All Golds License/School Club

  • Thread starter isamu
Getting gold in campaign is way too easy for the most part.

I'm conscious I'm not a good racer, only finding some missions difficult to gold.
In circuit experience, only two rally tracks to do, because I dislike rally mode and part of Nordschleif, but golded pretty easy the ones I ran. The circuit experience is ridiculously easy, even in Streets of Willow and Horse Thief Mile, both of whom I dislike and only run on other challenges, golded in a couple of runs. Only struglled a bit on the sector of Mount Panorama from the top of the mountain to Conrod straight.
Circuit experiences in particular are very easy, you can make big mistakes and still get gold. I get that they want to make it more accessible for everyone but it is not difficult to go a second faster than the gold time in all the different sectors. The 1 lap challenges are even worse for that.
I have achieved gold in about 90% of the license tests thus far. Having trouble for some reason on the last test, a full lap at Dragon Hill Seaside, only have a Bronze there. The strange part is that I got golds on the track segments, so maybe it is just a matter of driving better for an entire lap.
I'm conscious I'm not a good racer, only finding some missions difficult to gold.
In circuit experience, only two rally tracks to do, because I dislike rally mode and part of Nordschleif, but golded pretty easy the ones I ran. The circuit experience is ridiculously easy, even in Streets of Willow and Horse Thief Mile, both of whom I dislike and only run on other challenges, golded in a couple of runs. Only struglled a bit on the sector of Mount Panorama from the top of the mountain to Conrod straight.

I was pleasantly surprised at how easy CE was for Horse Thief and Streets of Willow. Those tracks suck so I saved them for last and was very happy I didnt have to spend more than 2 attempts on any part of them
This is the first GT where I've even felt bothered to attempt go for gold on everything. Attempt is the wrong choice of word though as I now have 100% gold on Driving School, Mission Challenge and Circuit Experience. This was all BEFORE the recent update that seems to have swung things too far the other way for some of the challenges:
  • Driving School
    • Nothing here ever really presented much of a challenge. Some were tougher than others, but for the most part two or three tries is all it took.
  • Mission Challenge
    • Initially I struggled with the short sprint gymkhana style events with a rally car, but then I started tweaking with gears and ride height etc. After that the only challenges I faced were the last few in set 8. Fishermans ranch was a bit of a bind largely to just not hit cars or the sides!) Blue Moon Bay Speedway was tough, took me several attempts to get a strategy that worked with my skill level, same with the next one. I generally found that hard tyres and minimum pits worked for me as I'm not fast enough otherwise. I did pass 8-8 before 8-7 though as I'd had good experience with the Nurburgring by that point.
  • Circuit Experience
    • I think overall I found this one relatively straight forwards with the exception of the Nurburgring. My track knowledge was OK but clearly not good enough to start with as I only just managed gold on the individual sectors and a poor silver on the flying lap. That was until I'd done some more of the game and then went back to it after more track experience. Beat it by 2 seconds so good enough for me! lol
Without doubt, the hardest challenge for me was passing the single flying lap of the Nurburgring on Circuit Experience. That was the last gold I needed, and it just shows that track knowledge and plain old experience and practice pays off.

To put all of that into some context, the above represents around 24 hours of actual racing. Yes this includes some arcade and online play, but anybody moaning that this game has little to offer the offline player is just crying for the sake of it. I've put more into this game than all other games added up this year, no joke, and the next update promises even more offline goodness. PD hit the nail on the head with this one, and the refinement in controls just gets better and better with the pad.
Driving School was too easy to achieve all gold in my opinion. The only challenges in all of Campaign that gave me some trouble were, Mission 8/6 (the Blue Moon Bay Comeback), and the Full Lap Nurburgring. Everything else was too easy in my opinion.

And I use a DS4 Controller... can’t imagine how easy this was for wheel users.
after the grip adjustments of the tires (1.06 patch) the driving school times should be adjusted as well - Dragon Trail with the Cayman is 1.50.200 for gold and it was relatively hard at the beginning to get under that time, however, I managed to get high 1.49.9XXX and now I got 1.47.XXX without pushing too hard resulting not only in a big gap between time for Gold but getting the achievement for beating a gold time with 1 second (which was considered to be a bit hard pre-patch).
after the grip adjustments of the tires (1.06 patch) the driving school times should be adjusted as well - Dragon Trail with the Cayman is 1.50.200 for gold and it was relatively hard at the beginning to get under that time, however, I managed to get high 1.49.9XXX and now I got 1.47.XXX without pushing too hard resulting not only in a big gap between time for Gold but getting the achievement for beating a gold time with 1 second (which was considered to be a bit hard pre-patch).
Yeah I'd got the "trophy for beating a time by 1 second" prior to the patch as well. Forget which one it was now, the flying lap in a Skyline around the a short track, lol

Edit: DS4 user here
I had some of the rally mission challenges which I had previously completed as silver. Went and revisited some last night. The first one I managed to get gold, I got the medal displayed, but when I looked at the summary, I was still at silver. I did this a few times getting gold, but it would not keep my new gold win
I had some of the rally mission challenges which I had previously completed as silver. Went and revisited some last night. The first one I managed to get gold, I got the medal displayed, but when I looked at the summary, I was still at silver. I did this a few times getting gold, but it would not keep my new gold win

You have to beat your silver (previous best time) for it to stick.
This version for all gold Campaign was trivial (maybe 12 hours total to complete) compared to earlier GT games. In GT 1 and 2 some individual tests took days and hundreds of attempts to get the gold. There was even a Kiddie prize that gave you a pass after 30 attempts and not even getting the Bronze time. Who remembers the mission challenges, 34 at Nurburgring and Complex String that were 8 minutes of difficulty? There has not been a hard challenge since the Vettel race for gold in GT 5, that one took me a couple of weeks and I heard of only a handful of people who could do it on a controller.
I am a **** driver and I use DS4 so my progress is slow, nothing to hurry btw, finally all gold after update.

