2016 Nvidia Challenger Series

  • Thread starter Animera
Always important to know why fast or slow, then it's easier to improve.

Yes it's crucial!! The thing just is that not even when having the fastest guys replay (and the tune lol) and being able to see exactly how it's done and perhaps even creating a good picture of it in to mind it only helps up to a point... I mean yeah I've spend few years trying to figure out where I loose speed against the very top players and I guess by the time we got to the GTA last summer (my first) I already knew that some of the stuff that those aliens do is simply because they can see a tad earlier when it's ok to start exiting the corner (corner entry is quite important but usually I get the entry right from time to time, at least with a bit of luck if not with skill :D ) and this really comes down to A) reflects, for better the reflects the faster the information reaches right parts in your brain, and B) to intuition and motor coordination for with having better overall intuition will help you to imagine the exit line better (thus giving earlier exit) and good motor coordination takes care that you actually are doing what you're trying to do.... Playing billiard this came REALLY obvious that even when making something relatively easy as a some straight billiard shot can be messed in various different ways EVEN though you're imagining you're doing it right... So yeah, now that I think of it this probably has been the tool I started with when I first realized that I can manage in to the top 500 in TT in GT6, after that I just took on the routine to make as good of a lap I can first and then start picking up some stuff form top 10 replays, figuring out what I'm doing right and what I'm doing wrong...

I can visualise the perfect lap, just so hard to nail it when push comes to shove.

Heheh well I think to me it takes first of all a lot of work to sort of imagine the best possible lap and then there's the nailing part too :D heheh but the good thing is that getting better at nailing the lap comes just by doing lots and lots of TT's, at least I'm getting less and less NERVOUS now that I'e nailed really many good laps while competing in TT's :dopey: I mean when I was starting my TT "career" and I was on a good lap that would take me up to top 100 or what ever I was so nervous coming towards the last corners that I messed up the A LOT :lol: I mean coming towards the braking zone for the last corner I can barely see or breath and my mind goes "OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG" :lol: :lol: so it really was mess :D lucky I've gotten over that (mostly still of course quite exiting, would not do this otherwise :D ) and imagining better lap times also comes with experience and I think I've gotten over the worst part when it comes down to these two... Thing just is that playing almost daily is simply just enough to keep my reflects and motor coordination up on a such level that I can compete from top 50 places or something, I really should go jogging and give up drinking so heavily if I would like to improve on those...

But yeah, for me it has always been a bit a search to figure out the best possible lap and going back to GT6 I was almost always the poorest to start on my friend LB... The thing just was that I got used to it that I learned not to bother myself too much with those times and just kept doing my own thing until on the last 5 yo 4 days I started the real pushing that usually took me past those guys who were faster than me in the start... Comes to mind that this probably has to do with the way I just learned to do the stuff and I don't like to fuss too much until I know the set well enough... Heheh don't know :D I have to admit that I just came home from work and opened a wine bottle so sorry again guys if this is going on quite long :D hope I don't poor you guys too much :crazy: just quite interesting to talk with @Saidur_Ali :cheers:

I do it for the competition personally, fun to battle against aliens.

Yeah man absolutely it's great to go against some guys who know are not messing around :dopey: it's not easy but I guess that's the whole point, fun to see how far my own skills will take me and I've really been in to adrenaline sports already when I was younger so being a bit addicted is one thing that brings me behind the wheel almost every day :) actually now I'm going to do other stuff over the weekend but I'll be behind the wheel on monday that is for sure, old addict needs hes doze :lol: :lol: heheh but yeah, I guess you get few heart beats too when on a good lap? or could you say you're not even raising the pulse while hot lapping or how it is? I mean my pulse is around 200 (well 140 :D ) witch is one part that makes it quite hard sometimes, but as it is among the important things that is bringing me back to this there's no option... I mean I've came to understand that many guys are really calm while they drive but that is not so easy for me so would be interesting to know that do you recon you're getting nervous while hot lapping :odd: I mean I'm usually nervous as hell and while it really doesn't help I can't help it much either so I just have to bare :) and yeah it's fun too to get exited so :D

I was quite rubbish back when I got GT4, struggled to get Bronze. :lol: Yeah, GT6 I think is probably worst in the series.

Ok but where you like 12 when you played GT4?? I mean not meaning you sound too young but just trying to imagine how old you might be, I'm already 33 so I actually was already 16-18 when I played GT4.. I think... I'm too old can't remember anymore :lol: heheh but yeah. got to "brag" that I really did all licences and events gold and I really did them first on a pad and the later on with a wheel for I had already played the GT4 like a year after I got the wheel :D played another year at least I think after that so GT4 really had some challenge :D heheh well I think I hot lapped the nurb for the last half a year when I still played the GT4 but I played it still when GT5P was out already so the game had a long life :D but yeah, when I was playing trough the careerin GT6 I was already thinking by myself that maybe this driving stuff is not so interesting as it used to be when playing GT4, so it really was a good thing I found those TT's and this forum :) haven't seem to get boring after that :D

I usually experiment straightaway and see what works best for me to match / beat speed in all the corners. Then question of stringing a good lap together which doesn't happen that often for me.

So you start going after place 1 ghost right a way? I've actually kept my approach so that I try to go to my "personal best" first and then start sort of looking what others do... heheh now that I think of it it sounds really HARD to go after the P1 holder on the first stint, but now that I think of it it's something I've never tried :odd: I guess it's more relaxing to just drive against your own time, but going after the top straight away would probably make me learn the set much faster... Hmm I don't know, how do you go about it when there's new TT?? Especially if it's a new track :dopey:

It's down to skill also so more accurate you become whether at racing games or billiards, it becomes less about luck.

Heheh very true but I have to say that when I was playing billiard quite seriously (probably 7 years altogether, now I play only in pubs :D) it always felt that I was winning bit more times with luck than the opponents, I mean speaking in very vague average, but coming from skateboarding background billiards was never quite enough exiting to me so I was sort of a risk taker at the table and it made even some of the guys who had played at the top leagues here in finland bit terrified (and pissed) about me for I was pretty good shot maker AND I loved to take some changes :D I mean yeah it's scary to take on the not so easy shot when you know missing it will loose you the game (and your money :D) but damn it was exiting so I tented to play quite risky and WHAT DO YOU KNOW!! you really have to ALLOW yourself the OPPORTUNITY to get lucky and sometimes it really is risky but it really pays back when you time it right, same thing coming towards the last corner, will I try to max it out or take it careful loosing a tenth??? GO MAXIMUM yells my brain and I can't even help it, but on the other hand I feel that that's how it's suppose to do if you want that maximum lap with a hint of luck too perhaps :cheers:

Heheh but yeah, sorry for bit long and meandering text again but here's one of my problems I'm probably not any faster, ton of stuff is running trough my brains all the time and I could sit here all day contemplating on this :lol: :lol: heheh but nice talking with you mate, this has turned out to be a really fruitful conversation and I hope some of the guys starting their TT stuff will get some motivation or tips out from this conversation, TT'in really is a sh** loads of fun when not take too seriously, to me it's just quite obvious that not everyone is capable of being the fastest guy in the world, not even me :lol: :lol:

3 evenings would be an endurance for me. :lol:

Quite close to top so you may win one of these TTs one day with that kind of effort.

Heheh well don't know about that, but if you want to entertain yourself go beat my time at bathurst, at least last time I looked I was on the top of the road car section :D :D heheh but just remember to post your tune when you take me down, wan't to test it out :D (you'll find mine from the replay on my DM channel..)

But yeah, I do this to "relax" after work so it's so in to my routine that I almost feel weird if I don't play 2 hours a day :D I mean I'm skipping the playing for this weekend but after work I'm usually bit pissed (stupid job :lol: ) so it' easy way to forget about it to start hot lapping, AND when going after you guys I have a endless task so... Heheh and about getting to the first place on some of these event for example?? Heheh well just being realistic it SHOULD not happen no matte I started training for the final event now and did nothing else for the whole summer :D I mean yeah I'd probably make it top 10 perhaps but not without some professional guidance AND getting myself in at least bit better shape I will never make it to first place as long as there's some real competition going on :dopey: and this assumption really bases on the fact that I would have already been at the 1st place in GT6 if I had it in me, and secondly there's hundreds of guys who are more or less in the shape of their life going after those places :D heheh and I'm not saying all faster drivers are in somehow really good shape, BUT in my case I think it would be the only way to make my brains work fast enough for those top times, I mean my hands and feet move up to mark but my reflects and thinking is just a millisecond slower and that's not so easy to work on for I would have to wire up my brains again :D

Unlucky, do you have any other views of lap or checked your ghost out to see how close to lines you are?

Yeah that really is unlucky :boggled: just quite impossible to avoid such "bad luck" when it really is impossible to tell while DRIVING if you went out or not... the exit for the second last corner actually made me loose my concentration few times for I was so close to the limit not knowing if it was out or not that it pushed me bit off the zone.. makes it actually qutie hard to even learn the track limits while driving for if it would at least DQ you straight away you would learn not to go there, now it's really easy to miss and I really was thinking that at least in first chicane you can't even cut too much for I got red lapped there many times...
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I suppose only way really now would be try and take exact same line somehow and see how it looks in replay view to see if they have a point or not regarding that corner.

To me it looks like I've got two wheels on track throught going frame by frame and zooming in on replay. I've sent them video, they think it's close but sided with person who judged it initially. Sent pictures from same video and to me it looks like I'm on. Yet to get a reply, also don't know how to appeal.

Here is zoomed in picture, my car is behind ghost:

View attachment 542050

Yes it dose look on track, its a shame when people put so much time in and it can all be for nothing because of a bad judgment call. I put 15 hours in last week but i know guys who hammer it friday to monday like 40 hours :crazy:
Yes it dose look on track, its a shame when people put so much time in and it can all be for nothing because of a bad judgment call. I put 15 hours in last week but i know guys who hammer it friday to monday like 40 hours :crazy:

Yeah I'm also a sort of fellow who buts in a lot of hours and while I really don't mind too much if I'm not on the very top ranks, but if I were to make it to top 30 after week of training and then be DQ'd WITHOUT even showing me exactly why (just to know to avoid it the next time) I'd be quite annoyed... But yeah, like @Saidur_Ali said track limits seemed to be quite ok as they were so maybe they should just use them... Perhaps run a little test in forehand but it really didn't seem at Monza that I would have gained too much by cutting more, and then again the places game allowed you to go out where perfectly natural so I think just withing a day I had "tested" the track boundaries so "exploiting" them would have been no task to anyone who has any idea of a racing line AND I think like 99& of the people here at the forum knows what it is so it's no secret in that sense... But yeah, track bounds were a debate in GT (very very hot debate in GTA especially) but at least DQ's were a clear thing except for few (one) hackers but that too was sorted out so at least it made some sense, this will frustrate many people...
Yes it's crucial!! The thing just is that not even when having the fastest guys replay (and the tune lol) and being able to see exactly how it's done and perhaps even creating a good picture of it in to mind it only helps up to a point... I mean yeah I've spend few years trying to figure out where I loose speed against the very top players and I guess by the time we got to the GTA last summer (my first) I already knew that some of the stuff that those aliens do is simply because they can see a tad earlier when it's ok to start exiting the corner (corner entry is quite important but usually I get the entry right from time to time, at least with a bit of luck if not with skill :D ) and this really comes down to A) reflects, for better the reflects the faster the information reaches right parts in your brain, and B) to intuition and motor coordination for with having better overall intuition will help you to imagine the exit line better (thus giving earlier exit) and good motor coordination takes care that you actually are doing what you're trying to do.... Playing billiard this came REALLY obvious that even when making something relatively easy as a some straight billiard shot can be messed in various different ways EVEN though you're imagining you're doing it right... So yeah, now that I think of it this probably has been the tool I started with when I first realized that I can manage in to the top 500 in TT in GT6, after that I just took on the routine to make as good of a lap I can first and then start picking up some stuff form top 10 replays, figuring out what I'm doing right and what I'm doing wrong...
Usually as simple as braking as late as possible while carrying maximum speed through and out the corner. I rely on force feedback so drive on feel, start to lose bit of edge when feedback fades which can be annoying as usually happens when I get into the rhythm. Amazing really how much information it lets you know in a subtle way.
Heheh well I think to me it takes first of all a lot of work to sort of imagine the best possible lap and then there's the nailing part too :D heheh but the good thing is that getting better at nailing the lap comes just by doing lots and lots of TT's, at least I'm getting less and less NERVOUS now that I'e nailed really many good laps while competing in TT's :dopey: I mean when I was starting my TT "career" and I was on a good lap that would take me up to top 100 or what ever I was so nervous coming towards the last corners that I messed up the A LOT :lol: I mean coming towards the braking zone for the last corner I can barely see or breath and my mind goes "OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG" :lol: :lol: so it really was mess :D lucky I've gotten over that (mostly still of course quite exiting, would not do this otherwise :D ) and imagining better lap times also comes with experience and I think I've gotten over the worst part when it comes down to these two... Thing just is that playing almost daily is simply just enough to keep my reflects and motor coordination up on a such level that I can compete from top 6+ laces or something, I really should go jogging and give up drinking so heavily if I would like to improve on those...

