automatic drifting

  • Thread starter GangsTaGT
anyone here drift on automatic? well i do, since i find automatic a lot easier than manual since i dont have to change gears. but im thinking of converting to manual, is there any advantages drifting on manual? ive been practicing on manual lately and it's pretty hard. any tips on drifting or racing on manual would be greatly appreciated

o yea, i heard some people say that drifting on automatic is stupid and harder, is this true?
The problem with the gt4 "automatic" system is that it is not a true automatic system at all. It's more of a shift assist.

With drifting, you need to shift more often, and the automatic usually doesn't know what gear you what, often causing the tires to regain grip. But there are some people that have overcome this (I don't know why), but you can hold down the R2 button as if it is a gear override. Letting go of the R1 button will let the computer shift up or down for you, whatever the speed is.

And finally, about the automatic is harder part, it's just a different way of driving, not harder. I personally use manual, so the choice is up to you to decide what you want to use. As long as your sideways, nothing matters ;)

[Thanks for the headsup kiukiu]
Automatic's suck period. No matter what some one says, I think they suck. One good advantage for me in GT4 drifting manual, is that I get to down shift is my RPM's are low in the middle of a drift. Maybe you just don't know how to use one yet. Like when, how, where, and what time to shift up or down. Just keep practicing.
You must be thinking of the oil driven daily used automatic gearboxes. They suck because their not designed for hard thrashings ;). What about sequential semi-automatics? Or the ones found in F1 cars?

All gearboxes are built for different purposes ;)
yeah i used to drift automatic, but i recently switched to manual, manual gives you a lot more options, i look at using automatic trannys now and i think it limits your capabilities
I agree with both you and EKmatt9 (to an extent).

I'm just saying that automatic gearboxes aren't as bad/horrible as people make it out to be.

Btw, I like what I see.
Gimmie a real gearbox anyday - period. I drove an automatic once in my life and I absolutely hated every second of it, I felt like I had no control at all. I don't use auto on GT4 either because manual is easy anyway, all you have to do is press a button to change gear. How can anyone claim that that's hard? Drifting in auto is too hard because you can't downshift and get in the right gear.
I'm curious when you say hard, how hard is it to shift?

I assume you're not playing the game with a gamepad, I mean, you're just moving your fingers, pressing those cute little buttons to shift, that's easy.

even if you're driving with a DFP, they have this cute little sequential shifter right beside the wheel as well, you just move your hand over to slightly push it or pull it to change gears.

the only tough part I can think of is when GT4 implements clutch, and you're playing the game with a H shifter, plus a clutch pedal. Now that I'd admit it can be tough at times. :D
its fun if it's tough
i still don't get why some people just refuse to learn how to use a stick
don't get what the problem is? do you guyz just don't no when to shift?

stan i completely agree with you

the reason why gt4 is soo much fun is because it's'lll be A LOT MORE FUN if they did put in the clutch though :lol:
But there are some people that have overcome this (I don't know why), but you can hold down the R1 button as if it is a gear override. Letting go of the R1 button will let the computer shift up or down for you, whatever the speed is.

Sorry to point this out. It's the R2 button, not R1. It keeps u in the same gear till u let go of it. Drifting in Auto is possible. If you learn to drift in Auto it would seem easier to do so compared to Manual. Ditto with the other way round.

Personally, I used to drive Auto before switching to manual. What I did when I start to learn to drive Manual was to drive grip with the Aids On. This helps in the sense that you only need to concentrate on 1 thing: Gear shifting instead of watching your throttle and all. Once u get used to this, take off ur Aid and learn to drive as "normally" as possible. With the Aids off, you should start getting all sort of oversteer and understeer. Learn to control this with your throttle, meaning, you will have to shift up and down accordingly. From there, shifting gear should be 2nd nature to u already. Tips. I shift up using my ears listening to the rev of the engine.

Drifting with manual gives you more control compared to Auto since u're stuck on 1 gear essentially. If you drift using manual, you can go into the corner faster, brake hard and downshift, and maintain your rev where it's needed. It's not easy and will take u a little time and practise to get a hang on.
In GT3 I was a full blown automatic drifter for 2 years (didn't use the R2 button either), and then I changed over to manual towards the end. I haven't tried in GT4 but I can only assume its the same basic premise. While becomming an auto drifter is good for first timers who aren't really sure how to shift, I wouldn't recommend it. Using an auto puts your mind in a different state so to speak. Your not really fully understanding the car, and also your control is lacking. In certain situations you need to drop 2 gears quickly, this is something that you just can't do in automatic, and your drifts will suffer because of that.

