600PP Racing Car Super Lap: Streets of Willow

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58.346 now. Here is my tune.

Dam C 4 / 5
Dam E 4 / 5
ARB 3-6
CAM 0-0
TOE 0.00-0.00
Breakes 3-6
LSD 5-15-5

Gears. 1,662
End 3,456.
Top speed 240 KMH

893 KG
35 + Ballast.

This tune feels for me the best so far. I really think I can get under the 58 seconds:)

What position is your ballast?
Back again on my console after busy with my work. Not very familiar with this desert track but quite challenging using a 'desert rally car' with max 563pp to get gold. Not pushing to the end yet but really fun with this Old man car. :cheers:
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Beua give me youre gears/tune please:lol: Have tried many times but I can not improve my time .... I've seen the replays of the top and they drifting on some pieces, but I'm sure I can drive a clean 57 without.
(apologies in advance for the long post. Those who don't like reading long posts should probably skip this, lol)

Had a pretty big day in this TT today.

I had a bunch of sessions for the previous week where my lap times seemed to completely stop improving. My best lap was 59.500 way back on like December 12th, and then went for like 9 days where the majority of my completed laps were around 1:00.0-1:00.3, and occasionally a 59.9 or once in a blue moon a 59.8.

So, I finally decided to go back and re-try some of the previous tunes I had cycled through beforehand, just to make sure the setup I had settled on was really the best one for me, and to make sure it wasn't a situation where I incorrectly assumed it was, when in reality it was just that I happened to be improving on the actual track itself during the process of trying out different tunes, and thus mistakenly thinking I saw improvement in some latter tune that was actually slower for me than some earlier tune, if that makes sense, lol.

Anyway, sure enough, looks like that's exactly what happened, because as soon as I switched back to an older previous tune, which I had stopped using due to thinking it was slower for me, I was shocked to see my average completed lap times immediately drop by a good half second or more. Was running a steady stream of 59.6-9.8's, and occasional 59.5's for a full session. Had a bunch of laps where I was ahead of my 59.5 best-lap pace, but blew it in the final corner. Also red-lapped a 59.4 and a 59.3 somewhere in that session. Then put in another short session a few hours later, and finally beat my 59.500 best lap (just barely) with a 59.4. Then ran another 59.4 a few minutes later to beat it by another few thousandths of a second.

Took another break for a few minutes and decided that since my arms weren't in too much pain yet, and my 1st and 2nd sector times were consistently matching my previous all-time fastest times for those sectors, I figured I was kind of "in the zone" and should try to take advantage of the muscle memory while it was there, and put in one more 20-30 minute session and see if I could get a big drop in my best lap time, for once and for all.

Glad I tried one last session for the night, because I ended up dropping to 59.3 and then 59.2 and finally 59.1, all in the span of about 20 minutes! Was getting a new best lap record about once every other lap.

Obv still not exactly amazing times compared to some of the sicker dudes on here, but, I'm still feeling pretty pumped since I feel like I learned a lot today as far as having a better understanding of how to mess around with tunes and settings to get the car to function exactly in line with how I'm trying to drive it, and seeing how sudden and huge of an impact it can make on improving my times. I kinda feel like some of the stuff I learned today might end up being useful in all the future TT's I drive in, not just this one. One of those "profound" moments, as they say :lol:

Alright, I'll stop typing now before CoryClifford's eyeballs explode :lol:
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(apologies in advance for the long post. Those who don't like reading long posts should probably skip this, lol)

Had a pretty big day in this TT today.

I had a bunch of sessions for the previous week where my lap times seemed to completely stop improving. My best lap was 59.500 way back on like December 12th, and then went for like 9 days where the majority of my completed laps were around 1:00.0-1:00.3, and occasionally a 59.9 or once in a blue moon a 59.8.

So, I finally decided to go back and re-try some of the previous tunes I had cycled through beforehand, just to make sure the setup I had settled on was really the best one for me, and to make sure it wasn't a situation where I incorrectly assumed it was, when in reality it was just that I happened to be improving on the actual track itself during the process of trying out different tunes, and thus mistakenly thinking I saw improvement in some latter tune that was actually slower for me than some earlier tune, if that makes sense, lol.

Anyway, sure enough, looks like that's exactly what happened, because as soon as I switched back to an older previous tune, which I had stopped using due to thinking it was slower for me, I was shocked to see my average completed lap times immediately drop by a good half second or more. Was running a steady stream of 59.6-9.8's, and occasional 59.5's for a full session. Had a bunch of laps where I was ahead of my 59.5 best-lap pace, but blew it in the final corner. Also red-lapped a 59.4 and a 59.3 somewhere in that session. Then put in another short session a few hours later, and finally beat my 59.500 best lap (just barely) with a 59.4. Then ran another 59.4 a few minutes later to beat it by another few thousandths of a second.