But yeah, for me it has always been a bit a search to figure out the best possible lap and going back to GT6 I was almost always the poorest to start on my friend LB... The thing just was that I got used to it that I learned not to bother myself too much with those times and just kept doing my own thing until on the last 5 yo 4 days I started the real pushing that usually took me past those guys who were faster than me in the start... Comes to mind that this probably has to do with the way I just learned to do the stuff and I don't like to fuss too much until I know the set well enough... Heheh don't know :D I have to admit that I just came home from work and opened a wine bottle so sorry again guys if this is going on quite long :D hope I don't poor you guys too much :crazy: just quite interesting to talk with @Saidur_Ali :cheers:
I can envision it really quickly, just hard to nail though. I still get way too nervous on a good lap, good thing though as I know I'm human still. Maybe you're slowly turning into an alien. :lol:

I usually start well regarding laptimes but when I come closer to limit, find it hard to string a lap together. You should try maximum attack ;) straightaway instead of building up to it. You find me interesting to talk to on here, that's probably puts you in first position on saying that. :lol:
Yeah man absolutely it's great to go against some guys who know are not messing around :dopey: it's not easy but I guess that's the whole point, fun to see how far my own skills will take me and I've really been in to adrenaline sports already when I was younger so being a bit addicted is one thing that brings me behind the wheel almost every day :) actually now I'm going to do other stuff over the weekend but I'll be behind the wheel on monday that is for sure, old addict needs hes doze :lol: :lol: heheh but yeah, I guess you get few heart beats too when on a good lap? or could you say you're not even raising the pulse while hot lapping or how it is? I mean my pulse is around 200 (well 140 :D ) witch is one part that makes it quite hard sometimes, but as it is among the important things that is bringing me back to this there's no option... I mean I've came to understand that many guys are really calm while they drive but that is not so easy for me so would be interesting to know that do you recon you're getting nervous while hot lapping :odd: I mean I'm usually nervous as hell and while it really doesn't help I can't help it much either so I just have to bare :) and yeah it's fun too to get exited so :D
Remember when I first started out on GT5P, I was like 8 seconds off the fastest people in stock cars around Suzuka so amazing to be able to compete and chat against some of them not that long after.

My heart started beating really quickly going into last corner in lap posted, surprised I made it through the corner alive. :lol:
Ok but where you like 12 when you played GT4?? I mean not meaning you sound too young but just trying to imagine how old you might be, I'm already 33 so I actually was already 16-18 when I played GT4.. I think... I'm too old can't remember anymore :lol: heheh but yeah. got to "brag" that I really did all licences and events gold and I really did them first on a pad and the later on with a wheel for I had already played the GT4 like a year after I got the wheel :D played another year at least I think after that so GT4 really had some challenge :D heheh well I think I hot lapped the nurb for the last half a year when I still played the GT4 but I played it still when GT5P was out already so the game had a long life :D but yeah, when I was playing trough the careerin GT6 I was already thinking by myself that maybe this driving stuff is not so interesting as it used to be when playing GT4, so it really was a good thing I found those TT's and this forum :) haven't seem to get boring after that :D
I think I was 14 when I played GT4 in 2005. I think I was better when I was younger on GT1 and GT2. Didn't get PS2 until end of 2004 I think so probably not really playing much games meant I got worse. :lol: I didn't really play GT much back then anyway, I remember getting into F1 end of 2008 and start of 2009 and thinking it looks quite simple to drive fast, discovered there is such thing as braking points/markers. Then tried out theory and managed to easily gold GT4 tests even on pad, didn't have FFB wheel then. :lol:
So you start going after place 1 ghost right a way? I've actually kept my approach so that I try to go to my "personal best" first and then start sort of looking what others do... heheh now that I think of it it sounds really HARD to go after the P1 holder on the first stint, but now that I think of it it's something I've never tried :odd: I guess it's more relaxing to just drive against your own time, but going after the top straight away would probably make me learn the set much faster... Hmm I don't know, how do you go about it when there's new TT?? Especially if it's a new track :dopey:
I usually go for top time straightaway to learn quickly. Then I use a more slower ghost for easier reference so it is more likely to be behind on lap but while being a strong reference point still. If it is a new track then still have similar kind of approach. I like this quote of Lewis Hamilton ""You know how in 'The Matrix,' he can see the matrix? When I'm driving, I see the lines." I do find it quite easy to see what ideal line will be due to more experience. Hard part is nailing a lap rather than getting up to speed.
Heheh very true but I have to say that when I was playing billiard quite seriously (probably 7 years altogether, now I play only in pubs :D) it always felt that I was winning bit more times with luck than the opponents, I mean speaking in very vague average, but coming from skateboarding background billiards was never quite enough exiting to me so I was sort of a risk taker at the table and it made even some of the guys who had played at the top leagues here in finland bit terrified (and pissed) about me for I was pretty good shot maker AND I loved to take some changes :D I mean yeah it's scary to take on the not so easy shot when you know missing it will loose you the game (and your money :D) but damn it was exiting so I tented to play quite risky and WHAT DO YOU KNOW!! you really have to ALLOW yourself the OPPORTUNITY to get lucky and sometimes it really is risky but it really pays back when you time it right, same thing coming towards the last corner, will I try to max it out or take it careful loosing a tenth??? GO MAXIMUM yells my brain and I can't even help it, but on the other hand I feel that that's how it's suppose to do if you want that maximum lap with a hint of luck too perhaps :cheers:

Heheh but yeah, sorry for bit long and meandering text again but here's one of my problems I'm probably not any faster, ton of stuff is running trough my brains all the time and I could sit here all day contemplating on this :lol: :lol: heheh but nice talking with you mate, this has turned out to be a really fruitful conversation and I hope some of the guys starting their TT stuff will get some motivation or tips out from this conversation, TT'in really is a sh** loads of fun when not take too seriously, to me it's just quite obvious that not everyone is capable of being the fastest guy in the world, not even me :lol: :lol:
I remember playing pool for first time, got really lucky on the black to win. I was just trying to hit ball, it was on other side of table so was impossible to pot into corner but luckily I managed to hit it and it came of a couple of cushions and went in. Never felt so lucky. :lol:

Have better virtual skills like on Funky Pool and Funky Snooker though, can be highly addicitive online.

There can be only one who gets that elusive position, given worldwide population, it becomes quite hard to achieve.
Heheh well don't know about that, but if you want to entertain yourself go beat my time at bathurst, at least last time I looked I was on the top of the road car section :D :D heheh but just remember to post your tune when you take me down, wan't to test it out :D (you'll find mine from the replay on my DM channel..)

But yeah, I do this to "relax" after work so it's so in to my routine that I almost feel weird if I don't play 2 hours a day :D I mean I'm skipping the playing for this weekend but after work I'm usually bit pissed (stupid job :lol: ) so it' easy way to forget about it to start hot lapping, AND when going after you guys I have a endless task so... Heheh and about getting to the first place on some of these event for example?? Heheh well just being realistic it SHOULD not happen no matte I started training for the final event now and did nothing else for the whole summer :D I mean yeah I'd probably make it top 10 perhaps but not without some professional guidance AND getting myself in at least bit better shape I will never make it to first place as long as there's some real competition going on :dopey: and this assumption really bases on the fact that I would have already been at the 1st place in GT6 if I had it in me, and secondly there's hundreds of guys who are more or less in the shape of their life going after those places :D heheh and I'm not saying all faster drivers are in somehow really good shape, BUT in my case I think it would be the only way to make my brains work fast enough for those top times, I mean my hands and feet move up to mark but my reflects and thinking is just a millisecond slower and that's not so easy to work on for I would have to wire up my brains again :D
Well done on being top and good lap, don't have PS4 version so can't really compete against you. I'm too lazy to try it. :lol:

You may get one combo that suits you a lot and if you nail a lap, might be enough for first one day. I need to get in better shape too, might give me more a chance then to challenge better but think I really need to up my effort if I have any chance of getting a first position.
Yeah that really is unlucky :boggled: just quite impossible to avoid such "bad luck" when it really is impossible to tell while DRIVING if you went out or not... the exit for the second last corner actually made me loose my concentration few times for I was so close to the limit not knowing if it was out or not that it pushed me bit off the zone.. makes it actually qutie hard to even learn the track limits while driving for if it would at least DQ you straight away you would learn not to go there, now it's really easy to miss and I really was thinking that at least in first chicane you can't even cut too much for I got red lapped there many times...
I was driving also in cockpit view so it feels like more on track, did say earlier it feels like I'm driving a ship and I don't know exactly where I am on track so that doesn't help. :lol:
Yes it dose look on track, its a shame when people put so much time in and it can all be for nothing because of a bad judgment call. I put 15 hours in last week but i know guys who hammer it friday to monday like 40 hours :crazy:
Hopefully person responds to my message, struggling personally to see how I'm off and it being clear cut enough not to contact me in the first place. I'm not sure how long I spent, probably about 6 hours of driving over two days. Haven't played for a long long time though so was good to get up to speed again. It's the principle too of being labelled as track cutting especially if incorrect decision. Fair enough if accurate but to exclude laps without letting person know with proof makes it hard to take as I imagine a number of people put quite a bit of time into it. Also get the feeling that some invalid laps might make it through and some valid laps won't due to human error.
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Usually as simple as braking as late as possible while carrying maximum speed through and out the corner.

Heh yeah and really comes to mind that many times the entry of many corners naturally will favor braking late as possible for you need that little drift to stick the the nose in so finding the latest possible braking point (especially on straight braking like on the first turn at monza) is actually pretty quite simple and easy.... the thing that has made me realize where I lag a bit of reflects is the exit part... hard to explain but it's like I see the damn exit just few milliseconds too late, experience from that particular corner will help BUT too many times I notice myself thinking that I could have pushed hard on the throttle a hair earlier but if as the information didn't quite come through early enough... So yeah, braking late is no deal but I would have to be able to pic up the exit line just a tad earlier the be able to get that best possible exit, now it sometimes feels like I held it back a little bit but could not quite help it for I didn't notice it until it was too late... And yeah the difference is really small but noticeable and it's always a tenth I loose for this reason and while it comes easier by experience it's not just enough... I mean I would basically have to learn every single position where the car is on for good exit and I can just floor it, but the reality is that being just few centimeter on different line alters the way you can exit the corner and we're talking about so little detail that I think remembering it all is just not possible, I should be able to "make it up" on a fly but it's just that fraction of a second I need time to run that info trough my system and then it's too late...

Heheh eating oily fish and nuts and stuff will help you're brain run more fluently I've herd but as my GF doesn't eat red meat I eat plenty of that stuff I can tell you guys :D but perhaps taking on some sport like SQUASH (hah what a word and what an insane looking sport :D ) to enhance my god damn reflects but I think I should really start considering giving up work and if I would want to put all my efforts toward SIM-racing :D :D would be fun explaining the person at the ob center that "naah mam I can't take on that job, I have a career in SIM-racing, not making any money YET but I really can't go to work to be able to practice more" :D heheh yeah that would be great :D heheh but yeah, reality is that it would really be hard work to practice and it would only take me up to a certain point for being realistic I'm not that young anymore... Wish I had kept on playing after GT4 :D not sure how long brake I had but it was many years, I would not consider it at all possible that I would have done really well back in GT5 TT's and I could be insanely fast by now, BUT then again it's not quite that simple for I could have gotten bored by now so not too much mind in contemplation "what if" :cheers:

I rely on force feedback so drive on feel, start to lose bit of edge when feedback fades which can be annoying as usually happens when I get into the rhythm. Amazing really how much information it lets you know in a subtle way.

Heh yeah even though I have quite methodical approach to this thing it comes down the driving feel that's true and FFB in Pcars sure felt quite amazing when coming from GT but I have to admit that I can't notice the wheel fading... have to pay it a bit more attention for if it really starts fading maybe it would be good to give the wheel (and myself lol) a five minute brake...

there is such thing as braking points/markers. Then tried out theory and managed to easily gold GT4 tests even on pad, didn't have FFB wheel then. :lol:

What? you played trough the first GT's WITHOUT knowing what is a braking point :D must have been quite hard and I really have to say that for some reason my dad was smart enough to explain me what is a braking point when I playe GT2 or something :dopey: he haven't raced in hes life but I think it could have been in game instructions or something don't really know, but braking marker is something that I remember using almost as long as I've been driving :dopey: in matter of a fact when I came back to SIM-racing after brake it was the ONLY thing I remember and it's there were I picked it all up again :dopey: heheh now thinking it has probably made you quite reactive driver not using any braking markers :D they sure make your life quite a lot easier :lol: :lol:

My heart started beating really quickly going into last corner in lap posted, surprised I made it through the corner alive. :lol:

Heheh yeah same here, I really did butcher the last corner on my best lap at Monza and it really was due to this blindness caused by adrenaline rush :scared: pretty hard to control sometimes but as it really is the adrenaline in the first hand that even enables us to push those limits it's something just comes easier by experience... sounds probably odd but in billiards too controlling the adrenaline rush is crucial :scared: while you're on a good roll and you're coming towards the last balls on the table after cleaning it up it gets harder and harder for your heart beats so damn fast it first of all makes you literally almost blind and secondly I can't THINK :dopey: I mean in billiards I have all the time in the world so you would think it's no problem, but oh man I can tell you that NOTHING is more stressful than standing besides pool table starting at the few last balls trying to think how to do the "out" (close it up) and all I can here in my brain is "DING DONG DING DONG" :D heheh and at the same time the other guy is starting me with a bad eye for I've standing there for minute now just making the game longer when in reality I'm so damn frozen I just have to give myself a few minutes to calm down while trying to make it look like I'm thinking :D so yeah guys, when you look at snooker in TV and you see them pause for a minute contemplating on a shot, sometimes it's just because they are calming themselves down ;) I mean yeah sometimes they have to ponder on the shot for having so many options, BUT any good player will know not to rush on things when the heart is beating too much, you make wrong decisions and all sorts of "ticks" may occure while making the shot so better to calm yourself down... easier said than done and while playing racing games there really is no time to calm myself down (well few seconds on straight) so just handling the pressure is what makes the difference... Really good thing this come easier by experience and I have to admit you guys I might drink a few beers while playing, just to calm myself down and it really helps as long as you don't drink too much :D I'd 3 small light beers is just nice to relax you a bit and give some energy too :D (stay away from alcohol kids in reality it only makes you slower :D makes you just feel faster :lol: :lol: )

I remember playing pool for first time, got really lucky on the black to win. I was just trying to hit ball, it was on other side of table so was impossible to pot into corner but luckily I managed to hit it and it came of a couple of cushions and went in. Never felt so lucky. :lol:

Heheh yeah it's always nice to get a really proper fluke to win the game :lol: makes the opponent really pissed :D heheh well depends on the opponent but when I played pool quite a lot I noticed it really brings the emotion to the surface on many peoples :lol: fun to see how even some really great and experienced players totally loose it almost braking their 500e pool cue for loosing over stupid mistake or bad luck :lol: :lol: heheh but yeah like said, better the players less there's luck involved for good player doesn't miss the pocket and is able to control the white ball with almost pin point accuracy, then it really starts becoming down to handling your nerves AND EMOTIONS :D hehe but yeah, when playing pool one always has to face the possibility that luck can intertwine it's self in to the game and if it goes for the opponent, JUST forget it :) not so easy always but you just have to let it slide...