When I have half the test golded I changed to motion sensor so I have to learn to drive again which is worth it.

Some of lessons take me so long to gold that I am exhausted and like to stop so I can enjoy the sense of achievement overnight before being frustrated by next challenge.

I was at 46 gold before update update, would've completed all gold but I spent four days grinding to lv50 lol.
Mopped up all the gold's I couldn't get before they did the update on driving school, mission challange and curcuit experience yesterday, I am happy they made some of challenges easier like the rally ones but all the ones I struggled with are now way too easy!

The blue moon bay 15 minute endurance is a perfect example, could only manage 4th before the update then tried it again yesterday and finished over 10 seconds ahead of 2nd.

Still, the complete gold circle looks a lot better than a multi coloured one :lol:
I wonder if anyone would even bother doing these if not for the free cars? Unless you're utterly new to the game and the real life circuits, it's utter tedium as I golded all the real life tracks straight away apart from the ring, where one mistake can cost you big.
Report here if you've gotten Gold on all the License Tests(AKA Driving School tests).

Took a while but I finally nailed the little buggers. Which one was the most challenging in your opinion?

Also how do these tests stack up against the ones in previous GTs?
I refuse to do rally races, so all except the rally ones :)
Got all gold on the School just after the update, I was missing 2-3. This is the first GT where I have golded them all, but I have gone back lately to gold GT5/6, but still can't gold all the S-license tests.

Working on the Challenges now, probably 70% gold. The ring always defeats me.

Circuit experience is probably 50% gold, but I'm sure I can do it for all except the Ring.
Got all gold on the School just after the update, I was missing 2-3. This is the first GT where I have golded them all, but I have gone back lately to gold GT5/6, but still can't gold all the S-license tests.

Working on the Challenges now, probably 70% gold. The ring always defeats me.

Circuit experience is probably 50% gold, but I'm sure I can do it for all except the Ring.

Sounds familiar. Post 1.06 I managed to gold any tests I had outstanding.

With lots of practice I managed to platinum the base GT6 (not the Senna DLC, yet). I recall the Veyron S-license was a real nightmare.

Silvered (with the odd gold) the 'ring in missions and circuit, but I honestly think full gold will be beyond me.
I thought every challenge in Campaign was retarded easy BEFORE the patch... now it’s effortless to get the “A Promise to Greatness” (1 sec below the gold time) trophy on 75% of the Driving School Events... they should have adjusted the gold required time in line with making the game toddler friendly. Hopefully they make GT League Hard to beat. I’d like a challenge offline.
Mission stage 7 is too easy after the update. the gold standards were relaxed and disqualification on contact was eliminated. Why the disqualification setting though? Aren't these missions supposed to teach clean racing? They were also teaching me to adjust gear ratios and suspension - now it's no longer necessary.
... There has not been a hard challenge since the Vettel race for gold in GT 5, that one took me a couple of weeks and I heard of only a handful of people who could do it on a controller.

So I am No 7 on your list :lol: ...

I thought every challenge in Campaign was retarded easy BEFORE the patch... now it’s effortless to get the “A Promise to Greatness” (1 sec below the gold time) trophy on 75% of the Driving School Events... they should have adjusted the gold required time in line with making the game toddler friendly. Hopefully they make GT League Hard to beat. I’d like a challenge offline.

I had all gold before the patch, though it wasn't all that easy as for some of you with me struggling getting adapted to the noticably new physics. Right now I'm starting all over just to fill the ranking boards ( the friends rankings at least ) again and found it a bit of a joke.
Gold hasn't been the challenge for a long time now, so sadly nothing new here - I'm thankful if really fast guys set new times to have some serious references on the top 10 boards 👍.
Also got all gold here. The rally stuff sucks. I did find the times a little too forgiving. Could be we just GT veterans and expect the tireless retries of old.

Enjoying the game thoroughly by the way.
Got all golds in school some time ago. I have two more golds to get in circuits, and four left in missions.
I really have a hard time motivating myself to do the full Fishermans ranch rally, since rallying sucks. I also hate all of the original tracks badly, so motivation is very low to do them, although they’re done now. But Nürburgring full lap is something I’m saving, since I like it alot.
The final four missions seems to suck aswell, although I have yet to try any of them.
Overall I have to say the campaigne has been too easy. IIRC only one mission took more than two tries. Same with school and circuits.
I'm new to GT. Finished all gold yesterday (few were not before update). But now I have the new mission - to beat all my friends times there. And quite successful for now :)
Also won few races in Sport mode (D/S; C/S) yesterday and pole positions, after taking some video/whiteboard lessons from one F1 driver :)
Rally and drifting is easear for me using DS4, all the rest G29, manual, no TC, apart, where sensible TC is really needed or auto is preferrable due to some factors.
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