Battlefield 4- Out on October 29th (current gen)

  • Thread starter Darren.
When I first got the game, I played Conquest and I was so poor at it. To the point where I was sometimes getting 4x the amount of deaths as I was kills, and barely captured any objectives.
So for a few months after that I played Squad Death Match. This got me much more used to killing enemies, getting a feel for sections of the maps. It also unlocked a few more gadgets, guns, attachments etc. for me as well ;).

Yesterday, I decided to give conquest a shot again, and hey presto, I was vastly better than before. I suppose jumping into vast game types on your first few times isn't the best way to go 👍
When I first got the game, I played Conquest and I was so poor at it. To the point where I was sometimes getting 4x the amount of deaths as I was kills, and barely captured any objectives.
So for a few months after that I played Squad Death Match. This got me much more used to killing enemies, getting a feel for sections of the maps. It also unlocked a few more gadgets, guns, attachments etc. for me as well ;).

Yesterday, I decided to give conquest a shot again, and hey presto, I was vastly better than before. I suppose jumping into vast game types on your first few times isn't the best way to go 👍

Most of my friends and me also, sucked hard when we started with BF4. After around 700 kills my k/d ratio was positive and now I keep getting better and better. Some time ago I got Premium and having even more fun with this pretty awesome game :D
So the completely forgettably-named water DLC has been delayed on PC. I somehow doubt they made this decision after posting the release date just four days ago. Someone please point me to this thread if I ever say I might buy BF5...
So the completely forgettably-named water DLC has been delayed on PC. I somehow doubt they made this decision after posting the release date just four days ago. Someone please point me to this thread if I ever say I might buy BF5...

I'd rather wait and know why than play and throw controllers through the living room. :P
Problem is for me, is I cannot find a gun I particularly like. All of them I just cannot get to love like I could in BF3. I really miss a fully automatic M16 variant and M4 carbine variant.
Problem is for me, is I cannot find a gun I particularly like. All of them I just cannot get to love like I could in BF3. I really miss a fully automatic M16 variant and M4 carbine variant.

Wait there isn't a full Auto M16? And M4? :(
I'd rather wait and know why than play and throw controllers through the living room. :P

That is true and I agree, but I really doubt they only just found the problem in the 4 days between announcing the release date and then announcing the delay... It feels dishonest. Maybe BF4 will be to the franchise what Black Ops was to Call of Duty for me, i.e. the wake up call that the game isn't good enough to put up with this stuff. Though it must be said, I've had more fun with just BF4 than I had with any Call of Duty after Modern Warfare put together...
That is true and I agree, but I really doubt they only just found the problem in the 4 days between announcing the release date and then announcing the delay... It feels dishonest. Maybe BF4 will be to the franchise what Black Ops was to Call of Duty for me, i.e. the wake up call that the game isn't good enough to put up with this stuff. Though it must be said, I've had more fun with just BF4 than I had with any Call of Duty after Modern Warfare put together...

That might be true. Since when are bugs a priority.. Maybe it was that bad they made a last call decision. Sometimes a freeze keeps me from playing but whenever friends ask me to play with them I can't stop myself from going. COD was fun until they came with black ops. The perks were getting irritating, and now they even put more perks in it! That was when I stopped playing. Thank god BF4 is that good, even with its bugs. It's the first BF I'm really hooked on to..
Thank god BF4 is that good, even with its bugs. It's the first BF I'm really hooked on to..
I've played BF3, Bad Company 2 and BF4 and this one is by far and away my favourite. You are right, this one is still very good, even with it's bugs though I am seeing less and less of them 👍
The graphics are beautiful, the community is huge, the maps are pretty vast and the gameplay in general suits me very well. Conquest is also very good when you get used to the game.
I honestly had have more fun with Bad Company 2.

Maps felt a lot better, gun play wasn't as Modern warfare-ish, so it allowed space for a more strategic play rather than chicken runs.

I would also include Medal of Honor 2010 MP, since then BFs has been design over COD basis of run-gun play, rather than a more ground approach to infantry gameplay.
That is true and I agree, but I really doubt they only just found the problem in the 4 days between announcing the release date and then announcing the delay... It feels dishonest. Maybe BF4 will be to the franchise what Black Ops was to Call of Duty for me, i.e. the wake up call that the game isn't good enough to put up with this stuff. Though it must be said, I've had more fun with just BF4 than I had with any Call of Duty after Modern Warfare put together...