Have better virtual skills like on Funky Pool and Funky Snooker though, can be highly addicitive online.

You know what mate, I think we should play some day some virtual pool :D I'm a check what's it about later on and if it seems something worth while I think I load it up :D heheheh perhaps I could give you bit more opponent on the pool table than on the track :lol: :lol: :lol:

I need to get in better shape too, might give me more a chance then to challenge better but think I really need to up my effort if I have any chance of getting a first position.

Heh well it's quite easy to see that better the shape you are longer and better quality stints you can do... Heheh well I don't follow F1 too closely (I tend to always forget to watch actually :D ) but I was reading about some open practice in the beginning of the season and if I don't remember all that wrong some of those drivers where doing something like 150 laps in ONE DAY :dopey: I mean that's a quite achievement even when playing SIM-racing so I can just try to imagine in what sort of shape those guys must be :D

Well done on being top and good lap, don't have PS4 version so can't really compete against you. I'm too lazy to try it. :lol:

Hehehe yeah thanks, I actually think that I managed to tune the gumbert so that it feels a bit like some of the cars in GT :lol: slipping and sliding and quite heavy oversteer but that really is what I got used to when playing GT so it actually felt quite familiar hot lapping at panorama :lol: was one of my favorite tracks in GT too, at Monza I actually was never too good but I didn't quite like the track, seemed like more interesting track in Pcars though :cheers:

I was driving also in cockpit view so it feels like more on track, did say earlier it feels like I'm driving a ship and I don't know exactly where I am on track so that doesn't help. :lol:

Heheh yeah it's quite fun to drive from cockpit and when I started using cockpit view in the RWD LMP1 I was pretty amazed how well I was able to position the car after few days of practice, but now I have tried it out on the hood cam few times and I think that would be the way to go... I'm actually somehow able to tell bit more about the cars motion when driving from the hood.. Not that it was making me any faster straight away, but I got pretty close to my record at nurb in RWD and driving actually felt more safe seeing so much more of the road... One thing is that perhaps driving from hood view will make the cars feel more generic for they all look almost the same from there, but then again when going after LB's those things doesn't really matter lol :D

I usually start well regarding laptimes but when I come closer to limit, find it hard to string a lap together. You should try maximum attack ;) straightaway instead of building up to it. You find me interesting to talk to on here, that's probably puts you in first position on saying that. :lol:

Heheh well it's good to know how others do it ain't it, I mean this actually looks like something worthwhile to start doing, Maximum attack is the way to go, just like the name says :D (have you guys herd from Markku "maximum attack" Alen" :D he drove those insane b-groub rally cars and was one of the successful finns back then, insane respect for those guys, literally putting their lives on the line :eek:

:)👍 (we should have b-groupers in Pcars, that would be epic!!!

Also get the feeling that some invalid laps might make it through and some valid laps won't due to human error.

Yeah this is very true... things go bit vague when talking about something as precise as this thing really is, so if we could rely on the actual track limits in the game that would be great, and I hope who every is coming up with next community events will take in consideration of using the in game bounds... just don't use the tracks that has stupid bounds... annoying when things are made unnecessarily complex :boggled:
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I'm currently running at 1.24.1 but know (with my limited abilities) I can get another half a second but need some advice.
The two places I'm losing time at are
a) the corkscrew - I either brake too early and lose time, or too late and hard causing a lock up. Where is the ideal braking point?
b) last corner - I don't know if I'm taking the best line because the ghosts I load are too far ahead for me to see clearly. I know exiting this corner well is crucial for a good lap time.

Any help would be appreciated.
a) the corkscrew - I either brake too early and lose time, or too late and hard causing a lock up. Where is the ideal braking point?

Heh ok sorry mate I haven't done a lap for this event or even hot lapped at laguna sega in Pcars BUT from what I've driven there and what I'm GUESSING your trouble could be from what I'm reading you just have to do the braking in two parts.. . Start braking late but when going over the crest yo u must ease on the brakes not to lock it up.... first corner at Monza is almost rare occasion being so straight forward that you just must brake as hard and as late as possible, braking zone for corkscrew is really quite difficult...

Seems like there's still few days to go so good luck guys :cheers:
I wish the PS4 leaderboard would have a shortcut to the last page or the total number of entrants always visible. Being #235 of 10,000 entrants is much different than 235 of 250.
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Heh yeah and really comes to mind that many times the entry of many corners naturally will favor braking late as possible for you need that little drift to stick the the nose in so finding the latest possible braking point (especially on straight braking like on the first turn at monza) is actually pretty quite simple and easy.... the thing that has made me realize where I lag a bit of reflects is the exit part... hard to explain but it's like I see the damn exit just few milliseconds too late, experience from that particular corner will help BUT too many times I notice myself thinking that I could have pushed hard on the throttle a hair earlier but if as the information didn't quite come through early enough... So yeah, braking late is no deal but I would have to be able to pic up the exit line just a tad earlier the be able to get that best possible exit, now it sometimes feels like I held it back a little bit but could not quite help it for I didn't notice it until it was too late... And yeah the difference is really small but noticeable and it's always a tenth I loose for this reason and while it comes easier by experience it's not just enough... I mean I would basically have to learn every single position where the car is on for good exit and I can just floor it, but the reality is that being just few centimeter on different line alters the way you can exit the corner and we're talking about so little detail that I think remembering it all is just not possible, I should be able to "make it up" on a fly but it's just that fraction of a second I need time to run that info trough my system and then it's too late...

Heheh eating oily fish and nuts and stuff will help you're brain run more fluently I've herd but as my GF doesn't eat red meat I eat plenty of that stuff I can tell you guys :D but perhaps taking on some sport like SQUASH (hah what a word and what an insane looking sport :D ) to enhance my god damn reflects but I think I should really start considering giving up work and if I would want to put all my efforts toward SIM-racing :D :D would be fun explaining the person at the ob center that "naah mam I can't take on that job, I have a career in SIM-racing, not making any money YET but I really can't go to work to be able to practice more" :D heheh yeah that would be great :D heheh but yeah, reality is that it would really be hard work to practice and it would only take me up to a certain point for being realistic I'm not that young anymore... Wish I had kept on playing after GT4 :D not sure how long brake I had but it was many years, I would not consider it at all possible that I would have done really well back in GT5 TT's and I could be insanely fast by now, BUT then again it's not quite that simple for I could have gotten bored by now so not too much mind in contemplation "what if" :cheers:
I think that's why it is important to be able to feel the limit, then can drive at one with the car which makes it possible to drive a lot quicker. "If in doubt, flat out" approach usually works quite well.
Heh yeah even though I have quite methodical approach to this thing it comes down the driving feel that's true and FFB in Pcars sure felt quite amazing when coming from GT but I have to admit that I can't notice the wheel fading... have to pay it a bit more attention for if it really starts fading maybe it would be good to give the wheel (and myself lol) a five minute brake...
Which wheel do you use? G27 starts fading quite quickly, doesn't even last an hour for me.
What? you played trough the first GT's WITHOUT knowing what is a braking point :D must have been quite hard and I really have to say that for some reason my dad was smart enough to explain me what is a braking point when I playe GT2 or something :dopey: he haven't raced in hes life but I think it could have been in game instructions or something don't really know, but braking marker is something that I remember using almost as long as I've been driving :dopey: in matter of a fact when I came back to SIM-racing after brake it was the ONLY thing I remember and it's there were I picked it all up again :dopey: heheh now thinking it has probably made you quite reactive driver not using any braking markers :D they sure make your life quite a lot easier :lol: :lol:
It was like guessing each time. Didn't know really about using reference points for braking until maybe in 2009, it was like a eureka moment for me. :dopey:
Heheh yeah same here, I really did butcher the last corner on my best lap at Monza and it really was due to this blindness caused by adrenaline rush :scared: pretty hard to control sometimes but as it really is the adrenaline in the first hand that even enables us to push those limits it's something just comes easier by experience... sounds probably odd but in billiards too controlling the adrenaline rush is crucial :scared: while you're on a good roll and you're coming towards the last balls on the table after cleaning it up it gets harder and harder for your heart beats so damn fast it first of all makes you literally almost blind and secondly I can't THINK :dopey: I mean in billiards I have all the time in the world so you would think it's no problem, but oh man I can tell you that NOTHING is more stressful than standing besides pool table starting at the few last balls trying to think how to do the "out" (close it up) and all I can here in my brain is "DING DONG DING DONG" :D heheh and at the same time the other guy is starting me with a bad eye for I've standing there for minute now just making the game longer when in reality I'm so damn frozen I just have to give myself a few minutes to calm down while trying to make it look like I'm thinking :D so yeah guys, when you look at snooker in TV and you see them pause for a minute contemplating on a shot, sometimes it's just because they are calming themselves down ;) I mean yeah sometimes they have to ponder on the shot for having so many options, BUT any good player will know not to rush on things when the heart is beating too much, you make wrong decisions and all sorts of "ticks" may occure while making the shot so better to calm yourself down... easier said than done and while playing racing games there really is no time to calm myself down (well few seconds on straight) so just handling the pressure is what makes the difference... Really good thing this come easier by experience and I have to admit you guys I might drink a few beers while playing, just to calm myself down and it really helps as long as you don't drink too much :D I'd 3 small light beers is just nice to relax you a bit and give some energy too :D (stay away from alcohol kids in reality it only makes you slower :D makes you just feel faster :lol: :lol: )
I did the same too, lost quite a bit of time there. Heart beat also goes up when playing virtual snooker when on good break too.

Does being Finnish help you be ice cool and have nerves of steel at all? :D
Heheh yeah it's always nice to get a really proper fluke to win the game :lol: makes the opponent really pissed :D heheh well depends on the opponent but when I played pool quite a lot I noticed it really brings the emotion to the surface on many peoples :lol: fun to see how even some really great and experienced players totally loose it almost braking their 500e pool cue for loosing over stupid mistake or bad luck :lol: :lol: heheh but yeah like said, better the players less there's luck involved for good player doesn't miss the pocket and is able to control the white ball with almost pin point accuracy, then it really starts becoming down to handling your nerves AND EMOTIONS :D hehe but yeah, when playing pool one always has to face the possibility that luck can intertwine it's self in to the game and if it goes for the opponent, JUST forget it :) not so easy always but you just have to let it slide...
Depends on personality I suppose, some take it better than others.
You know what mate, I think we should play some day some virtual pool :D I'm a check what's it about later on and if it seems something worth while I think I load it up :D heheheh perhaps I could give you bit more opponent on the pool table than on the track :lol: :lol: :lol:
Yeah, that would be fun. Been a while since I last played, my account got deleted due to being inactive so may create it for the third time now. :lol:
Heh well it's quite easy to see that better the shape you are longer and better quality stints you can do... Heheh well I don't follow F1 too closely (I tend to always forget to watch actually :D ) but I was reading about some open practice in the beginning of the season and if I don't remember all that wrong some of those drivers where doing something like 150 laps in ONE DAY :dopey: I mean that's a quite achievement even when playing SIM-racing so I can just try to imagine in what sort of shape those guys must be :D
A lot of them also do a lot of simulation laps.
Hehehe yeah thanks, I actually think that I managed to tune the gumbert so that it feels a bit like some of the cars in GT :lol: slipping and sliding and quite heavy oversteer but that really is what I got used to when playing GT so it actually felt quite familiar hot lapping at panorama :lol: was one of my favorite tracks in GT too, at Monza I actually was never too good but I didn't quite like the track, seemed like more interesting track in Pcars though :cheers:
I prefer a neutral balance where car just feels like it is on rails myself.
Heheh yeah it's quite fun to drive from cockpit and when I started using cockpit view in the RWD LMP1 I was pretty amazed how well I was able to position the car after few days of practice, but now I have tried it out on the hood cam few times and I think that would be the way to go... I'm actually somehow able to tell bit more about the cars motion when driving from the hood.. Not that it was making me any faster straight away, but I got pretty close to my record at nurb in RWD and driving actually felt more safe seeing so much more of the road... One thing is that perhaps driving from hood view will make the cars feel more generic for they all look almost the same from there, but then again when going after LB's those things doesn't really matter lol :D
Cockpit view you get more value from too. All them extra weeks worth of modelling you get to see. ;)
Heheh well it's good to know how others do it ain't it, I mean this actually looks like something worthwhile to start doing, Maximum attack is the way to go, just like the name says :D (have you guys herd from Markku "maximum attack" Alen" :D he drove those insane b-groub rally cars and was one of the successful finns back then, insane respect for those guys, literally putting their lives on the line :eek:

:)👍 (we should have b-groupers in Pcars, that would be epic!!!

