2017 General WEC/ELMS/AsLMS Discussion ThreadSports Cars 

  • Thread starter IforceV8
Why, because the Audi moved over on top of him?
From the onboards it looked like he gave tons of room on the inside. From what I saw, the ford ran wide and hit the Audi off. Could be wrong, but the onboard shots seemed to indicate that was the case.
From the onboards it looked like he gave tons of room on the inside. From what I saw, the ford ran wide and hit the Audi off. Could be wrong, but the onboard shots seemed to indicate that was the case.
The announcers and I seem to see it differently. Isn't it the car making the pass who has the responsibility to do so cleanly? That corner falls away to the outside and it looked to me like the Audi pulled in to early to set up for the next left hander. Seems like a racing deal to me, but if anything the Audi had the speed, power and downforce advantage so should have been able to pass clean.
The announcers and I seem to see it differently. Isn't it the car making the pass who has the responsibility to do so cleanly? That corner falls away to the outside and it looked to me like the Audi pulled in to early to set up for the next left hander. Seems like a racing deal to me, but if anything the Audi had the speed, power and downforce advantage so should have been able to pass clean.
Yep down to the car behind to make a safe overtaking move and the car im front is to maintain the racing line.

Unless you're on GTP then everyone thinks the lower car should jump out of the way every time.
Some pictures from my time at the Lonestar Lemans:

DSC_0381 (2).JPG
DSC_0398 (2).JPG

DSC_0294 (2).JPG

I have about 500 more. I'll post a few more later.
When a POS Sports network is doing US coverage of a series mostly overseas, that tends to happen.
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So it was a record attendance this year for the Lonestar Lemans...over 70,000 people. A few thousand more than last year.
Like who? There was certainly more people this year than last year. The crowds were almost annoyingly large.
Some of the RLM broadcasting crew who were also there. I'm indifferent on the matter. I hope it's a success so the wec stays in the US so I can attend one day. If there weren't that many in attendance, will that affect the race?
Some of the RLM broadcasting crew who were also there. I'm indifferent on the matter. I hope it's a success so the wec stays in the US so I can attend one day. If there weren't that many in attendance, will that affect the race?
Likely. CotA isn't in great economic health.
Well, I did see a good sign for the return of COTA next year. Marcel Fassler made an Instagram post saying that he is looking foreword to next years race at COTA. Maybe he knows something we don't?
Well, I did see a good sign for the return of COTA next year. Marcel Fassler made an Instagram post saying that he is looking foreword to next years race at COTA. Maybe he knows something we don't?
The race's continuation may have hinged on how successful it was. If it didn't meet expectations, WEC could easily move the American round elsewhere.

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