Xenns Cheat Device Codes (Includes demo codes!)

  • Thread starter Xenn
I was wondering about this too, I tried to make my own but didn't succeed. Will probably need messing with ASM functions like in the GT1 demos.
So for Gran turismo 3 and 4 is it possible to edit where you start on the grid? and is it possible to make a PAL code gt3 to Buy Every Car?

I have mentioned this before we can't buy the Chrysler Viper Team Oreca also we cannot sell it :S same with the unique Honda s2000 colours the ones with no name in the garage?

also A fun little thought I had I wonder for GT3/4 would it be possible to hack more opponents into rally races?

I don't think its a question that's ever been asked before but it could be hella fun. :D

I have used an NTSC save to by the Dodge Viper Team oreca in my PAL save but I would really like to have infinite Access tot he Chrysler one with playstation on the bonnet, shame Xenn isn't really round anymore he makes any code possible like its nothing in no time. )':
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What do you mean by track ID's???? I still can't figure out this code
That's weird, I just tested it and it worked fine. Remember that it uses track IDs, not hash codes.
00: Test Course (1000m)
01: circle30
02: circle80
03: dart_test2
04: dirt_test1
05: dirt_test2
06: dirt_test3
07: Grindelwald
08: Special Stage Route 5
09: highway2000
0A: Indi
0B: Laguna Seca Raceway
0C: Test Course (Max Speed Test)
0D: Autumn Ring Mini
0E: Monte Carlo
0F: Trial Mountain Circuit
10: Trial Mountain Circuit (mountain_V)
11: Apricot Hill Speedway
12: Smokey Mountain South
13: Green Forest Roadway
14: Smokey Mountain North
15: Midfield Raceway
16: Pikes Peak Hill Climb
17: Rome Circuit Full Course
18: Rome-Night
19: Rome Short Course
1A: Seattle Short Course
1B: Seattle Circuit Full Course
1C: seattle2000
1D: Grand Valley East Section
1E: Super Speedway
1F: Red Rock Valley
20: Tahiti Dirt Route 3 (tahiti_d)
21: Tahiti Dirt Route 3
22: Tahiti Road
23: Smokey Mountain South (tahiti_test_short)
24: tahiti_test6
25: Tahiti Maze
26: test
27: Autumn Ring Mini (test2)
28: test_20a
29: Deep Forest Raceway
2A: Autumn Ring Mini (test_j)
2B: test_j1
2C: test_l1
2D: Autumn Ring Mini (test_l2)
2E: test_s
2F: test_s1
30: test_ul1
31: test_w1
32: test_w2
Do I just put the numbers where the x's are???? Cuz I did that for a few tracks & every time I went to load a race, it defaults to Rome
Either that or the value at 0x950B9 is not zero for some reason. Try to change the D0 part of the code to E0, if that doesn't work remove that line completely and enable the code right before "picking a course".
Just removed the E0/D0 line & now the game crashes after I choose a car
Either that or the value at 0x950B9 is not zero for some reason. Try to change the D0 part of the code to E0, if that doesn't work remove that line completely and enable the code right before "picking a course".
Just removed the E0/D0 line & now the game crashes after I choose a car
You're not supposed to remove it.

Anyway @MMRivit, I'm not so sure that's the case for him. I really think it might be due to entering the code wrong. I've used the same exact code you posted and I was able to load 2 different tracks (Test Course and Seattle Short).
Just curious, what happens if you change the code from 30 to 80?

D00950B8 0017
800950B8 00xx

Try that one, placing the track value where the XX's are, as usual.
Just curious, what happens if you change the code from 30 to 80?

D00950B8 0017
800950B8 00xx

Try that one, placing the track value where the XX's are, as usual.

Ah pleased to see you back did you get my pm about converting folder/directory codes and wondering from my post above is it possible to give a price to the Chrysler Viper GTS R Team Oreca and the Honda S2000 in the PAL version of the game as currently in the PAL version of the game the Chrysler viper can't be sold and nor can the Honda S2000's as they have no value, also the colours of the Honda S2000 in the Honda Dealer can't be won anywhere and obviously can't be bought.

Did you all know?

I converted an NTSC save game that has the Dodge Viper Gts R Team Oreca and that can be bought and sold into and out of PAL saved games but not the Chrysler version, so if we can get a code that can give a price to the Viper in PAL then we can have both. :)
@Xenn can you make some codes for Event Generator for me, to the AI use the following cars:
[R]Lotus Elise GT1 (the yellow one)
TVR Speed 12 (the purple one)
[R]TVR Speed 12 (both white and yellow)
Toyota GT-One Road Car
Tommy Kaira ZZII (all colors)
Ah, I want also a code in Event Generator to use the same cars as your first 5 garage slots (the cars itself with the same upgrades and setup, not only the body)
Thank you.
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Is there a code that allow BMWs to enter the wheelshop?

