gtd | A Cross The Universe: The Final

  • Thread starter gtuned
Thanks for checking out my gallery earlier, really appreciated it. Stopped by to let you know you're gallery is an inspiration to me, and I absolutely love the new shots! Totally epic, perfect lighting, angles, colors, etc. I know I'm not the only one on this site who comes to your gallery to get inspiration for our own shots!

the LFA is such a good looking car, and you made a great job capturing it! I might be posting something like that soon, you've inspired me 👍
Another great set!

I love your presentation, angles, action shots (seriously no one can take a good donut except you I think), editing and even the filenames ;)

Keep up the great work, you have one of the best galleries on GTP 👍
You should stop to take such beautiful pics mate. Or the guys from PD will see them sometime and stop developing on GT6. Because they surely will think the game looks good enough for the PS4 already.:D

Also, much love for orange lately! Love it (done it too ;))
Great pics Gtuned... I like them all, but this one seems the most compelling to me at the moment:


I also like the pavement on shots 5 and 6 - it looks real. Nice and gritty. Cool perspective with the skid marks behind the stopped car with the blurry background in 6. It makes a nice effect. They remind me why I like the Challenger so much. :)
Thanks everyone, was hoping to get some more feedback, but still love the compliments from everyone. On this set, I figured out some more toning an coloring techniques that give my pictures a much needed sharper and cleaner feel. I went out and bought some random stock cars, and this Challenger happened to be one. So i took TCS off, and hooned it around Daytona. Song for this would be one of my favorite classic songs, Fever for the Flava (HP2 Edit) by Hot Action Cop. Also, my smudge plug in is being difficult, a.k.a, Not working at all. So jaggies will be rampant in any more updates.

Epic shots! Listening to "Armed and Dangerous" by Anthrax while looking at them, that song works really well too!
Thanks for all the comments on the Challenger set everyone, I finally just got some extra time and got a set just made. Took them yesterday and edited last night, Here's, perhaps, my best set ever. I won the Lancia Delta S4 from something, and the lack of premiums and photo locations have been driving me to use standards. I have some more sets lined up, GT40 at Le Mans, Veyron, Autobacs GT, and a Furai to name a few. Anyways, here's the massive new set, 20 pictures, as for the song, It's Lotus Island by Buckethead.

AMAZING set Gtuned! My favourite would be the night shots, as they have really amazing angles and moods.
I don't know how you do it, but you keep amazing me. It's the same way here, everything looks so good. Amazing work. :drool:

^ I like this one the most.
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holy hell... amazing set, you have a wonderful, WONDERFUL eye for composition. Many of these look really freaking real. I love the mood of the picture with the people, and head-on night shot in B/W, but really, all of them are brilliant. Amazing.
Wow Gtuned - great stuff. That's cool how your signature appears when I maximize the photos. :dopey: Anyway, your Rally photos are beautiful. Every one of them have something unique to offer. Great lighting, perspective, composition, etc. Wonderful work.
Hey guys ! I'm back hopefully, It's been a busy couple of months, long stories short, got a 1962 GMC Stepside, found lots of new music, got new camera stuff (Canon Rebel T3i, 7mm Fisheye), Motorstorm Apocalypse and been making money. Anyways, picture time. Not quite a full set, but a clear out, I've had a half done DTM set, and some new shots. The Red Bull X1, MP4 12-C, Maserati, and some Le Mans, as well as a couple Panoramas. If anyone wants to see a full set of one of these just let me know. I'm really trying to prove myself with some of these shots, to show that I can really take some good angles, most of these were shot using real settings from my real lenses to add to the realism. Music for this set ? What else to welcome myself back other than Rock n' Roll (Will Take You to the Mountain) by Skrillex.
