What's Your Signature All About?

  • Thread starter W3H5


New Member
Searched, didn't seem to have been done. Lots of threads about signature construction and types of games, but nothing asking why that signature is used.

I often wonder what half of the signatures on here mean.

Do you change yours every time your GT garage is updated? Do you use it to advertise your trades? Is it something completely unrelated? A quote perhaps?

One time fix or weekly play thing?

What does it all mean? Explain......​
The first line of my signature has the BMW M-Power. I think it's obvious that I'm a BMW and M-Power fan. Next is the link to my own website which has been long since I last update it. Finally, I'm a supporter of the Vodafone McLaren Mercedes!

The second line is a quote I got from a BMW Unscripted video featuring Sabine Schmitz.

Finally, a wish of Get Well Soon for Robert Kubica in Polish. I really miss this guy. Formula 1 feels different without him.

I think that pretty much explains my signature. A combination of quote, advertising and showing my personality. I rarely change my signature though.
Rob made me do it. I was just let out of jail with a fresh horse and a bottle of beer, blasted through some southern towns.
My Sig has been the same concept for many years (surprise)

Join the WRS has been in since 2004 along with my Division placements and various controller information, then over time I have added a few links that I have deemed important enough to "advertise", which as you can tell by the thread start dates, have been around for quite a while too.

Overall I try to aim for a clean, well presented signature that fits together nicely and isnt too "busy"
What does it all mean? Explain......

Fine one to talk. ;)

I like Mitch Hedberg. He said the funniest things in the world. I'd like to be cool like him so I use his quotes to boost my self esteem by association.

...or I just can't think of anything else to put there that anyone would care about. :)

Overall I try to aim for a clean, well presented signature that fits together nicely and isnt too "busy"

Do you feel you've succeeded? teeheehee...
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It's my GT5 series statistics, more links will be added if I win more championships. Updated yesterday thanks to double win :dopey:
Fine one to talk. ;)

Ah, well....

I'll do me.......天下无不散之筵席 literally translates 'The evening buffet under the sun will not last forever'. Or something along those line.

Loosely translated it means 'all good things must come to an end'.

I rarely change the sig but having had roller coaster moods lately I decided that I wanted to keep things in perspective every time I see it.

Probably go back to 'Live on GTP every Wednesday to Sunday' by the end of the year plus the time which I never change. Not even sure it's the right time difference either.
'The evening buffet under the sun will not last forever'.

Ah man, can I come? That sound great as it is without any need to translate it again.

Which part means 'buffet'? Could come in handy in the future.
First part still stems from my hardcore GT5:P days.... stating what I was using to race.... Use to have a division in it as well... Think I should get rid of that sometime soon since my GT days have now been replaced by BF3... :lol: The other is just a quote I heard from Jay Leno when he was on Top Gear IIRC. Been like that for ages.... 👍
Like most others, I try to keep mine tidy...

The first line is mainly information on what I use in sim racing, division for WRS and some other random info.

Second line represents the team that I sim race for with a slogan.

3rd line is a show off line basically. :P My biggest achievement in gaming is to win the V8 Supercar Online Series, so to do it twice is something i've been fairly proud of
Ron Dennis describing the best road legal sports car of all time followed by a motivational quote from 'The Art of War' by Sun Tzu (one of the wisest men who ever lived).
The first line is a quote from the radio message from Christian Horner to Sebastian Vettel after he won the 2010 Driver's Championship in Abu Dhabi.

The second line is a link to a thread about my Tundra. You can ignore that one if you like, since I haven't updated it in about a year. And I'm probably going to part ways with the truck within a month.

third line is a link to ChasingExotics.com. It's a small but growing car spotting forum that I and a few other members here at GTP are apart of. Go ahead and check it out! Sign up if you want.

last line is the numbers from Jacob's list, from the show Lost. These numbers are an integral part of the series. Each number corresponds to a specific survivor of the plane crash of Oceanic flight 815. Each number is a link to that character's Lostpedia page. Number 42 is actually two separate links, since in the show it was never clear which "Kwon" number 42 belonged to. But it can be assumed and is alluded to that the number belongs to both.

That explains everything. Quiz on Tuesday.
3rd line is a show off line basically. :P My biggest achievement in gaming is to win the V8 Supercar Online Series, so to do it twice is something i've been fairly proud of
You won it twice!!

Congrats Bro 👍 :cheers:
The first line in my post is from probably one of the coolest videogame characters in history, Ashley Riot, from one of the best videogames ever, Vagrant Story.

The second lines shows what football (soccer) clubs I support.
Pretty simple sig concept:

First line links you to a Coldplay club on this site.
Second line is a quote from the lead singer Chris Martin for ^
Last line links you to my fanfic.

EDIT: Actually, first link is a part of the lyrics of Violet Hill. The other two I simplified it similar to Fryz's.

Simple, you see :dopey:
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Mine is fairly straight-forward: just a bit of wit and social commentary - I have a fondness for quotes in general, but I like these two quite a bit and they seem appropriate for an internet forum! :sly:
Mine is simple. A link to the MLPRG group, a link to my Facebook and Twitter, and an epic quote.
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Mine is all related to a specific thread here....

says a lot about what games I play and how much I like cars, don't it? :rolleyes:

The rest are quick links for me to use.
1. My avatar, which will be Nia for the most part until I find something better. Oh, and a quick thank you to AOS- :sly:
2. My tuning garage.
3. My car reviews.
4. My fanfic.
5. The Chelsea AutoLegends show this year. (With a note of the fact the link has 182 pictures. :eek:)
Well, let's see:

First line is from my GT4 gallery, which was entirely about hybrid cars until my gameshark stopped working and I stopped.

Second line is my GT4 fan-fic. I'm really proud of it, and I'm not planning to let it get destroyed.

Third line is from my second GT4 fic, on a more or less permanent hiatus because when I get around to continuing writing, I'll be in possession of a PS3 and GT5. That's not for a long, long time though.

Fourth line is from a new fan-fic I'm writing about MLP. It's gone through a ton of updates, and the one in my sig is outdated, but it's still a good read.