2016 Nvidia Challenger Series

  • Thread starter Animera
My best is 1'47.5 (I'm happy with that) and I'm not sure if I'll do one more session tonight (my timezone). Good luck for top 20 hunting...
IIRC I haven't played this game with a wheel for over 10 months, version 1.3 last time and now it is 10.2. More version number updates than Firefox in same time. :crazy:

It was interesting to give this a go given it is default setups and to see if I can still drive somewhat. Anyway was relieving to see in terms of my best corners, pace was very similar to the fastest.

Below is video of my fastest lap, 19th when I did it. Quite annoying as I cost myself probably 10 places due to bottling syndrome kicking in for last corner. :lol:

Not the best start of lap but decent middle sector and last sector apart from last corner. Hopefully someone finds video useful.

I think realistically I might have done a low 1:45 with a bit more effort. Not going to bother anymore on this, just going to casually take part on some of the events and hope I can score some points on one of the rounds.
Did my last try today and call it a day...looks like even tho its not my car and for this exact reason I dont have to really take car about, Im not able to treat the car harmful. :boggled: Also my sectors arent very consistent, a high 45 would be very possible, but since Im doing this j4f thats it from me for this round :D

It was interesting to give this a go given it is default setups and to see if I can still drive somewhat. Anyway was relieving to see in terms of my best corners, pace was very similar to the fastest.

Heh nice to see some familiar faces from GT TT's :D pretty convincing time after such long brake, driving is bit like driving (a bike) though isn't it, once you learn it you got it :D heheh naah, congrats great lap :bowdown:

Not the best start of lap but decent middle sector and last sector apart from last corner. Hopefully someone finds video useful.

Heh well if I had looked at the video when you posted it I still might have picked few things from it but I noticed it when I was finished already. not so easy to improve just by looking some videos, but seeing faster guys laps I gett confirmation on things that I might be doing right and where I could try out some different stuff.. But yeah, thanks for posting it great lap :cheers:

Really started to feel like doing TT's tonight for I was busting my balls trying to shave off few tenths, even managed to improve quite a bunch but really felt like I only today started to get proper idea how to drive this car and I was finding time everywhere... Problem just was I had run 4 hours when I was trying to pull it all together and I didn't quite make as good of a lap that I would have been able, giving it more days that is... But yeah doesn't matter and really brilliant trying out some TT'ing on stock tune and I really found myself enjoying the car more and more as I just got more familiar with it... Heh but yeah still managed to squeeze out 1:46:225 having a quite good first sector but loosing time on the rest of the lap... Last corner goes really bad, but like said I didn't quite have the energy to pull it off anymore so that was it, few more tenths and I'd been super happy but then again I learned a lot and this was something I was missing from GT... Well THE ONLY thing I was missing from GT so this is looking great, not sure I'm gonna buy anymore DLC just so I can enter, but otherwise I think I'll be going after the LB's on this event...

I recorded the lap so here it is :cheers:

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Next is Vette@Laguna Seca....that alone is worth the 'Murica DLC :P

Hahahahah while I agree that this probably would be the best reason to buy it I'm still going to save my money on this one, don't want to sound too cheap but I'd probably drive that car only on this event so... Saves me time on practicing on the cars and track I already have :D

EDIT: now looking at the on coming combos I don't think I can actually take part on too many events if I don't spend any money so I'll have to look on that.. probably not the murica DLC I would buy first...
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Heh nice to see some familiar faces from GT TT's :D pretty convincing time after such long brake, driving is bit like driving (a bike) though isn't it, once you learn it you got it :D heheh naah, congrats great lap :bowdown:

Heh well if I had looked at the video when you posted it I still might have picked few things from it but I noticed it when I was finished already. not so easy to improve just by looking some videos, but seeing faster guys laps I gett confirmation on things that I might be doing right and where I could try out some different stuff.. But yeah, thanks for posting it great lap :cheers:

Really started to feel like doing TT's tonight for I was busting my balls trying to shave off few tenths, even managed to improve quite a bunch but really felt like I only today started to get proper idea how to drive this car and I was finding time everywhere... Problem just was I had run 4 hours when I was trying to pull it all together and I didn't quite make as good of a lap that I would have been able, giving it more days that is... But yeah doesn't matter and really brilliant trying out some TT'ing on stock tune and I really found myself enjoying the car more and more as I just got more familiar with it... Heh but yeah still managed to squeeze out 1:46:225 having a quite good first sector but loosing time on the rest of the lap... Last corner goes really bad, but like said I didn't quite have the energy to pull it off anymore so that was it, few more tenths and I'd been super happy but then again I learned a lot and this was something I was missing from GT... Well THE ONLY thing I was missing from GT so this is looking great, not sure I'm gonna buy anymore DLC just so I can enter, but otherwise I think I'll be going after the LB's on this event...

I recorded the lap so here it is :cheers:


Good to see too, reminds me of the good old days. 👍 Yeah, it helps pCARS is quite easy to drive to limit too. Just remembered Wolfgang drives this car in real life. It's like a ship, I don't know where I am on the track with it so best of luck to him. :lol:

I personally just used the ghost of the fastest to learn quite quickly the limit. Also quick confirmation too.

Hopefully GT SPORT brings back stock TTs like GT5P.

Well done on the improvement. 👍 I'm going to get the GoTY add-on when it's out regarding DLC, should be good value.
It´s a bit "funny" for me to watch these videos, because I follow the same lines and aim for the same braking points, the laps look visually very similar and still I am just barely under the 1:50 mark, although I managed 1:48.9 on two occasions (done about 70-80 laps). Must be missing something, or just practise :-) Grt everyone under 1:48, seems unbreakable for me yet.
Where are you guys on this list (Zakspeed and Odb)? What's your pCars IDs are? I end up 103rd.

I did buy the "US Car pack" to get Corvette C7.R and start to learn the next compo with stock setup :)
Good to see too, reminds me of the good old days. 👍 Yeah, it helps pCARS is quite easy to drive to limit too.

Heh well let me put it this way, in GT while doing those PP limited tuning TT's the problem usually never was to "drive to the limit" for some of those tunes were so damn snappy and rear heavy that the idea was just to drive keeping the car on the track without spinning or going out :D the word "feathering" gets a whole new meaning when driving Light car company Rocket that has 160 kilos of ballast ON THE REAR AXLE!! :D I mean jeeesus christ it doesn't even feel like balancing on a wire nope, it feels like balancing on a fishing line while while trying to make an over sized thread run trough a needle hole :D heheh I mean it's great fun and when the competition is so hard that it is on GT LB's EVERYTHING goes and that's just natural, but in Pcars I have to work a bit to get the car to the limit so it's bit more pleasant to work that way, GT has without no doubt thought me lots of things while I was just keeping the car within the bounds but actually having to push hard to get something out of these cars is more fun and interesting and it really has quite much stronger relation to real life in that way... But yeah, now after almost 5 months in Pcars I've managed to translate my driving from GT to Pcars and TBH driving in Pcars only felt quite hard for first few weeks, idea is just to be tad more careful than in GT :D in Pcars cars feel heavier and getting the car off balance will result to catastrophe more easily than in GT, but I guess in principle the same things come trough when talking about driving games that aim towards some sort of reality...

I personally just used the ghost of the fastest to learn quite quickly the limit. Also quick confirmation too.

Yeah I have to start using this method more, I was actually really quite surprised I was able to pic already few things just after following zakspeeds ghost for one lap... In GT I just drove against my own ghost looking at top replays picking up stuff, but this method is without doubt something I must start using more... Would be great if I could make the ghost disappear and reappear like in GT, I've never learned to do fast laps following the ghost for whole lap and I have to say it distracts me a lot... Maybe just something that I should get used to to doing, many of the top guys seem to run having their ghost on...

