Will you still play GTPSP after GT5 comes out?

  • Thread starter 200MphFord
I have been playing GTPSP more than GT5 lately, but its only because I can take the PSP with me to places where my wife can't yell at me for spending so much time playing games.
So, I have recently heard from a friend that you can transfer GT PSP cars to GT5, and the car will have its realism looks when transferred. Is this true or did my friend suggest wrong?
I stopped playing after finding out transferred cars can only be used in arcade mode and become standard, even though it's a premium in the game (ie M5). I don't even play arcade and never have since I bought the game!
^ I might do same thing : play GTPSP till GT6 -unless we have to wait for 5 years ;)-

Love your signature :D:tup: !
I thought I would still play GTPSP, but I have not played it in 2 weeks. I started the game last night and went to start a race on the 'Ring and it just didn't feel the same. I used to play a couple of times a day, but not anymore. I have been playing GT5 2-3 times a week. Maybe I will start playing GTPSP more often if my GT5 time gets cut at home (by my wife).
Absolutely. Play it every day.

Great for lunch break at work or other types of breaks.

Great waiting room buster too!
GT6 is already under development:sly:

Ok, so i can play more 5 years of GT5.

BTW i barely dont touch my GTP anymore, not only because im too addicted to drift online on GT5, but mostly because i played way too much GTP and conquered almost all cars that i wanted, so...

Anyways i miss some epic tracks that i dont see on GT5.
BMW CSL, Nurburgring.. vs a Shelby Cobra, a Nissan GTR, and a Nissan R390 Road Car.


Trying to improve my trophy collections from all bronzes on the Nurburgring challenges.


I have been 'playing' (seems more like work in retrospect) GT5 since its release in the UK last year. The PSP has languished in its tomb virtually unplayed all the time since then. Now, for reasons for which are unnecessary to detail, I have unearthed by beloved PSP and taken to the GT road again.

Gran Turismo on the PSP may not be better than GT5, but it may be more playable.

Career mode? Get a job.

Tuning? Why bother? The cars in GT are mostly made for performance, and GT, as always, recreates the performance as accurately as you'll ever know. Besides, if you want to be the creative input that makes the difference on a timed run or in a race against your mates, quick tuning is just as effective in balancing the odds.
Yes. Infact, i am not going to transfer it from my PSP to my PS3, because all the joy will just be lost.

EDIT: Just noticed the cars are only for Arcade.
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I just started this game, I only play for about 10-20 mins a day on my break at work. Really enjoying it so far.