Worst you've dealt with online...

  • Thread starter Tommy_861
lol, I'm with you Dave! Kick first without warning and without a trial. It's a lot easier to just kick people out then try to sort out everyone issues. I'd much rather have 5 clean drivers in my room than 16 not-so clean ones.
I've seen many incidents where people start lagging, leave, come back and everything is fine for the rest of the night, and continue to have some quality races from there on. If you kick them, they can't get back in.

Another example, I was instantly kicked because of my username, and the host acted very childishly when I asked for his explanation. So I joined under another account. The host and I had some excellent side by side battling for many races, some having less than one tenth between us by the finish line, with one he called "The best, closest race I've ever had". He continued to talk about a spec race with RX7s all through the following two races to his regular buddy who joined as there was so much side by side action. He never would have experienced that if I had not jumped in with my other account, due to his "quick judgement".
well... I would give you a lot of s#!t for your username, going as far as kicking for the username, that's just rude,

But I'm a racer, I'm not going to wait 45 minutes while someone who steal's their wi-fi from McDonald's reset's their playstation, calls macca's and requests them to reset their modem, clear their cache etc, I know for a fact most people who wi-fi use their mobile phones, I know for a fact and from experience that people who use NOKIA, SAMSUNG, and HTC mobiles lag like no tomorrow, which CANNOT be fixed, so NO I refuse to wait because I'm not wasting my down loads while people sort their crap,
SAMSUNG, and HTC mobiles lag like no tomorrow, which CANNOT be fixed,

Where do you get these "facts" from. I have both of the above phones, a PC, 2 other smartphones, the PS3 and a laptop all working over wifi with 2 other Pc's running on ethernet cable, all while a flat mate could be streaming a HD film and I'm torrenting, yet I experience no lag at all to other people, and GT5 always lists my connection as "Very high".
Does anyone see people wallriding the turns at Rome? I was a victim, some guy in an Oreca Viper punted me straight into a wall just so he can scrape his car against the wall for an unfair advantage. So much for the 'clean' title.
I get my fact's from experience,

Care to back up that claim with some cold hard facts? I recently switched from an iPhone 3GS to a Galaxy S3 and I experience absolutely no difference. Rather then blaming the kind of units connected to your wi-fi, maybe the number of units connected would be more relevant?
These are myths. It is not the room’s settings, but who is in the room that determines how courteous the room is.

It is up to the host to keep things clean. I give all of my friends the power to kick dirty drivers. All they have to do is say the word. It is a big help to me as I obviously can’t see everything that happens on the track during a race.

I have several friends that also set their rooms up with no restrictions and they are clean as well.

You are missing the point. The point is, when you are searching the list of rooms available you are playing the odds. You are trying to use a combination of common sense and experience to weed out the most likely to be crappy lobbies because most of us don't have all night to go through numerous rooms and find out if the host is good or not.

In my experience and I'm sure the experience of most others, rooms without restrictions are usually disorganized and chaotic, often filled with immature people running backwards in cars way beyond their skill level. You may be the exception I don't doubt that, but again, we're playing the odds here, and you have to make assumptions to weed out the rooms most likely to be poorly run and rooms without restrictions usually fit that bill...sorry.

You may be the exception, but it doesn't change the rule.
Care to back up that claim with some cold hard facts? I recently switched from an iPhone 3GS to a Galaxy S3 and I experience absolutely no difference. Rather then blaming the kind of units connected to your wi-fi, maybe the number of units connected would be more relevant?

In the first GTP series I was ever in my team mate had a HTC mobile be it from South Africa, he lagged badly, I actually still have the replay, If I knew how to upload it to youtube I would gladly share,

another incident, NASCAR at daytona, guy came in and said, "I'm using a new wireless set up through my NOKIA, please let me know if I lag and I will revert to my modem" he wound up jack hammering like a dildozer!

and don't get me started on the Galaxy S3, I Bought one brand new so I could play online anywhere, I have never experienced lag in a call of duty, I have seen minor jumps here and there but nothing like what was going on using that, plus I have the replay of another fella using a galaxy S3,

It sounds weird that I have all these replay's of people lagging, but, they were from replay's of some of the best races I have ever had with other people or I needed to save the replay as I am/ was a steward of that racing series,
Everyone needs to stop arguing!! I was wrong to even agree with someone! If we don't get back on topic this will be locked!

Chill out dude, just because people disagree with each other doesn't mean we're arguing. It's called a discussion or a debate and everyone seems quite civilized to me.
If I see someone lagging in my room during a race and they are crashing people I will exit the race and kick them.

Same with a dirty driver.

It is the host’s job to maintain order in his room.

I’m not quite as mean as TDZdave though.

But hey – keep up the good work dave, I’m sure that for most people – your room is very fun.

Also I hate to agree with TDZdave again, but I had a friend loose his internet connection and joined with his g3 smart phone and he would lag a little at times – not bounce around the track but vibrations small jerks. It would come and go – sometimes he was fine.
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Everyone needs to stop arguing!! I was wrong to even agree with someone! If we don't get back on topic this will be locked!

agreed, even though its still civilized I see this convo coming to a head in the not so distant future,

Hey yor from Mildura:tup:

If I see someone lagging in my room during a race and they are crashing people I will exit the race and kick them.

Same with a dirty driver.

It is the host’s job to maintain order in his room.

I’m not quite as mean as TDZdave though.

But hey – keep up the good work dave, I’m sure that for most people – your room is very fun.