Hopefully GT SPORT brings back stock TTs like GT5P.

Well heh I entered the "TT party" few months after GT6 release so I never got to enjoy too many stock TT's... Well there were those VGT's but I avoided them altogether for they felt quite odd when I tried them and something in the whole idea of these future cars just didn't appeal me... Well I went for one VGT event with full vigor meaning I really hot lapped 4 hours per evening ON AVERAGE for the whole 4 weeks :D was actually one of the most insane stunts I pulled in my life in a way that I really just sat down behind the wheel every day after work even if I didn't feel like it, and after I got tired I went on for few more hours just to build my routine and it really felt insane just forcing myself to drive more and more laps when the other half of my brain was YELLING at me "STOP STOP STOP YOU'RE TIRED YOU MUST STOOOOOOOOP" but the other half was telling "NO NO NO NO NO you must try out few more things we still got energy left" so as I listened this going trough my brain for 4 weeks I was pretty much a stake after the TT was over, but GOD DAMN IT made it to the top ten and even on place 7 making that my one and only top ten finish in GT :dopey: So yeah, when I don't have to worry about tuning I can just keep on trying out stuff and on the same time build my routine, tuning really makes my head hurt for I can keep on moving those values back and forth just to find out that I'm gaining a tenth on one corner and loosing it in another... So yeah MORE STOCK TT'S in GT would be a blast and if PD has any sense in to them left they will get rid of the whole VGT idiocy and start concentrating making the cars that already exist feel more alive in the game... In retro-perspective cars in GT6 felt horribly generic, in Pcars I really have to change more things when skipping from open wheel to a GT car...

Heh oh yeah just got to mention that it was at Fuji in Lexus VGT I did my precious top ten, and really looking back to it still feels like quite of an effort, not only in a sense I really played well more than necessary in those 4 weeks and it really took me until last evening to make a really insane lap taking me to 7th place :dopey: I was already 10th by then but I was quite scared someone will steel my first top ten from under my nose so you guys can imagine that what was the feeling when I saw my ghost well behind me coming down the main straight :dopey: honestly making chills run trough my back just thinking about it :dopey: and whilst I know some top ten position ain't nothing special for some of you guys but for me it really took firstly over a year of practice going after GT LB's (well I have played before, but only by myself) and then hitting it until I drop for 4 weeks and that is a sort of stuff money CAN'T buy so it really was worth while no matter for someone else it comes quite much easier :lol: :lol:

Hehehe but yeah, as you can probably guess from the response you're going to see me going after GT LB's as soon as it's possible again :D ( well I guess they're still open but I don't have PS3 anymore...) and I really do hope also we start getting something more proper that 500PP every damn time :lol: PD's imagination seemed to be enough to change the track and tires every now and then but that was about it :D when looking at the amount of people taking part to those TT's I don't quite think PD realized that they should but WAY more effort to them :rolleyes:

Well done on the improvement. 👍 I'm going to get the GoTY add-on when it's out regarding DLC, should be good value.

Yeah thanks, way too short of a time for me to make much better but then again it really wasn't that slow lap either... Gonna have to look on to that GoTY DLC, haven't herd from it :odd: (haven't payed any attention to DLC, there's been plenty of stuff to do up to now)

It´s a bit "funny" for me to watch these videos, because I follow the same lines and aim for the same braking points, the laps look visually very similar and still I am just barely under the 1:50 mark,

Ok well don't worry too much for those lap times come together from such small details they are really easy to miss, but there's some ways to sort some of them out and I can try to open up few things I usually do myself, first and the most important thing I think would be this

I managed 1:48.9 on two occasions

You have managed two almost identical pretty decent lap times so here's your starting point!!! First practice hard so you can make it almost every time within few tenths from here and I bet already by then you have managed to realize that you can actually save time at some places when you drive them in certain way, just keep in mind what sort of sector times you're doing and try to figure out what you were doing when going faster or slower on some sector... Next problem really is that you really should be able to form quite detailed "map" in your head of how is that lap time achieved, and at least I start building that map around BRAKING POINTS!!! I mean example first corner at Monza you have the best possible marker for it's literally a line on the road that is telling you quite nicely where the braking zone starts... So first you try to find a REFERENCE POINT for you braking points and after you got good marker start paying attention what is the latest point you still can brake and how does for example shifting down effect your braking distance, example on this event you had better braking to the first turn if you just jammed the gears down as fast as possible and this was easy to figure out when I had a good reference point for braking :) so now I know where's the maximum on that first braking and now I just move on doing the same thing for other corners (well obviously I'm running the whole lap at a time I'm learning my markers) So yeah, first make sure you know exactly where you must brake so you can try to brake later or earlier to test out what sort of approach gives better result, I mean bear in mind that sometimes you can actually save some time braking earlier than later for that might able you to carry more speed trough some particular corners etc. so when you have really solid braking marker you can test out where's the best possible braking point :) I mean yeah it may seems like you're hitting roughly the same braking markers that the faster guys, but just keep in mind that while it may seems that the faster guy is braking juuuuust a tad later than you, the car is moving something like 300km/h covering quite a distance in just few milliseconds AND braking as hard as possible as late as possible means there's no room to spare so when coming to first chicane at Monza unless you feel like you almost missed it, you started braking too early! also when it really felt that shifting down faster gave some advantage you really must nail it all- start braking as late as it's just possible, use down shift to lock the rear tires and don't let it get away AND then you must start releasing the brake just on the right moment to get a right turn in for that first entry :dopey: and at this point you should be hitting the red sausage on your right and right in session hit the next sausage on the left :dopey: So when you really do this all right there's more than few tenths saved already and we're not even exiting the corner yet :dopey: and yeah it's not easy to do even I would know EXACTLY what to do, but at least I have better changes when I know what sort of routine I should have for this corner entry to be able to be fast there, really hard corner to approach when starting to go near the limit, you mus be really precise to achieve this, but it all start from forming that braking point and just simply testing where's the limit and then learning to duplicate it as often as possible :dopey: so, I'm guessing you already do know how to use braking points, but I'm trying to explain the complexity involved when really making the maximum on some corner, every step has to go right!! And really I want to stress out that knowing how you should be making it is only a starting point, really really really hard to get it right and it will just take a lot of work to get it right more and more often :dopey:

Also you should start looking the speedometer when cornering, I mean yeah it might feel you're carrying quite good phase trough some corner but when you look at the corner speeds of those top guys they are most certainly something like 5km/h higher than yours (depends on the corner though, in faster corners this is more important) and that is achieved by entering the corner in right way, meaning you have right speed, turning point and angle when turning in and also here just some really small details will mean a bunch of time in the end of the day :dopey: it may sound quite amazing but I don't think you need more than 10 cm wider line gives you way much better entry and having just few more km/h when driving trough the corner you will have much better exit also and BLAM you found another few tenths just in one corner :dopey: all it takes is to make sure your line is wide as possible and you're braking and turning in on the right time... So for example those two semi-fast corners at Monza are brilliantly difficult to get just right, for the first one of these I found out that I want to brake while turning in and for the second I wanted to tap on the brake before turning in, for these corners there were nothing too solid to use as a marker but at least i had a ROUTINE (brake and turn for the first corner, brake before turning for the second) so I had at least something to build on... Also for these two corners your left tires should be almost on the grass if you want a good entry, very difficult to get just right for it's easy to slip too much (or too early) to the grass spoiling it all, but going as near as you can is what I was trying to achieve here and even though I'm quite far from alien speeds I still did quite well on those corners with this approach...

