3D3 Racing: WRS-based races moved to new WRS sub-forum!

  • Thread starter WRP001
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Of course 👍 Pick a color for your car that's not already taken in the EU slot so everyone is identifiable on replay. See this post for color choices. I've assigned you Lunar Grey Metallic for now. You'll also have to send a FR to myself (GTP_WRP001) and Marc (GTP_Hydro). Speeds range all over the board and you'll probably find some of us challenging (not me) and some of us will only see your rear bumper in the distance most of the race (me).

NA Race Slot (10:00 PM EDT / 7:00 PM PDT @ GTP_Hydro's Lounge)
  1. ca.gif
    ....Vapour Grey Metallic
  2. us.gif
    ....Frost Blue Metallic
  3. us.gif
  4. us.gif
    ....Botanical Green Metallic
  5. us.gif
    ....Ultimate Black Metallic
  6. us.gif
    ....Porcelain (Porcelain)
  7. ca.gif
    ....Spectrum Blue Metallic
  8. us.gif

EU Race Slot (3:00 PM EDT / 12:00 PM PDT @ GTP_Hydro's Lounge)
  1. ca.gif
    ....Vapour Grey Metallic
  2. us.gif
    ....Frost Blue Metallic
  3. uk.gif
  4. be.gif
    ....Indigo Metallic
  5. uk.gif
    ....Botanical Green Metallic
  6. nl.gif
    ....Porcelain (Porcelain)
  7. fi.gif
  8. au.gif
  9. us.gif
    ....Ultimate Black Metallic
  10. nl.gif
    ....Spectrum Blue Metallic
  11. uk.gif
    ....Lunar Grey Metallic

Thanks 👍 Will stick to that colour for now, and will add you guys now.
I may have hit my wall on the WRS combo so I may be going online to see what the difference is.

I thought that the pic of me and CSL was 2 coo. That was the first person I ever competed against that existed in an alternate universe :) The reality flux in the space time comtinum distorted our paint jobs as we existed in two planes at the same time. :lol:
THAT"S how advanced these physics are.:eek:
They've already surpassed everything we know.:lol:
OK, sign me up in the Spectrum Blue Metallic Jaguarghhhh!! I'll be in for the NA event. :)

👍 How about Salsa since Spectrum Blue Metallic is already taken? Send GTP_Hydro and I a friend request on PSN.
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Howdy! I've gone missing for some time but I can see things are going well with 3D3 :D

I'll try to run this weeks WRS and if all goes well, join in on the race.
👍 How about Salsa since Spectrum Blue Metallic is already taken? Send GTP_Hydro and I a friend request on PSN.

Salsa should stand out nicely so sure, why not. I'll send friend requests over soon, thanks.

@CSL, looking forward to some more epic battles ;) 👍
Nice to have you back, Fabio! 👍 You too, RaceRyder.

Please see this post for ALL the available colors, or look at the Available colors list below to see what's left to choose from. This race is run with the car from the Recommended Garage, so you can only choose colors that the car comes in, from the Dealer.

NA Race Slot (10:00 PM EDT / 7:00 PM PDT @ GTP_Hydro's Lounge)
  1. ca.gif
    ....Vapour Grey Metallic
  2. us.gif
    ....Frost Blue Metallic
  3. us.gif
  4. us.gif
    ....Botanical Green Metallic
  5. us.gif
    ....Ultimate Black Metallic
  6. us.gif
    ....Porcelain (Porcelain)
  7. ca.gif
    ....Spectrum Blue Metallic
  8. us.gif
  9. ca.gif
  10. ca.gif
  11. us.gif
    ....Pearl Grey

Available Colors (NA): Liquid Silver Metallic, Lunar Grey Metallic, Indigo Metallic

