Add me for some gt sport racing

  • Thread starter Jms193
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Hello guys i played the demo yesterday and I love it now I need some people to add me so I race some of you I'm from the UK so any competitive drivers out there who fancy a race hit me up on psn.

Psn id: teflondon53
just added you ,

my psn id : Naam00-bh

looking for more friends please add me, thanks
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Count me in: Diegol-CR86

I’m from Costa Rica and most likely play at night since I have to go to work and have wife and kids, enough said I guess... :lol:
I would be happy to get some clean racing PSN contacts for future Online Races as well. My PSN is "p0kerkenny" (0 = zero)
You can add me as well. I tend to think I am a clean racer but after my first online race last night and getting red SR rating I was a little bummed. Wasnt sure how I could avoided getting rammed by other drivers but still got a top 5 out of it somehow. I assume the system is going to be a lot like iRacing where eventually those type racers will get filtered out

Usually playing at night here in the US

PSN - GTPWilks
I'm at work so cant add peeps. I'm looking for clean racing people to play with when possible as well. Name is MANTH(Lower case L)NG. Someone stole my original MANTHING name lol. bastards!
I just added all you guys last night, been loving the demo, can't stop playing. Always down for long clean endurance races!

Looking forward to play with clean racers,ill add all of you guys later.
Will add. Don’t get much time to play nowadays, usually an hour or so a night after my daughter goes to bed but feel free to add me as I only have a couple of friends on my PSN.

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Hi, in the UK, playing weekends, GT_No1

I just added all you guys last night, been loving the demo, can't stop playing. Always down for long clean endurance races!

Was fun last night, with you guys! Glad they extended the demo, we can have a go later if you're online. We can change for endurance racing, and maybe push GT from behind :lol:
PSN: VFTxE. Do let me know that you're from GTPlanet if you want to add me though, I don't accept requests from random people.
Was fun last night, with you guys! Glad they extended the demo, we can have a go later if you're online. We can change for endurance racing, and maybe push GT from behind :lol:

Sure was!! Imagine if we had like 15 of us doin a nice 20 lap race, clean and paced.. oh boy can't wait for release!!

PSN- Bealskee
From Canada: qwbufp


(If it gets carried over in full game)

I don’t think I can race against players in Europe but might be able to show up on leaderbords.
Was fun last night, with you guys! Glad they extended the demo, we can have a go later if you're online. We can change for endurance racing, and maybe push GT from behind :lol:
found the problem, my accelerator pedal was goosed,,, was only giving me 80% acceleration, spent the early part of the evening swapping it out for the clutch pedal,,, lost 2 precious hours of game time,,,