So yeah, I'm really not among the fastest guys so in that sense I'm no expert, but using these sort of little details and lot of testing I've risen from being an average driver to bit above average driver so this stuff could help you also, I mean it really is not so easy to see why those top guys achieve such lap times, but it's just because things are moving so damn fast and we're talking about really minor details here :scared: so yeah, just wanted to encourage you for I was wondering much of the same things when I entered the world of TT's few years a go, so just keep paying attention more close to your driving and try dig out more details from those faster guys videos and you should have pretty good starting point to start improving your lap times :) also keep in mind that IF you have made some lap time EVEN once you can make it twice, and WHEN you can make it to some lap time twice you CAN beat it too!! I mean just having too exact lap times usually means there's some difference in the sector times so next thing you try to do is to glue your best sectors together :dopey: Also try running against your own ghost to see where you could save time, or use the running delta time to see from there were you gain speed or loose time, quite simple methods and they will help, it will just take tons of experience to really grasp how those top guys do that stuff and even now after few years looking the videos of how it's done it still bit of a mystery to me too, but I guess when going for the top spots you really need superb reflects, coordination and intuition and when it comes to those things it REALLY starts to get hard lol :lol: I mean yeah for me would do good just to use little less alcohol for I drink so much during the weekends that I forget the last week and also I think I should start jogging or something the get in better shape to be more sharp and then start playing table tennis or what ever to practice my reflect and coordination to be on my absolute best, but this really is not so serious for god sake so I think I just enjoy my life a bit and bare with lower ranks :D and yeah, I'd probably gain few places this way so really not worth the effort so I just stick on to trying to figure out ways to be faster on the track for there really is quite a lot you can simply just learn to get faster :dopey: but yeah, keep it up and "don't worry, Bill Murray" :D

Hmmmm, I'm getting bit carried away, sorry for the text wall and perhaps wondering bit off topic on some places, but time trialing really is quite brilliant fun when approached with right mentality and at least for me it's fun to discuss this stuff with same minded people :cheers: :cheers:

Where are you guys on this list (Zakspeed and Odb)? What's your pCars IDs are? I end up 103rd.

I'm on PS4 too!!

Here's by the way the lap from F1-Masa :dopey: seems to be from finland too great job :cheers: :cheers: I think I must go congratulate him to Pcars forum :bowdown: :bowdown:

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@ODB Very good writing.
This was my 2nd TT in pCARS and it's feels different than GT6 but was fun.
BTW Masa's lap was on 3rd lap!
This was my 2nd TT in pCARS and it's feels different than GT6 but was fun.

Well running on stock tuned cars makes you able to pay attention more to your driving rather than worrying about the tune, so this really quit good event to practice on time trialing :cheers: good luck hope you do well :cheers:

Very good writing.

Heheh thanks I got bit carried away, but I have but SOME thought to this so I thought I'd share somethings that I've found helpful :dopey:

BTW Masa's lap was on 3rd lap!

Ok that is pretty damn interesting... I think when I enter the next event I might start running more than one laps in session... Didn't do any laps without restarting first on the last day so not quite sure if it had mattered...
Heh well let me put it this way, in GT while doing those PP limited tuning TT's the problem usually never was to "drive to the limit" for some of those tunes were so damn snappy and rear heavy that the idea was just to drive keeping the car on the track without spinning or going out :D the word "feathering" gets a whole new meaning when driving Light car company Rocket that has 160 kilos of ballast ON THE REAR AXLE!! :D I mean jeeesus christ it doesn't even feel like balancing on a wire nope, it feels like balancing on a fishing line while while trying to make an over sized thread run trough a needle hole :D heheh I mean it's great fun and when the competition is so hard that it is on GT LB's EVERYTHING goes and that's just natural, but in Pcars I have to work a bit to get the car to the limit so it's bit more pleasant to work that way, GT has without no doubt thought me lots of things while I was just keeping the car within the bounds but actually having to push hard to get something out of these cars is more fun and interesting and it really has quite much stronger relation to real life in that way... But yeah, now after almost 5 months in Pcars I've managed to translate my driving from GT to Pcars and TBH driving in Pcars only felt quite hard for first few weeks, idea is just to be tad more careful than in GT :D in Pcars cars feel heavier and getting the car off balance will result to catastrophe more easily than in GT, but I guess in principle the same things come trough when talking about driving games that aim towards some sort of reality...
It depends on tune though, I preferred ones where they weren't designed to be used for active steering use a lot easier to push to limit. Find GT harder to drive fast than say pCARS and Assetto Corsa as the limit I find harder to reach. I'm hoping GT SPORT has better handling balance so it is easier and more fun to push cars to the limit.
Yeah I have to start using this method more, I was actually really quite surprised I was able to pic already few things just after following zakspeeds ghost for one lap... In GT I just drove against my own ghost looking at top replays picking up stuff, but this method is without doubt something I must start using more... Would be great if I could make the ghost disappear and reappear like in GT, I've never learned to do fast laps following the ghost for whole lap and I have to say it distracts me a lot... Maybe just something that I should get used to to doing, many of the top guys seem to run having their ghost on...
I do that also on GT, use my own ghost usually a slower one for reference and also look at top replays to quicken learning. I also don't like following ghosts, prefer it when it is in my mirrors to use as reference.
Well heh I entered the "TT party" few months after GT6 release so I never got to enjoy too many stock TT's... Well there were those VGT's but I avoided them altogether for they felt quite odd when I tried them and something in the whole idea of these future cars just didn't appeal me... Well I went for one VGT event with full vigor meaning I really hot lapped 4 hours per evening ON AVERAGE for the whole 4 weeks :D was actually one of the most insane stunts I pulled in my life in a way that I really just sat down behind the wheel every day after work even if I didn't feel like it, and after I got tired I went on for few more hours just to build my routine and it really felt insane just forcing myself to drive more and more laps when the other half of my brain was YELLING at me "STOP STOP STOP YOU'RE TIRED YOU MUST STOOOOOOOOP" but the other half was telling "NO NO NO NO NO you must try out few more things we still got energy left" so as I listened this going trough my brain for 4 weeks I was pretty much a stake after the TT was over, but GOD DAMN IT made it to the top ten and even on place 7 making that my one and only top ten finish in GT :dopey: So yeah, when I don't have to worry about tuning I can just keep on trying out stuff and on the same time build my routine, tuning really makes my head hurt for I can keep on moving those values back and forth just to find out that I'm gaining a tenth on one corner and loosing it in another... So yeah MORE STOCK TT'S in GT would be a blast and if PD has any sense in to them left they will get rid of the whole VGT idiocy and start concentrating making the cars that already exist feel more alive in the game... In retro-perspective cars in GT6 felt horribly generic, in Pcars I really have to change more things when skipping from open wheel to a GT car...

Heh oh yeah just got to mention that it was at Fuji in Lexus VGT I did my precious top ten, and really looking back to it still feels like quite of an effort, not only in a sense I really played well more than necessary in those 4 weeks and it really took me until last evening to make a really insane lap taking me to 7th place :dopey: I was already 10th by then but I was quite scared someone will steel my first top ten from under my nose so you guys can imagine that what was the feeling when I saw my ghost well behind me coming down the main straight :dopey: honestly making chills run trough my back just thinking about it :dopey: and whilst I know some top ten position ain't nothing special for some of you guys but for me it really took firstly over a year of practice going after GT LB's (well I have played before, but only by myself) and then hitting it until I drop for 4 weeks and that is a sort of stuff money CAN'T buy so it really was worth while no matter for someone else it comes quite much easier :lol: :lol:

Hehehe but yeah, as you can probably guess from the response you're going to see me going after GT LB's as soon as it's possible again :D ( well I guess they're still open but I don't have PS3 anymore...) and I really do hope also we start getting something more proper that 500PP every damn time :lol: PD's imagination seemed to be enough to change the track and tires every now and then but that was about it :D when looking at the amount of people taking part to those TT's I don't quite think PD realized that they should but WAY more effort to them :rolleyes:
Highlight from me back then is GT Academy 2014 when I finished day 1 ahead of the aliens. Knew then I had reasonable raw pace:

That's quite hardcore, good to see perseverance worked out for you. 👍

Hoping GT SPORT BETA comes out within a month and can hotlap on that soon, will be interesting to see how cars will sound and behave like on that.
Yeah thanks, way too short of a time for me to make much better but then again it really wasn't that slow lap either... Gonna have to look on to that GoTY DLC, haven't herd from it :odd: (haven't payed any attention to DLC, there's been plenty of stuff to do up to now)
Just had another look for it and saw another tweet so doesn't look it will be good value as I thought it would be. Might just buy GoTY version for PS4 especially if there is a decent PS store deal.

