Digital Foundry Publishes Project CARS 2 Console Performance Results

Video is already 5 days old. I Think most people anticipating the launch have already watched that. Still not sure if I should grab it for my PS4 Pro. Bugs that have an impact on car physics or the game crashing would be a reason to wait a bit.not to mention some people point out the general inconsistency of the game.
Digital Foundry made a mistake : no downsampling on PS4 Pro, and no enhancement on PS4 Pro for 1080p users.
Source?? this can't be right. Most 3rd party games benefit from downsampling on the pro. It also runs better on it so wouldn't make any sense to run with lower performance just because your system isn't hooked up to 4K. That would actually be a reason to ignore the game for me.
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How valid is a review if the person driving is an utter womble? Surely testing the game's performance under ideal circumstances is preferred which would include the stress testing of making the AI interact as intended and not simply be punted out of the way as if a 12 year old were in control of the game.
How valid is a review if the person driving is an utter womble? Surely testing the game's performance under ideal circumstances is preferred which would include the stress testing of making the AI interact as intended and not simply be punted out of the way as if a 12 year old were in control of the game.
This is the oddest sentiment I've heard in a while. Are you trying to say that if a 12 year old were playing this game then suddenly it's performance under these conditions wouldn't matter? :lol:

If that isn't moving goalposts, I don't know what is.

'Ideal conditions' aren't DF's gig, stress tests are. Although, they don't look too hot at this whole driving malarky either..
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Video is already 5 days old. I Think most people anticipating the launch have already watched that. Still not sure if I should grab it for my PS4 Pro. Bugs that have an impact on car physics or the game crashing would be a reason to wait a bit.not to mention some people point out the general inconsistency of the game.

Source?? this can't be right. Most 3rd party games benefit from downsampling on the pro. It also runs better on it so wouldn't make any sense to run with lower performance just because your system isn't hooked up to 4K. That would actually be a reason to ignore the game for me.

Indeed. If this is true it's very disappointing, as a1080P user it makes me think again about upgrading from a standard PS4.
I wonder if the situation will be different with the X ?
Indeed. If this is true it's very disappointing, as a1080P user it makes me think again about upgrading from a standard PS4.
I wonder if the situation will be different with the X ?
Again, most titles released Post PS4 pro benefit from the more powerful hardware in HD res and 4K. Most games therefore have a resolution bump + performance boost. Some have dedicated 1080P modes (Which btw Pcars 2 could've needed to get even closer to 60fps on the Pro)
I've debated on what system to get it on, but I do have the Xbox One X pre ordered, which was the main reason why I bought it on Xbox. Just doing some time trial runs on Sugo, and there is one section between corners, where my screen will do a sort of fast forward on me, which throws me off every time, because it isn't consistent. Usually happens just before my braking point, and when it fast forwards on me, I totally miss my braking point.
I am playing the game on a standard PS4. To summarise my thoughts on the game, I am emjoying the car game immensely and appreciate the game holistically for the new ground it has broken, so thumbs up from me. What did surprise me however - I was running a night time race with 15 opponents, and happened to be sitting very close the screen (about 1 meter away with headphones on) when I noticed how poor the car models looked. I am talking they lacked most of their details with jagged edges. Now, this was a change as previously I hadnt see it the models look so poor, but neither had I run a night race with 15 opponents.

As the race went on, and the cars spread over the course and night turned into sunrise, the models improved

Question to the community - has anyone else noticed this. Is it a PS4 thing that would be fixed with an upgrade to Pro or was the issue that I was sitting so close to the TV that exposed visuals that I wouldnt have noticed if I was sitting further away.
Maybe just a PS4 thing as I've seen some similar things. I know they said that the decals will have less jagged edges on the PS4 Pro so that's the same as PC1.

I have a unique situation in that I wear glasses but don't need them. Without them my left eye can only see far and my right eye can only see close. And I have astigmatism. So basically when I take my glasses off it's like watching SDTV. I sometimes do this when playing games with poor graphics because then they don't look as bad hehe
I'm more concerned with how it handles on the standard ps4 controller, anyone tried it yet ?

Awful, I just tried it. Feels somehow unresponsive and unpredictably twitchy at the same time, as stupid as that sounds. It's no better than the first game, in fact it might be worse, but it is very different. Some may like it, I don't know.
What car and track? I've found it to be alright but the deadzone or steering sensitivity may need some decreasing/increasing respectively.
What car and track? I've found it to be alright but the deadzone or steering sensitivity may need some decreasing/increasing respectively.

Tried a RX car on the Merc ice track, which was a total joke with the controller, though I admittedly do suck pretty badly with the controller, and then tried historic Spa in a Lotus 49C. I didn't change any settings, just jumped in and had a bit of a go. Was planning on returning the game today after reading a horrendous amount of bug reports (hadn't played it as I was waiting on my new wheel), so I thought I'd have a go with the pad.

Also, the graphics at Spa historic are laughably bad. I mean, Gran Turismo 4 would be pretty close.
It seems that, on 1080p screen, we only have Boost mode so we don't have increased level of detail (shadow seems low, reflections looks really pixelated), so could you implement to those increased detail (just like higher levels of detail on both the cars and track scenery, on objects such as trackside grass, and shadows) and no supersamling. But I don't know why because this method has amazing results with ohter games.
Ps4 pro on a rig and this game is buggy but the driving experience is worth it by miles. Only graphics issue I get on the pro is the cockpit mirror is low res. Everything else is solid. The force feedback is so intuitive that the game could look like mincraft blocks to me but drives amazing so I'm good.
So we have a game, on consoles, that is hitting 1440p at 60fps. Sure its a racing game (which is easier to hit higherres and framerates), sure its not necessarily a rock solid 1440p @60fps, and sure its not the "base" console but the pro.

