ARL Driver Training and Information Saturdays

  • Thread starter SydViscus

Some good stuff, although most if not all has been said elsewhere, its always nice to have a different perspective. Especially on the part where i have the most difficulties in keeping consistent (where i look and where i SHOULD be looking)

From your favorite people @PApunk924 lol

Ah man. I watched this the other day. I want some of those glasses put on a rally driver and co-driver.

Also really cool that you shared it for @PApunk924 to see. It is his favorite YT channel after all.

Sooooo, are these Saturday meets still going on?........cuz I need help. I always end up in the back of the pack.......always seem slower on the straights......always overtaken on the straights.
I went to the Beetle Cup track by myself the other nite.......set up my Beetle with no driving aids except driving line, best time was about15 to 20 seconds slower than you guys did during the actual races. You guys make it look SO easy.......easier said than done, for me.
Sooooo, are these Saturday meets still going on?........cuz I need help. I always end up in the back of the pack.......always seem slower on the straights......always overtaken on the straights.
I went to the Beetle Cup track by myself the other nite.......set up my Beetle with no driving aids except driving line, best time was about15 to 20 seconds slower than you guys did during the actual races. You guys make it look SO easy.......easier said than done, for me.

This still goes on every saturday. If you would like some help feel free to message me and I can always find some time during the week to help you out.
Sooooo, are these Saturday meets still going on?........cuz I need help. I always end up in the back of the pack.......always seem slower on the straights......always overtaken on the straights.
I went to the Beetle Cup track by myself the other nite.......set up my Beetle with no driving aids except driving line, best time was about15 to 20 seconds slower than you guys did during the actual races. You guys make it look SO easy.......easier said than done, for me.

Like PA said we can take time aside to help whenever works, but i do open these around 730 EST on saturdays and would love to give you a hand!
Sooooo, are these Saturday meets still going on?........cuz I need help. I always end up in the back of the pack.......always seem slower on the straights......always overtaken on the straights.
I went to the Beetle Cup track by myself the other nite.......set up my Beetle with no driving aids except driving line, best time was about15 to 20 seconds slower than you guys did during the actual races. You guys make it look SO easy.......easier said than done, for me.

@BitsofData you came to the right place. These are a great bunch of guys and they're all willing to help (ok most of them, there's one or two pr$cks here but we won't go there :crazy:).

Lots of help available within these threads and during the week in practice lobby's. I was in your shoes not long ago, and still very much am. However with some guidance and help from these guys, over time, I now manage to 'usually' keep up to the pack, and 'usually' battle with some other guys throughout the race. Am i at the front battling for the win? Heck no, Have i had some great and fun races towards the back of the pack? Hellz ya.

I did find there's also a reality check required. Some of these guys are fast. real fast (and a couple are stooopid alien fast) and most of them make almost no mistakes. So if you're hoping to be at the front racing for the win...........weeeell you may want to have a look at your goals. At least for now.

For now, I'm ok with running near the back and having some good races back there. I made a progression from trailing the field and mostly running laps all by myself, to having battles at the back like i said (not all great races are for 1st and 2nd place, some GREAT races are for 7th and 8th too!). My single lap times and sprint race success has generally increased, due to better braking and race lines (better not perfect). now my next goal is consistency and doing that for a whole race with no mistakes.

One thing I have learned is that just running laps by yourself is not a lot of help if you're not braking right or taking the right line. Thats where these guys help. Alot. Youtube I've also found to be great help. search for a "track guide" of whatever track you're about to come upon. (of course make sure you select a gts version - sometimes theres others on there).

If you haven't already, check out the first couple pages of this thread. some of the guys have put links for various driving tips. I personally got a lot out of 'Tidgneys Driving School' on Youtube.

my 0.02 from one back marker to another.


(edit - just a couple posts before yours, fullness has a link/video for where to look....i actually got great benefit from that as well)
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@BitsofData you came to the right place. These are a great bunch of guys and they're all willing to help (ok most of them, there's one or two pr$cks here but we won't go there :crazy:).

Lots of help available within these threads and during the week in practice lobby's. I was in your shoes not long ago, and still very much am. However with some guidance and help from these guys, over time, I now manage to 'usually' keep up to the pack, and 'usually' battle with some other guys throughout the race. Am i at the front battling for the win? Heck no, Have i had some great and fun races towards the back of the pack? Hellz ya.

I did find there's also a reality check required. Some of these guys are fast. real fast (and a couple are stooopid alien fast) and most of them make almost no mistakes. So if you're hoping to be at the front racing for the win...........weeeell you may want to have a look at your goals. At least for now.

For now, I'm ok with running near the back and having some good races back there. I made a progression from trailing the field and mostly running laps all by myself, to having battles at the back like i said (not all great races are for 1st and 2nd place, some GREAT races are for 7th and 8th too!). My single lap times and sprint race success has generally increased, due to better braking and race lines (better not perfect). now my next goal is consistency and doing that for a whole race with no mistakes.

One thing I have learned is that just running laps by yourself is not a lot of help if you're not braking right or taking the right line. Thats where these guys help. Alot. Youtube I've also found to be great help. search for a "track guide" of whatever track you're about to come upon. (of course make sure you select a gts version - sometimes theres others on there).