Here's by the way the lap from F1-Masa :dopey: seems to be from finland too great job :cheers: :cheers: I think I must go congratulate him to Pcars forum :bowdown: :bowdown:

Was good to see him break into the the 1:44's, great lap and consistency shown in terms of speed by Masa. 👍

I was wondering before if that was view the really fast drivers were using as it is much easier to see where the car is. Might try that view out more next time I play and see if I can get used to it.
All hell has broken loose on the official forums because SMS has allowed invalid laps and said they were only just outside the limits! This is unreal, the rules clearly state that 2 wheels must be within track limits and the white lines are the track limits. SMS needs to go look at the GTP WRS to see how invalid laps are detected and dealt with.
👎 SMS!
It depends on tune though, I preferred ones where they weren't designed to be used for active steering use a lot easier to push to limit.

Yeah I know exactly what you mean, thing just was I never picked up tuning in GT6 (I skipped the GT5 and nothing I remembered from GT4 was working..) so I had to rely on tunes posted on the forums and many times there really were no option... And it really seemed that on certain track/car combos there were like 60-70% of the people on the top ten using AC and while it's my own fault not learning to device AC properly, somehow having thing called "active steering" sounds like I'm not doing all the work by myself, and as my goal in playing this game has been towards developing myself to get better in these games I don't think I want any extra hands involving in to my driving.. But yeah, it's more rewarding trying to push the car to the limit by yourself instead of just trying to hold it back so it stays on the road that is for sure

I do that also on GT, use my own ghost usually a slower one for reference and also look at top replays to quicken learning. I also don't like following ghosts, prefer it when it is in my mirrors to use as reference.

Yeah this is why I like to have the option to vanish the ghost during the lap, I can just look at it when I need the reference, not all the time distracting my driving...

Highlight from me back then is GT Academy 2014 when I finished day 1 ahead of the aliens. Knew then I had reasonable raw pace:

Heh well it has must of been amazing seeing yourself up ahead of everyone :dopey: knowing how hard people will attack on day one you really made a statement there :bowdown: hehehe, I mean I think when going after those absolute top times you must have nerves of steel above all the skill you have and setting the best time on day one is THE BEST thing you can do for it really sets the seed of doubt in to the opponents mind, AND in your own mind it creates confidence that really is much needed when fighting over top times with those guys :scared: I mean I have been in such trouble even when trying to beat my own time that I have had to really convince myself that I can at least replicate the same time, going after guys that are most certainly among the top dogs in the whole scene must require good confidence in own doing or else it's just impossible, so yeah, even though we're going few year back congratulations for that achievement :cheers: :cheers: I'd be interested on asking some things about GTA for you've been there without doubt, but maybe later on...

That's quite hardcore, good to see perseverance worked out for you. 👍

Hahaha well I have to admit that it really is a bit risky business to literally force myself to drive like that :D I mean yeah I do drive almost daily anyway and I can sit behind the wheel 4-5 hours per evening no problem but I really had to go that extra mile for driving the same car around the same track gets quite boring no matter the car really was a ton of fun to drive...

The main straight from Fuji is still coming in to my dreams, especially from when I was on week 2 or something it felt like the straight was 2 minutes long and as I was restarting all the time messing up the first turn I stated to get quite frustrated, KERS actually had to be used so that I really had to restart after every lap anyway so I spend probably like 10 hours of my life just running down the Fuji's main straight :lol: :lol: (hahah oh lord that sounds quite insane :lol: :lol:)

Heheh the funny thing was that on week 3 I was so numb that driving down that straight didn't feel boring anymore and already on week 3 I had such a routine that I was sort of just running laps and when it seemed I had a good start I had it all set up for a really good time, but as the Fuji is what it is and as the car had really nice property that you could make it turn really nicely using the throttle to kick the ass around I spend that last week just trying to perfectly drift in and out from every corner :D the twisty part in the end starting from chicane was literally driven side ways so it only just needed that one REALLY good AND bit lucky lap but getting it really took me until last evening and oh man it really was a good thing I got it :D

I mean after that event it really took few weeks to get back in to playing and even though I really don't take this stuff THAT seriously (:D) that not getting in to top ten would have ruined my life but still was really nice to get there NO DOUBT :D I mean I think I have few strong assets when it comes to playing, I'm very serious when I'm on the track, really concentrated and so on, but when I stop playing it stops being so serious if you know what I mean, it just a game :dopey: second thing really is that when I find something fun to do I keep learning to do it better for it only gets more fun when I know how to do it better :dopey: heheh but yeah, it really is true that most of the time this sort of method will end not so well, taken too seriously that sort of stuff will seriously make you really MAD, I mean here at GTP there's been at least one guy that I've seen totally loose it over not getting in the high ranks no matter he spend like up to 8 hours driving so just sitting behind the wheel will usually solve nothing, BUT I had it all set up for me in that event so it worked for me :scared: probably going to try something similar in the future if the event is just right as it was back then, it really was quite extreme and now that I know it won't hurt me I can take it on again if it feels like it :) 👍 but yeah I do not recommend such methods to anyone :lol: :lol:

Hoping GT SPORT BETA comes out within a month and can hotlap on that soon, will be interesting to see how cars will sound and behave like on that.

Hehehe yeah I think they should come up with something quite decent, the in game challenges are something that I also look forward besides the TT's, in GT6 they weren't so great but there's been some really freaking great events in past GT's so I hope they come up with something proper... Taking over 32 cars at nurb in the rain and such :lol: :lol: something challenging I hope, felt like the licences were WAAAAAY too easy in GT6, I was disappointed getting the gold time so damn easy :lol:

Just had another look for it and saw another tweet so doesn't look it will be good value as I thought it would be. Might just buy GoTY version for PS4 especially if there is a decent PS store deal.

Heheh well I just don't like the whole idea of DLC for it really is bit like paying from the same game over and over again :D buuuuut I think I have to get used to it for DLC is surely not going anywhere :lol: :lol: naah, I think I want that stance works DLC at least but have to see what else I'll buy...

I was wondering before if that was view the really fast drivers were using as it is much easier to see where the car is. Might try that view out more next time I play and see if I can get used to it.

Yeah I was actually thinking the same thing, I used to drive from bumper view in GT but after sometime in Pcars I switched to cockpit for I was playing career and it was more fun to drive that way (and more fun to look my own replays :D ) but yeah it really doesn't help to see the interior of the car I don't believe so I think I have to try it too 👍

All hell has broken loose on the official forums because SMS has allowed invalid laps and said they were only just outside the limits! This is unreal, the rules clearly state that 2 wheels must be within track limits and the white lines are the track limits. SMS needs to go look at the GTP WRS to see how invalid laps are detected and dealt with.
👎 SMS!