Also I hate to agree with TDZdave again, but I had a friend loose his internet connection and joined with his g3 smart phone and he would lag a little at times – not bounce around the track but vibrations small jerks. It would come and go – sometimes he was fine.

a slight jump here and there is to be expected, its when someone is sideways upside down and backward's blazing past you at 400KPH in a Civic, that's when I strap the boot on,
In the first GTP series I was ever in my team mate had a HTC mobile be it from South Africa, he lagged badly, I actually still have the replay, If I knew how to upload it to youtube I would gladly share,

another incident, NASCAR at daytona, guy came in and said, "I'm using a new wireless set up through my NOKIA, please let me know if I lag and I will revert to my modem" he wound up jack hammering like a dildozer!

and don't get me started on the Galaxy S3, I Bought one brand new so I could play online anywhere, I have never experienced lag in a call of duty, I have seen minor jumps here and there but nothing like what was going on using that, plus I have the replay of another fella using a galaxy S3,

It sounds weird that I have all these replay's of people lagging, but, they were from replay's of some of the best races I have ever had with other people or I needed to save the replay as I am/ was a steward of that racing series,

Ok, looks like I misunderstood a little here. I thought you meant that certain phones would affect the wi-fi. Using a phone as a mobile hot spot is another matter entirely. I haven't tried this with mine yet, but I would recon that connecting through your phone to play online would in general be a bad idea. I know I wouldn't do it.
Also I hate to agree with TDZdave again, but I had a friend loose his internet connection and joined with his g3 smart phone and he would lag a little at times – not bounce around the track but vibrations small jerks. It would come and go – sometimes he was fine.

Thats to be expected really, but compared to an actual connection, smart phones are actually a decent replacement. Ive used my phone a few times in places where my internet has given in and its actually been very fast and stable.

On the topic of wireless items producing lag, in my household, 7 computers, 2 iPads, 5 iPhones, a PS3 and an Xbox connected to the wireless network all at once and there is no difference in network performance between when everythings off or on, even if the computers are on youtube and whatnot... I really dont think the amount of things connected affects it to be honest...
a slight jump here and there is to be expected, its when someone is sideways upside down and backward's blazing past you at 400KPH in a Civic, that's when I strap the boot on,

That is what I’m talking about.
Thats to be expected really, but compared to an actual connection, smart phones are actually a decent replacement. Ive used my phone a few times in places where my internet has given in and its actually been very fast and stable.

On the topic of wireless items producing lag, in my household, 7 computers, 2 iPads, 5 iPhones, a PS3 and an Xbox connected to the wireless network all at once and there is no difference in network performance between when everythings off or on, even if the computers are on youtube and whatnot... I really dont think the amount of things connected affects it to be honest...

Its not what is connected, heck, we got 3 lap tops, 2 desk tops, 2 ipads, iphones, the playstation, t.v. networks, even our house phone runs on the wireless network, but I couldn't see all of these functioning through a wi-fi hot spot on a mobile phone,
Its not what is connected, heck, we got 3 lap tops, 2 desk tops, 2 ipads, iphones, the playstation, t.v. networks, even our house phone runs on the wireless network, but I couldn't see all of these functioning through a wi-fi hot spot on a mobile phone,


I know what Im doing tomorrow...

:lol: But honestly though, I cant see a smartphone hot-spot causing too much lag, provided there's good reception, even then I cant see it being too severe... I'll give it a test tomorrow and see how much lag is caused using the hot-spot with my mates Samsung and my iPhone if we manage a bit of spare time in the day...
I have the best recption in my region, the tower is just over 1/4 of a mile away from my house,

but for it to be noticable you need 2 people in the room, the more in the room the worse it get,
Entered a lobby with the header title " you can't beat me", I won 2 races back to back then got kicked! Sour grapes >much haha
Entered a lobby with the header title " you can't beat me", I won 2 races back to back then got kicked! Sour grapes >much haha

The host said, "you can't beat me" and he meant it...lol..
Entered a lobby with the header title " you can't beat me", I won 2 races back to back then got kicked! Sour grapes >much haha

I would join on another account and do it again. Maybe repeat of nessasary. Haha the art of trolling
I too am in league races, how do we avoid that problem? We host a first room to count numbers 5 minutes before the race, then we re-open the room with the exact numbers. No spare room for people to enter. Simple really.

We do that too. One person had to leave the race unexpectedly leaving an open slot.
The only issue with using a phone wifi hotspot is that *most* carriers do not give you a public IP address when using that service but an internal UP. In essence two firewalls. This means you will never get better than a NAT3 connection.

Ask me how I know.. :) Otherwise it worked fine and there were no lag issues. You don't need a lot of speed up and down to play GT5 online but you do need relatively low latency (ping). Wireless is fine for that..
We use a router with a Neighbourhood Cable modem. We run a desktop, laptop, PS3 and Walkman off it. It's fine with everything except the PS3 says you were disconnected all the time. Sometimes it just goes back to the lobby and I can join a room straight away, but other times it doesn't. Sometimes it goes for almost exactly an hour before dying.
Where do you get these "facts" from. I have both of the above phones, a PC, 2 other smartphones, the PS3 and a laptop all working over wifi with 2 other Pc's running on ethernet cable, all while a flat mate could be streaming a HD film and I'm torrenting, yet I experience no lag at all to other people, and GT5 always lists my connection as "Very high".

I get my fact's from experience,

Hope you guys realize that routers come in MANY different variations. Some have just enough speed to load Google in 30 min while others allow you to stream 6 movies, download the latest version of Team Fortress, upload pictures to your online album and host a room in GT5 with 16 people and no lag ALL AT THE SAME TIME.

Don't get mad at each other when you don't understand what you are talking about...
a router yes, not a wi-fi hot spot from a SAMSUNG GALAXY S3 or stealing your wi-fi from McDonald's, please read the entire conversation before dropping in your know it all!
Deja Vu,

you said you use neigborhood cable, what are their rates? for like a home phone, and modem bundle?