TOCA Series Season 3 & TOCA Megane Challenge - SEASON COMPLETE!!!

  • Thread starter Furinkazen
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I have posted in your topic Lambo... I have a few idea's about where I would like that series to go...
sorry about copying your thread, and how you said about the cars, well i was trying to
make it just like the regular series only on a tuesday that way people who couldn't do weekends like me could still have the amount of fun as in this series but not miss out. It's still your series, so you can help, and give me suggestions and stuff too.

I accidently made 2 threads and in my other one for toca tuesday, it had all of the honda integra stats as well. I just added the honda integra because i know it's a popular car, and i had it tuned exactly to 305hp. Without power limiters! Overall the Integra works very well.

Sorry though about copying your thread, you just made the thread so well.

(Oh and with the Irked face in your post on my thread, were you actually Irked or was that just sarcasm?)
Dont wanna keep picking holes MR M but there seems to be an issue with the Civic weight reg?? while your checking.👍

sorry about copying your thread, and how you said about the cars, well i was trying to
make it just like the regular series only on a tuesday that way people who couldn't do weekends like me could still have he amount of fun as in this series but not miss out. It's still your series, so you can help, and give me suggestions and stuff too.

I accidently made 2 threads and in my other one for toca tuesday, it had all of the honda integra stats as well. I just added the honda integra because i know it's a popular car, and i had it tuned exactly to 305hp. Without power limiters! Overall the Integra works very well.

Sorry though about copying your thread, you just made the thread so well.

(Oh and with the Irked face in your post on my thread, were you actually Irked or was that just sarcasm?)

Bit of both.

If you want support from me then follow my advice on that thread. Otherwise it will not be TOCA-Approved. I will watch what you do and decide for myself.
Keep a space for me, although I still haven't decided what car I want to use.
How do you make a link to your thread?

I would much prefer that you take my advice and use Season 2 cars. The NGTC is new and Season 3 is the only series they may be officially used in.
I would much prefer that you take my advice and use Season 2 cars. The NGTC is new and Season 3 is the only series they may be officially used in.

Yes it would be nice if you used the old cars instead, otherwise it's just copying. I would be interested if it used the old cars as well.

Also, any chance of us using the 90s BTCC quali which was everyone gets 1 lap at a time and doesn't have 45 minutes to set a lap.(even though only the last 15 minutes count nowdays....)
Yes it would be nice if you used the old cars instead, otherwise it's just copying. I would be interested if it used the old cars as well.

Also, any chance of us using the 90s BTCC quali which was everyone gets 1 lap at a time and doesn't have 45 minutes to set a lap.(even though only the last 15 minutes count nowdays....)

Thats an idea I have.

Have practice, then change track. Then change back, and a 15 minute shootout, with race starting immediately after. Only the Nordschleife is exempt owing to it's length...
ok i added a link to your threads, season 2 and 3.
As a formal question though "can please use the same cars though?"
I wanted it to be like a series of the same on a different day.
Johnboy even said, the more practice the better, right? So
if he wants to practice, he cant practice his new car with the old cars.
Thats an idea I have.

Have practice, then change track. Then change back, and a 15 minute shootout, with race starting immediately after. Only the Nordschleife is exempt owing to it's length...

Well I was thinking that everyone should be able to have a single lap go at it with no one else on the track and everybody watching.

Look at what Concours is doing this week for qualifying. We could do the same but in free run using the live timing feature. Apart from the Nordschleife obviously, also, is it still just one lap?
ok i added a link to your threads, season 2 and 3.
As a formal question though "can please use the same cars though?"
I wanted it to be like a series of the same on a different day.
Johnboy even said, the more practice the better, right? So
if he wants to practice, he cant practice his new car with the old cars.

I will run testing sessions. Season 3 and NGTC I am in charge of. I am giving permission for you to run this as an off-shoot for the old cars only. If not, I pull my backing. Simple.
hey johnboy are you in the tuesday series?

Practice yes, but a series rip off just isnt right Lambo im afraid, to cut and paste another fellas gig after they have put so much work in?? I wouldnt like it much to be honest, i assumed you had run the idea passed furi prior to posting on his thread?? Cant support Man Utd on a saturday and play for City on a tuesday if you get my drift, anyhow season 2 has been great fun and alot of us have missed the odd saturday so run with that if furis cool i would be up for it tuedays are good for me.👍
I can't control what people do. Up to you what you enter. At Akmuq, First Post will be updated soon.
fine then, i wouldnt want to peeve anyone off, ill just scrap the whole toca tuesday idea and come up with a whole different series of my own with different cars and stuff.
Sorry johnboy for dragging you into my post there.
fine then, i wouldnt want to peeve anyone off, ill just scrap the whole toca tuesday idea and come up with a whole different series of my own with different cars and stuff.
Sorry johnboy for dragging you into my post there.

It was an idea, but you should have talked to MrMulsanne by PM first to make sure he's cool with it. Some hosts would be, some wouldn't. It also depends on the series. This new spec has been talked about for quite a while and there is quite a bit of anticipation for it, and he has done quite a bit of testing for it.

If it was my series, I would have said the same, if I was running a Nascar or LMP series, I would have allowed it.

I wish you luck for your new series but a tip would be to stop copying your threads. You have 6 threads which really should be two and you don't want trouble with the mods now do you?:)
sorry akmuq, got rid of toca tuesday, but i will make a different series with different cars.
Anyone who wants to join just post it and i will make put you in

p.s. how did i get 6 threads?
fine then, i wouldnt want to peeve anyone off, ill just scrap the whole toca tuesday idea and come up with a whole different series of my own with different cars and stuff.
Sorry johnboy for dragging you into my post there.

Look Lambo its no problem your guilty of being a little nieve thats all, the cars and regulations can be found in TOCA SERIES 2 just click on furis sig, sure alot of us would be keen to run the old cars again i for one missed alot of races on the saturday due to other commitments and would be happy to get another chance, furis said he will support you so go for it!!!!👍
sorry akmuq, got rid of toca tuesday, but i will make a different series with different cars.
Anyone who wants to join just post it and i will make put you in

p.s. how did i get 6 threads?

2 for TOCA tuesdays and 4 for the X2010 championship. May have been mistakes, but it's a little bit irrevelent and misleading so even for your own benefit, make sure to just make one.👍
Sign me up Furi someone has to keep other backmarkers company.Still to decide car maybe ford, but needs some testing to decide. Also like the idea of 1 lap quali.

Hello I will be signing up for at least 4 of the races
Gtp- RedDragon
car- Mazda Atenza
Team- RaceTech International
Colours- WR Blue Mica/ Elephant Grey

Also when I got the weight reductions stage 1 and 2 I ended up with 1290 kg. Do I need to get stage 3?


Edit 'cool' doesn't have a capital :: dunce::
Edit '_' ::double dunce::
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Why have I not been added? I've asked twice now.. Is there a reason for this?
Hello I will be signing up for at least 4 of the races
Gtp- RedDragon
PSN- Coolkiwi_12
car- Mazda Atenza
Team- RaceTech International
Colours- WR Blue Mica/ Elephant Grey

Also when I got the weight reductions stage 1 and 2 I ended up with 1290 kg. Do I need to get stage 3?


No you don't. Stage 3 brings it down to under 1250kg so is not allowed.
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