HAH, lucky I'm not trying to compete seriously here, sounds like a bit of a fiasco :lol: :lol: naah, they should probably just used the track limits in the game to make it more straight forward... Heheh and as I was reading about this event on the official forum it seemed like all of the hell was already loose with FFB settings :dunce: :dunce: I got actually bit confused reading trough that thread, don't know what the hell I should think anymore :lol: :lol: some people are like definitely faster just because they have set up the FFB in some certain way "exploiting" the game and other people are faster without TC and others are faster when assists are on and so on... I think I'll stay away from that place, too confusing :lol: :lol:
All hell has broken loose on the official forums because SMS has allowed invalid laps and said they were only just outside the limits! This is unreal, the rules clearly state that 2 wheels must be within track limits and the white lines are the track limits. SMS needs to go look at the GTP WRS to see how invalid laps are detected and dealt with.
👎 SMS!
Doesn't seem too unreasonable what they actually said. At least it is not like last year where on same track where they gave the prize to people whoever cut the track the most which penalised people who followed the rules heavily. You can see driver in front of me actually won the T300 cutting the track like that and I missed out because I did the fastest lap while trying to take the corners properly. One of the reasons why I stopped playing this game as the events became a joke.


What was more annoying was IIRC there was no explanation why prizes and points where given to people who cut the track extremely and people who followed the rules mentioned were punished event after event until they started to clamp down on it a while after.

I think reasoning was before, enough people are breaking the rules so might as well let cheaters prosper. It got to stage in the end IIRC that people who ignored the rules felt hard done by when they actually enforced the rules on some of the later events. :lol: Not surprising though, if precedent is to say one thing and then allow the opposite.
Yeah I know exactly what you mean, thing just was I never picked up tuning in GT6 (I skipped the GT5 and nothing I remembered from GT4 was working..) so I had to rely on tunes posted on the forums and many times there really were no option... And it really seemed that on certain track/car combos there were like 60-70% of the people on the top ten using AC and while it's my own fault not learning to device AC properly, somehow having thing called "active steering" sounds like I'm not doing all the work by myself, and as my goal in playing this game has been towards developing myself to get better in these games I don't think I want any extra hands involving in to my driving.. But yeah, it's more rewarding trying to push the car to the limit by yourself instead of just trying to hold it back so it stays on the road that is for sure
I don't know how to tune myself but there are some decent tuners here so just used best tunes I found. I don't drive with active steering myself as it feels weird and doesn't feel too good for steering wheel. Much better if balance of car is really good that there is no need to correct for oversteer all the time.
Yeah this is why I like to have the option to vanish the ghost during the lap, I can just look at it when I need the reference, not all the time distracting my driving...
Indeed, good option to have.
Heh well it has must of been amazing seeing yourself up ahead of everyone :dopey: knowing how hard people will attack on day one you really made a statement there :bowdown: hehehe, I mean I think when going after those absolute top times you must have nerves of steel above all the skill you have and setting the best time on day one is THE BEST thing you can do for it really sets the seed of doubt in to the opponents mind, AND in your own mind it creates confidence that really is much needed when fighting over top times with those guys :scared: I mean I have been in such trouble even when trying to beat my own time that I have had to really convince myself that I can at least replicate the same time, going after guys that are most certainly among the top dogs in the whole scene must require good confidence in own doing or else it's just impossible, so yeah, even though we're going few year back congratulations for that achievement :cheers: :cheers: I'd be interested on asking some things about GTA for you've been there without doubt, but maybe later on...
Yeah was quite awesome to be ahead knowing that also I didn't spend too much time on it and it wasn't even a great lap. Don't think it affects opponents much to be honest, helps with personal confidence though, much better to be at the top than at the bottom with same amount of effort. It is much more puzzling then.
Hahaha well I have to admit that it really is a bit risky business to literally force myself to drive like that :D I mean yeah I do drive almost daily anyway and I can sit behind the wheel 4-5 hours per evening no problem but I really had to go that extra mile for driving the same car around the same track gets quite boring no matter the car really was a ton of fun to drive...

The main straight from Fuji is still coming in to my dreams, especially from when I was on week 2 or something it felt like the straight was 2 minutes long and as I was restarting all the time messing up the first turn I stated to get quite frustrated, KERS actually had to be used so that I really had to restart after every lap anyway so I spend probably like 10 hours of my life just running down the Fuji's main straight :lol: :lol: (hahah oh lord that sounds quite insane :lol: :lol:)

Heheh the funny thing was that on week 3 I was so numb that driving down that straight didn't feel boring anymore and already on week 3 I had such a routine that I was sort of just running laps and when it seemed I had a good start I had it all set up for a really good time, but as the Fuji is what it is and as the car had really nice property that you could make it turn really nicely using the throttle to kick the ass around I spend that last week just trying to perfectly drift in and out from every corner :D the twisty part in the end starting from chicane was literally driven side ways so it only just needed that one REALLY good AND bit lucky lap but getting it really took me until last evening and oh man it really was a good thing I got it :D

I mean after that event it really took few weeks to get back in to playing and even though I really don't take this stuff THAT seriously (:D) that not getting in to top ten would have ruined my life but still was really nice to get there NO DOUBT :D I mean I think I have few strong assets when it comes to playing, I'm very serious when I'm on the track, really concentrated and so on, but when I stop playing it stops being so serious if you know what I mean, it just a game :dopey: second thing really is that when I find something fun to do I keep learning to do it better for it only gets more fun when I know how to do it better :dopey: heheh but yeah, it really is true that most of the time this sort of method will end not so well, taken too seriously that sort of stuff will seriously make you really MAD, I mean here at GTP there's been at least one guy that I've seen totally loose it over not getting in the high ranks no matter he spend like up to 8 hours driving so just sitting behind the wheel will usually solve nothing, BUT I had it all set up for me in that event so it worked for me :scared: probably going to try something similar in the future if the event is just right as it was back then, it really was quite extreme and now that I know it won't hurt me I can take it on again if it feels like it :) 👍 but yeah I do not recommend such methods to anyone :lol: :lol:
Does Monza straight come in your dreams too now. :lol:

Always feels good when you get that "lucky" lap although you really end up making your own luck.

Yeah I know there are some people on here that can be even more hardcore than that, I thought I played GT6 a lot then see compared to a lot on here, I'm like a super casual gamer. :lol:
Hehehe yeah I think they should come up with something quite decent, the in game challenges are something that I also look forward besides the TT's, in GT6 they weren't so great but there's been some really freaking great events in past GT's so I hope they come up with something proper... Taking over 32 cars at nurb in the rain and such :lol: :lol: something challenging I hope, felt like the licences were WAAAAAY too easy in GT6, I was disappointed getting the gold time so damn easy :lol:
Yeah licenses are too easy now, it's like first attempt and already beat gold by a big margin but at least they added leaderboards. That makes it challenging again, I tried to be 1st in all of them with ABS off, given quite a few fast people on my friends list, that made it seriously challenging. Hopefully difficulty will be at level of GT4 at least.
Heheh well I just don't like the whole idea of DLC for it really is bit like paying from the same game over and over again :D buuuuut I think I have to get used to it for DLC is surely not going anywhere :lol: :lol: naah, I think I want that stance works DLC at least but have to see what else I'll buy...
It's good to have, just annoying that events require it so so not everyone takes part that might have done so less competition.
Yeah I was actually thinking the same thing, I used to drive from bumper view in GT but after sometime in Pcars I switched to cockpit for I was playing career and it was more fun to drive that way (and more fun to look my own replays :D ) but yeah it really doesn't help to see the interior of the car I don't believe so I think I have to try it too 👍
Great minds think alike. :D I use that view on GT where you just see dials, just got really used to using cockpit view on pCARS and Assetto Corsa that other views feel strange to drive on. I did used to use cockpit view in GT though before switching to dials as I saw that's what the fast people mainly used so probably be able to change with some practice. Was interesting also to see lower gears usage, I also tried that out too but was more consistent at time of just sticking with higher gears.
At least SMS is being consistent for this championship.
The system only keeps ghosts of the top 30 and out of those 14 were excluded for going outside of track limits!
So only 16 got points. 👍 SMS
Nobody outside of the top 30 could move into the top 30 as there are no ghosts to review.
That's a bummer as I was 45th and if there was 1 more dirty lap ahead of me I could have got some points.
Anyway, nice to see them enforcing the rules.
My lap was disqualified for taking to much curb on the first chicane, doesn't look that bad also it lost me maybe .200
as my first sector was poor because of the chicane!