Group B where both the drivers and cars are insane. ;)
Yeah this is very true... things go bit vague when talking about something as precise as this thing really is, so if we could rely on the actual track limits in the game that would be great, and I hope who every is coming up with next community events will take in consideration of using the in game bounds... just don't use the tracks that has stupid bounds... annoying when things are made unnecessarily complex :boggled:
Should be innocent until proven guilty too. Will be interesting to see how GT SPORT deals with track limits.
I think that's why it is important to be able to feel the limit, then can drive at one with the car which makes it possible to drive a lot quicker.

Yeah it sure is really important and even at as straight forward looking corner entry as 1st corner at monza requires great feel for the car sure was sliding quite a lot when I just rammed the gears down :D

Which wheel do you use? G27 starts fading quite quickly, doesn't even last an hour for me.

T300 and I think it could be bit firmer when I start driving... Now that I think of it I should perhaps try it out on bit heavier FFB... I actually managed to brake my first T300 already :dopey: the damn throttle pedal just snapped one evening when I was hotlapping :D I was quite pissed but then I actually got a brand new wheel withing few weeks IIRC, not bad considering I had driven with the first wheel for well over a year and :dopey: but yeah just reminded me that the FFB felt overall bit more firm when I first got the wheel so perhaps I should try what it feels with more FFB..

It was like guessing each time. Didn't know really about using reference points for braking until maybe in 2009, it was like a eureka moment for me. :dopey:

Hahahah yeah I can believe it was :D and even though GT has that red gear light that starts blinking when coming towards the braking zone it sure helps when you can use something bit more solid... While doing the career mode I did the Le Mans 24h race (minimum length) and while racing at night there really is nothing else to go by but the markers and I remember having quite tense moments when waiting for the sing to appear :scared: also entering the porsche curves I was pretty happy that those fellows in red glowing clothing stood still on really good braking marker for whole night :D but yeah I think those reference points and markers are great help but sometimes there's nothing much more than just go by the feel... Drove few hours at Ruapuana GP today and already the first corner won't go right just by using a marker and ramming the gears down.. Actually after few hours I could not find too good reference point for that corner but I guess the line of approach defines when to brake... quite hard first corner and really takes some good trailbraking to get right and seemed like the 2nd corner exit is going to be a nightmare trying to see if the car goes wide there on the exit and the entry is quite difficult and really defines how you're going to exit...

Depends on personality I suppose, some take it better than others.

Hehehhe well for me it depends on the day quite much :D but the thing is that even when playing billiards keeping calm isn't always easy so it really doesn't help to ponder on the loosing too much... well perhaps it's good to let it out sometimes by having a bit of fit to let the steam out so you can get on with the next game, BEST thing would be not let anything bother you while playing... If you make mistakes don't ponder on them but just try to make sure not to repeat the same next time :dopey: heheheh but I have to admit that while hot lapping I sometimes let out quite loud noises after screwing up a good lap :D

A lot of them also do a lot of simulation laps.

Hehehe yeah would be fun to try out those simulators they use :boggled:

Should be innocent until proven guilty too. Will be interesting to see how GT SPORT deals with track limits.

Well I don't know but at least PD has done quite good work so far and honestly speaking I'm quite amazed that something like track limits are even this big of an issue... I mean yeah they were ridiculous in Pcars earlier on witch is quite amazing alone I mean how hard can it be, but even when playing GT this was like eternal debate... while it was true that some guys were getting a bit of advantage by going wide or perhaps cutting a bit more in some places those places usually were in so difficult spots that just "exploiting" them was not far from impossible even though I knew the places... Also when PD added some cones in the GTA people were also really unhappy (same guys :odd: :lol:) so what ever the limits are I think people tend to forget the limits are the same for all of us... Also as unbelievable as it sounds I think everyone of us could choose to spend hours on trying to find those limits so at least when track limits make some sense not allowing anything completely stupid I can't personally see how come this really is so huge issue... Well I guess there's not limits that would suit all, keeping the white lines as limits would be no problem but having to figure out weather you were in or out by yourself is quite annoying :D spoils the rhythm when having to worry such things too much while driving, there's enough uncertainty while driving it's hard to contemplate something as trivial as did you keep it inside the limits or not..

Yeah, that would be fun. Been a while since I last played, my account got deleted due to being inactive so may create it for the third time now. :lol:

Heheh ok sounds like it's quite addictive game :D have to look on that later on I got my hand quite full with Pcars ATM :cheers:

I did the same too, lost quite a bit of time there. Heart beat also goes up when playing virtual snooker when on good break too.

Hehehe well I can imagine it does :D it's fun how the tension builds :scared:

Does being Finnish help you be ice cool and have nerves of steel at all? :D

Hahaha you know the thing that makes billiards hard is how good is your opponent and how good of a nerve he has :D so while I've really almost only played against other finns it's hard to tell does it help or not :lol: :lol: heheh but yeah, billiards can be good builder of character for it really comes down to handling those nerves when you can't miss a shot if you don't want to loose... Got bit tired playing for in pool billiards the shot making is really not that hard when you just got a good technique and you spend enough time playing so in the end of the day it's just quite nerve wrecking... Probably going to start playing again at some point but SIM-racing takes too much time :D
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T300 and I think it could be bit firmer when I start driving... Now that I think of it I should perhaps try it out on bit heavier FFB... I actually managed to brake my first T300 already :dopey: the damn throttle pedal just snapped one evening when I was hotlapping :D I was quite pissed but then I actually got a brand new wheel withing few weeks IIRC, not bad considering I had driven with the first wheel for well over a year and :dopey: but yeah just reminded me that the FFB felt overall bit more firm when I first got the wheel so perhaps I should try what it feels with more FFB..
T300 don't think it fades due to the fan, probably only if you have really high forces. Do you use the stock pedals on that? I find Thrustmaster pedals have slow initial response compared to Logitech but do have more pedal resolution due to wheel. I had a T300, first one broke quite quickly and second one had some issue I think so returned it. I regret not putting more effort into time trial I first used on GT6, think very good chance of finishing first on that but at least got top 10 I think.
Hahahah yeah I can believe it was :D and even though GT has that red gear light that starts blinking when coming towards the braking zone it sure helps when you can use something bit more solid... While doing the career mode I did the Le Mans 24h race (minimum length) and while racing at night there really is nothing else to go by but the markers and I remember having quite tense moments when waiting for the sing to appear :scared: also entering the porsche curves I was pretty happy that those fellows in red glowing clothing stood still on really good braking marker for whole night :D but yeah I think those reference points and markers are great help but sometimes there's nothing much more than just go by the feel... Drove few hours at Ruapuana GP today and already the first corner won't go right just by using a marker and ramming the gears down.. Actually after few hours I could not find too good reference point for that corner but I guess the line of approach defines when to brake... quite hard first corner and really takes some good trailbraking to get right and seemed like the 2nd corner exit is going to be a nightmare trying to see if the car goes wide there on the exit and the entry is quite difficult and really defines how you're going to exit...
I think I also discoved the red blinking gear light at similar time too. It's like it knows when to brake, mind blown. :dopey:
Hehehhe well for me it depends on the day quite much :D but the thing is that even when playing billiards keeping calm isn't always easy so it really doesn't help to ponder on the loosing too much... well perhaps it's good to let it out sometimes by having a bit of fit to let the steam out so you can get on with the next game, BEST thing would be not let anything bother you while playing... If you make mistakes don't ponder on them but just try to make sure not to repeat the same next time :dopey: heheheh but I have to admit that while hot lapping I sometimes let out quite loud noises after screwing up a good lap :D
Yeah, situation is also important.
Hehehe yeah would be fun to try out those simulators they use :boggled:
Need to probably do leg work out as I think you have to like stamp on the brakes to get enough pressure to slow the car down.
Well I don't know but at least PD has done quite good work so far and honestly speaking I'm quite amazed that something like track limits are even this big of an issue... I mean yeah they were ridiculous in Pcars earlier on witch is quite amazing alone I mean how hard can it be, but even when playing GT this was like eternal debate... while it was true that some guys were getting a bit of advantage by going wide or perhaps cutting a bit more in some places those places usually were in so difficult spots that just "exploiting" them was not far from impossible even though I knew the places... Also when PD added some cones in the GTA people were also really unhappy (same guys :odd: :lol:) so what ever the limits are I think people tend to forget the limits are the same for all of us... Also as unbelievable as it sounds I think everyone of us could choose to spend hours on trying to find those limits so at least when track limits make some sense not allowing anything completely stupid I can't personally see how come this really is so huge issue... Well I guess there's not limits that would suit all, keeping the white lines as limits would be no problem but having to figure out weather you were in or out by yourself is quite annoying :D spoils the rhythm when having to worry such things too much while driving, there's enough uncertainty while driving it's hard to contemplate something as trivial as did you keep it inside the limits or not..
I think it was a bit ridiculous the way they handled it before, now they seem to go to the other extreme. Before you could miss corners on the track and still be rewarded. Now even if you are potentially on track, can get time excluded.

FIA rules are better IMO so should be easier to push car to the limit without worrying too much about track limits.
Heheh ok sounds like it's quite addictive game :D have to look on that later on I got my hand quite full with Pcars ATM :cheers:
It is especially with the tournaments and playing against friends. Now 10 years ago since I first started playing it, time flies by quite quickly. :scared:
Hehehe well I can imagine it does :D it's fun how the tension builds :scared:
Difference between us humans and the aliens.
Hahaha you know the thing that makes billiards hard is how good is your opponent and how good of a nerve he has :D so while I've really almost only played against other finns it's hard to tell does it help or not :lol: :lol: heheh but yeah, billiards can be good builder of character for it really comes down to handling those nerves when you can't miss a shot if you don't want to loose... Got bit tired playing for in pool billiards the shot making is really not that hard when you just got a good technique and you spend enough time playing so in the end of the day it's just quite nerve wrecking... Probably going to start playing again at some point but SIM-racing takes too much time :D
Probably helps with concentration and accuracy which might help improve your sim skills.
T300 don't think it fades due to the fan, probably only if you have really high forces. Do you use the stock pedals on that? I find Thrustmaster pedals have slow initial response

Yeah stock pedals but they really are crappy and the damn throttle pedal just snapped broke on to me so the quality is POOR! Also when I was hot lapping the 98t at nurb I really did notice I can get off the brake as late as I would like to for it what felt like the pedal travel was too long... Could be that it was also due to slow response somehow but as 98T has so bad tires and brakes it's crucial to be off the throttle when start braking to be able to use the latest possible braking point... Crappy crappy pedals but before T300 I was playing with DFpro and that thing had even worse pedals having no feel at all (shorter distance though :D ) so t300 stock pedals were upgrade never the less.. But yeah, not had any trouble in other cars but in 98t it felt I would like to have faster/shorter travel in pedals to be able to drive faster, too much time spend lifting my feet high up in the air to get off the throttle properly fast... minor thing but better pedals would be great and would no doubt make life bit easier... heheh well I guess these sort of things won't WIN you any speed but they prevent loosing it so easily... speaking about such fractions that I'll do well enough with the pedals I have...

I had a T300, first one broke quite quickly and second one had some issue I think so returned it. I regret not putting more effort into time trial I first used on GT6, think very good chance of finishing first on that but at least got top 10 I think.

Yeah my first wheel started messing up quite soon after getting it (engines slipped to some over position and made terrible noise, power reset helped but it did this every time when starting to play) but I didn't bother to return it, I was quite pissed paying such amount of money for such poor quality (great feel though) but now I think I'm relatively satisfied with thrusmaster for I got new wheel and at least for now it has worked without issues... But yeah, changing from that DFpro to t300 really made my life easier, I remember my first stint and I was laughing by myself for things felt so easy, I didn't loose the car half as easy as I did before for there was no dead zone and the seamless FFB sure make reacting to things easier... Again it didn't made me faster straight away but I'd say I was able to pic up my speed when I got used to the wheel... And once again I was not that much FASTER, just made less mistakes and by making less mistakes better times will come... Really nice and good wheel to drive, quality is just shameful.. My old DFpro actually served me for years and years and while I didn't play I was borrowing that wheel to few different people and it lasted even that... After doing TT's in GT6 for year and a half or so that old DFpro started slipping the motors so I had to give it up... Just says something about the logitech quality when some product like that survives for such many years :dopey:

I think I also discoved the red blinking gear light at similar time too. It's like it knows when to brake, mind blown. :dopey:

:lol: :lol: :lol: hahahah yeah indeed quite interesting how that light functions :lol: :lol: heheh funny thing but I was bit of missing that red light when starting Pcars, helps a lot on unfamiliar track... BUT on the other had it's a false indicator for it keeps changing according to the situation... Driver should be able to notice the speed difference by himself when coming in to corner and while that's really just possible by looking at the speed dial it's important to have crisp picture in you mind of what you're doing and that red blinker wont help for that at all, quite the opposite and I can imagine some guys learning to use that light missing a ton of stuff they should be learning instead... I kept it on during the GT6 but now after driving the Pcars without having such thing to "rely" on I pay more attention to the actual preference points...

Yeah, situation is also important.