Took another break for a few minutes and decided that since my arms weren't in too much pain yet, and my 1st and 2nd sector times were consistently matching my previous all-time fastest times for those sectors, I figured I was kind of "in the zone" and should try to take advantage of the muscle memory while it was there, and put in one more 20-30 minute session and see if I could get a big drop in my best lap time, for once and for all.

Glad I tried one last session for the night, because I ended up dropping to 59.3 and then 59.2 and finally 59.1, all in the span of about 20 minutes! Was getting a new best lap record about once every other lap.

Obv still not exactly amazing times compared to some of the sicker dudes on here, but, I'm still feeling pretty pumped since I feel like I learned a lot today as far as having a better understanding of how to mess around with tunes and settings to get the car to function exactly in line with how I'm trying to drive it, and seeing how sudden and huge of an impact it can make on improving my times. I kinda feel like some of the stuff I learned today might end up being useful in all the future TT's I drive in, not just this one. One of those "profound" moments, as they say :lol:

Alright, I'll stop typing now before CoryClifford's eyeballs explode :lol:
Just keep going and train and 58 seconds lap is certainly there:tup:. I'm stuck for a week now in my time. 58 346. Today I drove 30 laps, but I do not include the 58.500 ...:banghead:

I've tried to change my tune but nothing seems to help.
The strange thing is: My 2nd or 3rd lap is always the fastest. If I start fresh I drive my best rounds.
Just finished putting in a 30 minute session. Got 59.142 for 237th place! Woohoooo, I'm in the Top 250 now! Looks nice finally being able to see my name (albeit near the bottom, lol) of the leaderboard list on the Gran Turismo website. :) :)
58.005 now and in the top 50, Holy 🤬 that was a good lap(no drifting, I think this came close to a non drifting perfect lap), a shame that it does not become under the 58 but I'm happy with it. Better than this is going to be difficult.

I took 44+ of ballast, and it was matched better. Just maybe there is a 57 round in it :cheers:
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Just finished putting in a 30 minute session. Got 59.142 for 237th place! Woohoooo, I'm in the Top 250 now! Looks nice finally being able to see my name (albeit near the bottom, lol) of the leaderboard list on the Gran Turismo website. :) :)
under what section of gran turismo web is the leaderboards
58.005 now and in the top 50, Holy 🤬 that was a good lap(no drifting, I think this came close to a non drifting perfect lap), a shame that it does not become under the 58 but I'm happy with it. Better than this is going to be difficult.

I took 44+ of ballast, and it was matched better. Just maybe there is a 57 round in it :cheers:
great lap bernies
great lap bernies

Hey mick, I have removed you as friend because I always got your ghost, Sorry that.I'll soon send a friend request. Your ghost did not help in my time I went there too much attention. Maybe someone knows how the ghost of your friends can take away?

I saw youre time and also you are getting faster too, good work.👍
Hey mick, I have removed you as friend because I always got your ghost, Sorry that.I'll soon send a friend request. Your ghost did not help in my time I went there too much attention. Maybe someone knows how the ghost of your friends can take away?

I saw youre time and also you are getting faster too, good work.👍
i thought as much,press top button on directional buttons to get rid of ghost or you can change ghost to a blue line in quick options
Bought the boys a PS4 each for Xmas, we have 3 TV's but only two can play PS games. Doesn't look I'll be able to get back to Streets of Willow for a bit. No matter, school holidays finish by the end of Jan 2016.:irked:
Unfortunately the TV which won't take a PS anymore is the biggest and best TV and the main one we use for watching TV. Lightning killed the PS connection, that would have been last wet season (this time last year).
I'm not sure how I'll deal with the problem, maybe just have to demand I get some time to play PS3, I'm sure the kids will be cool about it, ha ha. As it is I hunt them out and around the paddock every couple of hours to get them off their butts.
It would be too much trouble mucking around with the wheel set up to change anything right now, just have to see how things pan out. Cheers mate.
ARGH!!! Just red-lapped a 58.8 :grumpy:

Cut the outer curb too short by about an inch, because I keep stupidly forgetting to remember how wide the actual wheelbase is compared to how wide the body is. That width-overhang optical illusion gets me every time :(
Here's my setup for the 2J, not 100% sure about the brakes and ballast settings, there might be a better setting for it.

Ride height: 65/60
Spring rate: 7.74/18.53
Dampers compression: 1/1
Dampers extension: 1/1
Anti-roll bars: 3/7
Camber angle: 0.0/0.0
Toe angle: -0.10/-0.30
Brake balance: 6/8

Reset to default, set final gear to 3000, then set max speed to 220km/h
1'st: 2.420
2'nd: 1.900
3'rd: 1.490
Final gear: 2.500

Initial torque: 5
Acceleration sensitivity: 14
Braking sensitivity: 5

No power parts
No oilchange
Limiter at 66.3%

Ballast: 39kg
Ballast Position: +50%
No body rigidity