Your First Gran TurIsmo?

What was everyone’s first time playing Gran TurIsmo?

GT1 on the PS1 was the first game I’ve ever played, of any genre and it was the first time I played this new fangled game thing. I was hooked however I missed 4 and 5 because of different reasons but I remember I did move over to Xbox and didn’t play the PS3 much if at all.

Also, if your a later entrant to the series, what brought you into it?
I started playing Gran Turismo around 2003, when I was 5 years old (yes, I was born in 1998, basically along with GT series). The funny thing is that, despite having my first contact with videogames on the PS2 era, my dad first bought me a PS1 because a PS2 was way too expensive in 2003-04 here in Brazil, like anything else. On the very early days, my father would bring lots of games for me, as I was too young and unexperencied to specify what I wanted to play. At first I only knew I wanted cars, then I started with racing games. I remember it took me a couple of days (or maybe weeks?) to finally discover Gran Turismo 1, and boy... what a joy it was. The graphics, the car selection, the gameplay, I was in heaven. It didn't take too long for GT to become literally the only PS1 game I played for the next couple of months, until the day my dad presented me with GT2, and that made me fall in love with the series even more. GT2 was the pinnacle of my PS1 experience, and that lasted from 2003 to 2006.

Then, my dad finally could buy me a brand new PlayStation 2 in 2006. (PS2s started to become affordable here around that time, right when the PS3 was launching worldwide. These are the struggles of a developing country.) After that, he bought me GT4 right from the start, because, you know, at this point he knew Gran Turismo was the only thing for me. This was the game that broke my chronological advance on the series. I would play GT3 only a few years later (around 2008), but this game didn't grab my attention at all back then. It was a good game, but after 2 years playing GT4, my 10 year old self felt GT3 was too basic and simplified, then I came back to GT4 only after like, a week playing GT3.

My PS3 days started in mid 2011, a couple of months late for GT5, but then I quickly got one and I've never missed a Gran Turismo launch date since then.

Sorry I've told you more than you asked for, but here is the complete story. :D
GT1 on PS1 & every version of the game on every PS console since.

And I still have them all. 😁



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Started playing GT1 on a friends PlayStation not long after it came out, I only had a Saturn at the time, after realising I was at his house more than mine I figured I had a problem. I have every GT title on a shelf next to my sofa and (despite the issues) will probably continue to play them as long as they're made...
Motor Toon Grand Prix
Nice, never got to play that game myself but my first Gran Turismo was GT1 (though I could argue that it was a demo with race modded Impreza that wasn't in the final game).
For me it was GT5, I got it near my birthday in March 2011. It was my first sim-type racing game, unless you count NFS Pro Street or Porsche Unleashed. By far the largest and deepest game or even piece of media I’d ever consumed at that point, and it only further strengthened my passion for cars going forward.

Weirdly enough I still haven’t played any of the older games except maybe ~8 hours worth of Tourist Trophy, even though I picked up 1, 3, and 4 from a used game shop over a year ago.
GT1, played it at a friends house maybe a day or two after it was released. I was instantly hooked and picked it up that day. I still can’t figure out to this day how I missed previews/reviews in games magazines at the time. Ive picked up a copy on release ever since including the psp version.
GT1 and loved it from day 1. Recall buying and gradually tuning Evo and Imprezza to extreme levels... mindlessly bolting on every part on offer as I accumulated credits. Probably had load of assists switched on, no idea what they really did as was prior to having easy access to the internet!

Vivid memories of racing down trial mountain back straight through and out the tunnel! It was an incredible looking game for that time, blew away anything I had encountered before.

Missed a couple of versions as I took hiatus's every few years from gaming...
I had GT1 & GT2 on my PS1, now i have GT7 on my PS5. I haven't played the GT games in between.
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It's either GT1 or GT3/GT Concept in roughly 2003-2005 when i was 4-6 years old.

My siblings and relatives have actually played the OG Gran Turismo way back in 1998. One of my uncles, who was a car guy, have kept gaming on the PS1 all the way until the very late 2000s. GT1 was such one game that i used to play a lot whenever we visited them.

I think it was very late 2002 or 2003 when my family finally bought a fat PS2 with 5 games or so, including a copy of GT3 and GT Concept. Oddly enough, i remember playing GT Concept way more than GT3 at that point, with the Toyota Pod race being something i recall bring confused by

Since then, i played almost all of the titles that this series had to offer.

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GT1 when I was 10 or 11, borrowed it from a friend after playing it at his house. I’m not sure if I ever gave it back. It’s definitely one of the main reasons why I love cars and motorsport.
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My petrol-head dad is the last person, and always has been the last person you would expect to be interested in video games. It's testament to how well they marketed PlayStation and Gran Turismo that he went out and bought one just so he could play the game. Apparently, he did so regardless of his then-12-year-old videogame fanatic son.

I only experienced Sony's marvel because of his decision, as I was very much into my N64 at the time. I've never looked back since!
When my father came home with this exact bundle when GT3 first came out:

I was hooked ever since, got GT4 on release day and GT2 and GT1 for Christmas about 2 years after that and was amazed at the lineup those 2 cars had, especially GT2 which increased my love for 90s cars in general.

Since GT3 i've gotten every GT game on release with the exception of Sport which I didn't get until about 2020.
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Someone didn't read the thread title! :lol:
You could say this was the unintended beta for Gran Turismo - I believe there was a cheat code to unlock some real cars.

Oh and I'm a GT1 PS1 80's child
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First time I ever put eyes on Gran Turismo was a screenshot in a PlayStation magazine. Showing the cars going through a chicane.

Just from that screenshot you could see PD where doing something different. From the the attitude of the cars and the suspension reacting to the kerbs.
GT5 Prologue, borrowed at a local video store. Played on a PS3, I bought instead of using the money to go on holiday. Best decision ever ;)
Good old GT1 back when I was a youngling! Played every main line GT since! And if my memory is correct, the first car I bought ever, was a used Honda Prelude! 😂