April DLC Thread - Out Now

  • Thread starter Northstar
And cue the negativity and toxicity of the Forza fanbase in the YouTube comments section. They are NEVER satisfied with ANYTHING. :grumpy:
They never even realize that these cars are meant for everyone to relate in common, as there is always something for everyone. Doesn't matter which kind of cars are in, anything is welcome for me to try.
Let’s take time to remember all of those who died because they couldn’t wait for this car pack. Amen.


Add as appropriate.
I quite like that Test Drive feature for online lobbies, it's something that should have been done a long time ago.
I'd love to do an experiment with a Car Pack one day.

Throw in 6 Hyper cars and add something like the Fiat Multipla as the 7th Car.

See what the reaction is ;D

I would not have an issue with that Fiat being in there. I don’t have to drive it just because it’s included. (I’m a Sports car, super car, hyper car lover ‍♂️‍♂️). Why is that so looked down upon with this game but no others?, I’m just really curious about that. I want fast cars in a track orientated racing game. If this were Horizon then of course it would be a different story. I am still waiting for the Delorean DMC-12 to be added to the game, that’s s a slow car.
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Here's my take after driving all the cars:
The Nissan gtp is the best, so damn fast around the corners and good straight line speed. It does look weird from Chase cam with that big gap in the back lol.

I was expecting more out of the Greenwood Vette I would have figured 800hp and somewhere around 650-675tq but I feel it's a little slower compared to the 935, sounds good though.

The Ferrari 166 isn't half bad, I'm sure it will he competitive within it's division.

I like the Porsche 906 engine note and it's decent, might compete better against the Alfa 33.

The rest of the cars I don't really care for too much for. The 924 is way too similar to the 944 turbo, the Levante is heavy and performs just like the other mid level SUVs in game and the van has a nice engine note but beyond that...it's just a van.
Seems we might get a rally or offroad expansion after all. All those Suv’s are gonna have a purpose. Turn10 are the ultimate trolls if this is real.

From reddit:

The Offroad Expansion might happen after all- many cars have gotten new offroad bodykits (even non-SUVs...) which are not equipable atm


Seems we might get a rally or offroad expansion after all. All those Suv’s are gonna have a purpose. Turn10 are the ultimate trolls if this is real.

From reddit:

The Offroad Expansion might happen after all- many cars have gotten new offroad bodykits (even non-SUVs...) which are not equipable atm



This might be part of that " ship blocker" that's delayed the pack almost 2 weeks. T10 probably said ahh screw it we tried to remove as many clues as possible for an expansion but if something leaks...I guess it just leaks :P
Lol. I hope it does point to that though we need more life injected into this game. And looking at the calendar we may just find out in as little as a week from now.
Guess it's especially worth scraping the files now for hidden clues. Just updating the game now, then will dump it and check the files.

EDIT: Funnily enough, nothing of interest. No new cars in the files other than the DLC cars, and no mentions of any expansion stuff that I can find. Some existing cars have had adjusted file sizes which is likely just the new parts for those that have been listed + probably some model changes for others.

EDIT 2: 1997 Civic has a new bodykit that doesn't fit the fitment and is seemingly fixed to the car, impossible to remove.
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Renault Espace F1 or bust.

Forza 4 still has the best DLC as far as I'm concerned. Now it seems like they're trying to be wacky and not letting it come across naturally if that makes any sense.
Looks like they are listening to the consumer and giving us diversity. We tend to forget, we hardcore gamers are not the only gamers buying the game. I remember when I wanted my 2008 Malibu in the game. Nobody else would want it, but I wanted it back then. Now someone gets a Honda minivan.

I am all about the diversity. With having over 700 cars to choose from to start with, there are more cars than I could ever drive in the game.