Hahahah yeah it really does and there's a good lesson that I learned when playing a lot of pool... I mean the most infuriating thing when playing billiards is to loose to someone with lesser skill set :crazy: I mean oh god I spend like first 4 years at the pool hall practicing shot making just to find out that some regular guys at the bar were still winning me more often that they should have... I mean I was shooting better and my cue control was way better but I was still loosing :boggled::boggled: god damn it made me frustrated for I had been able to win quite good players too by then so then I just decided that I will go playing at the local bar every night until I figure what makes me loose to those alcoholics at the bar ( yeah I was frustrated back then :lol:) but didn't take me long to realize that I was just taking it bit too loosely when I thought the opponent isn't so strong and that simple thing made me first of all loose the control of the game and when you loose the control to the game your skills won't help too much, so one important thing was to realize that while billiards feels quite easy sometimes you really must respect every opponent and every single round of pool to the same degree if you want to PERFORM to the same degree all the time... So two really important lessons there too, FIRSTLY DO NOT underestimate the opponent no matter how bad of a player he seems, and secondly don't underestimate the importance of taking a firm control of the game from the start on for gaining it back later even from not so good player just isn't so easy... Heheh so yeah, depends on the situation and loosing to the better player never really feels so bad but it's important to always play the own game and let the other guy do what he's capable of, you can't effect the opponent (well it's forbidden in the rules of course to do anything while it's opponents turn) so just concentrate on what you're doing and do it to the fullest... simple but took me series of really salty defeats to understand this :rolleyes:

Need to probably do leg work out as I think you have to like stamp on the brakes to get enough pressure to slow the car down.

Hmm ok that's news to me, I would thought they have some hydraulics taking care of the pedal pressure for it looks like they're using the tip of their toes to use them... But then again I have understood that even in regular racing car brakes are quite stiff and if I haven't understood all that wrong this is due to having so sturdy brakes...

Hehehe I've actually resorted to eating some magnesium every now and then for my feet start cramping even when not having too stiff pedals so it must be quite hard using really stiff brake pedal :boggled:

Heheheh but yeah, just looking at the Kimi's neck is quite revealing :D I mean yeah, he doesn't have neck but really high shoulders :lol:

I think it was a bit ridiculous the way they handled it before, now they seem to go to the other extreme. Before you could miss corners on the track and still be rewarded. Now even if you are potentially on track, can get time excluded.

Hahahahah yea said it mate :D I was doing some laps at Ruapuna park and it really did DQ me in places I barely had one wheel out of the track :D I mean this way you can't say we would have coherent ruling on this... I mean if the rule is two tires on the track then shouldn't they include my lap that SMS DQ's or how does this go :D hehehhe naah but it's true that it seems to be hard to find any logic in this track limit stuff from the game makers behalf :D I mean yeah give me just some limits that are logical and make sense (same thing I guess :) ) and you won't here me complaining... I mean the truth is that even if there would be some curb on the track you can try to hit way too fast relying on the luck to make good landing but I have tried this in few occasions and unless you're really skilled guy you simply won't be able to exploit such things so in the end of the day they really don't matter as much as some seem to think... Well this my opinion but I base it on trying out that stuff those aliens do and it's just not that easy so it really doesn't matter either, better guy fast faster so justice wins :) could not care less if he was jumping over some curb for I could have done the same, with better skills that is :D

FIA rules are better IMO so should be easier to push car to the limit without worrying too much about track limits.

Yeah yeah exactly!! not having to WORRY about track limits would make it more pleasant!!! I mean yeah one must take care not to go WAY too wide but the thing just is that those curbs and bumpers are there on the track for a reason, they also appear on EVERY TRACK I've driven on so they are there for a reason and only reason I have come up with is that curbs and bumpers on the track should prevent all sorts of abuses of track limits and also they make some corners more natural to drive... Second corner exit at Ruapuna GP is great example, if you don't get the car to perfect line on the entry you will go slightly out on the exit and they have build a curb there to compensate the really tight entry point that this corner has... ALSO it seemed to me that I was actually LOOSING time while going over the curb there and the optimal line was so tight that my wheels barely touched the curb...

Heh well the biggest issues here is that there should be standard to go by (FIA rules would be great) so that game makers could somehow silence all those people complaining... One problem here really seems to be that people that have trouble making it as high at the ranks as they would LIKE TO tend to complain really loudly about track limits and what ever they can come up with (assists, FFB, you name it) and as the game maker here these complains they react in fear of loosing customers when the reality would be that most of the drivers are fine with the limits but they don't make any noise about it... So I hope I don't sound like a total ass hole but many of those guys complaining about these "exploits" really should just save that energy and time they're using writing their complaints and use it out there on the track :ill: I mean while playing billiard some people were complaining about something all the time, one big issues is the heath of the pool table and while it's true it makes playing bit different when the table has bad cloth and it's not straight, but then again were on the same table so don't worry about it wont help :dopey: just freaking learn how to play that table for when the competition is already started we won't be getting a new table in to the play :D great way to hamper your own playing is to worry about things you can't effect and things that don't even matter, as long as it's the same table we play I have the same trouble as the other guy but I try to avoid making it any sort of issues but just try to work in those conditions given :dopey: I mean what else I can even try to do?? Oh yeah complain but you won't win any games by complaining that is for sure so just spending that energy to something creative will help A LOT MORE :dopey: actually this is so simple thing when written like this that it's amazing how come people can't understand that the rules are the same for all?? what else do people need :odd: :lol: hehehe but yeah, those guys complaining are trying to preserve their confidence by coming up with "reasons" for not being so fast so I don't want to make those guys feel any worst in that sense that is not my intention, but I would just like to say to many of those guys that when you just stop worrying about irrelevant things you will start getting better for you have positive mind and more energy to spend on the track (or what ever sport it is) so I hope if there's some people finding them selves pondering on this stuff they would pick up from this text something... would make them, and our lives easier not having to worry about this stuff so much :ill: (this will go on in the future too I'm pretty sure, but in reality those guys are harming themselves thinking that way so would be help to themselves to change the approach a bit :indiff:)

It is especially with the tournaments and playing against friends. Now 10 years ago since I first started playing it, time flies by quite quickly. :scared:

HAhAHaha I have to say that as soon as I posted the message saying that I'd probably give you more opponent in virtual billiards I realized that you've probably played it so much that it would probably be the opposite of that :lol: :lol: I mean among many other things playing billiards requires good eye and looking at your results in SIM-racing I bet you're really freaking precise so I think I might have to practice a bit before challenging you :lol: :lol: I mean I know the principles but I guess it would still take quite some learning to really properly play the virtual pool :D heheh but yeah if it happens I take it on I think I'll PM you asking you to play but don't wonder if the invitation never comes :dopey: I think I'm living such time in my life my day should have 30 hours to be enough to me to do all that I'm suppose to do and all I would like to do :lol: feeling bored is like luxury now a days :lol:

Probably helps with concentration and accuracy which might help improve your sim skills.

Yeah and while in billiards some things have more significance that in racing (and vice versa) there's still a lot in common and actually I think while playing billiards it's easier to develop certain skill that you'll need in racing but are more difficult to learn just by driving... I mean when I started playing pool I used the fearless attitude you must have when skateboarding and it really made me aggressive and dangerous player for I was used to being bit afraid of something going wrong while doing sports, and better yet in skateboarding if I mess up I will hurt myself but in billiards you will only hurt between your ears and when I just remember to keep the realities in mind not thinking too much about myself it won't hurt almost at all to loose some pool game :D but learning fearless attitude while playing billiard doesn't come so naturally so carrying this stuff between sports will help in the long run...

Actually you asked me before does it matter being finn when doing this stuff and I think the single most important thing that comes along when being a finn is that they stick you to ice skates almost before you know how to walk :D I just went to do some ice skating (first time for over 15 years I think :D ) and holy crap those things are slippery and you really need good balance just to stay still :D also you can change direction REALLY fast on ice skates for the basically have endless grip on the edge of the blade so I think it will help building really solid BALANCE to learn to ice skate really early on... And really the balance has been one key feature in all hobbies I've done in my life, even when playing billiards you must be able to set yourself in good balanced position and it's not so easy when reaching over other balls or something so having a good balance is an advantage... and when it comes to driving I think the sense of balance is really crucial especially when we have to balance the car only via our eyes...

But yeah I have jokingly said few times I should take on some sport like squash and while I'm just joking there's a hint of truth there too, learning some stuff comes easier on some other sports but they will carry over to other stuff do so perhaps it could work to a degree if I start playing some ping pong or what ever :D
Yeah stock pedals but they really are crappy and the damn throttle pedal just snapped broke on to me so the quality is POOR! Also when I was hot lapping the 98t at nurb I really did notice I can get off the brake as late as I would like to for it what felt like the pedal travel was too long... Could be that it was also due to slow response somehow but as 98T has so bad tires and brakes it's crucial to be off the throttle when start braking to be able to use the latest possible braking point... Crappy crappy pedals but before T300 I was playing with DFpro and that thing had even worse pedals having no feel at all (shorter distance though :D ) so t300 stock pedals were upgrade never the less.. But yeah, not had any trouble in other cars but in 98t it felt I would like to have faster/shorter travel in pedals to be able to drive faster, too much time spend lifting my feet high up in the air to get off the throttle properly fast... minor thing but better pedals would be great and would no doubt make life bit easier... heheh well I guess these sort of things won't WIN you any speed but they prevent loosing it so easily... speaking about such fractions that I'll do well enough with the pedals I have...
I didn't use them pedals for long as the ones that came with wheel where not set correctly so didn't register input on most of pedal travel. They don't work well on carpet too unlike Logitech pedals. The T500RS / T3PA Pro pedals are much better, good to upgrade to but I think they are still worse than Logitech G27 ones IMO due to initial response. DFGT pedals have like instant response so quite annoying that Thrustmaster pedals have sort of a small deadzone.
Yeah my first wheel started messing up quite soon after getting it (engines slipped to some over position and made terrible noise, power reset helped but it did this every time when starting to play) but I didn't bother to return it, I was quite pissed paying such amount of money for such poor quality (great feel though) but now I think I'm relatively satisfied with thrusmaster for I got new wheel and at least for now it has worked without issues... But yeah, changing from that DFpro to t300 really made my life easier, I remember my first stint and I was laughing by myself for things felt so easy, I didn't loose the car half as easy as I did before for there was no dead zone and the seamless FFB sure make reacting to things easier... Again it didn't made me faster straight away but I'd say I was able to pic up my speed when I got used to the wheel... And once again I was not that much FASTER, just made less mistakes and by making less mistakes better times will come... Really nice and good wheel to drive, quality is just shameful.. My old DFpro actually served me for years and years and while I didn't play I was borrowing that wheel to few different people and it lasted even that... After doing TT's in GT6 for year and a half or so that old DFpro started slipping the motors so I had to give it up... Just says something about the logitech quality when some product like that survives for such many years :dopey:
I think mine broke first time I played Driveclub. Something happened then I was stuck in reverse. Started up again and buttons worked fine but some weird grinding feeling in certain part of wheel movement. Oversteer is so much easier to control on T300, it felt like cheating as it sort of corrects for you. :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol: hahahah yeah indeed quite interesting how that light functions :lol: :lol: heheh funny thing but I was bit of missing that red light when starting Pcars, helps a lot on unfamiliar track... BUT on the other had it's a false indicator for it keeps changing according to the situation... Driver should be able to notice the speed difference by himself when coming in to corner and while that's really just possible by looking at the speed dial it's important to have crisp picture in you mind of what you're doing and that red blinker wont help for that at all, quite the opposite and I can imagine some guys learning to use that light missing a ton of stuff they should be learning instead... I kept it on during the GT6 but now after driving the Pcars without having such thing to "rely" on I pay more attention to the actual preference points...
Good as rough guide especially going into the unknown. I don't rely on it though, sort of already know when to brake depending on where I'm placed on the track.
Hahahah yeah it really does and there's a good lesson that I learned when playing a lot of pool... I mean the most infuriating thing when playing billiards is to loose to someone with lesser skill set :crazy: I mean oh god I spend like first 4 years at the pool hall practicing shot making just to find out that some regular guys at the bar were still winning me more often that they should have... I mean I was shooting better and my cue control was way better but I was still loosing :boggled::boggled: god damn it made me frustrated for I had been able to win quite good players too by then so then I just decided that I will go playing at the local bar every night until I figure what makes me loose to those alcoholics at the bar ( yeah I was frustrated back then :lol:) but didn't take me long to realize that I was just taking it bit too loosely when I thought the opponent isn't so strong and that simple thing made me first of all loose the control of the game and when you loose the control to the game your skills won't help too much, so one important thing was to realize that while billiards feels quite easy sometimes you really must respect every opponent and every single round of pool to the same degree if you want to PERFORM to the same degree all the time... So two really important lessons there too, FIRSTLY DO NOT underestimate the opponent no matter how bad of a player he seems, and secondly don't underestimate the importance of taking a firm control of the game from the start on for gaining it back later even from not so good player just isn't so easy... Heheh so yeah, depends on the situation and loosing to the better player never really feels so bad but it's important to always play the own game and let the other guy do what he's capable of, you can't effect the opponent (well it's forbidden in the rules of course to do anything while it's opponents turn) so just concentrate on what you're doing and do it to the fullest... simple but took me series of really salty defeats to understand this :rolleyes:
Yeah best to be humble.
Hmm ok that's news to me, I would thought they have some hydraulics taking care of the pedal pressure for it looks like they're using the tip of their toes to use them... But then again I have understood that even in regular racing car brakes are quite stiff and if I haven't understood all that wrong this is due to having so sturdy brakes...

