• RetroGiant Photography • September 2013 •

  • Thread starter RetroGiant
That latest photo looks great in pastel tones 👍

As for the classic 500, you've hit the nail on the head with those shots. The photos reflect the style of the car perfectly and the compositions are brilliant too. Good work all round, and I can't believe you got that much air from such a small car!
Thanks once again for the comments guys, much appreciated as always!

Here is a quick one shot "update". And it goes out to cod_father who was super nice and gifted me this car and after slapping a 30,000 cr. turbo on it, it won me 1.5 mil cr. in the most recent seasonal event update. I don't have anytime to play and build my credits up so this just happend to work out perfectly. Wanted to grab a shot of the car and say once again how thankful for the gift I am cod_father! I wouldn't have been able to enter the comp without the gift.

Looking fantastic as always mate! The tones really are setting a Super GT atmosphere for me around. Too bad I've still got some levels to go before I can purchase one eh? :P
Wow, that's very nicely done for such a simple shot. It's minimal but very effective and allows you to concentrate on the car instead of being distracted by too much around it. Also, is that dirt on the rear end? It adds a nice touch of realism 👍
I believe I already said it in the competition threads, but if I didn't... your shots are exactly what I like. Screw the haters - the 500 deserved Premiumization, and looks damn cool in-game. It's even fun to drive after a bit of work, too!

The Z gets a nod from me, too; my favourite of the SuperGT cars, as has been said, the simplicity allows you to focus on the car itself, and really take a closer look a the details. The tone is just right to highlight this, too. Awesome 👍
Thanks guys, I actually had a few shots of it more up-close but when I got closer the graphics started becoming blurry and pixelated so I had to try and get a bit farther away. Turned out alright in the end though.

Here something I don't recommend doing, taking a black standard model car to a rainy track with no color and try and make HDR shots. Doesn't work well at all lol. I was able to salvage one shot which isn't even really HDR. Live and learn, although I should have known that coming in. I hadn't taken any pictures of the Countach yet, really hope they make it a premium soon. Probably my all-time favorite car. It defines the 80s in my opinion and was light years ahead of itself.

Really impressive updates as of late! You've had the exact same idea as me with the Countach, that is to say painting it black and slapping a wing on it - that car just doesn't look right to me without a big wing on the back. :D
Countach looks really good , knowing it is not a Premium. Nissan Xanavi looks cool, great shot again.
Thanks, its one of the better made standards thankfully.

Great shots and you're quite welcome. What track is the Countach on?
Thanks man! Its on Eiger Nordwand Track Short Track (Weather).

Really impressive updates as of late! You've had the exact same idea as me with the Countach, that is to say painting it black and slapping a wing on it - that car just doesn't look right to me without a big wing on the back. :D
Thanks Rev! I completely agree, it definitely needed the wing, was the first thing I went and check on lol. I think the black makes it a bit menacing!
Wow The Xanavi (I find this to be a very cool name for some reason)and the Countach look mouth watering very impressive indeed RG great job 👍
RG I have to say a huge thanks for the new iPad background with the countach image. To get an image like that from a standard car is skills by the bucket-load.
Standard car is challenging. With the weather effect would be photoshop nightmare. The tone works really well, for me at least. Too bad the wing is not quite the same as
LP500S, but I really love black countach 👍
Countach shot is epic. :drool: love the angle and dark almost dorty tones, very cool.

For some reason it makes me think of it as a scene with maybe a count dracula taking his crazy lambo out for spin and he's flying down the long windy path from his dark transylvanian castle. :lol:
Strange, I would love to see that shot, with that motion blur but without any car in it. It's an amazing scenery shot and the blur gives it something more artistic to it. Nothing against the Countach, but my head wants the car out of there, something about it's position on frame.
What a superb photo, despite it being a standard car. Great job on the Z as well. The tones and the composition you use are amazing. I've always loved your style. Great work. 👍
While I like the shot, I must point out that some of the pixelated rain is still there. But only in small quantities, which is a good thing.
Lol, some truly great comments guys! Many thanks as always!
Here's an extra Xanavi shot after editing it a bit came out alright.​

Thats better than alright RG. Like the angle and framing plus the clean calmness of the shot and love the colour you got out of the sky. Very nice. 👍

Sometimes simple is best.
How long has it been since I left a comment in here?!

That angle, the colors (even the clouds) are awesomesauce. That belongs atop an article or promotion for a racing school or something, maybe the banner for website, maybe a picture for a calendar. I'm sure you've gotten the picture I'm painting here.

I like this one better than previous side panning shot. I think bright color can do magic with race cars. Minimal style and tinted sky are just awesome combination 👍

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