EU Race Slot (3:00 PM EDT / 12:00 PM PDT @ GTP_Hydro's Lounge)
  1. ca.gif
    ....Vapour Grey Metallic
  2. us.gif
    ....Frost Blue Metallic
  3. uk.gif
  4. be.gif
    ....Indigo Metallic
  5. uk.gif
    ....Botanical Green Metallic
  6. nl.gif
    ....Porcelain (Porcelain)
  7. fi.gif
  8. au.gif
  9. us.gif
    ....Ultimate Black Metallic
  10. nl.gif
    ....Spectrum Blue Metallic
  11. uk.gif
    ....Lunar Grey Metallic

Available Colors (EU): Liquid Silver Metallic, Pearl Grey
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Just wondering if I missed the video of the NA event for Monaco?

It's been a busy week. I have a little something I'll be putting online tomorrow... but didn't have time for a full video review... just some random highlights from the first 12 laps or so. Maybe when spec II comes out with FF/RW it'll make things easier, but right now it's a lot of time & effort.
It's my neighbor "Double R" :) whats happening fellow Nor. Cal. GTP'er., glad to see you can make it. you'll have a blast.

No prob "W" with the vid, I was just wondering :)
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Hey Lefty, was off 52 days, foot injury, glad to be back, a littly rusty. We were getting a preview of winter up here in the foothills.
OK. Some quick and dirty video highlights from the NA Event @ Monaco. Didn't have a ton of time for this one so it's just a series of shots from the first 10-12 laps.

Lefty and CSL couldn't see each other, but if they had I think it would warrant a penalty for rough driving. :sly:
More like a penalty for Spectacular driving! :cool:
There were some great battles in there- and that was only half the race 👍

I'm constantly impressed in that you can't see the car beside you, but everytime 2 drivers go into corners side-by-side, they make it through the turn(s).

Great driving guys!
The caliber of drivers in this series, with respect to both driving skill, and sportsmanship, is off the chart :cheers:
The WRS has obviously developed some fantastic drivers. :gtpflag:

Great vid Tim, I've already watched it twice, for pics, but still watched the whole thing :D
LOVE the Flashy intro!

I'll add everyone to FR list(s) today if there are drivers who haven't added me yet.

Turn 1 at Daytona is killing me - I may never get it right :( so I've got to get to some WRS time today.
If I go online, I'll open a Daytona practice room and post for anyone to join 👍
Hai guys, room for one more?

Put me down for liquid silver metallic. me and my DS3 are ready to bring it on!
Speedy informed me it was going to go down wednesday 9pm belgian time so thats pretty good for me.
Hai guys, room for one more?

Put me down for liquid silver metallic. me and my DS3 are ready to bring it on!
Speedy informed me it was going to go down wednesday 9pm belgian time so thats pretty good for me.

More Div 3 drivers 👍
Welcome to the series!

I'll add you on PSN, then you should add WPR001.
Hai guys, room for one more?

Put me down for liquid silver metallic. me and my DS3 are ready to bring it on!
Speedy informed me it was going to go down wednesday 9pm belgian time so thats pretty good for me.

Kristoph, I was really hoping you'd join the EU race! 👍 👍 You've got Liquid Silver Metallic.
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More Div 3 drivers 👍
Welcome to the series!

I'll add you on PSN, then you should add WPR001.
Already added WRP, and will add you soon as I get online 👍
Good thing you guys have an EU room making it easier to race.
Nice to see so many people signed up 👍

My PS3 started giving me the flashing red light this afternoon :nervous: I'm hoping it's just because I moved one of my speakers right by the side of the vent :dunce:, which caused the overheating. I'm scared to turn it back on :guilty:
If I go online, I'll open a Daytona practice room and post for anyone to join 👍

Is it ok for other members, such as myself, to set up a practice room for whoever wants to join to practice for the race?
Is it ok for other members, such as myself, to set up a practice room for whoever wants to join to practice for the race?

Absolutely 👍
We only open "official" practice rooms when we can, and there's no real schedule to it, but there's no reason to wait for us.

