What games are you playing now?

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Been wanting to play NFS Rivals to plat it but no more friends have it.
So Ive been doing GT 6 to get that plat
Played at my brothers over the weekend. Amazing game. Hopefully it is as good on the 360.

AOE3 - Played this most of the weekend.

World Of Tanks
Halo 4
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Been enjoying Dark Souls 2 since Friday. Haven't touched GT6 since the start of the year and haven't played my PS4 for a good week or so.

If it wasn't so expensive for such a short game I'd be tempted to get MGS Ground Zeroes.
LUFTRAUSERS. On PC (Mac & Linux versions are available now), that is. It should be on PS3 and Vita tomorrow, it's so addictive and so much fun, I recommend it to anyone who enjoys arcade high score chaser type games. It actually reminds me a lot of Super Mega Worm, in case you've played that, or there's this game jam prototype/demo: http://not.vlambeer.com/luftrauser/

It doesn't quite do the game justice, though. The flight and shooting mechanics are pretty much the same, but there are more enemy types, customisable Rausers (that's the plane you fly, each combination has it's own name; my favourites so far are UVB-76, Brutal Rauser and Fist of God, I think), the soundtrack is sort of remixed depending on which Rauser you're flying too which is a nice touch. There are some secret parts (one in each of the three part categories), too, but I haven't unlocked any of them yet.

All in all, it's a very nice, tight game. If you like the 'demo' you'll definitely like the full game, the opposite is probably also true.
Me & My Katamari, 10/10 art style and soundtrack, I'm extremely addicted to it. Definitely a must-buy game for PSP.

I have two games with online trophies. Once i finish online in Last o Us and Black Flag on PS4, then i could start finishing rest of my games, and i will have all my games with 100%

But now i'm deep in Last of Us online
I'm playing Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit 2010. Some of the cop missions are pretty hard IMO. Took me a few tries.

Oh, I also fired up my PS2 and played GT4 the other day. Currently in professional events right now.
Dungeon Defenders - FREE xboxlive game and dang it is fun!!
World Of Tanks-won a few more matches to get some free exp and money.
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X1 (my brothers)
Dead Rising 3

Dungeon defenders- So dang addicted to this game. Insanely fun.
World Of Tanks
Forza 4
Went back to GTAV, and been playing 2 Ferrari games.

Ferrari TRE, fun game
TDFRL, had already finished the game once but I'm doing it again because the collection of Ferraris in that game is just incredible, so I'm starting with a fresh save.
Ground Zeroes! Also I got LUFTRAUSERS on my Vita as well as PC so I can RAUS on the move. Or the toilet. I've also recently re-organised my Steam library to include a list of games I want to finish, there's about 32 games on there right now so I might try and get started on one tonight.
Borrowed Farming Simulator and SSX for PS3. I don't like Farming Simulator, but SSX is quite cool. So, that's what I'm currently playing. 👍
COD Modern Warefare 3. Bored of every other game on my PS3, and still can't get hold of a PS4 (shops out of stock)

Although I am sorely tempted to get an X1 for Ryse, Titanfall and Forza 5. Need more wonga.
COD Modern Warefare 3. Bored of every other game on my PS3, and still can't get hold of a PS4 (shops out of stock)

Although I am sorely tempted to get an X1 for Ryse, Titanfall and Forza 5. Need more wonga.
Don't forget about DR3. Amazing game. Titanfall is really amazing.
Been playing infamous second son all weekend. Fantastic game.

Also still playing googles augmented reality gps based game Ingress on my phone. Quite addicted.
Geometry Wars. Bought it four PC's ago, found it on a backup drive and installed it on my desktop. Fun.

Tetris. The original Gameboy version. Found on the 3DS store under puzzles. It's still the best version of the game I've ever played.
I'm on a bit of a Blizzard trip. Mostly Diablo III in anticipation of today's launch of Reaper of Souls, as well as some Hearthstone. Hand't had much time to play a lot of games lately, though.