White Privilege

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Wait wait. Didn't you just say you take pride in your race for what they did that you had jack **** to do with? But that shoe doesn't go on the other foot, and you shouldn't apologies for what your race did that you had jack **** to do with? Doesn't the irony in your life hurt every time it hits you square in the face?

I clarified that already

Archaeologically speaking, that's not a thing.



Then don't post at all if you're impaired.

Well even impaired I'm managing around 3-4 people replying to me and managing well enough. Do you drink? If you do I'm quite certain you post here now and again under the influence.
Well even impaired I'm managing around 3-4 people replying to me and managing well enough. Do you drink? If you do I'm quite certain you post here now and again under the influence.
By "impaired" I didn't mean drunk. Getting 2 hours of sleep is enough to mess up anyone's train of thought. All I'm saying is, if you think you're lack of sleep hinders your post quality, maybe you shouldn't post. You've already said some controversial stuff regarding race.

Do I drink? I'm 17. That should answer the question.
It is a fact that Ancient Egypt was built with slave labor and that ancient Egypt had a melting pot of racial diversity. Logically deducting that there would have been Hebrew slaves specifically Canaanite slaves. They even found child remains in Egyptian burials with signs of having lived a life of hard labor.
Well many black people in the BLM movement expect modern white people to apologize for what white people did to them over 120 years ago. Holding white people accountable for what our ancestors did is shallow thinking in and of itself.

Yes, but it'd be nice if some of the previous transgressions in this country against African-Americans were more readily acknowledged, and that when we make a big deal about such issues, we're not me with responses like "Shut Up and Dribble."

I'm not looking for an apology, because that would be asinine. What would be nice, though, is that when I say "Black Lives Matter too" and explain what that means, that people don't automatically respond with "All Lives Matter." Or, when I explain why black people today have issues with the Confederate Battle Flag, that I don't get met with things like "Now it's about Southern Pride," or "well, that was a long time ago."

The point being black people in developed nations have it way better than they'd otherwise have on average in North African territories.

Yes, that's generally true, but that also doesn't mean that things are perfect either. As an example, if a family member of yours was killed at their job, and you found out the cause of their death was at least partially due to lackluster policies, would you not go out of your way to make sure those policies are addressed?

If your answer is yes, congratulations, you now know why people are protesting in regards to the death of George Floyd and are calling to de-fund/re-distribute the money police departments have.

Black people kill each other at higher rates than whites kill blacks in regards to street crime. It's a household issue and how they raise there young.

Classic Deflection. I can safely say that I wasn't raised to kill anybody, let alone another African-American, or engage in street crime. Minus the car addiction, I'd say I'm pretty well-adjusted, despite having an unfaithful father. And I know a good number of other Black folk that fill a similar mold (again, minus the car addiction).

The dis-functional home life is the biggest issue facing blacks and absent fathers.

I'd argue that one of, if not the biggest issue by far facing African-Americans currently is our disproportionate lack of money.

According to Tables A-1 & A-2 on this US Census page, African-American households consistently make the least amount of money compared to other major races in the US, and by a very noticeable degree. The rate of growth (as demonstrated in Table A-2) also shows that African-American households show the least amount of growth in ~50 years time (~$54K to ~94K for White Households from '67 to 2018, vs. ~$34K to ~$59K for African-American households in the same amount of time).

I'm willing to bet that if this economic gap was better addressed, a lot of the problems you mentioned would fix themselves rather quickly.

The negative defeatist outlook creates a negative loop making them feel trapped when in reality they can lead better lives by putting the effort in. I had to put lots of effort to make my life decent years of split shift mistreatment from bosses and 7-8 hours between shifts and took it all over the years. Nothing was handed over to me because I'm white I had to beat the streets on foot or bicycle for 2 years to get a job! No golden spoon and diamond chalice in my hands.. success takes effort no matter the race you are.

Nice. The classic "I put in the work and got by, why can't Black people do the same?" line.

News flash, we do, and have been pretty much since the inception of this nation in one form or another, whether that be working the fields, working retail, doing sanitation, or fighting wars overseas. And, on a rather consistent historical basis, we tended to get less reward, sometimes economically, and mostly socially, compared to our fellow countrymen, even if we were doing the same (or similar) jobs.

My best friend Ron(a black man because I'm not racist)....

Please, for the love of God, stop saying this stupid 🤬. Just because you have a black friend doesn't mean you're incapable of being a racist. It at minimum means that you know a black person that chooses to associate with you.