All the race details are in the Event Post.
Feel free to post if you are making a room available 👍

Nice to see so many people signed up 👍

My PS3 started giving me the flashing red light this afternoon :nervous: I'm hoping it's just because I moved one of my speakers right by the side of the vent :dunce:, which caused the overheating. I'm scared to turn it back on :guilty:

The series keeps getting bigger :D

My PS3 went all Red Light Blinky on me about a month ago.
If it won't turn on, send me a PM and I'll give you the details as to how I rescued mine.
Mine was overheating, and it damaged the motherboard, but it was a resonably easy fix. Should be interesting to see how long it lasts :nervous:
Most importantly, clean all of the vents, and if you can, open the entire thing, and give it a good dusting.

I have to go chase Chris (Vagabond) around Deep Forest for a while :)
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Absolutely 👍
We only open "official" practice rooms when we can, and there's no real schedule to it, but there's no reason to wait for us.

All the race details are in the Event Post.
Feel free to post if you are making a room available 👍

Ok, thanks.
My private room is open for practice then. ;)

EDIT: room closed
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Count me in for this weeks race. I'll take Lunar Grey Metallic please. You guys are going to outgrow the lounge. pretty soon.
Count me in for this weeks race. I'll take Lunar Grey Metallic please. You guys are going to outgrow the lounge. pretty soon.

Nice to see you again 👍

We were just discussing that today :D
Fortunately we have a plan 3D3-b :lol:

Hard to complain about too many drivers... we thought it would be too few for the first month or so.
So much for that ;)

We never really counted on / expected an EU division either!
Count me in for this weeks race. I'll take Lunar Grey Metallic please. You guys are going to outgrow the lounge. pretty soon.

👍 We have a 12 - 12 tie between EU and NA.
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I know it may be a little early for this but at some point the divisions have to be recognized for what then realy are, levels of talent, experience, and ability. With all divisions being represented in one race it can make it dificult to have meaninful experiences.
In a perfect world you would use handicaping weight or maybe you would reduce the tire grip to equilize the classes, but it should be something you might want to think about.

Everyone whants to win and running novices w/ experts is usally something that is done when there are too few to make a complete class and as your number of entrants become something that can fill multiple grids you may want to break up the classes.

I always thought that these races could be set up in a way that the winner of the under classes could graduate up through the different slower divisions by running and winning lower division mains, example D4 winner moves up to D3 race, D3 winner moves up to D2 race and then the D2 winner moves up to the "MAIN EVENT" to compete against the aliens. Food for the future.

By the way the video of me and CSL diceing w/ ea. other and not knowing we were pounding our paint body work was about the funniest thing have seen in a while.... thankz for the laughs 👍
I know it may be a little early for this but at some point the divisions have to be recognized for what then realy are, levels of talent, experience, and ability. With all divisions being represented in one race it can make it dificult to have meaninful experiences.
In a perfect world you would use handicaping weight or maybe you would reduce the tire grip to equilize the classes, but it should be something you might want to think about.

Everyone whants to win and running novices w/ experts is usally something that is done when there are too few to make a complete class and as your number of entrants become something that can fill multiple grids you may want to break up the classes.

I always thought that these races could be set up in a way that the winner of the under classes could graduate up through the different slower divisions by running and winning lower division mains, example D4 winner moves up to D3 race, D3 winner moves up to D2 race and then the D2 winner moves up to the "MAIN EVENT" to compete against the aliens. Food for the future.

By the way the video of me and CSL diceing w/ ea. other and not knowing we were pounding our paint body work was about the funniest thing have seen in a while.... thankz for the laughs 👍

For now I'm happy to see 2 full grids. (or close to)
But of course if we can get enough diehards to go into separating by divisions or rankings that would be even better, I'm sure if the people come it'll happen, for now let's enjoy what we have, which is pretty neat to finally have in any sense. :cheers:

To WRP, Hydro, & Gravitron, for making it happen! :gtpflag:
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