Hehehe I've actually resorted to eating some magnesium every now and then for my feet start cramping even when not having too stiff pedals so it must be quite hard using really stiff brake pedal :boggled:

Heheheh but yeah, just looking at the Kimi's neck is quite revealing :D I mean yeah, he doesn't have neck but really high shoulders :lol:
120 bar of pressure or something like that takes a lot of effort I hear. Think it is easier in the actual cars to push due to forces acting on you.
Hahahahah yea said it mate :D I was doing some laps at Ruapuna park and it really did DQ me in places I barely had one wheel out of the track :D I mean this way you can't say we would have coherent ruling on this... I mean if the rule is two tires on the track then shouldn't they include my lap that SMS DQ's or how does this go :D hehehhe naah but it's true that it seems to be hard to find any logic in this track limit stuff from the game makers behalf :D I mean yeah give me just some limits that are logical and make sense (same thing I guess :) ) and you won't here me complaining... I mean the truth is that even if there would be some curb on the track you can try to hit way too fast relying on the luck to make good landing but I have tried this in few occasions and unless you're really skilled guy you simply won't be able to exploit such things so in the end of the day they really don't matter as much as some seem to think... Well this my opinion but I base it on trying out that stuff those aliens do and it's just not that easy so it really doesn't matter either, better guy fast faster so justice wins :) could not care less if he was jumping over some curb for I could have done the same, with better skills that is :D
Yeah I think even on Monza it can disqualify your lap even when on track with two wheels so a lot to deal with regarding track limits already. Would be so much easier if they could program in the limits correctly but seems hard to do, otherwise they probably would have done it by now.
Yeah yeah exactly!! not having to WORRY about track limits would make it more pleasant!!! I mean yeah one must take care not to go WAY too wide but the thing just is that those curbs and bumpers are there on the track for a reason, they also appear on EVERY TRACK I've driven on so they are there for a reason and only reason I have come up with is that curbs and bumpers on the track should prevent all sorts of abuses of track limits and also they make some corners more natural to drive... Second corner exit at Ruapuna GP is great example, if you don't get the car to perfect line on the entry you will go slightly out on the exit and they have build a curb there to compensate the really tight entry point that this corner has... ALSO it seemed to me that I was actually LOOSING time while going over the curb there and the optimal line was so tight that my wheels barely touched the curb...

Heh well the biggest issues here is that there should be standard to go by (FIA rules would be great) so that game makers could somehow silence all those people complaining... One problem here really seems to be that people that have trouble making it as high at the ranks as they would LIKE TO tend to complain really loudly about track limits and what ever they can come up with (assists, FFB, you name it) and as the game maker here these complains they react in fear of loosing customers when the reality would be that most of the drivers are fine with the limits but they don't make any noise about it... So I hope I don't sound like a total ass hole but many of those guys complaining about these "exploits" really should just save that energy and time they're using writing their complaints and use it out there on the track :ill: I mean while playing billiard some people were complaining about something all the time, one big issues is the heath of the pool table and while it's true it makes playing bit different when the table has bad cloth and it's not straight, but then again were on the same table so don't worry about it wont help :dopey: just freaking learn how to play that table for when the competition is already started we won't be getting a new table in to the play :D great way to hamper your own playing is to worry about things you can't effect and things that don't even matter, as long as it's the same table we play I have the same trouble as the other guy but I try to avoid making it any sort of issues but just try to work in those conditions given :dopey: I mean what else I can even try to do?? Oh yeah complain but you won't win any games by complaining that is for sure so just spending that energy to something creative will help A LOT MORE :dopey: actually this is so simple thing when written like this that it's amazing how come people can't understand that the rules are the same for all?? what else do people need :odd: :lol: hehehe but yeah, those guys complaining are trying to preserve their confidence by coming up with "reasons" for not being so fast so I don't want to make those guys feel any worst in that sense that is not my intention, but I would just like to say to many of those guys that when you just stop worrying about irrelevant things you will start getting better for you have positive mind and more energy to spend on the track (or what ever sport it is) so I hope if there's some people finding them selves pondering on this stuff they would pick up from this text something... would make them, and our lives easier not having to worry about this stuff so much :ill: (this will go on in the future too I'm pretty sure, but in reality those guys are harming themselves thinking that way so would be help to themselves to change the approach a bit :indiff:)
Yeah just be the best you can be.
HAhAHaha I have to say that as soon as I posted the message saying that I'd probably give you more opponent in virtual billiards I realized that you've probably played it so much that it would probably be the opposite of that :lol: :lol: I mean among many other things playing billiards requires good eye and looking at your results in SIM-racing I bet you're really freaking precise so I think I might have to practice a bit before challenging you :lol: :lol: I mean I know the principles but I guess it would still take quite some learning to really properly play the virtual pool :D heheh but yeah if it happens I take it on I think I'll PM you asking you to play but don't wonder if the invitation never comes :dopey: I think I'm living such time in my life my day should have 30 hours to be enough to me to do all that I'm suppose to do and all I would like to do :lol: feeling bored is like luxury now a days :lol:
Haven't played in ages hence why account got deleted and wasn't that good at it so you've got good chance of beating me. I tend to somehow manage to foul a lot by getting the white ball to go in after potting something, my speciality. :lol:
Yeah and while in billiards some things have more significance that in racing (and vice versa) there's still a lot in common and actually I think while playing billiards it's easier to develop certain skill that you'll need in racing but are more difficult to learn just by driving... I mean when I started playing pool I used the fearless attitude you must have when skateboarding and it really made me aggressive and dangerous player for I was used to being bit afraid of something going wrong while doing sports, and better yet in skateboarding if I mess up I will hurt myself but in billiards you will only hurt between your ears and when I just remember to keep the realities in mind not thinking too much about myself it won't hurt almost at all to loose some pool game :D but learning fearless attitude while playing billiard doesn't come so naturally so carrying this stuff between sports will help in the long run...

Actually you asked me before does it matter being finn when doing this stuff and I think the single most important thing that comes along when being a finn is that they stick you to ice skates almost before you know how to walk :D I just went to do some ice skating (first time for over 15 years I think :D ) and holy crap those things are slippery and you really need good balance just to stay still :D also you can change direction REALLY fast on ice skates for the basically have endless grip on the edge of the blade so I think it will help building really solid BALANCE to learn to ice skate really early on... And really the balance has been one key feature in all hobbies I've done in my life, even when playing billiards you must be able to set yourself in good balanced position and it's not so easy when reaching over other balls or something so having a good balance is an advantage... and when it comes to driving I think the sense of balance is really crucial especially when we have to balance the car only via our eyes...

But yeah I have jokingly said few times I should take on some sport like squash and while I'm just joking there's a hint of truth there too, learning some stuff comes easier on some other sports but they will carry over to other stuff do so perhaps it could work to a degree if I start playing some ping pong or what ever :D
Sounds like fun once you get used to it. Have you heard of Atze Kerkhof? He used to do speed skating professionally and then went on to become a top sim racer.
I didn't use them pedals for long as the ones that came with wheel where not set correctly so didn't register input on most of pedal travel.

HAH that's quite bad :scared: I mean how do you say it... totally qualityless :ouch:

They don't work well on carpet too unlike Logitech pedals.

HEhehehehe naah no they don't at all that is true :D you should see the "rig" I've set up on my coffee table so that I have the pedals on place all the time :D I've actually drilled two holes to the table to hold the wheel still for the attachment system (clamp) is total crap and it too actually braked on my first wheel so... so actually only thing keeps me from being totally mad at thrusmaster giving me such quality that at least the guarantee worked like a charm and HOPEFULLY they have upgraded some parts of the wheel for if this doesn't last for few years it was a last TM product I will buy, ever, period :D

Good as rough guide especially going into the unknown. I don't rely on it though, sort of already know when to brake depending on where I'm placed on the track.

Heheheh yeah and I think it would be more purposeful to drive around the track few times learning the corners and then start increasing speed...

Got to mention that I was actually playing a lot of rally games as I was younger and oh man it was freaking priceless when you learn the notes and then just hit full speed on roads you've never seen before :dopey: that red blinker doesn't quite give enough info to be able to do that so it's quite vague thing just basically for warning..

Yeah I think even on Monza it can disqualify your lap even when on track with two wheels so a lot to deal with regarding track limits already. Would be so much easier if they could program in the limits correctly but seems hard to do, otherwise they probably would have done it by now.

Yeah would imagine that it would be as simple as just somehow to stick the limits to the white lines and then DQ when all of the tires are off track (or what ever basically) but I guess there's some bit more complex to it for this thing seems to be a mess...

Sounds like fun once you get used to it. Have you heard of Atze Kerkhof? He used to do speed skating professionally and then went on to become a top sim racer.

Well haven't herd of him (can't recall anyway) but that sounds quite surprising :dopey: I mean yeah skating alone requires good balance and being able to predict where you're going to be in a while is important so doing something like speed skating will probably be good starting point for racing even though it would not sound so at first :dopey: speed skating looks quite calm but I guess they're hitting quite high speed :scared:

Yeah best to be humble.
just be the best you can be.

Yes in two sentence you said it all that matters when it comes to competing no matter what's the sport or on what level you're doing it, be humble and always try to find ways to improve :)👍

meanwhile, on topic....

Seems to happen absolutely anything at all :D

Naah, sorry guys I can see this is starting to get bit far and as there really is nothing happening as far as the topic goes we're filling up the thread... No intention to bother anyone and I've been actually waiting to hear how people have done in the last event...

How did it go @Saidur_Ali or did you participate at laguna sega?? I'm planning on taking part to the next event and already did few laps yesterday at Ruapuna GP in the Falcon and that car actually feels quite brilliant on the stock tune :dopey: track was also quite OK even though it's quite basic... Well really close track so keeping it within the limits is not going to be easy but I actually made it to the same time as the PC LB leader had made (I was using stock tune) so I think I got decent idea of the track in just one evening... Well things will be different when the competition starts but as the car felt quite interesting it's going to be fun trying to improve.. I mean I'm not gonna hit it every night for two weeks but I'll get back to it before it begins...

oh yeah @Spooky Wooky did you start making any sense in to that corkscrew braking point?? I mean my "advice" was just a guess but now you could look from top replays did you have the right line and so on... I mean it's a bit late now, but helps next time when hotlapping at Laguna Sega...
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HAH that's quite bad :scared: I mean how do you say it... totally qualityless :ouch:
Really bad given I've heard many people on here also have same issue.
HEhehehehe naah no they don't at all that is true :D you should see the "rig" I've set up on my coffee table so that I have the pedals on place all the time :D I've actually drilled two holes to the table to hold the wheel still for the attachment system (clamp) is total crap and it too actually braked on my first wheel so... so actually only thing keeps me from being totally mad at thrusmaster giving me such quality that at least the guarantee worked like a charm and HOPEFULLY they have upgraded some parts of the wheel for if this doesn't last for few years it was a last TM product I will buy, ever, period :D
ODB - Ghetto Rig. :D
Heheheh yeah and I think it would be more purposeful to drive around the track few times learning the corners and then start increasing speed...

Got to mention that I was actually playing a lot of rally games as I was younger and oh man it was freaking priceless when you learn the notes and then just hit full speed on roads you've never seen before :dopey: that red blinker doesn't quite give enough info to be able to do that so it's quite vague thing just basically for warning..
I tend to brake where I think is close to limit and work my way up or down depending on how well I estimated. :lol:

Always good to think and look ahead.
Yeah would imagine that it would be as simple as just somehow to stick the limits to the white lines and then DQ when all of the tires are off track (or what ever basically) but I guess there's some bit more complex to it for this thing seems to be a mess...
At least whatever they did managed to improve it a lot compared to how game launched.
Well haven't herd of him (can't recall anyway) but that sounds quite surprising :dopey: I mean yeah skating alone requires good balance and being able to predict where you're going to be in a while is important so doing something like speed skating will probably be good starting point for racing even though it would not sound so at first :dopey: speed skating looks quite calm but I guess they're hitting quite high speed :scared:
Probably the determination to succeed is useful for both, whether pro speed skating or sim racing.
Yes in two sentence you said it all that matters when it comes to competing matter what's the sport or on what level you're doing it, be humble and always try to find ways to improve :)👍
Seems to happen absolutely anything at all :D

Naah, sorry guys I can see this is starting to get bit far and as there really is nothing happening as far as the topic goes we're filling up the thread... No intention to bother anyone and I've been actually waiting to hear how people have done in the last event...

How did it go @Saidur_Ali or did you participate at laguna sega?? I'm planning on taking part to the next event and already did few laps yesterday at Ruapuna GP in the Falcon and that car actually feels quite brilliant on the stock tune :dopey: track was also quite OK even though it's quite basic... Well really close track so keeping it within the limits is not going to be easy but I actually made it to the same time as the PC LB leader had made (I was using stock tune) so I think I got decent idea of the track in just one evening... Well things will be different when the competition starts but as the car felt quite interesting it's going to be fun trying to improve.. I mean I'm not gonna hit it every night for two weeks but I'll get back to it before it begins...

oh yeah @Spooky Wooky did you start making any sense in to that corkscrew braking point?? I mean my "advice" was just a guess but now you could look from top replays did you have the right line and so on... I mean it's a bit late now, but helps next time when hotlapping at Laguna Sega...
I didn't participate on second round, was tempting to get DLC and think good chance of finishing top 12 looking at leaderboard if I did. Still waiting on response from SMS regarding first round, not holding my breath though. My target is to get at least a point so I can see my team name on the standings for the lols.
ODB - Ghetto Rig.