The sooner people stop using this dumbass scapegoat, the happier I'll be.

...scored his first job way faster than me...but that's anecdotal.

Yes, it is. At least that much is accurate.

Edit: It seems this thread took off a bit while I was typing.
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It is a fact that Ancient Egypt was built with slave labor and that ancient Egypt had a melting pot of racial diversity. Logically deducting that there would have been Hebrew slaves specifically Canaanite slaves. They even found child remains in Egyptian burials with signs of having lived a life of hard labor.

That's not strictly true either. Yes, Ancient Egypt had slaves, but the labour system was pretty complex and used several different methods for production and building. The most common one that we know about is sort of a pre-feudal serfdom where people worked in exchange for lodging, food, and protection by a higher ranking official. They also used a labour system that had people work for a certain time, unpaid, as a form of tax.

As for Jews in Egypt? Sure, there was probably a population there prior to the Hellenistic Ptolemaic Dynasty, but the number is very debatable and the archeological record doesn't support a huge population.
George Floyd was a drug peddler, white drug dealers get killed by white cops, Asian cops,and black cops too. The difference... no major media coverage and no social movements associated as a result.

The BLS and US Census release very vague information. How much hours is put in??(full time is a broad spectrum and contains OT hours as an unmentioned sub category within) Who generally has families with the highest number of kids thus requires more time off or less mandatory extra hours because home obligations...etc. I highly doubt that if a black man and a white man both 35 years old with the same degree, same work experience, same seniority, same company, same city, similar personal obligations and thus similar energy focus distribution between personal and professional life, and lastly same overall energy and effort sunk into work that the white male would have higher pay. To convince me of the authenticity of the wage gap by race I'll need to see this EXACT situation with physical documentation(physical and displayed personal information) at least once. Better though multiple times.. the proof has to be exact and precise with no hint of vagueness.
Which is completely irrelevant since that's not why the cops where there and even if it was selling drugs isn't a crime warranting death (and really shouldn't be an arrest-able crime in the first place).

Do you know just how damaging meth, heroin, and coke, can be to the body and peoples lives? There needs to be laws regarding those drugs. Many drug dealers that deal hard drugs have children too no child should be raised by thugs and heroin dealers and consumers. Violent gang activity is proportionately high in relation to the hard drug scene too which puts children involved at risk.
Do you know just how damaging meth, heroin, and coke, can be to the body and peoples lives?

I'm well aware of what those can do, I'm also aware of what alcohol and tobacco can do despite being completely legal for anyone over 21. Should people that sell or use alcohol and tobacco be fair game for the police?

Many drug dealers that deal hard drugs have children too no child should be raised by thugs and heroin dealers and consumers.

I fully support removing children from bad environments (which can happen with or without drugs).

Violent gang activity is proportionately high in relation to the hard drug scene too which puts children involved at risk.

You don't really understand gang violence, do you? It exists because there's big money in drugs since they're not readily available so they fight over territory. If you make them legal suddenly they're readily available, more regulated and cheaper, which means gangs don't have as much incentive to kill each other over said territory.
Do you know just how damaging meth, heroin, and coke, can be to the body and peoples lives? There needs to be laws regarding those drugs. Many drug dealers that deal hard drugs have children too no child should be raised by thugs and heroin dealers and consumers. Violent gang activity is proportionately high in relation to the hard drug scene too which puts children involved at risk.
Ok, but, if you legalize it, then those drugs move to people far less "deplorable." Who will be selling and manufacturing. And those gang members may even have a chance of a legitimate job and be a respectable member of society if drugs are legalized. I mean, just look at the recreational marijuana market for example.
But, let me guess, your a tea toddler aye? Don't drink I imagine. You do know that someone addicted to drinking is more likely to die kicking their habit than a heroin addict yes? Surely if your all for having laws against use or distribution of one drug, you feel the same for all drugs no?

I'm well aware of what those can do, I'm also aware of what alcohol and tobacco can do despite being completely legal for anyone over 21. Should people that sell or use alcohol and tobacco be fair game for the police?

I fully support removing children from bad environments (which can happen with or without drugs).

You don't really understand gang violence, do you? It exists because there's big money in drugs since they're not readily available so they fight over territory. If you make them legal suddenly they're readily available, more regulated and cheaper, which means gangs don't have as much incentive to kill each other over said territory.

