Zero Punctuation Game Reviews

  • Thread starter icelt

Should I keep adding links to post #1?

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Link for today is posted. Sorry for the delay.


Umbrella Corp's Business Plan Presentation Outline according to Yahtzee
1. Kill Own Staff
2. Make Zombies
3. Get City Nuked
4. Legal Proceedings
5. Bankruptcy
6. Something Else
7. Profit

Awesome, awesome. Just another example of why we love him. :lol:
"I like a company that mixes things up instead of just releasing the same game every year, in what is otherwise known as the EA Strategy."
Finally Call of Duty 4 gets its turn in the breach. Even though I love the game, my fingers crossed that they at least get a nice Indian burn.
lmao just watched my first one of these reviews for COD4 well cause I love that game.

Just a great review. lol
lmao just watched my first one of these reviews for COD4 well cause I love that game.

Just a great review. lol

Don't forget to check out his other work then. Some fav's include MoH, Tomb Raider and Halo 3. Really they all have their moments though 👍
Yahtzee reports in from the GDC conference this week, however this wasn't posted until midnight hence the Thursday update.
Uncharted review link is now posted. I'm gonna go out on a branch here and state, before watching it, that it probably doesn't fare as well as CoD4. I'm guessing he's gonna absolutely flip over the jet ski bits.
You play Nathan "Indiana Jones as written by Joss Whedon" Drake ...

Heheheh. Any reference to Joss Whedon is a good one.

Also, not to people like "Some Punctuation": you really aren't funny at all.
Is the site down, because i can't get an hold of it:ouch:
I haven't been able to see them for some time - I catch them on YouTube - because the site keeps telling me I need the latest flash plug-in (but everything from the V8 Supercars to Quantum of Solace has been doing that), and I can't seem to be able to download it.
I can't believe it took me this long to find a reviewer I agree with. He's a little over the top, but ultimately, he's dead on.

Halo 3, Mass Effect, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune... All dead on.

He even convinced me to buy Assassin's Creed, even after proverbially *#@%ing all over it. That's probably a first for me.

Great reviews.

Not for children.

@ Delphic - pretty fun surprise the first time seeing one of his reviews hungh!

Turok review is posted. Non-spoiler alert, it dudn't fair well ;)
Good surprise indeed. He's not afraid to tell it like it is.

That Turok review was priceless. It seemed to fair about how I thought it would.

Zack & Wiki review link posted.

Sand paper condom, hmmm... wasn't necessarily expecting to hear that in a metaphor. Then again it is Yahtzee, so I probably should have.

Will check it out when I'm not at work. I'm sure the guests/staff don't want to hear an angry British guy swearing at 280wpm while they're trying to enjoy their newspaper.

Army of two review is up.

As always, language warning.


Walljogger with the hijackage ;)

Well I'm gonna add it to the front page anyway :P And I'd update earlier on Wed's if it weren't for work, they kinda frown on employees/contractors using their web connection for this kinda stuff.

Not one of his best reviews, but a chuckle nonetheless.


Music selections were spot on as usual though.
New review up. Naughty language as ever. Music selection made me laugh.

Nice apron, Yahtzee. :)

This weeks review sounds like one of the few games I'd actually let make me look like a complete div by waving a small glossy white plastic stick about.
Just watched the review, more beatles references!

Anyway, Loved the review, especially at the end with the universe ending part.
