Wii U Project Cars Discussion

  • Thread starter Benny44
It's simply adolescent-minded nonsense:

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By the end of the year, the Wii U stands to become the best console I've ever had. The latest iterations of Nintendo's franchises are among the best titles the company has ever made, the monotonous and "cinematic" AAA third-party titles that dominate other platforms have been replaced by innovative indie games on the eShop, Xenoblade Chronicles X promises to be the most amazing RPG in decades, and then there's Project CARS, the most daring racing/driving simulator around today.

If Project CARS U delivers, then I couldn't be happier with the Wii U.
Hahaha I completely agree.
My girlfriend bought a WiiU for me about a month ago so I was pretty happy when I realised Project Cars was coming out for this console. I definitely did not expect it. It probably won't be as amazing as on ps4 or Xbox One but I certainly can't afford to go buy another console. Very grateful they are taking the time to release it on Nintendo.
I want to be the father of the Project CARS Miiverse community. I'm gonna try to post an answer to every question and 'Yeah' every decent post. ..but I might be underestimating the Nintendo community. They might school me. I'm a little worried about the online play. MK8 and Smash run okay online, but CARS? ..I dunno.
Every morning I go to google, type in 'wii u project cars', set the search parameters to 'last 24 hours' and hope for the best. I'm hoping we will hear some news soon, but I bet it will be after the May 6th/8th release date.

I want to be the father of the Project CARS Miiverse community. I'm gonna try to post an answer to every question and 'Yeah' every decent post. ..but I might be underestimating the Nintendo community. They might school me. I'm a little worried about the online play. MK8 and Smash run okay online, but CARS? ..I dunno.
We are getting a few people replying to this thread, hopefully we will have enough to have a little racing group once the game actually comes out. My theory on the online racing is that it won't be any worse than Forza/GT's public rooms and may actually be better as far as type of people on there. IF, and this is a big if, they release the game before June 21st, which is Father's day, a lot of dads with kids that own a Wii U could get this game. That's the crowd I hope will get it. As someone who only started playing online in the last couple years I can tell you that it was intimidating at first (I'm 37). I suspect Nintendo is not going to implement voice chat for this, which may encourage some more reserved people like myself to try the online. Don't get me wrong, I want chat, but I don't necessarily see it being there.
Anyway, that's my 2 cents. Also, I got a message back from the Japanese company that sells those wheel stands for the wii u controller (cybergadget) informing me they do not ship to Canada, so back to the drawing board on that one.
Maybe they'll be lame and be like, no online lobbies. Miiverse will be your online features! :grumpy: That would defeat the purpose of Project Community Assisted Racing Sim, but I could see it happening.
That would be very bad....and I think Nintendo knows that. The new game Splatoon...developed by Nintendo....is online, so I can't see them not putting lobbies for PCARS. They could do some cool things with the miiverse if they wanted to
I can see a Nintendo Direct where Project Cars is shown and Reggie talks about 'Miiverse on PCARS' but no mention of lobbies. We'll see. No matter what happens, I still got PlayStation and mah GT6 buddies. We're all gettin PCARS on PS4.

I'm gonna keep an eye on this thread. I wanna see your reaction to any bad news :lol:
I see no reason to doubt whether PCARS on Wii U will include multiplayer or voice chat -- the latter is a choice Nintendo makes as a developer, not as the owner of the platform. They'll have limited input on the online functionality in PCARS, beyond the usual Miiverse integration.
I just hope they don't throw a map on the Gamepad and call it a day. I'll be picking up the Wii U version anyways as it's not like there are any other options on the system.
I just hope they don't throw a map on the Gamepad and call it a day. I'll be picking up the Wii U version anyways as it's not like there are any other options on the system.

*sorry about the double post

The Wii U is more than capable of providing the core Project CARS experience. Sure, some super-high-level graphical effects may not be possible but in comparison it also offers a unique interaction experience via the GamePad controller, with the second screen potentially becoming your track map overview, rear-view mirror, telemetry, or simply mimicking a real race car steering wheel whilst you use the gyroscope to drive.

