Why are Japanese cars all 276hp?

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Why are all Japanese makes stated as having 276hp in the used car dealership? How do I find out how much hp these cars actually have before buying them?
Why are all Japanese makes stated as having 276hp in the used car dealership? How do I find out how much hp these cars actually have before buying them?

Because in japan they have this thing called the Japanese Gentlemen's Agreement you might want to look it up it's something to do with limiting horsepower
ok, so if it is done away with why do all of the cars still say 276hp? and do they actually only have 276hp or does it just say that? if this is the case how do i figure out the real hp?
The old cars still have 276hp, old cars just doesnt randomly get an hp increase cause the agreement was removed in newer time.
Buy an evo t.m.e change its oil and then look at the power figures. You should have 318 bhp.

The 276 figure is fictional and does not reflect the real power either in gt or in real life.
so how old is old? say the rule was done away with in '99, does that mean all cars specs after '99 will say something other than 276hp? or do all the cars say 276hp where only pre-'99 are actually 276hp?
Why are all Japanese makes stated as having 276hp in the used car dealership?

The Gentleman's Agreement. This has been asked on this site since GT1. Why it's still in the game I don't know - knowing about the agreement doesn't enhance my playing experience, but knowing what car I'm actually buying does.

Gentleman's Agreement summary: In order to prevent power/speed wars, the Japanese manufacturers agreed, informally, to stick to 280PS (276hp), having earlier agreed to a 112mph limit. So they advertised all their top end cars with 280PS and just changed the torque figures - and they were fibbing anyway, since many top end cars could be taken straight from the dealership onto a dyno and run 330hp+. It fell apart - probably for this reason - in 2006 and then we got the GT-R...

How do I find out how much hp these cars actually have before buying them?

When someone puts together a car list with garage power, you'll know. Otherwise, just by buying them.
The ratings you see when buying a car are manufacturer's claims... which are not always the same as what a car actually makes.

This is common in automotive marketing. For Japanese performance cars, it was due to the "Gentleman's Agreement". For some American cars, horsepower is under-rated to give customers a nice bonus when they buy it... "free" horsepower, keep the change. For still other cars, power ratings were set by the manufacturer before the addition of more features or emissions equipment that lowered the actual power rating... Mazda, I'm looking at you...

No big deal. What a car makes is what a car makes. You'll just learn to live with the quirks. For curiosity's sake... does the RX8 still make over "270" hp? :lol:
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