Don't think it affects opponents much to be honest, helps with personal confidence though, much better to be at the top than at the bottom with same amount of effort. It is much more puzzling then.

Heheh well I believe you're right that it has not that much effect on the competition for those guys at the top won't let such things effect them :) but yeah, helps a ton having good confidence (that is not based on unrealistic assumptions!!) when doing something as challenging and demanding as GTA for example, like said I have felt like I can't even catch my own ghost every now and then :dopey: then it's just quite easy to say myself that "hey man it was you who did the previous lap, just figure out what you doing wrong, idiot.." :lol: )

Does Monza straight come in your dreams too now. :lol:

HAhahaha naaah mate I merely drove 3 evenings there :D from where I come from that's just a warm up and the real grinding was just about to begin :lol: :lol: hehehe but yeah, I really spend 4 weeks at Fuji, in the same damn car so it really was coming in to my dreams :D hehehh well TBH I tried to make the damn event to come in to my dreams :D the idea actually was to try to keep myself "in the task" for the whole 4 weeks and I honestly spend a lot of time at work too just contemplating on what I'm gonna try out next and looking replays etc. :D full commitment you know :lol: heheh but yeah, it was fun and I got my reward so pretty brilliant I went for it :cheers: few bad dreams every now and then doesn't bother :lol: :lol:

Yeah I know there are some people on here that can be even more hardcore than that, I thought I played GT6 a lot then see compared to a lot on here, I'm like a super casual gamer.

Heheheh yeah mate I actually have a life outside SIM-racing too and TBH I think I should drop out from work to be able to but any more effort in to playing :lol: Heheh naah, I think especially now that I actually have to spend some of my energy at work waking up quite early there's not much point running longer that 4 hour per evening, I've come to realize in many occasions that my max limit per evening is around 4 hours and I will not make any improvement after that, if I've kept on after that things start to feel quite difficult, but there's an actual upside exhausting myself and still continuing, damn it feel EASY the next day with fresh energy :lol: :lol: heheh so yeah, there must be better ways of training, but one thing is to try to drive really good lap times when you're really tired... sounds quite odd but I think when you're really tired you start have to pay so much more effort to be able to hit same laps when on fresh energy that when again coming back on fresh energy I can get to same lap times with less effort... heheh well this is how it feels and I think routine is something you can always work on no matter (or better yet even!? when) being bit tired :dopey: heheh naah, many times I simply just CAN'T stop grinding when I should :D I like the adrenaline very very much and when you combine dopamine in to the equation it just is the finest feeling, and yeah, adrenaline alone is actually ADDICTING (easy to tell when looking at guys doing extreme sports) so there's few motivator that can keep me going, even when my senses are telling me to stop :D (heheh it's good to write this stuff down, makes me realize a lot of things :lol: )

Yeah licenses are too easy now, it's like first attempt and already beat gold by a big margin but at least they added leaderboards. That makes it challenging again, I tried to be 1st in all of them with ABS off, given quite a few fast people on my friends list, that made it seriously challenging. Hopefully difficulty will be at level of GT4 at least.

Heh yeah, my memory of GT2 and 3 is more or less really vague, BUT 4th I remember well and the level of difficulty was a real challenge, took me weeks to get gold time on some of those events :dopey: and some of those events I just kept on driving and improving my times for they were really fun and challenging stuff to do!!! It's actually a great luck I found TT's when playing GT6, the game itself was really poor if we compare to the events in GT4... not even talking about difficulty..

Heheh oh yeah, perhaps GT6 licences could have been bit more challenging BUT SRF was forced on :D Heheh naah, guess these modern day players can't handle the idea of not getting some challenge trough with gold merits, when I started playing it was obvious that not everyone is able to beat those gold times...

It's good to have, just annoying that events require it so so not everyone takes part that might have done so less competition.

Yeah heheh, I'm doing a bit of counting to see what DLC I have to buy to be able to enter as many of these events as possible... Looks like two more DLC and I should be able to enter most of the events.. Heheh I mean the cost is not that much, I smoke a pack a day and that is pure idiocy so I should not worry some DLC costing me less than half a pack of cigarettes :lol: heheh and yeah, guess the game makers have to live somehow too, they should just make bit less bugging games and it would be bit easier to send them some more money, SMS haven't really convinced me for some reason :D

Great minds think alike. :D

Hahahah heheheh would not go calling myself "great mind" but I think I still take this compliment :lol: :lol: heheheh :lol:

I use that view on GT where you just see dials, just got really used to using cockpit view on pCARS and Assetto Corsa that other views feel strange to drive on. I did used to use cockpit view in GT though before switching to dials as I saw that's what the fast people mainly used so probably be able to change with some practice.

Yeah, I've played GT since I started from bumper view (well I think I started from exterior, but for some reason that I can't recall I've switched to bumper) and actually I learned to play Pcars from bumper too (I had actually bit of trouble driving from cockpit when I first tried, easier to see the car motions or something from bumper so I won't loose the cars balance so easily) but I think it was when I started to drive more that 98T I switched to cockpit and it started to feel more natural and when I tried few weeks later to go back to bumper it felt IMPOSSIBLE :dopey: I can't see SH** :lol: I mean yeah it really helps to see the driving lines when you're bit higher :dopey: but yeah, I think switching between views is not so hard to learn, takes few days but brains will forget from what view you drove before and just switch everything in to this new frame work :) heheh I mean one of my wells of endless optimism comes from the idea that we all have very very effective tool between our ears, trusting IT to handle it's work without inserting too many doubts in to your mind and things will happens almost by themselves :dopey: heheh I mean I don't know have you guys herd but human learns while he's sleeping, so when trying to improve on some TT or what ever it really is good to do hard practice sessions without even trying to make the maximum but just doing it without pressure and then having a really good night sleep and go back for it!!! Sounds almost stupid, but when approaching like this all I need to do is basically sit behind the wheel and my times will improve :dopey: I mean yeah of course I spend time on thinking and testing, but usually after had training sessions those improvements just start dropping in on the next days stint...

Was interesting also to see lower gears usage, I also tried that out too but was more consistent at time of just sticking with higher gears.

I guess you're talking about F1-Masa's video?? but yeah, having only 3 days to practice I didn't even get that far to start trying those lower gears... Well I thought I'd be able to carry better speed for 2nd chicane when staying on 3rd gear, BUT I think coming down to 2nd actually helped to stop the car better making the braking distance shorter... Heheh but yeah, this is why I want to see those top replays and I really would prefer something like 2 weeks of time to set the lap :D I said in the start of the post that driving 3 night is merely a warm up for me, BUT it really is so for I learned the routine in GT6 having two weeks of time I just spend the first week "looking around" not even trying too much, it was toward the last days of event I didn't do anything but try get that best possible lap in and it's bit more straining that just doing a bit of warming up...

That's a bummer as I was 45th and if there was 1 more dirty lap ahead of me I could have got some points.

