My review of project gotham 2

  • Thread starter IDAFC21
Here it's 179.99, but you get 2 ****tier games. UK is the best place to buy Xbox (I think that's where he's from, check out his AV, and the dollar sign.) :rolleyes:
Hey fanboy, get the hell out of my thread, your opinion is not welcome here. This thread is for people who APPRECIATE the game.

Everyone else. Please dont feed the troll.
(I think that's where he's from, check out his AV, and the dollar sign.)

Correct im from england and its a pound sign not a dollar sign lol! :lol:

Ive played more PGR2 tonight its great :D Cant wait to get live! Having a few teething problems at the moment! :banghead:
I'm American, therefore I'm ignorant of your terms. ;)

I just call something that goes before a money amount, be it Yen, Pounds, Euros... They're all dollar signs to me. Nevermind, hard to explain.
lol its ok dude!

Ive got a newbie question. How do i unlock the nurburgring with all cars? Ive only got the full curcuit with the konisssssssssssseeeeegggggg (However you spell it :lol: )
Beat Kudos Challenge, and you should get it (it doesn't matter which medals.) Also, just buy more cars. Beat the game in Silver and you get the Porsche, the best Ultimate this side of an Action Replay and the TVR.
That is really strange. I beat it in Silver (and would be working on Gold if it weren't for a PS2, Gran Turismo 3, and a Driving Force Pro) and I got it.
I'm in the next series and it still doesnt give me it. I have all gold in the series and I'm rank 33 and it wont give me it. WTF.
If it helps, I remember beating the game in all Steel first, then I went up to Silver, and I got the Ferrari. Now I'm going through gold.
Originally posted by WELZ2002
Cheers Mister E couple more minutes till i get the 'ring i think!

I'm sorry buy I was confused by that post.

Also, Mister E is my gamertag... Feel free to add me to your friends list if you want. I probably won't be on for a while, as I've said before. Gran Turismo...
Ok ive got another PGR2 noob question to hyjack this thread with!

Is there any way of changing my plate, type of plate and helmet after i have chosen them?

Originally posted by WELZ2002
Ok ive got another PGR2 noob question to hyjack this thread with!

Is there any way of changing my plate, type of plate and helmet after i have chosen them?



GO to Profile Manager>Edit Profile> then chose which one you want to edit. :)
Originally posted by Mister E
If it helps, I remember beating the game in all Steel first, then I went up to Silver, and I got the Ferrari. Now I'm going through gold.

Man thats messed up. It shoulda just gave it to me from doing gold.
Originally posted by Viper_Maniac
Man thats messed up. It shoulda just gave it to me from doing gold.

I think there may be a little bit of confusion going on get the 250GTO you need to finish every series with all bronze....not just the classics ;)
My friend is the video game guy so he had the Xbox and PGR. He likes Halo or strategy type of games, anyway I played it with him and it was ok... wasn't the same as GT and never will be so I'm not gonna worry. If he decides to get PGR2 I can try it over there, plus if I absolutely have to I suppose I could do the online crap as well. I will not buy the xbox nor do I care about the online stuff. In the mean time I'll just try and wait patently(sp?) for GT4. I guess NFS:U is ok too for now, I just want to get the cheats and see what you can do with the cars, the races are getting old.

That's OK VIP, i've got an xbox+xboxlive+PGR2 and I've got a PS2 just waiting for GT4 to come out. Then i'll have PS2+adaptor+GT4 = online with GT4. :D
tell me about it. im gonna have to take out a loan when GT4 comes out. Im gonna have to get the game, broadband adapter, and the steering wheel. tho since the wheel and adapter are available now, i COULD work my way up to it instead of buying em all at once. at least the wheel
Well what a challenge........I've managed to get all 172 platinum medals in the KWS:D and access to the awesome TVR Speed 12.

I'm starting to think that the difficulty levels are judge to perfection (apart from those two nasty cone challenges) the game does seem very tough to start but once you get the hang of how the cars handle and the layout of each of the 102 course's :eek: it's not as tricky as it first seems.

Toughest challenges have to be the Coupe & GT cones...took about four hours on each to get the total K's required for the platinum medal.

Kinda sad that I've finished the KWS but I guess there's always the arcade mode....and Live! when I get broadband put in at home ;)
Originally posted by PJ
GT4 has plenty to worry about. Sure it's going to sell like hotcakes on the PS2 platform, but it still won't be the best online racing experience. I could be wrong mind you, but just the xbox live interface alone puts anything going online with PS2 behind the times from the start.

Of course, i'm going to buy GT4 and and adapter for my PS2. Heck, its the only reason my PS2 hasn't been traded in already. I seriously would get rid of my PS2 and the few games I have kept for it if it were not for GT4. I think the game will deliver a great experience, but I seriously doubt it will match the amount of fun online i'm having with Project Gotham Racing 2 right now.

And as far as XBOX 2 vs. PS3 is concerned, Sony and Polyphony have plenty to be worried about. The market isn't exclusive to Sony anymore. Microsoft has made one whale of a statement this fall/winter with the sheer number of top notch XBOX Live games released. This year is a defining moment in my opinion, in the validity of consoles competing online (minus nintendo of course), but the lines have definitely been drawn for the next round of consoles. And XBOX Live is coming up in spades compared to PS2 online. Its not even close.

Who's to say PGR3 doesn't move even closer to GT style gameplay next year as well? But again, i'm not trying to totally trash GT4, its going to be a qualiby game. We all know that. But to make a blanket comment like Polyphony has nothing to worry about is to take away from the brilliance that is PGR2. And I just don't think that's right.

Gamertag: PJSkiboy
(I'm not on 24/7, due to me being a college student. But this week is finals week, so you'll catch me on plenty in the next month or so. My online rank is currently 13 and I own virtually all the cars minus a few classics and the Mercedes and TVR Speed 12, which i'm working on getting.):D
IMO PGR2 isn't even as good as GT3 let alone GT4. I own PGR2 and have seen GT4, the Japanese win by a ocean.