It's like makers of gt6 don't want to improve gt franchise

  • Thread starter Hategt6
New Zealand
New Zealand
they don't want to do anything to update where person with slow connection endure million hours of updating but they decided best live alone keep using same program they been using since Gt5 I know every idiot good connection after me making this thread its ****ing truth I talking it's not a lie
they don't want to do anything to update where person with slow connection endure million hours of updating but they decided best live alone keep using same program they been using since Gt5 I know every idiot good connection after me making this thread its ****ing truth I talking it's not a lie

I have a good internet connection, did you just call me an idiot? And sorry maybe I'm an idiot, but I don't understand your "General Question".
That's really bold to claim that they "keep using same program they been using since Gt5" without any evidence to back it up.

Maybe if they made the download of HD video optional instead of forcing everyone to download HUGE files, it might go someway to helping people with lower bandwidths.
It's very unlikely that'll ever happen, and for once, believe it or not, it isn't PD's fault. *Shock, Horror, Gasp*

Why, well, the manufacturers designing the car want you to see the movie as it not only promotes the brand more but it offers an insight to how the design process is unique to their brand and what influenced the design. For instance, the Chaparral VGT's video went on for a while and that's because Chaparral wanted to get it's brand out there to the younger audience who were probably thinking, "Who the heck are these guy's?!?". Now, say Peugeot (purely an example) makes a 30 second video just showing a few shots of it going around a track. Not very interesting. If you were running a car manufacturer firm, which one would you make?

Obviously you'll make a longer, more interesting video as it will benefit the brand by boosting the brand's image globally.

Yes, the HD isn't really needed but if you want to make your game look more appealing, you're gonna go for the best quality (or one if the best quality) image/s which is, HD.

Look, this is coming from someone who doesn't support PD, but it's the obvious truth and it needs to be said.
It's very unlikely that'll ever happen...

I agree, but for different reasons. PD don't seem to want to make any of GT Planet's useful & common sense suggestions happen.

By the way, in GT5 downloading huge video files was optional. They called it GT TV.

The lack of grammar in the OP makes my head hurt.

In all seriousness though, yes some of these downloads can take a while, especially if you have only now just got the game. However, these updates do not take millions of hours as you have claimed, each one takes no more than 20 minutes for me. I like updates anyway, because they have so far all been free and come with some sort of usable content in most cases.
I agree, but for different reasons. PD don't seem to want to make any of GT Planet's useful & common sense suggestions happen.
I agree that PD doesn't want to make use of all the suggestion stuff here, the Kaz Q&A is proof of that, but that isn't what we're talking about.

By the way, in GT5 downloading huge video files was optional. They called it GT TV.
And that was GT5. Vision GT is a massive initiative involving multiple cars firms in a game that is known all around the world. So the manufacturers will be pushing for PD to include their videos directly into the game (mandatory to download) to help them stand out from all the other brands participating. And PD can't exactly say, "No, we aren't going to include your video", as that is going to make the manufacturer think, "Geez, they really aren't going to do much to promote our brand, so why should we support them". Then the next thing you know, that brand is now non-existent in the game and some other racing game has snatched up the opportunity to promote it.

Potential profit and promotion for PD. Gone. And as for the other racing game that snatched up the license, well, lets just say that game is now globally known and is receiving massive thumbs up from everyone around the world.
it's not ********, it's like that since decades
Big game companies develop on hardware that is not on the market
even on a next gen machine, most can hardly have a full graphic usage of a game without spending really too much
With internet connection, it's the same
especially in countries like japan and in big cities
they have so much (too much) bandwidth, if i'm correct in tokyo they have gigabits connections

and i totally agree with the OP

they don't do any optimizations,
- like said many times, do you want to download the video ? yes/no
- always blaming the current console hardware and saying it will be better on next gen ..
i just listed two but it can go on and on for a lot of things

it's just not only PD, nearly everyone is doing the same
hudge front page with tons of flash/java/pop-ups
last time i had an internet problem (i still had 40Kbits/s), i wasn't even able to access my ISP webpage ..

Corncerning PD and GT Series, i've mixed fellings
looks they try to progress but sometimes it looks that they don't care
it's maybe a problem that occurs when you have done several sequels with the same team for too long
Good ideas are less frequents
Testing is not as intensive as in the past
Quality Control is not as important as in the past

well just my two cents here about 30 years of gaming
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what I hate in general are the PS3 ingame downloads... while I curse every time my stupid connection dies and have to download all over again (damn it no in-game resume wtf?)

but really big downloads are a pain in the ass... when I bought the Season Pass for 'The last of us' I didn't know the freaking expansion would weight 5 gb... of course it's a matter of my internet being so rubbish but I criticize the lack of resuming this kind downloads
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Sounds like your community needs to invest in modern infrastructure. I'd like to see people migrate to the 21st century.
Trouble is they can only do so much. PS4 with GT7, they will beable to bring back the glory days of at what Gran Turismo was all about.

This is what you sound like to me

"Million hours of updating" really? If it takes more than 24 hours, you should call your ISP and complain.

Trouble is they can only do so much. PS4 with GT7, they will beable to bring back the glory days of at what Gran Turismo was all about.
Better graphics on the PS4 is a given, but that's not PD's issue. What is it you think they'll be able to do on the PS4 they couldn't do on the PS3 that will bring the game back to the glory days?
As much as people are ridiculing the OP for their grammer, they still have a valid point.

I'm lucky in that where I live now I can download 1Gb in just 55 seconds with a 9-10x faster network (over 1Gbps) being installed throughout the city as of this moment. However, before I moved to this area of the country the maximum download speed of my last area was less than 3mbps. When I was sent to sell broadband in Western Scotland, I was having to try and sell 0.1-0.6mbps connections to customers as that was all that was available for miles around. @VBR makes a pont that came straight to my mind as soon as I read the OP, all of those large HD video files should be optional and could have been made available through GT TV.

There's also the viewpoint that games should be released fully complete so we wouldn't have this issue. You know, back before the PS3 and 360 came out and developers started releasing half baked, broken trash and holding back content that would have been on the disc, so that they can charge you for the rest of the game later.
The full package on day 1.

Those days are gone. No game developer will ever release a fully-programmed game ever again. There will always be stuff left on the table to add later, usually as paid DLC. I'd love to see a return to GT1-4 where the game you got at launch was the same game 5 years later, but it's not going to happen.
Those days are gone. No game developer will ever release a fully-programmed game ever again. There will always be stuff left on the table to add later, usually as paid DLC. I'd love to see a return to GT1-4 where the game you got at launch was the same game 5 years later.

I totally agree mate.
Those days are gone. No game developer will ever release a fully-programmed game ever again. There will always be stuff left on the table to add later, usually as paid DLC. I'd love to see a return to GT1-4 where the game you got at launch was the same game 5 years later, but it's not going to happen.
This came to my mind
............Can't lay all the blame on PDI only - Sony should take some of the flak too. I don't think MTs were PDI's idea but Sony's.
Sony is PDI's paymaster, so if Sony bean counters think something will make more moolah, they'll push it even if it's a snake-oil nonsense.