That's actually quite a bummer... Some people could keep others out from top 30 just by making few more accounts... hope no one is that stupid, but the amount of DQ's tells that not all of them are simply not noticed they've cut the track...

My lap was disqualified for taking to much curb on the first chicane,

WAHT? doesn't look like cutting! and here's just the problem when not having the same limits on the event that SMS has set up, I actually came to conclude that I can cut on the first chicane as much as I want for I will get DQ when going off bounds but APPARENTLY that wasn't the case and now I'm happy I didn't but anymore effort in to this just find myself getting DQ for that... doesn't really look like cutting from the video, but this is one of the reason I think I have to start trying if I could drive from top of the car to see the track limits better, from interior it's easy to miss if you're millimeter wide... Sorry to hear you DQ'd but I'm pretty sure you're not the only one and TBH I didn't even pay that close attention to my own lap for I was so far from top 30... BUT in future if I'm going to set up better times it's good to know they really are precise on this thing...

But yeah, I red from other forum that some people were cutting the track so much it was no mistake so hopefully SMS will understand that for their next game they have to make the track limits to go by the white lines.. I mean I can imagine there's some issues in programming such limits, but still I've seen some videos about where some of the track limits USED to go and it really seems SMS hasn't event originally tried.. Guess they think people are honest by defaul in these competitions :D I've done few sports in my life and it really seems that the guys at the top on any sport know the rules and will go around them if just possible, that's just reality of competition so we would really need good track limits to make this event easier to compete in...

Have to say that this wasn't always perfect on GT too but at least they were pretty coherent and

Always feels good when you get that "lucky" lap although you really end up making your own luck.

Heheh yeah this was actually a really good point :) I mean yeah I might get bit lucky every now and then when trying to improve, but that luck won't just drop in to my lap so I have to work to get lucky, making my own luck :dopey: and I don't know if you guys played any billiards but that's a game where the roll of the ball can make the difference in winning and loosing, the thing just really is that the better you're playing billiards the luckier you seem to get :dopey: the thing just is that when you have years of experience on something you tend to be able to avoid getting UNLUCKY and you know when there's a time to trust on that luck a bit... But yeah, I got tired of playing billiard for there were many people who didn't get this but starts to blame the opponent for getting lucky and winning :D I mean yeah maybe in billiards luck plays bigger role than in racing (when billiards is played on good level luck only matters if opponents are level and better will win 90% time anyway) but still it's good to realize that making your own luck is actually possible, in a way :) so yeah, good point and many people should realize this, luck won't drop in to your lap, you work for it and maybe then you can get some :)
Last edited:
1st attempt at round 2 is a 1'22.766.
Enjoying this 1 as the track limit penalties are really good.

Ok good of track limits are better... There seems to be some confusion when using ghost to define weather the car was in bounds or not in the first round... Hope they get that stuff sorted out so that people wouldn't get penalized for clean laps...

I'm gonna miss this round for it's May Day weekend and it's going to be quite a party trough out the weekend so no point in even tryin...

My plan currently is to buy some DLC next week and I'll start learning Ruapuna park :dopey: seems like few weeks before the event there so I'll have plenty of time learning a new track (probably going to try out my new longtail too see if I get high on the ranks) so good luck guys and I'll be joining the action in few weeks :cheers:
Heheh well I believe you're right that it has not that much effect on the competition for those guys at the top won't let such things effect them :) but yeah, helps a ton having good confidence (that is not based on unrealistic assumptions!!) when doing something as challenging and demanding as GTA for example, like said I have felt like I can't even catch my own ghost every now and then :dopey: then it's just quite easy to say myself that "hey man it was you who did the previous lap, just figure out what you doing wrong, idiot.." :lol: )
Always important to know why fast or slow, then it's easier to improve. I can visualise the perfect lap, just so hard to nail it when push comes to shove.
HAhahaha naaah mate I merely drove 3 evenings there :D from where I come from that's just a warm up and the real grinding was just about to begin :lol: :lol: hehehe but yeah, I really spend 4 weeks at Fuji, in the same damn car so it really was coming in to my dreams :D hehehh well TBH I tried to make the damn event to come in to my dreams :D the idea actually was to try to keep myself "in the task" for the whole 4 weeks and I honestly spend a lot of time at work too just contemplating on what I'm gonna try out next and looking replays etc. :D full commitment you know :lol: heheh but yeah, it was fun and I got my reward so pretty brilliant I went for it :cheers: few bad dreams every now and then doesn't bother :lol: :lol:
3 evenings would be an endurance for me. :lol:

Quite close to top so you may win one of these TTs one day with that kind of effort.
Heheheh yeah mate I actually have a life outside SIM-racing too and TBH I think I should drop out from work to be able to but any more effort in to playing :lol: Heheh naah, I think especially now that I actually have to spend some of my energy at work waking up quite early there's not much point running longer that 4 hour per evening, I've come to realize in many occasions that my max limit per evening is around 4 hours and I will not make any improvement after that, if I've kept on after that things start to feel quite difficult, but there's an actual upside exhausting myself and still continuing, damn it feel EASY the next day with fresh energy :lol: :lol: heheh so yeah, there must be better ways of training, but one thing is to try to drive really good lap times when you're really tired... sounds quite odd but I think when you're really tired you start have to pay so much more effort to be able to hit same laps when on fresh energy that when again coming back on fresh energy I can get to same lap times with less effort... heheh well this is how it feels and I think routine is something you can always work on no matter (or better yet even!? when) being bit tired :dopey: heheh naah, many times I simply just CAN'T stop grinding when I should :D I like the adrenaline very very much and when you combine dopamine in to the equation it just is the finest feeling, and yeah, adrenaline alone is actually ADDICTING (easy to tell when looking at guys doing extreme sports) so there's few motivator that can keep me going, even when my senses are telling me to stop :D (heheh it's good to write this stuff down, makes me realize a lot of things :lol: )
I do it for the competition personally, fun to battle against aliens.
Heh yeah, my memory of GT2 and 3 is more or less really vague, BUT 4th I remember well and the level of difficulty was a real challenge, took me weeks to get gold time on some of those events :dopey: and some of those events I just kept on driving and improving my times for they were really fun and challenging stuff to do!!! It's actually a great luck I found TT's when playing GT6, the game itself was really poor if we compare to the events in GT4... not even talking about difficulty..

Heheh oh yeah, perhaps GT6 licences could have been bit more challenging BUT SRF was forced on :D Heheh naah, guess these modern day players can't handle the idea of not getting some challenge trough with gold merits, when I started playing it was obvious that not everyone is able to beat those gold times...
I was quite rubbish back when I got GT4, struggled to get Bronze. :lol: Yeah, GT6 I think is probably worst in the series.
Yeah heheh, I'm doing a bit of counting to see what DLC I have to buy to be able to enter as many of these events as possible... Looks like two more DLC and I should be able to enter most of the events.. Heheh I mean the cost is not that much, I smoke a pack a day and that is pure idiocy so I should not worry some DLC costing me less than half a pack of cigarettes :lol: heheh and yeah, guess the game makers have to live somehow too, they should just make bit less bugging games and it would be bit easier to send them some more money, SMS haven't really convinced me for some reason :D
Cost isn't the issue for me too, just don't really see myself playing it much. I paid £100 for pCARS 2 already and yet to download it. :lol: Anyway rather not have to pay to put myself through more :banghead: moments. :lol:
Yeah, I've played GT since I started from bumper view (well I think I started from exterior, but for some reason that I can't recall I've switched to bumper) and actually I learned to play Pcars from bumper too (I had actually bit of trouble driving from cockpit when I first tried, easier to see the car motions or something from bumper so I won't loose the cars balance so easily) but I think it was when I started to drive more that 98T I switched to cockpit and it started to feel more natural and when I tried few weeks later to go back to bumper it felt IMPOSSIBLE :dopey: I can't see SH** :lol: I mean yeah it really helps to see the driving lines when you're bit higher :dopey: but yeah, I think switching between views is not so hard to learn, takes few days but brains will forget from what view you drove before and just switch everything in to this new frame work :) heheh I mean one of my wells of endless optimism comes from the idea that we all have very very effective tool between our ears, trusting IT to handle it's work without inserting too many doubts in to your mind and things will happens almost by themselves :dopey: heheh I mean I don't know have you guys herd but human learns while he's sleeping, so when trying to improve on some TT or what ever it really is good to do hard practice sessions without even trying to make the maximum but just doing it without pressure and then having a really good night sleep and go back for it!!! Sounds almost stupid, but when approaching like this all I need to do is basically sit behind the wheel and my times will improve :dopey: I mean yeah of course I spend time on thinking and testing, but usually after had training sessions those improvements just start dropping in on the next days stint...
Hopefully easy to get on another view, I might just stick with cockpit view as I prefer it for live recording of hotlaps as can see steering position.