If you haven't already, check out the first couple pages of this thread. some of the guys have put links for various driving tips. I personally got a lot out of 'Tidgneys Driving School' on Youtube.

my 0.02 from one back marker to another.


(edit - just a couple posts before yours, fullness has a link/video for where to look....i actually got great benefit from that as well)

Before Peacock joined he could only manage 5 laps before a spin.

Now he can do a whole race with no spin! He have surprised even me!

Dry sarcasm aside, he is correct. We are happy to help here if we can. Sometimes one of the aliens will help too when they are around. It's a nice place here.
Before Peacock joined he could only manage 5 laps before a spin.

Now he can do a whole race with no spin! He have surprised even me!

Dry sarcasm aside, he is correct. We are happy to help here if we can. Sometimes one of the aliens will help too when they are around. It's a nice place here.

@BitsofData remember i said all were great guys but one or two are pricks? We'll leave this right here then....

Just kidding of course. @Moby45 has certainly come to my aide with the occasional tip!

and @Moby45 coming from one of the 'fast' guys i'll take that as a compliment whether you like it or not!

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Sooooo, are these Saturday meets still going on?........cuz I need help. I always end up in the back of the pack.......always seem slower on the straights......always overtaken on the straights.
I went to the Beetle Cup track by myself the other nite.......set up my Beetle with no driving aids except driving line, best time was about15 to 20 seconds slower than you guys did during the actual races. You guys make it look SO easy.......easier said than done, for me.
When I first joined ARL, I was also a back marker. Pay no mind to where you place and instead just focus on improving your race craft. Make sure you're running a good racing line, focus on racing clean, and not making mistakes or losing control. You'll start to get to know your car's "feel", the pros and cons of the car. You'll try a slightly different technique and see if it works for your car or not. Eventually, you'll become more comfortable with your car and you'll know how hard you can push it. Throughout this whole process, you'll find your laptimes will become more consistent and will slowly get faster and faster. You'll start running with those drivers who were far ahead of you and on your stronger tracks, you might even pass them. As long as you keep trying and attempt to follow the advice that's given, your skills will improve. As I said, I was a back marker too back when I started (around October I think) and now I'm at least a fairly-fast to fast driver.
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I appreciate everyones great guys are a great group of people....thank you.......I'll probably, maybe, likely, almostly, apprehensively, possibly, undecidedly do the practice but will bug outta the actual race until I won't be skating on the track and bashing the walls all night. *snicker*
He makes it sound so simple. Theres no question regarding his passion for motor car racing.

Thought it was totally worth the 5 min listen if nothing else just to see his passion for driving.


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He makes it sound so simple. Theres no question regarding his passion for motor car racing.

Thought it was totally worth the 5 min listen if nothing else just to see his passion for driving.


Thats awesome!! Love Jackie Stewart, dont know why he is naked though :odd:
he went on to win the championship that year (‘71)- you can be naked if you do that - pretty sure the rules say so - he was in his prime here - he won 69, 71 and 73.

Oh hells ya that means I need to win an ARL championship, then the police wont be able to escort me out of local establishments anymore!
Hopefully I can hop on with you guys one of these days! Mainly been F1 with a bit of GT in between so it’s an adjustment
@Moby45 makes us run F1 cars every once in a while for “fun” so you would be fine those weeks.

But please take a look at the rules for car selection for Saturdays and the custom ballast, pick a car that is still available and join us. We have practice lobbies up frequently if you add any of these guys as friends you will see something ARL going on during the week. Do some practices, try a race. Whatever you like. There are super fast drivers and slower drivers. There are also other races in the week.

Add as PSN friends @triebs2 @PApunk924 @SydViscus @BPeacock2727 (I think his PSN just has one 27) or anyof the others you see posting in here.
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@Moby45 makes us run F1 cars every once in a while for “fun” so you would be fine those weeks.

But please take a look at the rules for car selection for Saturdays and the custom ballast, pick a car that is still available and join us. We have practice lobbies up frequently if you add any of these guys as friends you will see something ARL going on during the week. Do some practices, try a race. Whatever you like. There are super fast drivers and slower drivers. There are also other races in the week.

Add as PSN friends @triebs2 @PApunk924 @SydViscus @BPeacock2727 (I think his PSN just has one 27) or anyof the others you see posting in here.
Will do! I don’t own an F1 car on there yet. Only have 3 mill so not sure I wanna burn it on the F1 car 🤣. But either way I’ll try and hop on with you guys at some point soon! Thanks
Will do! I don’t own an F1 car on there yet. Only have 3 mill so not sure I wanna burn it on the F1 car 🤣. But either way I’ll try and hop on with you guys at some point soon! Thanks
Best thing to grab is a Gr.3 if you don't have one, easier to train on in GTS :cheers:
Alright you're set!! Hop in on saturday when you see the lobby open! :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

This week will be tough practice as its Mt. Panorama @ night but hey, if you can swim in the deep end you can swim anywhere xD
Haha that sounds awesome. I don’t know for sure if I’ll be available Saturday. Might have company but I’ll try this week if I get time. I can swim ok 🤣