I agree with all but... cheaper is not necessarily certain. Marijuana is about 10-20 bucks more expensive recreationallu than it was prior. Taxes, which here in MI is 12 cents on the dollar, are a huge factor in driving up costs. But so is testing for chemicals, licensing and registrations, and business overhead.
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I agree with all but... cheaper is not necessarily certain. Marijuana is about 10-20 bucks more expensive recreationallu than it was prior. Taxes, which here in MI is 12 cents on the dollar, are a huge factor in driving up costs. But so is testing for chemicals, licensing and registrations, and business overhead.

Fair enough, I'm admittedly not very up to speed on stuff like that due to limiting my mind altering substances to alcohol. :lol:

I will say it's probably cheaper when you factor in potential legal costs if you were caught with it when it was illegal though.
George Floyd was a drug peddler,...

Which had nothing to do with why the police were present, nor does it justify his extra-judicial murder, nor does it even remotely justify having his neck knelt on for almost 9 minutes straight.

Even criminals have some rights in this country, and all of Flyod's were denied during his arrest.

The BLS and US Census release very vague information. How much hours is put in??(full time is a broad spectrum and contains OT hours as an unmentioned sub category within)

Broad/innacurate enough to not take into account an at minimum ~$20K difference a year for 50 years? Yeah, I don't think so.

I highly doubt that if a black man and a white man both 35 years old with the same degree, same work experience, same seniority, same company, same city, similar personal obligations and thus similar energy focus distribution between personal and professional life, and lastly same overall energy and effort sunk into work that the white male would have higher pay.

If both men were jobless and looking for work in the same field, I'd wager that chances are pretty decent that the white dude would be seen more favorably by more employers than the black dude, especially if it's an industry that has a historically low amount of minority workers. That's (generally) what people refer to when talking about white privilege.

To convince me of the authenticity of the wage gap by race I'll need to see this EXACT situation with physical documentation(physical and displayed personal information) at least once. Better though multiple times.. the proof has to be exact and precise with no hint of vagueness.

*Literally plops down 50 years of data, showing consistent differences in household income, as well as a short summary of said data.*

"Wage gap isn't real. It's only real if an unrealistic number of people willingly shows me, a random stranger, their personal information."

Do you know just how damaging meth, heroin, and coke, can be to the body and peoples lives?

Quite. I'm also aware of how damage much alcohol and tobacco can cause as well when abused, despite their legality. Are you insinuating that people who use drugs in such a manner are fair game for extra-judicial murder? If so, that's a lot of dead Americans (and destruction of other peoples rights), including some of our leaders.

There needs to be laws regarding those drugs. Many drug dealers that deal hard drugs have children too no child should be raised by thugs and heroin dealers and consumers.

A good friend of mine helped run a daycare with her mother, and they got families from all, and I mean all walks of life. Believe me, I am all for having kids removed from dangerous households.

Violent gang activity is proportionately high in relation to the hard drug scene too which puts children involved at risk.

And if you legalize/de-criminalize certain drugs, as well as making them somewhat affordable, violent gang-related crime will go down, because now people have readily-available, much safer alternatives.

Edit: Tree'd
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If I'm to feel shame then blacks should feel shame for how they treat each other even to this day in Africa.
You are aware that Africa is a massive continent, with a highly diverse number of countries, many of which are perfectly pleasant places to live with a high standard of living? Obviously your not, otherwise such an asinine point wouldn't leave your fingers.

Also, they'd need to feel guilty for being the original slave owners of the Jews in Egypt.
Aside from the Jews being slaves in Egypt being a myth, you are once again lumping a massive continent into on collective, The vast, vast majority of black people in the US are of west African heritage, which is quite different from Eygpt, which is technically a Mediterranean country (North East African if you are being very generous).

To conflate the two is akin to linking someone from the US with the crimes of the Pinochet regime because it's all America!
George Floyd was a drug peddler, white drug dealers get killed by white cops

Anybody can strip enough context out of a situation to make it seem commonplace. This is lazy.

Find me a white "drug peddler" who has been killed by unnecessary police aggression while already fully restrained, after doing nothing more than unknowingly spending a counterfeit bill (something the majority of us have done at some point).
You don't really understand gang violence, do you? It exists because there's big money in drugs since they're not readily available so they fight over territory. If you make them legal suddenly they're readily available, more regulated and cheaper, which means gangs don't have as much incentive to kill each other over said territory.

