Watch Microsoft’s E3 2016 Press Conference Right Here

It’s Monday morning, and that means the big two are about to unleash their press conferences for this year’s Electronic Entertainment Expo. Microsoft is up first at 9:30 AM PST (click here to convert to your timezone), with their presentation being broadcast on the official Xbox Twitch channel, which you can watch up top. Xbox owners can also follow along on their consoles.

With Sony confirming the upgraded PS4 Neo won’t be in attendance (likely due to a heavy focus on the upcoming Playstation VR), all eyes are on Microsoft to unveil new system hardware. Leaks have already started spilling out details on the new Xbox One S, but we’ll be covering the new, more powerful system once Microsoft officially shows it off.

For racing game fans, the big news will be from the Forza camp. Impressively, few leaks have outed what will be the 10th Forza game on Xbox consoles (including the small standalone Fast & Furious tie-in from last year). Outlets seem split down the middle on whether it will be a sequel to the well-received Horizon 2 of 2014 – with Playground Games again backing development – or another spin-off franchise.

With a little under two hours to go until the event kicks off, we don’t have long to wait before finding out!

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Comments (4)

  1. Fat Tyre

    Awesome! I hadn’t checked the dates well, I thought E3 was starting tomorrow, I’ll stay up and watch this. I cam’t wait to hear about the new Forza and What Scorpio is all about.

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