I always recommend starting and staying with manual simply because it helps teach you some fundamental things about drifting in general that you should learn in the first place. It also gives you the utmost control over your car. As its been said before in this thread, once you become a drifter with either one of these transmissions, its hard to switch from one to the other, I find it very hard to use automatic now, and just a year ago I thought it was much easier then manual
Just FYI. I used to be strictly automatic untill early 1999 when I decided to see what that stick on my Madcatz 2 did. :lol: I've been playing racing games since 1996 and I had never cared to learn to drive manual just because the auto in video games is a manual tranny that shifts for you. So it just made things easier, one less thing to worry about while racing. But now I'm so used to it and it's so much fun I couldn't go back. I learned alot more about drifting once I went to manual also. I been drifting since '97, WAY before I knew what it was called besides just plain fun.
The big problem is, you dont realise how easy it is to learn. It has got alot of advantages. But all in one: you'll have much more control.

When I think back at automatic, it's like you drift with 2 persons and the teamwork is VERY BAD. One drifts, other one shifts when it reaches the redline NO MATTER WHAT YOU TELL HIM:P:lol:
anyone here drift on automatic? well i do, since i find automatic a lot easier than manual since i dont have to change gears. but im thinking of converting to manual, is there any advantages drifting on manual? ive been practicing on manual lately and it's pretty hard. any tips on drifting or racing on manual would be greatly appreciated

o yea, i heard some people say that drifting on automatic is stupid and harder, is this true?
I use a mitsubishi Galant 2.0 DOHC TURBO VR-4 `89 in auto and it's the easyest thing to drift in my eyes because as soon as you turn it into a turn it starts sliding on its own... it's a prety good car i think. :D :D 👍
I'm full blown auto. Don't care what anybody says. I hate using the shoulder buttons to shift so i just don't. :P
what i find hard about shifting is when to shift properly, since im so used to automatic i forget to shift and i lose a lot of time. also what is the redline? sry i dont know the terms, im not really fully into driving.
The redline is the point where the tachometer rev area turns red. I used automatic for eight long years, but on my first manual attempt I shaved half a second off my time... that's gripping, but it shows the difference between even a good automatic and a mediocre manual driver.
The other good thing about manual is you can short shift, this is helpful in high powered cars when you really don't want to bounce off the limiter or light up the wheels.
I'm full blown auto. Don't care what anybody says. I hate using the shoulder buttons to shift so i just don't. :P

Holy Sh***!!!... Are you serious?... I know doing anything you're not used to can be difficult, but you're really limiting your control using automatic... It just takes a few times around the track to start getting used to shifting with the R2/L2 shoulder buttons... Once you're used to it, you will wonder why you ever did it any other way... There are just certain things you cannot do with an automatic transmission...

I have always used manual transmission, and always will... I drive/drift a manual in real life, so I suppose that has something to do with it... I used to drive my friends Legacy from time to time (automatic) and I just plain hated it... However, when he installed his '95 STi engine, he also changed to a manual gearbox (smart move)... So, now the car is a blast to drive, which I'm sure is partly due to the 280hp turbo engine...

awesome, ive been practicing lately and it seems to be easier to initiate oversteer with a manual transmission. i've already done things that used to be hard to do on an automatic. i dont know if its the MT that made it easier to drift thru corners or the 2-way LSD i just installed . :D i'm still gettin used to the gear shifting though.
i've tried ds2 manual and just don't like it. if i could program the right analog stick to shift i'd be all up ons or if i had a dfp. i use a manual to drift a real car but the ds2 just seems too unnatural. i don't feel the least bit limited in the game. it just plain sucks in a real car tho.
Delphic Reason
Holy Sh***!!!... Are you serious?... I know doing anything you're not used to can be difficult, but you're really limiting your control using automatic... It just takes a few times around the track to start getting used to shifting with the R2/L2 shoulder buttons... Once you're used to it, you will wonder why you ever did it any other way... There are just certain things you cannot do with an automatic transmission...

ROFL, haha I thought that too lol.....never knew you could have Tri's control with automatic lol.
OMG, how the...did you pull off those spins with the Tom's Chaser then?!??!:eek: You just NEED to have manual for that rite?