I did manage to change the rims using a part code, but it's slow and it requires knowing the part number of the rim you want.

And was there a code that allows you to change opponents parts (tires, engine balancing, ecu tune...) or should I just continue using the much tougher ai code?
Hi, are there any codes to make the AI use any of these cars in Event Generator?
Cars unused by AI
EDIT: Is there also a code that makes the AI to use the "real" car sounds (the sounds used when their cars are controlled by the player)?
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Hi, can someone help me with the GT3 (PAL) Autopilot for Single Races mode?? I don't know how to activate it :/
I used omniconvert etc, have it in the pnach file like this :

I don't know when to press R3.

Thanks so much for a reply.
You press it when you're in a race. If the code works it should switch instantly to AI control. I haven't experimented like this, though. The code I have works with Cheat Engine. So I don't have button activator like you do..

Also, try changing 11FBEC48 to 21FBEC48 (the address I have in Cheat engine), you may have entered it wrong in the pnach :P

Note that this AI code will only work on single races.

21FBCAF4 Control (AI Switch, Arcade Time Attack)
21FBCAFC Control (AI Switch, Arcade Free Run)
21FBCB28 Control (AI Switch, Arcade Race)
21FBDC04 Control (AI Switch, Series Race)
21FBEC48 Control (AI Switch, Single Race)
21FF27E8 Control (AI Switch, License)
21FF2BFC Control (AI Switch, Free Run)

Edit: Using the he wrong code on the wrong race will remove the race countdown. Meaning no 3.2.1.Start thing. Weird thing. So I don't advise entering them all and activate them all, you might break the game.

Thank Xenn for this, not me. He found those addresses :P
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@Xenn Hi, are there any codes to make the AI use any of these cars in Event Generator in GT2?
Cars unused by AI
EDIT: Again in GT2, is there also a code that makes the AI to use the "real" car sounds (the sounds used when their cars are controlled by the player)?
@CaravanSS76 I'll let Xenn answer too if he comes by, but as far as I know, he's currently working on GT3 related things.

I can't say I know anything about making the ai use certain cars on GT2. I've never found anything else than a code that would replace the enemy car's bodies with the first 5 cars in your garage, but only the body, so they wouldn't really be those vehicles.
It is possible to get ai to drive the real cars though, but it's kind of a complicated process involving memory editing with Cheat Engine. Definitely not something like a simple code to activate i'm afraid.

As for the sound, it's not possible to make the ai use the car's corresponding sound. That would require reprogramming the game. However, it is possible to change the sound the AI uses for turbo cars, and the one for Naturally aspirated cars.
I've kinda demonstrated it in this thread: https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/threads/gran-turismo-2-sound-modding.353348/

It involves modifying the game's files though, so again, no codes.

Thanks for you reply, I changed the codes in both pnach files but still doesn't work.
here's a TS IP where I'm waiting for you :D
please help me fix it :<
@rivken Sorry, man I don't use TS ^^'

What if maybe the activator codes don't work? Have you tried the AI code just by itself, without the activator?

Otherwise, like JakeMR2 said, you might be better off using Cheat Engine for that..
It is possible to get ai to drive the real cars though, but it's kind of a complicated process involving memory editing with Cheat Engine. Definitely not something like a simple code to activate i'm afraid.
Inded you can make it as in this video:

The uploader (whom I think is a member here) explained his method with hex editing in the comments, however I failed at recreating it. Might be something wrong with the codes I converted to PAL or something else...
Yeah the basics that I understood were that basically you need to replace each AI slot by the complete car information. But for that, you need to find he car you want to change into, find its addresses for parts and setup, and replace the AI's addresses for parts and setup. It's pretty demanding i'm sure.
I've seen a code from MMRivit to change the player car sound to the sound when the car is driven by AI.

But I want to do in reverse order, in other words, make change the car sounds when controlled by AI to the sounds when the car is player-controlled for US 1.1
If it is at all possible, it requires editing the individual car data for each AI. Meaning you'd have to do memory editing with something like Cheat Engine for every single AI car present on the grid to assign its proper sound among the quite big list of sound files. Too much of a hassle in my opinion, especially since it wouldn't be saved afterwards. There is no way to make a simple code that would change the game's programming so that AIs can use proper sounds.
The only thing you may be able to change is what sound plays for turbo cars, and what sound plays for non-turbo cars. And that must be done with the use of GT2vol to uncompile the game, rename the files, and recompile it. So again, no code I think would be able to do that effectively.
Would be interesting to see a "No Tire Wear" code where you start an endurance with green tires instead of blue.
In event generator, anyone knows of a code that makes certain AI to use upgrade (Port Polish, Engine Balancing)?
i.e. I want to upgrade a Lotus Elise but not a Mazda RX-7.
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