1.17 update major issue *READ*

  • Thread starter X3sgteX
I've already said in an earlier post, parts in the left column which change the rev range have an affect on the ratios and will change the numbers and/or position of the sliders slightly.

But they do not reset them to a default like the current bug is doing when you use the FG. changing any of these parts now though has the same effect as the FG bug.
Exhaust manifold is on the left column, and does not add rpm.

In any case, it is incredibly stupid that modifying the engine would forcibly change the mechanical gears in the transmission housing. There isn't the slightest tiny shred of logic or reason for it. It's an absolute impossibility, and ridiculous concept.
You can add or remove 800 rpm to an engine with parts.
Adding RPM added to the gear range, removing the rpm reduces the gear range. So if you have a gear set at maximum rpm and then take parts off your short gears are going to get shorter and you may end up with several gears that are at the shorest setting.
If you add RPM to the engine you will find you have less space at the end of each gear and your long gears get bottomed out.

But resetting to default values should'nt happening. If it is this bug is more complex than I thought.
Hey maybe they will just give up and give us the GT1 transmissions back 👍
You can add 1,000 RPM. :)

Also, it doesn't keep your ratios when you change engine parts any longer. They get wacked-out if you change engine parts. I haven't studied exactly what, because I don't really care, I just want it fixed. :(
TBH I didn't look closely enough into it.

But I assumed the individual gears were being 'reset' simply because the number value they were set on when the transmission was flipped no longer fits inside the range of each gear when the max. speed and FG are reset to default.

Could be wrong.
Quite often are. :lol:
In any case, it is incredibly stupid that modifying the engine would forcibly change the mechanical gears in the transmission housing. There isn't the slightest tiny shred of logic or reason for it. It's an absolute impossibility, and ridiculous concept.
It's because PD programmed the transmission for top speed so when you change the rpm the top speed of the transmission changes which in turn forces a change in ratios.
Honestly a non top speed linked transmission would be easier to program then this cluster :censor: they have now.
You can add 1,000 RPM. :)
You are correct forgot the cat adds 200 rpm
Engine and exhaust 100 per level
Computer and cat 200 each
Manifold and intake zero
Or is it the manifold that adds in any case there is one part in the right column that doesn't add rpm.
Am I right when I assume that, not even TOUCHING a car in my garage before the fix arrives, my tuned gearboxes will remain untouched (i.e.: as they are) and will be as they were before (unchanged) after the fix has been installed?
the only parts that do not change the gearbox values are:
-Exhaust Manifold
-Intake Tuning
-Oil Change

Turbos does not add any RPM, but still affects the gearbox values for some reason.
All other power-related parts add RPM, hence affect the gearbox values.

edit: @EmaNymton : As long as you dont take the car to the track offline or in seasonal events, you're fine. You can change to the car, and even go to the lobby, but not go on track. You can still go on track online though. ;)
Am I right when I assume that, not even TOUCHING a car in my garage before the fix arrives, my tuned gearboxes will remain untouched (i.e.: as they are) and will be as they were before (unchanged) after the fix has been installed?
Yes, correct.

There's no need to be quite so paranoid though.
You can simply copy your tune to a spare sheet before going on track.
That way you will still have your original gearbox setting saved to that sheet (and it won't be altered), while you still use the same car and play around with a new gearbox.
I just had a car reset/fudge it's gearing up, and I didn't touch the transmission. I set the car up, without touching the trans(installed, but not adjusted at all), ran my seasonal race, and when I came back the gears were all fudged up.

@TRL_Andromeda has it right, turbo's don't add rpm but will mess it up too.

^Loose/Lose/Loss :P
It's amazing how many things mess with the transmission in this game.
I can't imagine the code these things have. Wouldn't it be simpler to just have blanket ranges for a full custom trans?
here :) not bug & yes bug

1.17 version

CAR: fit RS '10

  • défaut (197km/h)
max 200 km/h

1= 2,741
2= 1,975
3= 1,501
4= 1,191
5= 0,986
6= 0,852
vitesse finale = 4,625

  • pro 1 (not bug)
max 200 km/h do not touch (209 km/h)

1= 3,000
2= 2,000
3= 1,500
4= 1,250
5= 1,000
6= 0,750
vitesse finale = 4,625 do not touch

  • pro 2 (yes bug)
max 200 km/h do not touch (202 km/h)

1= 3,000 => 2,434
2= 2,000 => 1,785
3= 1,500 => 1,377
4= 1,250 => 1,109
5= 1,000 => 0,932
6= 0,750 => 0,692
vitesse finale = 3,000 => 4,625