At least this was the target by the end of 2013.
I'd be more than happy with that idea although SMS seem to be pretty good at finding ways to try and 'innovate' the Racing genre so who knows what we will end up with. I am going to pre-order the Wii U special edition soon. Only wanted the regular PS4 version since the Wii U one is the one I am most hyped over since nothing like this has been done on the Wii U yet.
Not a word on this game in a long time. I'm starting to get worried. It's still up on their site but since they haven't addressed anything about the game in several months, I fear they are doing what so many 3rd party devs do...sweep Wii U under the rug. A simple 'we are still working on it' or 'we expect it to be out by the holiday season' would suffice. They have been working on this longer than the Xone and PS4, and not even giving us a general release date or update of any sort. Just throw us something, anything. Going silent tells me they simply don't care. Even if they aren't going to release, letting the fans know is better than not knowing
I am not under the illusion that Wii U will be better than the other versions, but I am hoping it will be good.

Maybe it will look very similar the PS4 & XBox 1 versions by running at 30 frames per second instead of 60.
Bandai Namco UK is still willing to be a tease about it, so that's kinda promising, I suppose:


I also found out today that Amazon UK has purportedly sold out their allotment of preorders for the Wii U version, which could be a good sign for the game's success on this platform.
Haven't heard anything about Wii version in forever. Last I heard, about a year ago, was that Wii U version will at best break even for SMS in terms of cost/sales, so they will probably work on it more once the money starts coming in from the sales of the versions that are out there. Who knows, they may be doing some work on it in the background now, but I doubt it with all the bugs they still need to fix.
I was very surprised that sms chose to keep the Wii U version considering they cancelled the PS3 / 360 versions.

The necessary graphical downgrade and set of compromises compared to PS4/One would have been roughly similar on Wii U / PS3 / 360.... and looking at Forza 4 / GT6 forums, there are still significant racing communities on the PS3/360 platforms.

Anyway I am interested to see this "Project Cars U" even if I will certainly never play it.

... But honestly, if one has both PS4 and Wii U, I do not see any good reason to go for the U version.
Actually, its worse in WII U because geniuses in Nintendo wants to put a cheaper chip to cut costs in favor of the touchpad controller.

No wonder many publisher didnt want to waste more money to compromise on that. They had enough on the WII with mixed results. And now Nintendo had to make it up almost exclusively to the first party games.

Its, good. But they didnt factor that many people didnt want the same thing over the decades.
Bandai Namco UK is still willing to be a tease about it, so that's kinda promising, I suppose:

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I also found out today that Amazon UK has purportedly sold out their allotment of preorders for the Wii U version, which could be a good sign for the game's success on this platform.
That is good news. At least an acknowledgement of the game, which we wouldn't have gotten if they were going to scrap it. As soon as a solid release date is out there, I am preordering it
Great to see it still being acknowledged. Wii U version will be a success since people will want to reward SMS for coming through with their promise of bringing the game out.
Bandai Namco UK is still willing to be a tease about it, so that's kinda promising, I suppose:

If they announce that it will be released, it means that the PC, PS4, and Xbox versions have not met their sales targets.
Haven't heard anything about Wii version in forever. Last I heard, about a year ago, was that Wii U version will at best break even for SMS in terms of cost/sales, so they will probably work on it more once the money starts coming in from the sales of the versions that are out there. Who knows, they may be doing some work on it in the background now, but I doubt it with all the bugs they still need to fix.
Even if they haven't been actively working on the Wii U version the whole time, some of the (non-platform-specific) bugfixing and improvements will still contribute to a better code base for the Wii U, in theory.
It's the best news in a long time, because it is news. It also gave me the opportunity to share my $0.02 directly with Ian, so thanks for the heads up, @FuriousDemon. 👍

Like Classic just pointed out, I really doubt there will be any sign of NX for a while. But given the circumstances, I don't blame SMS for playing it safe until E3.
This may be niave thinking but I find it hard to believe there's a demand for this on the Wii U, to be honest. Why not just get it on one of the other gaming platforms? Or, maybe there are people who just own a Wii U. :crazy::lol:
This may be niave thinking but I find it hard to believe there's a demand for this on the Wii U, to be honest.
It's a big unknown, since Nintendo platforms have never really had a game like this.
Why not just get it on one of the other gaming platforms? Or, maybe there are people who just own a Wii U. :crazy::lol:
I don't want to buy an XBone or PS4 just to play a racing game, and I don't keep up with high-end PC hardware.
This may be niave thinking but I find it hard to believe there's a demand for this on the Wii U, to be honest. Why not just get it on one of the other gaming platforms? Or, maybe there are people who just own a Wii U. :crazy::lol:
I have a PS4 and already own pCARS. Wii U came second on the poll about which version people were buying on the Project CARS website, so the demand is there. :lol:

I want pCARS for Wii U because it would be interesting to see how SMS were going to utilize the gamepad plus the Wii U is utterly fantastic, the more games on it...the better!