Same here. I like BF4 and Ghosts, but nowhere near as much as I loved BF3 and Black Ops 2. Spawns are much too hectic, the total verticality of some maps just ruin them, and the balance has been completely been thrown off compared to Battlefield 3.
The patch has made the game better. Almost no rubberbanding in conquest now. Only had one error that booted me out of the game completely, but it occurred during a killcam so I'm not sure what triggered it.
Enjoying naval strike so far. Two of the maps run fine but the two others have some rubberbanding on CQ, Carrier Assault. The rush games I played didn't suffer from any such problems however. The weapons are great except for the SR338 which in theory could have been intresting but given its lack of one shot kill capability its poor. Still atleast dice answered the people who wanted to put highX scopes on the DMRs. AR160 is good, Don't see why it has such harsh vertical recoil though comparing to the ACE 23 or CZ-805 as its rate of fire isn't blazing by any means. SR-2 is brilliant probably one of my favorite SMGs, just incredible hipfire. AWS is by far the best LMG in the game, Just like an even easier to control MG4, And the same can be said for the SW40 which is by far my pistol of choice from now on.
Crazy day of playing today.
The high; I was trying to get sniper rifle ribbons for the L86 rifle assignment, and I suck getting very many kills sniping. So I decided to run around like a chicken with it's head cut off with nothing but a Scout Elite on iron sights and my MP443 and for whatever reason I cimbed all the way to the top of the tower on Op Firestorm (conquest) and found a guy at D running to E and pulled off a marksman head shot of 900+ with Iron Sights! I can't even do that with a scope and it'd really be pushing it if you asked me to do it again :lol:. The Scout Elite reminds me of the GOL in BFBC2, I love it.

The low; lots of internet latency and a massive losing streak of carrier assault all at once but ended to night on a good note
Hey guys. I need answers from BF4 and GTA V players on PS3. With the Little Bird, would you say it is easier to fly in Battlefield than GTA? I want to know because I am interested in getting BF4 for flying attack helicopters, since I love doing that in GTA. The only thing that puts me off is that one of my friends says the control scheme for helicopters is really weird and doesn't work like it does in GTA.
Hey guys. I need answers from BF4 and GTA V players on PS3. With the Little Bird, would you say it is easier to fly in Battlefield than GTA? I want to know because I am interested in getting BF4 for flying attack helicopters, since I love doing that in GTA. The only thing that puts me off is that one of my friends says the control scheme for helicopters is really weird and doesn't work like it does in GTA.
The helicopters are very difficult to handle for me. But, as @nk4e said (and I actually did this yesterday), using the test range certainly helps you get used to it 👍
Hey guys. I need answers from BF4 and GTA V players on PS3. With the Little Bird, would you say it is easier to fly in Battlefield than GTA? I want to know because I am interested in getting BF4 for flying attack helicopters, since I love doing that in GTA. The only thing that puts me off is that one of my friends says the control scheme for helicopters is really weird and doesn't work like it does in GTA.
Attack helicopters are completely underpowered in BF4. There's just too much weapons against it. If you want to fly helicopters, you'll have to wait until they bump it a bit.
Hey guys. I need answers from BF4 and GTA V players on PS3. With the Little Bird, would you say it is easier to fly in Battlefield than GTA? I want to know because I am interested in getting BF4 for flying attack helicopters, since I love doing that in GTA. The only thing that puts me off is that one of my friends says the control scheme for helicopters is really weird and doesn't work like it does in GTA.

I don't think BF flying is weird, infact to me it makes alot more sense than GTA's but that doesn't mean it's easier (clue: it's not). You have much more control over your aircraft and where you point the guns in BF I feel which is ultimately more rewarding and allows you to complete complex manoeuvres.

In addition the ability to have a gunner on your attack heli to help out makes it much more engaging when you're communicating with your gunner and working together. Over time you'll build a relationship with your co-pilot whereby you have specific callouts and a sort of sixth sense as to what each other is doing, initially you'll need to ensure you communicate what you're going to do as a pilot so your gunner isn't caught out trying to shoot a target you're spinning away from etc.
Attack helicopters are completely underpowered in BF4. There's just too much weapons against it. If you want to fly helicopters, you'll have to wait until they bump it a bit.
Aside it being easy to hit and such. I think the Attack Choppers are suppose to be in and out.
Ok. Thanks everyone. I've watched a couple videos showing how ridiculously overpowered mobile AAs are. Also, I read on the Battlefield wiki that bullets are more likely to bounce off the windshield of the Little Bird now. How true is this?
Ok. Thanks everyone. I've watched a couple videos showing how ridiculously overpowered mobile AAs are. Also, I read on the Battlefield wiki that bullets are more likely to bounce off the windshield of the Little Bird now. How true is this?
If you watch montages that's not true. But realistically, I think so.
If you watch montages that's not true. But realistically, I think so.

One of them wasn't a montage. Straight, unedited footage for a couple. He destroyed everything. Soldiers, tanks, jets, helicopters, you name it.
The AA is a bit OP at the moment. There's also too many hand held launchers that can attack helicopters. And now that they added the limited amount of ammo for vehicles, almost anything possible is going against the Attack Heliopters.