What would YOU find dissapointing in GT5?

  • Thread starter Devedander
It would also be appreciated if you could listen to your own playlist while driving, i think that if you could switch songs like you do when your driving in real life, it would go along way to enhance the games realism.
I would be dissapoited if there will be no degrees lock on sterring wheel ( g25 for example ) , Im already dissapointed with cocpit steering wheel behave ( same as it was in GT5P - no 900 degrees movemant - in stock cars ) also drivers hands have an ugly gear switchinganimations in my opinion .
What WILL dissapoint me is a lack of Brands Hatch or other similar feeling british/australian racetrack, real or original.

What WOULD disappoint me would be a lack of Seattle or Monaco, and a lack of newer low end cars/ lacking representation of lower end vehicles among the premium cars.
What will disappoint most is GT5 never to be released and remaining a digital showpiece for car manufacturers.
Also if there isn't a big roster of SUPER GT GT500 cars, and the way they are organized: the five '08 GT-Rs should not be 5 different cars but 1 car with 5 different paint schemes.
Frequent noticable frame rate drops would suck .
One thing thats ment to happen whit PC games on to old systems, NOT PS3! For Gods Sake.
If it should help degrade premium cars to normal :P framedrops on gamingconsole is not acceptable (games made to fit only 1 console even less acceptable)
What would i find disappointing? If they don't ship any CEs to AK. I preordered one and i want it on release day! :lol:
I FIND THE INTRO SONG ARTIST DISAPPOINTING!!! Seriously? ALLLLLL the music in the world?!!!!!!!!!! There is NO WAY Kaz chose this. Its alllllll politics BS!! What an upset.
what i would find disapointing is that there would not be a livery editor nor body panel modification.
I know that atleast one person is going to say that there is no point of having a livery editor but you should be able to personalize you're to you're liking and everybody would not have the same color car.
I'll be disappointed if they don't have an indicator next to each car in the shop to denote whether you already own it or not. If you were one that wanted to collect all the cars, it kinda sucked in GT4 how you had to go back to the garage just to check to make sure before you bought it.
I will be disappointed if the "track randomizer" for rally tracks, is really only 20 pre-made ones lol
I'll be disappointed if they don't have an indicator next to each car in the shop to denote whether you already own it or not. If you were one that wanted to collect all the cars, it kinda sucked in GT4 how you had to go back to the garage just to check to make sure before you bought it.

Something is implemented in PSP to avoid that. Every colour option in the dealership tells you how many you may already own. Definitely saves me some time, as I remember double checking my garage against the Used lots every time in GT4...