A question on lap data...

  • Thread starter im2fst4u
Okay guys I got this project I'm working on that requires lap data. Now in GT6 I can find all the laps for each driver in the replays.
Does forza 5 have a way to view all the laps done by each driver?
I don't believe so. They don't even have the "race results" menu to see each racer's overall time and best lap.
Thanks for the reply. It's too bad you guys don't have that ability. Hopefully turn 10 will implement it down the line.
There is a race results page in the post-race menu. It gives you the car, driver name, the car's Performance Index number and best lap (It will have an exclamation next to it if it was a dirty lap)
I don't remember if it shows the overall time
There is a race results page in the post-race menu. It gives you the car, driver name, the car's Performance Index number and best lap (It will have an exclamation next to it if it was a dirty lap)
I don't remember if it shows the overall time
It's called "Event Results" and doesn't happen in career races unfortunately. Free Play and Multiplayer only I think.
I'm more concerned about the fact that we lost the ability to view telemetry during replays. In previous games we not only could view our telemetry but also other cars as well.
I'm more concerned about the fact that we lost the ability to view telemetry during replays. In previous games we not only could view our telemetry but also other cars as well.
Might be to keep people from "reverse engineering" other people's tunes.
Or just to reduce the size of the replay file, perhaps...
Well this went a bit off topic...
Yeah I'm developing something that uses lap data. To be used in real or virtual racing. (GT, Forza, etc) but wanted to check if forza could join the party once I have it ready.
Might be to keep people from "reverse engineering" other people's tunes.
Or just to reduce the size of the replay file, perhaps...

They should at least let us view our own telemetry so we can tune our own cars. Its quite hard trying to follow it in real time to see how adjustments are affecting things.