The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
@Naveek Darkroom Welcome to Club Trixie.

On a related note, I found this while dredging through some of the older posts. Cereal and Seth both received original 3D prints with the detailed base almost 3 years ago. It's interesting to look back on such an old model that only recently became available for anyone willing to spend a reasonable amount. And with a much cleaner finish than the PK print.
Wow. So thats where it starts. Did the original maker even know their design has been used by some company?



This show's the designer's name.
Wow. So much we pass through time :P

Anyway, is this card legit?
So BronyCAN starts tomorrow. I'm planning to go, and it's going to be quite something, because of all of the events OUTSIDE of the convention that I have to juggle around. My parents are apparently planning to go to dinner tomorrow, there's the Doctor Who season premiere on Saturday, ugh. It's gonna be something. That's all I know. Oh, and figuring out a route to get there.

DAY 1 RECAP: Transit Troubles, Shipping, and Stuff

So I get up at 7, have breakfast at stuff, ready by 9, leave at 9:10. I managed to get to the hotel by 10:45. I figured out the train, and what bus to take, but not the bus stop. Luckily, someone who was going there was on the same bus as me. Waiting in line took around 2 hours. Some significant events:

Twilight Sparkle's Secret Shipfic Folder-The game was shown off by the artist of the cards, and some groups played it. I ended up getting a deck. Hopefully I can get the exclusive cards tomorrow. Hopefully. I should have gone to the bank, and I didn't want to draw from the ATM, because 3 dollar tax. I did it once, not tomorrow. If I remember. I didn't think this through fully.

Karaoke-Like last year, there was a game room with karaoke and consoles set up. I ended up choking singing Sweetie's Big Race.

Jayson and Jim Power Hour-A panel/Q&A about the show with Jayson Thiessen and Jim Miller. I asked what their favorite episode was to work on, and both Pinkie Pride and Twilight's Kingdom were brought up, with Pinkie Pride also said to be the most difficult and technical. And at one point, Nicole Oliver stood up in the front of the audience to ask a question. I forget was it was.

Getting home-Ugh. This was fun. I find the bus that I took before. Maybe cause it was later in the day, it didn't take me to the train station, but some other station, so I had to take another bus to a different station, and take the ENTIRE Canada Line and then transfer to the separate Millennium/Expo line, taking an Expo Line train, then transferring to a Millennium train, get off at my station. One bus and train for the arrival, TWO buses and THREE trains for the return. That took a longer than expected time. Got home at around 10:30. Man, my legs are sore.

No, I won't be buying a 120 dollar body pillow.
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[screaming externally]

*joins the creaming*

Anyways, I've read the last chapters of TNTNE.

spoilers below:

The Army of Darkness lead by the small, yet genocidal pony killed almost every fighter in New Ponyville... the amount of deaths in the last chapters were too damn high! *cries*
It felt a bit rushed and he admitted this, but I've seen endings that are way quicker.
The ending itself isn't too bad. Twi and Dash are okay and BronyCray left the ending open with some questions unanswered. This is a good opportunity for fans to think of their own ending and what happened after this.

Here's my headcanon: Twi and Dash help clean the mess and establish a new goverment. Luna and other Dash are checking the rest of the country and Luna gains power and grows to her former beauty. The moon never sets and the "day" never comes, which leads to the real eternal night. (The name of the story was the greatest foreshadowing! The night never ended!) After Luna returns she brings good news to the citizens- she will turn everyone in to Bat Ponies, so they can live comfortably in this environment. Some more stuff happens... Luna will search for a way to resurrect the dead. Twilight and Dash teleport back home on the spot where Twilight intended to teleport in the first place. And looks like they haven't lost any time in their world! Celestia probably visited them and they had a conversation and Luna visited them in their dreams and erased the memories of their adventures.
Yay, happy ending!

Also, I just realized something. Trixie's spell against Unicorns reminded me of a scene from Metal Gear Solid 4 when Ocelot got surrounded by the Military and he took control of the System blocking access to the vehicles and weapons used by the Military and then shutting down their Emotion Suppression disorienting the soldiers. His six guards did all the shooting afterwards. D:

And the story was some rollercoaster... tragic, creepy, friendly and brutal...

^wall of text
So the con finished. Time for what happened.