I know how gang violence works imbecile don't patronize me. Making harmful substances like cocaine and heroine legal once again(as they were in the late 1800's is not a good idea) While it would OBVIOUSLY lower gang related violence associated with them the ease of access would cause there to be a higher population taking them. Would would place health and well being at risk in the aspect of drug related illness.. now THAT's no better it??! Oh and give me a break on your inane tobacco rebuttal. It generally takes years of heavy smoking(YMMV) to cause cancer or other health issues, take meth heavily for 5 years or more and see the deterioration comparison. Alcohol I can agree with to a degree considering all the accidents, damage, death, and overall cost driving drunk can cause.
I know how gang violence works imbecile don't patronize me. Making harmful substances like cocaine and heroine legal once again(as they were in the late 1800's is not a good idea) While it would OBVIOUSLY lower gang related violence associated with them the ease of access would cause there to be a higher population taking them. Would would place health and well being at risk in the aspect of drug related illness.. now THAT's no better it??! Oh and give me a break on your inane tobacco rebuttal. It generally takes years of heavy smoking(YMMV) to cause cancer or other health issues, take meth heavily for 5 years or more and see the deterioration comparison. Alcohol I can agree with to a degree considering all the accidents, damage, death, and overall cost driving drunk can cause.
Do you, by chance, know what the war on drugs is, and what it's impact was on poor inner-city communities? If not (which is 99% the case) I highly recommend you look into it.

Drug/Alcohol addiction should be considered and treated as a medical issue, not a criminal one. The recidivism rate for drug crimes should speak volumes alone.
You are aware that Africa is a massive continent, with a highly diverse number of countries, many of which are perfectly pleasant places to live with a high standard of living? Obviously your not, otherwise such an asinine point wouldn't leave your fingers.

Hahahaha your the pathetic asinine one. Looks like I got to bring average crime rates stats in sigh.

Morocco is known as one of the safest places in Africa and yet it still has a crime rate higher than the USA average...


While the safest places in USA is Maine at 1.1 incidence of any kind per 1000 people. Significantly lower than Morocco.

Africa has the second highest murder rate in the world overall too. So my point stands.

With all things considered Morocco is pretty safe I'll give it that. It's no Maine or Japan though.
Drug/Alcohol addiction should be considered and treated as a medical issue, not a criminal one. The recidivism rate for drug crimes should speak volumes alone.

I agree addicts should be offered help first. Repeated offences for example the second offence should have mandatory drug therapy program completion as a requirement before returning to society. Third offence should be imprisonment or maybe a second stay a treatment facility or group.

@huskeR32 Honestly not the George's degree but google only digs so far back in time. However there was a case of a white professor that got arrested for a fake bill.

Oh and by the way George Floyd was also involved in an armed robbery and home invasion. If George was living a peaceful life and not home invading or selling cocaine to teens, or planning bank robberies in the last years of his life than damn the guy would deserve sympathy.

Well I said my many pieces and shared my $200 worth of 2 cents. Juggling 4-5 people responses to me has gotten tiresome. Debating one to two people is manageable but the way this is going... nah not worth the effort in all reality. I'm secure in my stance in regards to these issues as you all are yours.

EDIT: I'm also absolutely aware that people will gang up and try and bait me back to the topic with insults or otherwise and nope it will not work. If not attempt to drag me back as an active participant then to grab my attention to your insults of my character among each other in an effort to hurt or offend me in some or to make me feel powerless because you know that you hold the majority pov here. This type of thing occurs frequently online and the behavior is rather pathetic.
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Again, how is George Floyd's criminal past relevant in any way as to why he was killed? I swear, this happens every time an innocent Black person is killed by the police; right-wingers will dig into their pasts and see if they've screwed up along the way and then bitch about it as if it had anything to do with their death. We can't all just mourn his death and fight for a less brutal alternative to the existing police force without people like you saying "yeah b-b-but... ten years ago he did (insert whatever bad deed)", can we. Hell, George Floyd could've been a molester and we would still mourn his death. Why? Because he was an innocent person who was killed by a LEO in a brutal, and likely racially motivated way, not because he was the spitting image of Jesus Christ. How he lived his life prior to his assassination is completely irrelevant and thus, we should not spend energy going on about how he had a messed up past.
@huskeR32 Honestly not the George's degree but google only digs so far back in time. However there was a case of a white professor that got arrested for a fake bill.
Oh and by the way George Floyd was also involved in an armed robbery and home invasion. If George was living a peaceful life and not home invading or selling cocaine to teens, or planning bank robberies in the last years of his life than damn the guy would deserve sympathy.
So doing time wasn't enough. He had to be killed for it as well. How is what happened to your white professor even remotely equivalent?