HAhahah it's JUST that :D I just toss the wheel under the table when not playing :D keeping it simple in my 35 square apartment :D

I tend to brake where I think is close to limit and work my way up or down depending on how well I estimated. :lol:

Hehehe well when I went to Ruapuna park I was going off at every corner at first but then I remembered that I'm not playing GT anymore :D heheh well it's actually quite fun trying to run totally unfamiliar track as fast as you can on the first time, doesn't usually go so well but it's fun to see how those reflects and intuition works in totally strange track :D

Probably the determination to succeed is useful for both, whether pro speed skating or sim racing.

Oh yeah I think I've forgot one important thing and it really is determination with big D, I wanted to learn to play pool for my old childhood friend had learned while studying elsewhere and he beat me so badly and played so well I could not stand it lol :D (been skateboarding with him from 12 yo old :D ) so I decided that pool is something I will have to learn not to be get my ass kicked from my best friend again :D heheh and even though this amount of determination (and given talent ;) ) I didn't quite get as far to the national leagues but one reason was that billiards really becomes quite a grind when all the players are really good :rolleyes: I mean one thing is that winning becomes harder and harder but also the better the opponent plays the more you're sitting on your chair and I'm such a restless guy that even though I would win the game for 5 wins or something I'm really tired after the game if the opponent plays really slow :lol: terrible thing just to watch not being able to do anything so hot lapping has the activity level that keeps me interested more easily ;) more fun would be the easy way to but it, not so fun the get your ass kicked at the pool halls :lol: (heheh pool is more fun when having few beers but drinking is not very good option when competing so... :D )

I didn't participate on second round, was tempting to get DLC and think good chance of finishing top 12 looking at leaderboard if I did. Still waiting on response from SMS regarding first round, not holding my breath though.

OK yeah I skipped the DLC too for I have to buy quite a lot if I want to enter these events and frankly I didn't even have the time to do any driving during the weekend so...

And yeah I think SMS won't bother themselves too much and if I'm not interpreting some of the writings at the Pcars forum all wrong I think they can basically DQ the lap if it is "iffy" I mean all the time they're emphasizing that you must not consider the lap clean if it's "iffy" I mean it's not said too directly but the thing is that checking the lap is clean from the ghost replay is REALLY iffy or at least I'm in doubt there's no one willing to check all the laps trough the loop 5 times like some of them should, so if it looks that it might be out they probably just consider it to be out... Pretty rough rule and I don't think you're all that wrong that it would be nice if they could give a picture or something showing where and why they give you DQ, BUT knowing the nature of most of the competitive folks (including me!) this would probably lead to endless arguing that weather the car was in or out if it looks iffy... So yeah in one word the whole procedure of checking the lap manually is: Iffy :ouch:

And I don't know have you driven at Ruapuna GP but the exit on the second corner (and penultimate) are literally yelling to go a bit wide so it's going to be bit frustrating trying to keep the car withing the bounds :rolleyes: if nothing occurs I will participate (some plans might come up that will prevent me from entering, having only 4 days to enter is quite dull for this reason but it's my own decision of how I use my time so I'm NOT COMPLAINING HERE :D (today I've spend 3 hours writing here :D )

Heheh but yeah hope I'm gonna be able to participate for the car felt much more fun than the bentley so looking forward for the event :cheers:
HAhahah it's JUST that :D I just toss the wheel under the table when not playing :D keeping it simple in my 35 square apartment :D
I just have wheel permanently set up on a computer desk. Don't play that often though.
Hehehe well when I went to Ruapuna park I was going off at every corner at first but then I remembered that I'm not playing GT anymore :D heheh well it's actually quite fun trying to run totally unfamiliar track as fast as you can on the first time, doesn't usually go so well but it's fun to see how those reflects and intuition works in totally strange track :D
Always helps staying on the tarmac. :D
Oh yeah I think I've forgot one important thing and it really is determination with big D, I wanted to learn to play pool for my old childhood friend had learned while studying elsewhere and he beat me so badly and played so well I could not stand it lol :D (been skateboarding with him from 12 yo old :D ) so I decided that pool is something I will have to learn not to be get my ass kicked from my best friend again :D heheh and even though this amount of determination (and given talent ;) ) I didn't quite get as far to the national leagues but one reason was that billiards really becomes quite a grind when all the players are really good :rolleyes: I mean one thing is that winning becomes harder and harder but also the better the opponent plays the more you're sitting on your chair and I'm such a restless guy that even though I would win the game for 5 wins or something I'm really tired after the game if the opponent plays really slow :lol: terrible thing just to watch not being able to do anything so hot lapping has the activity level that keeps me interested more easily ;) more fun would be the easy way to but it, not so fun the get your ass kicked at the pool halls :lol: (heheh pool is more fun when having few beers but drinking is not very good option when competing so... :D )
Better to play against people that are decent, makes you become better and challenging is more fun IMO.
OK yeah I skipped the DLC too for I have to buy quite a lot if I want to enter these events and frankly I didn't even have the time to do any driving during the weekend so...

And yeah I think SMS won't bother themselves too much and if I'm not interpreting some of the writings at the Pcars forum all wrong I think they can basically DQ the lap if it is "iffy" I mean all the time they're emphasizing that you must not consider the lap clean if it's "iffy" I mean it's not said too directly but the thing is that checking the lap is clean from the ghost replay is REALLY iffy or at least I'm in doubt there's no one willing to check all the laps trough the loop 5 times like some of them should, so if it looks that it might be out they probably just consider it to be out... Pretty rough rule and I don't think you're all that wrong that it would be nice if they could give a picture or something showing where and why they give you DQ, BUT knowing the nature of most of the competitive folks (including me!) this would probably lead to endless arguing that weather the car was in or out if it looks iffy... So yeah in one word the whole procedure of checking the lap manually is: Iffy :ouch:

And I don't know have you driven at Ruapuna GP but the exit on the second corner (and penultimate) are literally yelling to go a bit wide so it's going to be bit frustrating trying to keep the car withing the bounds :rolleyes: if nothing occurs I will participate (some plans might come up that will prevent me from entering, having only 4 days to enter is quite dull for this reason but it's my own decision of how I use my time so I'm NOT COMPLAINING HERE :D (today I've spend 3 hours writing here :D )

Heheh but yeah hope I'm gonna be able to participate for the car felt much more fun than the bentley so looking forward for the event :cheers:
Yeah also not sure if they know what their rules are themselves. :lol:

Haven't got that track, not sure which event I'm going to take part in next. Best of luck in next round. 👍
Ended up 27th on PC for round 2 after only 2 hours of running it so I'm well chuffed.
Hopefully some people ahead of me have dirty laps and I move up. :mischievous:
I just have wheel permanently set up on a computer desk. Don't play that often though.

Heheh yeah would be great to have proper rig and 3 screens but things tend to get quite immersive when doing some hotlappig :dopey: (AND I blow my money during the weekends I have to admit, so this will have to do :D and it pretty much does the job so :) ) would be fun to try out some proper rig though :drool:

Always helps staying on the tarmac. :D

Hahahahha yeah I mean really I went FAR out on the first corner thinking to myself "what went wrong" but then I realized that I didn't have that blinking light warning me when I'm coming in too fast :D after remembering I don't have it I started to look at the track more and probably after just 5 laps I was able to start looking where to save some time... but yeah, one doesn't quite learn the track from the grass that's true :lol: :lol:

Better to play against people that are decent, makes you become better and challenging is more fun IMO.

Yeah and I don't really find any joy from winning a game of billiards if the opponent isn't on the same level or better than me, tight mach is always the most entertaining, especially when both players play top game :)... and to be frank I really started playing pool so I don't loose so badly to my friend but while learning I discovered that shooting pool is great fun :dopey: really cool when you pocket the ball :dopey: "clonk" says the pocket and it really lifts your spirit to see the ball disappearing from the table :dopey: heheh and after I got some sort of idea how to pocket the ball I started to learn the cue ball control and that is even more fun when you pocket the pool and you're able to predict where the cue ball will land, and after learning to predict where it naturally lands you can start manipulating the cue ball with giving it some spin (for example the "draw shot" was really cool to learn, it's where you get the cue ball to come back to your direction on a straight shot) so I really had plenty of fun shooting balls by myself just studying what happens when I try different things :dopey: of course I was looking at instruction videos every night to learn proper techniques and I really think it took me around 2 to 4 years to be able to pocket the balls with really good accuracy AND control the cue ball so I can get on the next shot... Up to this point it really was all fun and games and as many tournaments give lesser players handicap I had already won few tournaments and pool was fun and exiting :dopey: BUT the thing just is that as my handicap started to drop the game became more and more about being able to control the game instead of pocketing few balls.... I mean as if the whole nature of the game changed at some point, before I was trying to win games but when I realized I must simply just take care not to LET the opponent to win is far more better way to go that just trying to win every game by taking risks and just trying to empty the table on one out.. I mean it all becomes about counting your changes on every shot and if the shot looks like it's easy to miss and missing the ball will give the opponent any kind of change you will play safety :dopey: heheh I mean I just don't take on the shot but I take care I make legal shot and leave the opponent in such position that he has no shot :dopey: brilliant, now all I have to do is but the opponent in hard place and wait for the next opportunity to be on a shot I can 100% of the time and then go on with rest of the balls :D I mean hard to explain but as I started to realize this I was playing so well that those top guys at the pool hall started to pay some respect to my skills and what do you know, they started controlling the game not letting me the get the opportunities to win the game and the playing REALLY becomes hard for even though I was able to keep my ground somehow the game becomes more about thinking and tactics than actually just making shots... and while that was interesting too the whole game changed during the about 7 years I played from shooting few balls in the pocket to endless pondering about shots and having to play against opponents that really didn't give you more that few places during the whole match and when playing started to be more about sitting in your chair hoping to get a shot it started to frustrate me... I need more action frankly and it was quite revealing when I was coming home from tournament I was feeling frustrated and pissed even though I made it to the money places... felt like I had spend too much time being bored while I could have just relaxed at home :D so yeah, pool was fun and the challenge really was never the problem, that game would just require more patience to sit and wait than I just had sAND as I found the TT's roughly at the same time I choose to stat butting my efforts more toward SIM-racing and this really is more fun for I can just keep on playing not caring or ESPECIALLY not waiting for the opponent :D but yeah, maybe when I'm closer to 40 I take it on again, great game but takes a lot of patience :lol:

Yeah also not sure if they know what their rules are themselves. :lol:

Heheh well looking at the Pcars forum they sure have quite a sh** storm going on for all this.. But as it seems some guys were coming from the sand to gain half a tenth and while it would not be a big deal otherwise it's just quite stupid and wrong that the games own boundaries can't handle stuff like that... I mean I'm guessing it has something to do with the way you can go out and enter back to the track not getting penalized if you're not gaining any time.. But yeah, seems to be a total mess and this is why we will always need to use the limits in the game letting the game makers be the supreme judge!! thing just is that the supreme judge should have gone and done bit better track limits that's all...

Quite a pity to see these first two event's have been all about checking rules :boggled:

Haven't got that track, not sure which event I'm going to take part in next. Best of luck in next round. 👍

Well can't say the track would be so special (fun track though) it's worth the money but as I bought it already I think I must set some sort of time, already know that I'm going out with go-workers on 20th and that means rough night out so I have to see what sort of effort I can get in on the last few days of the event.. But yeah thanks and falcon really seem lively car I'm gonna enjoy it :cheers:

Ended up 27th on PC for round 2 after only 2 hours of running it so I'm well chuffed.
Hopefully some people ahead of me have dirty laps and I move up. :mischievous:

Congrats pretty good position and from the looks of it the way some guys came from the sand has not gone down too well so I'm guessing they may DQ some of the drivers... Interesting to see how it goes for they weren't actually braking the rules as such, but it sure could have been quite great advantage so I think they must take some stand on this... What a mess, SMS should come up with different track limits for TT's or something.. But yeah, as I was driving Ruapuna GP it seemed like it's going to take a lot of care to stay in the bounds but hard to imagine people would find some exploits from the track limits... people seem to be quite inventive though so you never know :lol: lets just hope things start rolling bit more smoothly from now on, at least they have few weeks to figure this mess out before the next event so 👍 👍 👍 for them...
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Heheh yeah would be great to have proper rig and 3 screens but things tend to get quite immersive when doing some hotlappig :dopey: (AND I blow my money during the weekends I have to admit, so this will have to do :D and it pretty much does the job so :) ) would be fun to try out some proper rig though :drool:
Might go London Motor Show to try out the pCARS Vesaro rig they are going to have setup and also VR.


