going to be fun to listen to them later on! :D
This past weekend, I began two new journeys- finding a host for a website and then creating a website. I decided to take on this new journey in expanding my online presence along with seeking some new opportunities as an online content producer. So I thought a lot about what I actually wanted to do. I eventually took up the offer to build my first online material under the Wordpress platform and having Bluehost to host my work. For the most part, I am pretty impressed the tools offered by Wordpress to build a site. A cool thing I discovered is that you could make any number of changes on a temporary version of your page before releasing the proper page. What I eventually want to do is build custom HTML and do my own graphics to build upon and expand my work all the further. This site I created, however, will not mean the end of my blogging work or my creative works portfolio on Weebly- it is mostly a portal to all of my work online as well as a proper "Home" for me.

For fear of being accused for advertising, I won't link my new site in this post. You can, though, check my GTP profile or my signature to see my new site.
Well it wasnt what I done to my computer, but my headphones.

The cable on my Audio Technica ATH-A900X screwed up where only the left channel would work.
So I looked for a guide to repair my headphones.
Couldn't find one for my specific model but one that gave me an idea.

This is the issue, a damaged cable which was causing the right speaker to not work.
2019-05-07 16.20.48.jpg

I removed the ear cup which needs replacing and replaced and replacements will be ordered
I then removed the 4 screws holding the driver cover
2019-05-07 16.23.09.jpg

The damaged cable was tied inside but I could see that there was room for my plan to work
2019-05-07 16.26.34.jpg

I then undone the screws holding the driver to the inner cover
2019-05-07 16.26.38.jpg

I cut the cable, making sure not to touch the thinner black one.
Another project I am working on can be seen as well.
2019-05-07 16.31.44.jpg

To enable the mod to fit, I had to widen the inner hole
2019-05-07 16.37.54.jpg

I added 3 wires,
Blue is left,
Green is right
Black is common
Red magnet wire is +Right Channel
Orange magnet wire is -Right channel
These magnet wires were a pain in the ass to work with.
Finding out which channel was which wasn't overly hard.
Make and output signal on one channel and connect common and test one of the pads and see which is correct.
2019-05-07 17.14.43.jpg

I added heatshrink over the tabs, as I do not want issues cropping up
2019-05-07 17.27.29.jpg

And this is what it looks like after reassembly
2019-05-07 18.58.37.jpg

A decent 3.5mm cable and it all works
2019-05-07 17.39.50.jpg
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Recently, I've:
  • Spent a lot of time researching and money buying USB chargers primarily so that I don't have to use the ungainly one that came with my Chromebook (even though it's a 45W one and the others I've found are all 30W), so I've now got these kicking about.
  • I've also spent a bit of money on cables so I've got more USB-A/Micro USB and USB-A/USB-C than one person could ever need, a USB-C OTG cable and a 2-metre USB-C/C cable. Basically, I'm

(so long as you don't need a Lightning cable)​
  • Installed a graphics card bracket, finally, because I finally remembered to get one. My Zotac Amp! Extreme GTX 1080 was sagging at quite a concerning angle so I got one of those cheap aluminium brackets, it barely worked (the card is 2kg to be fair) but has reduced a lot of the sagging and made the whole thing less precarious.
  • Bought some containers for my controllers, at last! I got two Muji stackable extra-shallow PP boxes, they just fit under the sofa and I've managed to fit a DS3, two DS4s, a Steam controller and their associated cables in one and two Vive controllers, the wireless adaptor battery pack, my G903 wireless mouse and their cables in the other. This might not seem like a big deal but trust me, when you've had all that lot out and gathering dust for years and a girlfriend nagging you about having "too many toys" cluttering up the place it's an incredibly satisfying solution. Now I need to find a container for my Roccat Sova... This is the only thing I've found but at 15cm high it's about 7cm too high to fit under the sofa. After that it'll be the Vive itself and my incoming Index controllers, I know what I want (the fabric boxes for Ikea Kallax shelves) but I don't have any empty Kallax shelves to hold them. After that I just need to work out a sensible mounting solution for the wireless adaptor's antenna as right now I've just lifted one end of the magnetic filter on top of my PC and clipped the supplied mount to that, which I hate.
I meant to do this when I opened my PC up to fit the graphics card bracket (which, it turns out, is doing a fine job - it's the case that's sagging!), but spot the differences, there are two, between this photo:


And this one:


Obviously I hate the way the cables are right now but I'm going to wait until I've got a can of air (it's well overdue for a clean) before taking the graphics card out so I can get the original cable out. I moved the fan up to create room at the end of the card for the cables to go but I don't think they're going to bend how I want, so I might build a custom solution with cable combs and everything. Maybe. Not sure I care that much!

Also I didn't really have to install this other cable as I haven't had any problems running the card with the daisy-chained 8-pin, but I always felt uncomfortable about doing it that way.
Bought some compressed air to clean a motherboard with. It was the final purchase in my first PC build project. Now I gotta pull my finger out & actually build the thing...

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Reapplied the overclocks since it is no longer summer and now just tweaking the voltages.
CPU is running at 70°C under 100% CPU load.

Would like the temp to be a bit lower.
Screenshot 2019-05-14 14.11.32.png
I took care of the remaining weak point of the computer I bought last year and added 16GB of RAM. So far nothing has caught on fire and the computer recognizes it so it seems I didn't mess anything up! :dopey:

The next planned upgrade is a better TV.
As kind of a workaround for dealing with my Android TV woes with a keyboard, I basically disabled Gboard. This was about the only way I could disable the Auto-Correct. The only real functionality I would lose mostly would be the ability to search using Android TV. That's cool, because I rarely do so. Any apps I may search, I mostly use Google Play in a desktop browser anyways.

I am still mostly researching if I should use two HDMI cables and changed with a splitter. Sometimes when I take the HDMI cable to my Android TV box (Xiaomi Mi BOX S), I'd get a blank screen and have to end up restarting the unit. I wonder if I needed to mostly have both devices on and active to prevent getting a blank screen with my Android TV box. Still investigating though the device still works very well.
Reconfiguring my current web browser section after inadvertently closing all but a single tab open. For whatever reason Vivaldi was being rather insistent that I grouped my tabs the way it interpreted instead of my rather specific method, so it took much longer than the minute or two it should.
Not computer but replaced the ear cups on my ATH-A900X.
The old ones were cheap $10 ones.

Got some new ones with PULeather and the headphones feel quality again.