EDIT: Tree'd by @NotThePrez on another thread

EDIT: I'm also absolutely aware that people will gang up and try and bait me back to the topic with insults or otherwise and nope it will not work. If not attempt to drag me back as an active participant then to grab my attention to your insults of my character among each other in an effort to hurt or offend me in some or to make me feel powerless because you know that you hold the majority pov here. This type of thing occurs frequently online and the behavior is rather pathetic.
I wouldn't be surprised if it happens frequently online to YOU. If you don't want people ganging up on you, quit calling out entire groups of people. If you don't want to be hurt or offended, then quit saying hurtful and offensive things and maybe people won't lash out in retaliation.
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EDIT: I'm also absolutely aware that people will gang up and try and bait me back to the topic with insults or otherwise and nope it will not work. If not attempt to drag me back as an active participant then to grab my attention to your insults of my character among each other in an effort to hurt or offend me in some or to make me feel powerless because you know that you hold the majority pov here. This type of thing occurs frequently online and the behavior is rather pathetic.

You literally called someone an imbecile and pathetic like two posts before this one. Quit playing the victim card here.
Hahahaha your the pathetic asinine one. Looks like I got to bring average crime rates stats in sigh.

Oh, I guess we're about to get educated!

While the safest places in USA is Maine at 1.1 incidence of any kind per 1000 people. Significantly lower than Morocco.

No. Maine's property crime rate is at around 13.6 per 1,000 people, you've grossly misunderstood which way around numbers go. Your own link also shows that the USA has an average murder rate 29 times higher than Morocco, 6 times more violent rape crime, a 3 times higher murder rate, I'm just not sure where you're trying to go with that.

Africa has the second highest murder rate in the world overall too. So my point stands.

It also has the lowest (with 0), what's the point of picking numbers like that?

If George was living a peaceful life and not home invading or selling cocaine to teens, or planning bank robberies in the last years of his life than damn the guy would deserve sympathy.

It's hard to imagine the level of crime that should warrant summary-and-untried public execution, but clearly you have no problem with state-funded execution squads. That's what that situation amounts to. Weird.
Hahahaha your the pathetic asinine one. Looks like I got to bring average crime rates stats in sigh.

Morocco is known as one of the safest places in Africa and yet it still has a crime rate higher than the USA average...


While the safest places in USA is Maine at 1.1 incidence of any kind per 1000 people. Significantly lower than Morocco.

Africa has the second highest murder rate in the world overall too. So my point stands.

With all things considered Morocco is pretty safe I'll give it that. It's no Maine or Japan though.
Oh boy you really didn’t look into those stats at all did you.

Hard drug use, the US is worse, Murder Rate the US is worse, Rape the US is worse.

So it would seem that I’m more likely to be raped or murdered by a user of hard drugs in the US than in Morocco, but more likely to be the victim of petty crime in Morocco. Guess which I would pick.

You don’t get to cherry pick a single state against an entire country either, compare like for like and the US is far worse than Morocco is regard to crime.

In fact plenty of African nations rank higher on the Global Peace Index than the US does.



I know how gang violence works imbecile don't patronize me. Making harmful substances like cocaine and heroine legal once again(as they were in the late 1800's is not a good idea) While it would OBVIOUSLY lower gang related violence associated with them the ease of access would cause there to be a higher population taking them. Would would place health and well being at risk in the aspect of drug related illness.. now THAT's no better it??! Oh and give me a break on your inane tobacco rebuttal. It generally takes years of heavy smoking(YMMV) to cause cancer or other health issues, take meth heavily for 5 years or more and see the deterioration comparison. Alcohol I can agree with to a degree considering all the accidents, damage, death, and overall cost driving drunk can cause.
Portugal says your wrong.
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I have a while hippie buddy who actually doesn't get this feeling. Like, he genuinely feels no pressure to walk up to anybody on the street and say hi or ask them for directions or whatever. I can't tell if he was so privileged that he had no idea what he shouldn't do, or if he was so pure that he was living what he believed. All I know is he tried to walk around the Bronx barefoot before I pointed out a needle on the sidewalk.

My guess, he's either raised so protected he doesn't know real world dangers or he just doesn't give a ****. My theory, that's probably safer than being scared/worried/hostile/etc.