*6/29* Storefront Updated-Top 50 C class Gen 1 MX-5 Miata added

  • Thread starter Wiggs
**Edit**-6/13-I took down most of my tunes...I'll be adding one or 2 new tunes occasionally. I really want to provide the best tunes that I can, so my focus will be on quality over quantity.
I'll be glad to help you out. I am also tuning so if you could try a couple of mine out, that'd be pretty excellent of you. I'll try a couple out tonight.

Btw, I don't think if you can get top 200 to 800 times that you'd just be an average driver. Compared to people online, I would rate myself above average but I think I've only gotten into the top 1k once or twice.
I'll be glad to help you out. I am also tuning so if you could try a couple of mine out, that'd be pretty excellent of you. I'll try a couple out tonight.

Btw, I don't think if you can get top 200 to 800 times that you'd just be an average driver. Compared to people online, I would rate myself above average but I think I've only gotten into the top 1k once or twice.

Thanks Bry, I'll be sure to check out some of your tunes when I have time early next week. I don't consider myself that great of a driver really....I have a handful of top 200 to 1000 times but there are several FPM club members that are faster than me 9 times out of 10. Maybe I'm slightly above average and they are just epic. :) *EDIT* I tune my cars with the brake bias slightly to the front as it suits my driving style better, so no trail braking. Fanatec wheel with no assists and manual w/clutch.
Hey Teewiggs, send me some tunes over..Il be on tomorroo night for a little bit and Ill give them a run..Would love to compare your tunes to mine with Forzatune program...
does that forzatune program work ok ? (iphone version)

I like it..very easy to read and tune a car...just put in about 3 pieces of info and hit the button...Ive been using it since the FM3 version and its all about the same data you get out of it......IE, on every car the tire pressure is 28lbs and the suspension is 4 clicks above minimum...and some other stuff that I cant think of
I have some new tunes up if anyone would like to try them. I also removed some older tunes that weren't that great and I put some improved versions up of previous tunes. For those that like to drive in the lower classes, my Datsun 510 tune holds the fastest time on Suzuka East for that car in F class...currently #186 overall. Thanks.
Going to try your F datsun tomorrow wiggs.
Suzuka East just happens to be my most favourite track of the whole game.
Hey did a post of mine go missing?

No posted it in the wrong thread.

Hi wiggs.

When I read Suzuka east I had Twin ring Motegi east in my brain.
Hell even when I wrote Suzuka east I was thinking of Motegi east.
Brain fart here. Just to clear things up Motegi east is my favourite track in the game duh.

Anyhow I Downloaded your tune and I have some constructive thoughts to throw back at you.

First off I think the build of the car is very good. I suspect tire and weight was your primary factor.
I tried on both Motegi east and Suzuka east.
The car is better at Motegi east IMHO. Maybe because it's a track I like alot who knows.

I ran a 724th there after 9 laps. (baring in mind I'm not the fastest out there that's a good start, plus I'm sure I could have squeezed .5 more out of it)

I called up the telemetry to see tire pressures and temps.
Temps overall were down around 160*c. But fairly even across the surface of the tire.
Motegi is pre dominantly a right handed course.
The right hand tires were even across the temps. The left were slightly hotter by around 3* out side edge. ( I tend to tune the temps to be even across the tires which take the most load in this case it would have been adding more negative camber rear and front another degree).

The ideal temp range for the tires are between 180/210. Your tire pressures were around 33psi (a tad high ) after 8 Laps. You can afford to drop them -3psi. This will up your tire temps too which will benifit you.

Next on to Suzuka east.

Car feels great around here too.
Tires are under a lot more stress around Suzuka as seen in the telemetry.
I ran around 800th. Good for me.

Temps were higher with more variation.
The left hand tires (doing the most work ) had a variable Of 15*.
Inside of left tire 170, outside 185. The wheel is going into positive camber territory here.
You need to add more negative camber to keep the tire flat to the ground when it's being asked the most of it. Maybe another -2/3 degrees.
Tires were at 34 psi after 8 laps and could use a drop by around 3or4psi.

Tune is obviously locked to me but if you could try an increase of around -2 camber -3psi I think you might eek out some more potential.
If your camber settings are -6front -5 rear make it -8 -7 respectively.

The build is great it handles well and the car is a winner.
Please don't take my feedback as negative in anyway. I'm only offering some advice in an effort to help you mate. The balance of the car is fine. No roll bar adjustments needed at all.

Good job.