DAY 2: Insert Title Here
The first event of interest was Brony Feud, which was Family Feud with teams made of from audience members, and survey results taken from Reddit. That was fun to watch.
After that, there was a panel for Legends of Equestria about the game. Later on, there was a series of three panels in a row, for Journey of the Spark, reading bad fanfics, and the "Bronies" web series. There was a dance going on too. I went to that for an hour, then left cause I didn't want to get home obscenely late. Coming home, I learned that I didn't have to take the convoluted route I took on the first day. I learned that the train station is RIGHT THERE near the bus station, and I can just hop on and take the whole Canada Line like before, and then catching a Millennium or Expo line train to get home. Though I do have to transfer at some point if I take the Expo line, since I don't want or need to go to Surrey.

DAY 3: Why Did I Even Bother With Titles
So I managed to arrive at 9:15, meaning I missed the first 15 minutes of Cartoons and Cereal, which was a thing. When I walked in, they were playing what was apparently an episode of Ultra Fast Pony, an abridged series. Of what I saw, that was... weird. There was a panel called "Someone's Diminutive Equine" scheduled for 11:30, but it was pushed back to 2. The panel was mainly centered around knockoffs and follow the leader type works. In the meantime, I played a lot of Twilight Sparkle's Secret Shipfic Folder. On one game, I got the Pretty Pretty Princess goal on my FIRST turn! Yeah. I hung out in the game room partaking in karaoke until the closing ceremonies. The last song we ended up singing was This Day Aria. After the closing ceremonies, Nicole Oliver partook in the Ice Bucket Challenge. This was the result. She mentioned playing the Twilight Sparkle's Secret Shipfic Folder during the ceremony. After that, I went home. And played some Tomb Raider.
Anyways, I've read the last chapters of TNTNE.

spoilers below:

The Army of Darkness lead by the small, yet genocidal pony killed almost every fighter in New Ponyville... the amount of deaths in the last chapters were too damn high! *cries*
It felt a bit rushed and he admitted this, but I've seen endings that are way quicker.
The ending itself isn't too bad. Twi and Dash are okay and BronyCray left the ending open with some questions unanswered. This is a good opportunity for fans to think of their own ending and what happened after this.

Here's my headcanon: Twi and Dash help clean the mess and establish a new goverment. Luna and other Dash are checking the rest of the country and Luna gains power and grows to her former beauty. The moon never sets and the "day" never comes, which leads to the real eternal night. (The name of the story was the greatest foreshadowing! The night never ended!) After Luna returns she brings good news to the citizens- she will turn everyone in to Bat Ponies, so they can live comfortably in this environment. Some more stuff happens... Luna will search for a way to resurrect the dead. Twilight and Dash teleport back home on the spot where Twilight intended to teleport in the first place. And looks like they haven't lost any time in their world! Celestia probably visited them and they had a conversation and Luna visited them in their dreams and erased the memories of their adventures.
Yay, happy ending!

Also, I just realized something. Trixie's spell against Unicorns reminded me of a scene from Metal Gear Solid 4 when Ocelot got surrounded by the Military and he took control of the System blocking access to the vehicles and weapons used by the Military and then shutting down their Emotion Suppression disorienting the soldiers. His six guards did all the shooting afterwards. D:

And the story was some rollercoaster... tragic, creepy, friendly and brutal...

^wall of text

I went back and read all but the first 2 chapters over the past couple of weeks. Some moments struck me harder than they did on my first read through, such as Spitfire's death. Issues including Rarity not dwelling on Spike's demise for as long as she should have given their time together. Some of the details of battle can be hard to follow at times (especially the finale), but it does sort of give an impression of how chaotic it must be.

Another issue was how the pacing had slowed down halfway though and stayed that way towards the end, only to have the final moments condensed into less than a quarter of a sub-10k chapter. I knew it would be a tight squeeze even without the matter of Dash and Twi returning to their universe, but rushing over AJ's death and her giving virtually no reaction to her brother's fate felt so hollow to me, given how incredibly guilt-ridden she must have been. She doesn't have to live with the guilt,
but having the last of the main Apple family members wiped out like that was pretty cold.

One death I was expecting from the beginning however was Captain Dash. Surprised it didn't happen at all, though part of me expect her to wield an element at some point (Honesty being the obvious choice, looking back). The fact that it was used against Trixie was all the more poetic.

With such a brief ending though, I can't help but wish for some sort of epilogue as a way wrapping up what was a somewhat underwhelming conclusion. At least the elements worked, but the cost was so heavy that I really don't think it should end so suddenly.