But, the point being, we are now in the realm of CONSOLES hitting 2k res at 60fps not too long after them struggling to achieve 1080p at even 30fps. Idk about the rest of you, but even as a pc owner as well, i see this as pretty big news and a good look into the future. I bet next gen the consoles will be going for that 4k as statndard across all games.
It seems that, on 1080p screen, we only have Boost mode so we don't have increased level of detail (shadow seems low, reflections looks really pixelated), so could you implement to those increased detail (just like higher levels of detail on both the cars and track scenery, on objects such as trackside grass, and shadows) and no supersamling. But I don't know why because this method has amazing results with ohter games.
Boost mode should not ever have any kind of impact in games that have been patched for Pro support (every game released after Pro) Even the text below the boost mode option itself says exactly that...

I've yet to see proof of HDTV owners being locked out of improvements. Can no one in here test it for us?
I tested it and we (ps4 pro users with 1080p screen) have exactly the same version than the ps4 classic users (a lot of aliasing, low shadow quality, low cars reflections quality, low anistropic filtering, less environnement details). I love the game but this is a little bit frustrating. Downsampling is a simple impletation but it looks awsome (e.g. : F1 2017) and it could be implement after thé release of the game (e.g. : rise of the tomb raider).
I tested it and we (ps4 pro users with 1080p screen) have exactly the same version than the ps4 classic users (a lot of aliasing, low shadow quality, low cars reflections quality, low anistropic filtering, less environnement details). I love the game but this is a little bit frustrating. Downsampling is a simple impletation but it looks awsome (e.g. : F1 2017) and it could be implement after thé release of the game (e.g. : rise of the tomb raider).
wow... I expected everything but. Are you sure? have you watched the DF video with the comparisons? Is the framerate equivalent to base PS4 or Pro?
If this really is true i'm surprised DF did not mention it because they usually do that in their videos when something is missing. Weird, maybe its just a whole different beast of bug:lol:

My interest in this went from High to barely interested anymore. I'm glad i don't Pre order games.
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Framerate is better (only a few framesdrop and no tearing) but graphically exactly the same as the PS4 classic version as I said before so the enhanced PS4 Pro version is only for 4k screen users.

I think that Digital Foundry tested the PS4 Pro version of PC2 only on a 4K screen and supposed (logically) that the game support downsampling for 1080p screen or a 1080p mode with ultra settings but in fact it didn't !

But the game is great ! It really feels motorsport passion. This is only disappointing that PS4 Pro 1080p screen users were forgotten.
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Listen, this whole thing doesn't make any sense to me. If performance is better than Original PS4 that would imply that the mode is NOT identical to that version meaning we're talking about some type of dedicated 1080P mode but dedicated HD modes should actually be visually touched up and not look worse (other than resolution and lack of downsampling) compared to checkerboard 4K modes see what I'm saying?
I'm out man.
I'm Happy for whoever is having fun with it and feeling the pain of anyone dissapointed,frustrated, As I already mentioned, Glad i didn't pre-order after these shiny trailers and positive previews the game got.
I tested it and we (ps4 pro users with 1080p screen) have exactly the same version than the ps4 classic users (a lot of aliasing, low shadow quality, low cars reflections quality, low anistropic filtering, less environnement details). I love the game but this is a little bit frustrating. Downsampling is a simple impletation but it looks awsome (e.g. : F1 2017) and it could be implement after thé release of the game (e.g. : rise of the tomb raider).

I have a PS4 PRO and a 1080p TV. If I understand correctly you are saying that on a 1080p TV (or if you set a 1080p output on the PS4) no downsampling from 1440p and better details (we see on the 1440p) are provided, plus no option (from menu) to provide better details (as provided on 1440p) or to enable downsampling from 1440p is present, right?
At least I would prefer an option to disable downsampling (if rendering to 1440p and then downsampling to 1080p has perfomance impacts) but providing the same details we see on a 1440p.

However can you tell me if performance at 1080p are better than in 1440p? In particular if tearing is less than the one I see on the DF video
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Exactly Digant ! What I am praying for is an option to enable Downsampling !

Sorry if I am not clear... I'm french and my english is catastrophic... thank you for your answers guys.
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@Ripper83 Downsampling des looks goergeous on an 1080p screen : no aliasing, better textures filtering for exemple, the image looks cleaner and sharper. So it's perfect for my 1080p screen and far better than a PS4 classic version. For exemple F1 2017 does not look good on a standard PS4 but the PS4 Pro version includes downsampling and look goergeous on my 1080p screen. A huge différence.
Maybe I'm wrong but I don't understand what the point if having a ps4 pro is if you don't use it on a 4K tv?

Waiting for a 4k TV in 2018 (with hdmi 2.1 etc...), PS4 PRO should be usefull to provide better performance and quality than a standard PS4 on a 1080p resolution... if the developers work on that (e.g they provide downsampling or even better details on 1080p).

PS4 PRO is not so powerfull to provide a real 4K image with a solid 60fps. For that we have to wait a PS5 at least!
@Ripper83 Downsampling des looks goergeous on an 1080p screen : no aliasing, better textures filtering for exemple, the image looks cleaner and sharper. So it's perfect for my 1080p screen and far better than a PS4 classic version. For exemple F1 2017 does not look good on a standard PS4 but the PS4 Pro version includes downsampling and look goergeous on my 1080p screen. A huge différence.

Downsampling shoud be resource demanding (rendering at 1440p). I would prefer better performance sacrifying downsampling (so super sampling AA) but having better details on a standard 1080p resolution compared to a standard PS4
@digant me to (the 1080p with ultra settings mode on Horizon zero Dawn looks better than the downsampling mode for exemple) but it's easier for developpements team to add a downsampling mode and it has awsome results. But here we have nothing lol