PS I rated it a 5*.
Edit to add. Obviously all tunes are track dependant. I only mentioned it as you quoted Suzuka east mate as a time trial.
Hey did a post of mine go missing?

No posted it in the wrong thread.

Hi wiggs.

When I read Suzuka east I had Twin ring Motegi east in my brain.
Hell even when I wrote Suzuka east I was thinking of Motegi east.
Brain fart here. Just to clear things up Motegi east is my favourite track in the game duh.

Anyhow I Downloaded your tune and I have some constructive thoughts to throw back at you.

First off I think the build of the car is very good. I suspect tire and weight was your primary factor.
I tried on both Motegi east and Suzuka east.
The car is better at Motegi east IMHO. Maybe because it's a track I like alot who knows.

I ran a 724th there after 9 laps. (baring in mind I'm not the fastest out there that's a good start, plus I'm sure I could have squeezed .5 more out of it)

I called up the telemetry to see tire pressures and temps.
Temps overall were down around 160*c. But fairly even across the surface of the tire.
Motegi is pre dominantly a right handed course.
The right hand tires were even across the temps. The left were slightly hotter by around 3* out side edge. ( I tend to tune the temps to be even across the tires which take the most load in this case it would have been adding more negative camber rear and front another degree).

The ideal temp range for the tires are between 180/210. Your tire pressures were around 33psi (a tad high ) after 8 Laps. You can afford to drop them -3psi. This will up your tire temps too which will benifit you.

Next on to Suzuka east.

Car feels great around here too.
Tires are under a lot more stress around Suzuka as seen in the telemetry.
I ran around 800th. Good for me.

Temps were higher with more variation.
The left hand tires (doing the most work ) had a variable Of 15*.
Inside of left tire 170, outside 185. The wheel is going into positive camber territory here.
You need to add more negative camber to keep the tire flat to the ground when it's being asked the most of it. Maybe another -2/3 degrees.
Tires were at 34 psi after 8 laps and could use a drop by around 3or4psi.

Tune is obviously locked to me but if you could try an increase of around -2 camber -3psi I think you might eek out some more potential.
If your camber settings are -6front -5 rear make it -8 -7 respectively.

The build is great it handles well and the car is a winner.
Please don't take my feedback as negative in anyway. I'm only offering some advice in an effort to help you mate. The balance of the car is fine. No roll bar adjustments needed at all.

Good job.

PS I rated it a 5*.
Edit to add. Obviously all tunes are track dependant. I only mentioned it as you quoted Suzuka east mate as a time trial.

Thanks for the download and the input. 👍 I built and tuned the car for Suzuka East because that was the car/track combo for the club race a few weeks ago, but I'm sure it will do well on other courses. I'll make a run on Motegi to see what I can do there, but I'm not all that familiar with the course so I'm not sure what kind of time I'll put up. As far as the tire pressure, I was experimenting with different settings in trying to shave off a few tenths because the top 2 or 3 guys in qualifying were running times that were very close. In the end, the last adjustment I made was to increase the psi by 2 and I was able to shave .5 off my previous fastest lap, which gave me the pole and the fastest time for that car/class/track on the the leaderbords. Sometimes the lighter cars in the lower classes handle a little better running higher psi than the telemetry would suggest should be used. I discovered this by watching the replays of the fastest times on the boards....a lot of the time, they are around 37 or 38 psi after a few laps. I found out that setting the psi to 31 was the magic number for that build/tune/track combo for my car. I will take your advice though, and make those adjustments and run a few laps to see if I can put up a faster time.....top 100 would be great. I don't really like hot lapping though, so I'll only run a few laps. :P Thanks again! :cheers: ***EDIT***Took it to Motegi East and ran a 1:49.2 after 4 laps...good for #574 overall on the board. This is not a course I know well and I probably left at least a second on the track.
I suspect your a pretty fast driver anyhow lol.
Getting in 500th with boards filled with sparks is a great effort.
Only after 4 laps.

Good job.
Put up several new tunes today including 2 Porsche tunes. C class 550 and A class Cayman...both good lobby tunes. Also updated several other tunes. Please try some and rate them too if you would.Thanks.
Storefront is updated with a top 50 (thanks to Count Tempest on Ladera Mini :cheers:) also #88 overall there (thanks to Forcone :cheers:) and #59 overall on Iberian Short (thanks to SMS Motorsport :cheers:) C class Gen 1 Mx-5 Miata tune. Please check out the matching Traqmate livery done by Spagetti69 on his storefront also. Thanks to Forcone and Spagetti69. I'm looking to release quality tunes every few weeks. Thanks.