  • pro 3 (not bug)
max 200 km/h ( 197 km/h)

1= 4,226
2= 3,045
3= 2,314
4= 1,836
5= 1,521
6= 1,314
vitesse finale = 3,000
I'm not to happy about this bug coming into the game. Since it has I not driven any of my cars which I use motorcycle gearboxes in them & my cars with 4 gear high speed gearboxes incase they reset to default.
I will set the individual gears, final drive, top speed and then tinker with the individual gears if i need
For me, it was useful and does not reset the gearbox
Moving the TS slider resets all of your individual gear changes that you made before, and while it doesn't reset the final drive, it nullifies moving it, effectively. Everything you do before moving the TS slider is wasted time, it all gets undone.
Uhm a slight suggestion,perhaps a pencil and a piece of paper. Go get a tuning sheet from the link below and write it down. That's what I've always done.
Then you won't loose it.
Oldschool..Paper..browsing thru paper..not anymore.
what about this?
Completely free, digital, search functions, portable(runs from usbstick), does not install, no adds or other wierd stuff.

A couple of members here use it.
Just an idea, no need to use it.
If I don't attempt to tune the transmission, is there any negative aspect of this bug? (Will it reset transmissions of cars I choose not to use?)
If I don't attempt to tune the transmission, is there any negative aspect of this bug? (Will it reset transmissions of cars I choose not to use?)
The reset occurs when the final gear is changed, but not always, according to some members.
if you adjust topspeed or the normal gears, the reset will not occur.
reset only happens when enter the race, not when you enter the event.

But what i did/do, i stay away from my custom gearbox cars, and buy new ones that i use for the time being.Give them a noticable colour and when it is fixed, you can sell them and use the old ones again.

\edit. wow i typed accours instead of occurs...
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If I don't attempt to tune the transmission, is there any negative aspect of this bug? (Will it reset transmissions of cars I choose not to use?)
No. If you have any cars with flipped transmissions, but you don't use them offline, you will be fine. Just wait for the bug to be fixed before you use those flipped tranny's again offline. Supposedly, you CAN take them online into public lobbies, but I haven't personally tried it.

Also, if you have a car with a flipped tranny, you could always copy that Tab A (assuming its on Tab A) to Tab B and then just use the default values for the Customizable Transmission, or just set the transmission by moving the Top Speed slider ONLY! That way you can use the suspension and other tuned characteristics but you won't have to worry about the Tune on Tab A being damaged.
I've noticed no change to any transmission settings of any cars unless I literally take the car on track.
All your setups are safe until that point.
So only that car will be affected, and only the current tuning sheet being used will be affected.

And just to add to @ALB123's post, I've been in online lobbies and my flipped transmissions have not been reset.
I had a regular Series race meet on Thursday night and all was fine.
Offline and seasonals didn't go so well though. :lol:
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Thanks for the replies. Frankly I just want to get the new cars free and I can step away from the game until the bug is fixed (assuming it happens soon). :lol:
Call me how you would like. :nervous:

I just built a tune on Mini Clubman VGT.

I took it out in a Free Run to set the brakes, then back to the garage. Transmission checked - nothing changed.

After this I took the car to the Career's IA WTCC 550PP race and won after 5 laps of great racing, then back to the garage.
Transmission checked - nothing changed.


Edit: The individual gears and the Final Gear has been tuned.
The Max-Speed (Defined Automatically), wasn't touched.
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I only race online, when i'm not getting disconnected, so it won't affect me. Surprised it hasn't been fixed yet though.

Been taking a break from GT6, playing lots of FPS. Level 71 on Borderlands 2 at the moment!
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then why only offline modes reset it and online not where is the bug then?

That is a different can of worms. Maybe PoDi can answer that question for you.

My post was in answer to whether this is a coding problem - "is this a bug or not?" (refer the question that was asked) and didn't mention online/offline at all.

In addition I stated that some liked it and don't want it removed, (immaterial of whatever sector it effects.)
As to whether everybody agrees on whether it was a 'bug'/bad-coding/glitch,/exploit/trick, etc seems to be a matter of debate (if not semantics) and also another can of worms.
Do all your tuning online in your own room/lobby.How difficult is it to figure it out?Then maybe get a piece of paper and pen and write it down.
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Do all your tuning online in your own room/lobby.How difficult is it to figure it out?Then maybe get a piece of paper and pen and write it down.
In addition, if you've a spare setup page on the car, copy it to that as a backup in case you accidentally get it reset. You should just be able to copy it back over.