Hahahahha yeah I mean really I went FAR out on the first corner thinking to myself "what went wrong" but then I realized that I didn't have that blinking light warning me when I'm coming in too fast :D after remembering I don't have it I started to look at the track more and probably after just 5 laps I was able to start looking where to save some time... but yeah, one doesn't quite learn the track from the grass that's true :lol: :lol:
Helps to an extent going beyond the limit to truly know what the limit is.
Yeah and I don't really find any joy from winning a game of billiards if the opponent isn't on the same level or better than me, tight mach is always the most entertaining, especially when both players play top game :)... and to be frank I really started playing pool so I don't loose so badly to my friend but while learning I discovered that shooting pool is great fun :dopey: really cool when you pocket the ball :dopey: "clonk" says the pocket and it really lifts your spirit to see the ball disappearing from the table :dopey: heheh and after I got some sort of idea how to pocket the ball I started to learn the cue ball control and that is even more fun when you pocket the pool and you're able to predict where the cue ball will land, and after learning to predict where it naturally lands you can start manipulating the cue ball with giving it some spin (for example the "draw shot" was really cool to learn, it's where you get the cue ball to come back to your direction on a straight shot) so I really had plenty of fun shooting balls by myself just studying what happens when I try different things :dopey: of course I was looking at instruction videos every night to learn proper techniques and I really think it took me around 2 to 4 years to be able to pocket the balls with really good accuracy AND control the cue ball so I can get on the next shot... Up to this point it really was all fun and games and as many tournaments give lesser players handicap I had already won few tournaments and pool was fun and exiting :dopey: BUT the thing just is that as my handicap started to drop the game became more and more about being able to control the game instead of pocketing few balls.... I mean as if the whole nature of the game changed at some point, before I was trying to win games but when I realized I must simply just take care not to LET the opponent to win is far more better way to go that just trying to win every game by taking risks and just trying to empty the table on one out.. I mean it all becomes about counting your changes on every shot and if the shot looks like it's easy to miss and missing the ball will give the opponent any kind of change you will play safety :dopey: heheh I mean I just don't take on the shot but I take care I make legal shot and leave the opponent in such position that he has no shot :dopey: brilliant, now all I have to do is but the opponent in hard place and wait for the next opportunity to be on a shot I can 100% of the time and then go on with rest of the balls :D I mean hard to explain but as I started to realize this I was playing so well that those top guys at the pool hall started to pay some respect to my skills and what do you know, they started controlling the game not letting me the get the opportunities to win the game and the playing REALLY becomes hard for even though I was able to keep my ground somehow the game becomes more about thinking and tactics than actually just making shots... and while that was interesting too the whole game changed during the about 7 years I played from shooting few balls in the pocket to endless pondering about shots and having to play against opponents that really didn't give you more that few places during the whole match and when playing started to be more about sitting in your chair hoping to get a shot it started to frustrate me... I need more action frankly and it was quite revealing when I was coming home from tournament I was feeling frustrated and pissed even though I made it to the money places... felt like I had spend too much time being bored while I could have just relaxed at home :D so yeah, pool was fun and the challenge really was never the problem, that game would just require more patience to sit and wait than I just had sAND as I found the TT's roughly at the same time I choose to stat butting my efforts more toward SIM-racing and this really is more fun for I can just keep on playing not caring or ESPECIALLY not waiting for the opponent :D but yeah, maybe when I'm closer to 40 I take it on again, great game but takes a lot of patience :lol:
Yep some games can require a lot of patience. Watched the World Snooker Championship final and some frames took ages. Prefer the fast attacking style instead but not always effective. Same for racing, prefer pedal to the metal approach.
Heheh well looking at the Pcars forum they sure have quite a sh** storm going on for all this.. But as it seems some guys were coming from the sand to gain half a tenth and while it would not be a big deal otherwise it's just quite stupid and wrong that the games own boundaries can't handle stuff like that... I mean I'm guessing it has something to do with the way you can go out and enter back to the track not getting penalized if you're not gaining any time.. But yeah, seems to be a total mess and this is why we will always need to use the limits in the game letting the game makers be the supreme judge!! thing just is that the supreme judge should have gone and done bit better track limits that's all...

Quite a pity to see these first two event's have been all about checking rules :boggled:
Will be interesting to see how they deal with it.
Well can't say the track would be so special (fun track though) it's worth the money but as I bought it already I think I must set some sort of time, already know that I'm going out with go-workers on 20th and that means rough night out so I have to see what sort of effort I can get in on the last few days of the event.. But yeah thanks and falcon really seem lively car I'm gonna enjoy it :cheers:
At least you're getting some decent practice in already so might be already up to speed when the event is active.
Might go London Motor Show to try out the pCARS Vesaro rig they are going to have setup and also VR.

Heh that looks quite awesome :D

Watched the World Snooker Championship final and some frames took ages.

Yeah and some players really seem to freeze between every shot no matter how straight forward the shot would be... some players are painful to watch even from TV, total torture sitting in the chair waiting your opponent to make the shot...

Prefer the fast attacking style instead but not always effective.

Yeah fast aggressive playing style is great weapon for it makes it look really confident, BUT it really bites you back easily and after loosing many many games over stupid mistake that I made because I rushed in to shot (usually you realize the moment you make the shot it was a wrong option if you rushed it too much) I started to phase myself better while playing... So basically even when taking on some really easy and straight forward shot it's good to walk around the table making sure everything is where you imagine them to be ( sometimes the table looks different from the other end, looking two balls in the other end of the table may look like they are level but walking on the same line with the balls you realize there 's 5cm between and it makes a huge difference sometimes) and then take another 15 seconds (some guys take a minute lol :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :lol: ) standing on the shooting line making sure I just don't rush the shot... But yeah, if everyone would be as fast players as Ronnie the rocket O'Sullivan watching snooker from TV would be awesome :D also if everyone had such a phase while playing tournaments the tournament would last half as long for no body would spend time thinking :D the reality just is that most players are either quite slow or REALLY slow so it's quite a torture taking a part in the tournaments :rolleyes:

Same for racing, prefer pedal to the metal approach.

Heheh yeah and this is why TT'ing so fun for you can just attack all the time :D plenty of changes to try again and when there's no one else at the track I can do what ever I want... Great fun sliding the car the car but perhaps in some online race that sort of driving will lead to too many accidents so it's bit different when racing with others..

Will be interesting to see how they deal with it.

Apparently only one person was DQ'd for taking the sand route... only one who got caught I figure... but good thing that it's pretty clear now no one will try anything like this in the future witch is good... Heh well interestingly the last corner exit at Ruapuna opens up so that it will be tempting to take a wider line going out bounds before the lap starts and it's gonna be down to any ones conscience weather to keep it in or letting it go wide perhaps gaining 2km/h advantage over the start/finish line.. And what I've driven there it seemed to me that you can get to the same speed over start line just by taking the exit to the main straight well enough BUT sometimes trying to hold it in the bounds I was bit slower over the start line... Talking about half a tenth so no big deal as such, but first corner is so precise braking wise that being on the exact same speed every time when starting to brake will help a lot...

At least you're getting some decent practice in already so might be already up to speed when the event is active.

Yeah I should... Did few laps there yesterday too and I'm starting to like the track more and more, really really difficult long sweeping right hander in the mid track is probably going to be the most hard to nail for the car doesn't seem to suit that corner no matter how I go on about it... Well I think I have to learn to flick the car in to get the best result and seems like pen ultimate corner will allow you to cut it quite much (staying in bound of course) if you hit it just right so I think I'll be doing some stints during this few weeks trying to work on those corners.. So even if I have only few days to set the lap I think I could have change to the top 30... I'm guessing many DQ's for this event and I'm really not looking forward having to check every good lap from replay but I think he worst thing I could end up doing would be up in the top 30 with a dirty lap... Heh I mean as well as training those few quite hard and important corners I will have to learn to keep the car withing the white lines so I hope I have no issues with the bounds when the event starts...

But yeah, I'm really thinking that this whole track limit mess is because there's the penalty and flag rules... The thing just is that PD was able to change the track limits for TT's so SMS should definitely do the same so we would be able to use the limits in game... And really no problem I have to keep two tires withing the bounds but checking my laps manually to avoid setting in dirty lap will eat playing time and it will not help with getting in to rhythm... Naah is gonna be fun no doubt, interesting car and track has plenty of camper so lot's of driving lines too :) 👍 insane throttle oversteer too so what could be more fun :D also using the gears as a handbrake seems to be almost mandatory for this car sure doesn't want to turn at all while braking :D heheheh the sound the car makes when trying to explode the engine is freaking awesome by the way it's a bit like some huge cat animal screaming NOOOOOOOOOO WHYYYYYYYY :D heheh brings out the sadist in me :lol: :lol: :lol: heheheh :D
The results are a joke, anyone with abnormal speed at the start should of been asked for proof of lap including the turn in question. I seen what was happening on monday and just lost heart in it.
The results are a joke, anyone with abnormal speed at the start should of been asked for proof of lap including the turn in question. I seen what was happening on monday and just lost heart in it.

Quite amazed to see such lag of respect towards the contenders.. Problems occur they make quick judging and stamp "case closed" on the issue... I mean I've been just been bystander so far but just reading the forums on this topic I'm really freaking happy I haven't spend too much effort towards these events... also I'm quite afraid that the top 30 in the next round will contain really many invalid laps due to the tracks nature and having to have 2 tires inside all times... FIA ruling would provide bit more breathing space out there on the track and would definitely lead to way less DQ's... Just amazing how difficult things can get when competing with iffy set of rulings :rolleyes:
Heh this thread (and the whole event it seems) has been about everything else than the actual thing itself witch should be guys hitting the best possible lap times and nothing else..

So in order to try to steer (pun intended :D) this thread in to right direction I thought I'd post my best lap from the practice sessions I had already last week... Lap is probably pretty good already but I bet there's at least half a second left or perhaps even a second on the track so improving from this time should be doable by all means... Had really hard time getting even close to this time this weeks after driving in long tail for few days so at least this lap time could work as a preference of some sort and I think I should be well enough prepared if I can repeat this time next weeks before the actual event starts...

But yeah, at least for guys looking to get in to top 50 or so there could be some good tips in the video and as I really like to discuss this stuff feel free to ask for any tips or what ever :dopey:

But yeah here's the lap at Ruapuna park GP in Ford Falcon (stock tune) and I looked the replay and it's in bounds!! (sorry I didn't realize to record the replay :rolleyes:) 1:18:841

For first corner there's a pole at the right side of the track that can be used as a reference point for turning in and to me it has seemed that good line would be turn in quite late but go close to the apex on the left to get as straight line for the braking as possible and then just drop to 2nd gear as fast as you can... Hard corner but with good approach the exit comes quite naturally so just figure out good entry line and braking should be happening bit after you get the car pointed in right direction... Hard to explain but with practice you'll find the line you want to use for best possible approach...

Second corner is definitely the most awkward due to the forced track limits but I found out that good braking point is where there's a black line in the side of the road, so as soon as my front tires hit that black line I brake HARD and lift off almost straight away and then it's all about getting the car turn on the exact right moment so you won't go too much over the curb on the left for it will toss you wide to the right side curb... Not really sure what's the perfect approach here but seems to me that perhaps avoiding going over the curb on the left would be good even though at first it felt like a good idea, going wide is just easier to avoid when staying away from that curb but then the risk of turning in too late grows so this corner will require a lot of work and even a bit of luck to get right... Being able to use the limits of the game this would be easy corner but now it really is quite awkward :crazy:

Third corner is relatively easy for all you need to do is brake as late as possible and the rear tires locking up will steer you towards the apex and all there is left then is to take care of the exit (easy on the throttle) for braking point reference I use those sings at the right side of the track and I think I'm right in the middle of the sings when I hit full brake and come down to first gear almost as fast as I can...

4th turn is quite straight forward but brake early and be sure you carry good speed trough here and then just try to get on a good line for the next left had turn.. this left hand turn is bit odd but going close to the curb on the left on a right moment will help here a lot so try to find the right turn in point for when you hit it right the inside of the corner will carry the car around pretty nicely..

5th corner (the long right had sweeper) is damn though too and getting on a good line early enough is crucial for the rear of the car starts sliding easily if you turn in too hard... Try to go close to the right curb in the entry and then let it run wide and then catch the apex again and then just maneuver the car so you won't spin... not easy and takes some practice to get the idea for this sure is quite unnatural corner in many ways... But yeah, take it easy when turning in but try to carry as much speed as possible and the just coast until you can detect the exit...

6th corner and 7th are quite combined corners, but for the 6th corner I use the red stuff on the right side of the track so as the nose of the car is about on the same line as the red stuff (marshal in a viewing box?) I brake hard to get the speed down enough and turn in must be quite early to be good so braking too late here will probably not help no matter how you go on about it (not sure though, perhaps some alien will find a way but I haven't been able so far... and when coming out from 6th corner take the car immediately to the right side of the track and then tap the brake and turn in in a wide line.. Well this corner depends on the exit of the previous and could be that I actually brake after turning in so that I slow the speed to the apex so I won't start sliding when hitting the inside curb... This corner may have some insane line that will be really fast for I think I've driven trough here really fast few times just by accident but haven't quite figured out how to repeat it so can't really say what would be the best way to approach... Taking care not to loose the balance on the 6th corner is crucial here for I think the 7th corner is more important lap time wise...

Last corner is quite difficult in two ways, firstly you must brake quite early for there's some sand on the track that will slide you long if braking too late so brake early to be able to carry as much speed trough here as possible, and then just be patient coasting (mid throttle) through the corner and the be really careful not to spin when you see the exit...

So yeah, here's my rough analyze of this combo and as I'm really not the fastest guy out there this "guide" may contain some mistakes so don't trust anything too blindly what I write here... This is based on 4-5 days of practice so there's going to be some stuff I haven't realized yet and I may have ended up in wrong conclusion about some corners so be warned this really is more of a personal guide for myself above anything else... Just though I'd share my view for I know there's some guys who might benefit from some of this... Well hope I'm not harming anyone with this text but as I would really like to see this thread having some actual conversation about these events I'm trying to open up the game by this post so use it as you see the best...

So yeah hope what I'm writing makes some sense but this is how I create the picture of the lap in my head and having the track well mapped will help in the long run in avoiding making mistakes so I try to build my routine figuring it out in my mind like this.. Never usually write any of this down but writing this down will only help myself to remember all this so it's never a bad idea to make some notes of what you're doing...

So yeah guys, any thoughts? any questions feel free to ask :cheers:
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