That said, the open-ended nature of this story does make me hope that the right person can pick up where BC left off. Though my headcanon is a little different than the one you posted:

Luna eventually lifts the sun after maintaining a star and moonlit night for a year since she was too weak to lower them. But not before Twilight discovers that Celestia's life energy never really left Equestia, and that it's up to her to find it while various factions who still see Luna as a threat try to stop them. Events lead to a much-weakened Celly returning and a race to get her to safety.

Ultimately, with data collected after months of research and discovering the right conditions to perform the spell that brought her there in the first place, Twilight finally feels that the universe is stable enough to warrant her return to Equestria Prime. Luna has help from her still-recovering sister to raise the sun for the first time on over two years. Twi and Dash proceed to leave, though the trials they've been put through have changed them to an extent.

The twist? Turns out the real Equestria went to **** in their absence. Hoping they were only gone for a few moments, they'd actually left chaos to envelop their world over a two year period. Roughly the same amount of time they'd spent in the alternate universe. Kinda like the 2001 Planet of the Apes. Oops.

And then it just ends completely. *maniacal laughter* :P

It's still one of my all-time-favourites (partial bias since it's my first dark-fic), and I was determined enough to read it all twice. While not without its flaws, it does pack a hefty punch no matter how many times I read it.
I went back and read all but the first 2 chapters over the past couple of weeks. Some moments struck me harder than they did on my first read through, such as Spitfire's death. Issues including Rarity not dwelling on Spike's demise for as long as she should have given their time together. Some of the details of battle can be hard to follow at times (especially the finale), but it does sort of give an impression of how chaotic it must be.

Another issue was how the pacing had slowed down halfway though and stayed that way towards the end, only to have the final moments condensed into less than a quarter of a sub-10k chapter. I knew it would be a tight squeeze even without the matter of Dash and Twi returning to their universe, but rushing over AJ's death and her giving virtually no reaction to her brother's fate felt so hollow to me, given how incredibly guilt-ridden she must have been. She doesn't have to live with the guilt,
but having the last of the main Apple family members wiped out like that was pretty cold.

One death I was expecting from the beginning however was Captain Dash. Surprised it didn't happen at all, though part of me expect her to wield an element at some point (Honesty being the obvious choice, looking back). The fact that it was used against Trixie was all the more poetic.

With such a brief ending though, I can't help but wish for some sort of epilogue as a way wrapping up what was a somewhat underwhelming conclusion. At least the elements worked, but the cost was so heavy that I really don't think it should end so suddenly.

That said, the open-ended nature of this story does make me hope that the right person can pick up where BC left off. Though my headcanon is a little different than the one you posted:

Luna eventually lifts the sun after maintaining a star and moonlit night for a year since she was too weak to lower them. But not before Twilight discovers that Celestia's life energy never really left Equestia, and that it's up to her to find it while various factions who still see Luna as a threat try to stop them. Events lead to a much-weakened Celly returning and a race to get her to safety.

Ultimately, with data collected after months of research and discovering the right conditions to perform the spell that brought her there in the first place, Twilight finally feels that the universe is stable enough to warrant her return to Equestria Prime. Luna has help from her still-recovering sister to raise the sun for the first time on over two years. Twi and Dash proceed to leave, though the trials they've been put through have changed them to an extent.

The twist? Turns out the real Equestria went to **** in their absence. Hoping they were only gone for a few moments, they'd actually left chaos to envelop their world over a two year period. Roughly the same amount of time they'd spent in the alternate universe. Kinda like the 2001 Planet of the Apes. Oops.

And then it just ends completely. *maniacal laughter* :P

It's still one of my all-time-favourites (partial bias since it's my first dark-fic), and I was determined enough to read it all twice. While not without its flaws, it does pack a hefty punch no matter how many times I read it.

Wow, your ending is a lot darker than I thought it would be. But I like the part about Celestia. =)
And I agree, some scenes are very chaotic. X_X

Spoilers (highlight): Rainbow Rocks is a thing. Yeah, that's all I got.

Wait, has this been posted here before?
So Equestria Daily just posted an article about someone who is an outsider to the fandom attending a convention, and having a positive experience. It's a good read if I say so myself. I'm not directly linking to the article because it links to a few clop images, and I just want to be safe.

Another one, if anyone cares.

I liked the new characters when the Battle of the Bands song came out, and now I think I like them even more. Now if I could just know who voice Aria and Sonata. Sonata sounds like Andrea Libman to me. That's all I know.