I do find it easier to improve next day maybe for that reason and/or just being less tired and having already a eye in.
I guess you're talking about F1-Masa's video?? but yeah, having only 3 days to practice I didn't even get that far to start trying those lower gears... Well I thought I'd be able to carry better speed for 2nd chicane when staying on 3rd gear, BUT I think coming down to 2nd actually helped to stop the car better making the braking distance shorter... Heheh but yeah, this is why I want to see those top replays and I really would prefer something like 2 weeks of time to set the lap :D I said in the start of the post that driving 3 night is merely a warm up for me, BUT it really is so for I learned the routine in GT6 having two weeks of time I just spend the first week "looking around" not even trying too much, it was toward the last days of event I didn't do anything but try get that best possible lap in and it's bit more straining that just doing a bit of warming up...
I usually experiment straightaway and see what works best for me to match / beat speed in all the corners. Then question of stringing a good lap together which doesn't happen that often for me.
Heheh yeah this was actually a really good point :) I mean yeah I might get bit lucky every now and then when trying to improve, but that luck won't just drop in to my lap so I have to work to get lucky, making my own luck :dopey: and I don't know if you guys played any billiards but that's a game where the roll of the ball can make the difference in winning and loosing, the thing just really is that the better you're playing billiards the luckier you seem to get :dopey: the thing just is that when you have years of experience on something you tend to be able to avoid getting UNLUCKY and you know when there's a time to trust on that luck a bit... But yeah, I got tired of playing billiard for there were many people who didn't get this but starts to blame the opponent for getting lucky and winning :D I mean yeah maybe in billiards luck plays bigger role than in racing (when billiards is played on good level luck only matters if opponents are level and better will win 90% time anyway) but still it's good to realize that making your own luck is actually possible, in a way :) so yeah, good point and many people should realize this, luck won't drop in to your lap, you work for it and maybe then you can get some :)
It's down to skill also so more accurate you become whether at racing games or billiards, it becomes less about luck.
My lap was disqualified for taking to much curb on the first chicane, doesn't look that bad also it lost me maybe .200
as my first sector was poor because of the chicane!

Unlucky, do you have any other views of lap or checked your ghost out to see how close to lines you are? I got done on the second chicane, was having a look at my lap and seems I had two wheels at least on white line throughtout corner, at least back two or right two.

1.png 2.png 3.png 4.png
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@Saidur_Ali no i never looked at other views because i was hoping to improve the lap, the first chicane i lost at least .200-300 and thats what i got DQ for lol i have seen lots of others take the same amount of curb yet they was ok.
There was no ghost in TT as i had run a faster car on that track.

To be honest i don't think they can govern this right by looking at peoples ghost, i asked for proof of them that it was over the line but they are unable to view after the event. So they must view peoples ghost as me or you could and we know the ghost aren't always true!

So unless you have solid proof of your lap you will get DQ if your ghost looks iffy

Anyway had a couple of hours on Mazda today got a 22.4 not a bad start, i guess when i get back on sunday it will be about 21.7s

Good luck everyone 👍
@Saidur_Ali no i never looked at other views because i was hoping to improve the lap, the first chicane i lost at least .200-300 and thats what i got DQ for lol i have seen lots of others take the same amount of curb yet they was ok.
There was no ghost in TT as i had run a faster car on that track.

To be honest i don't think they can govern this right by looking at peoples ghost, i asked for proof of them that it was over the line but they are unable to view after the event. So they must view peoples ghost as me or you could and we know the ghost aren't always true!

So unless you have solid proof of your lap you will get DQ if your ghost looks iffy

Anyway had a couple of hours on Mazda today got a 22.4 not a bad start, i guess when i get back on sunday it will be about 21.7s

Good luck everyone 👍
Can you use your best session ghost if you try and do time trial, does ghost show up then or is it different car?

Personally would have preferred FIA rules where you just need part of one wheel on track and only really get penalised if you gain an advantage. Would have been better if they just relied on the track boundaries in the game, seems to do a reasonable job nowadays.

It has different LOD IIRC too so probably affects how car appears. Surprised they let a lap where ghost that looked way out as allowed and I've looked at mine which looks like it is on track throughout and it was not considered close enough to be even contacted about. Doesn't seem very consistent to me. Think if they exclude people from results, at least tell them and show exactly why. By the sounds of what you said, they don't have proof either which I don't think it is good way to go about things. Imagine in real life motorsport getting your qualifying lap deleted with no proof showing it was off track. Do you think my lap is off track out of interest on second chicane going by the pictures and video?

Hopefully won't be too much a issue on most tracks in pCARS the track boundaries. Think today times will be already at 1:21.7s.
Can you use your best session ghost if you try and do time trial, does ghost show up then or is it different car?

Personally would have preferred FIA rules where you just need part of one wheel on track and only really get penalised if you gain an advantage. Would have been better if they just relied on the track boundaries in the game, seems to do a reasonable job nowadays.

It has different LOD IIRC too so probably affects how car appears. Surprised they let a lap where ghost that looked way out as allowed and I've looked at mine which looks like it is on track throughout and it was not considered close enough to be even contacted about. Doesn't seem very consistent to me. Think if they exclude people from results, at least tell them and show exactly why. By the sounds of what you said, they don't have proof either which I don't think it is good way to go about things. Imagine in real life motorsport getting your qualifying lap deleted with no proof showing it was off track. Do you think my lap is off track out of interest on second chicane going by the pictures and video?

Hopefully won't be too much a issue on most tracks in pCARS the track boundaries. Think today times will be already at 1:21.7s.

No it shows a faster lap/car, its the first thing i tried. Yes it would be more fair keeping with the track limits in game then its the same for all and not poor judgment from a iffy ghost!

They say you need two wheels at least on the white line so if you did it should be clean, hard to tell from them pics you needed to pan round really, did you appeal?
No it shows a faster lap/car, its the first thing i tried. Yes it would be more fair keeping with the track limits in game then its the same for all and not poor judgment from a iffy ghost!

They say you need two wheels at least on the white line so if you did it should be clean, hard to tell from them pic you needed to pan round really, did you appeal?
I suppose only way really now would be try and take exact same line somehow and see how it looks in replay view to see if they have a point or not regarding that corner.

To me it looks like I've got two wheels on track throught going frame by frame and zooming in on replay. I've sent them video, they think it's close but sided with person who judged it initially. Sent pictures from same video and to me it looks like I'm on. Yet to get a reply, also don't know how to appeal.

Here is zoomed in picture, my car is behind ghost:
