Best/Worst You've Dealt With in GTA Online

  • Thread starter Dan
Found out today that past gen players with modded accounts can be ranked up to get all guns and account will keep them after being deranked back. Learned that fact after I faced a level 35 with a Heavy Sniper and a Combat MG with attachments. I also found out that I suck at strafing with a sniper and need to get better at that, but I still came out with a positive KD from that session so no harm done.

On that note, My KD has gone up lately from public lobbies on the PS3 even with all the douchebags with modded accounts and scumbag modders. I've also noticed I've actually gotten better at the game as well. Not where I want to be, but I certainly am better than I was before.
I actually sold one of my apartments online on ps3 due to there being at least 50% of the time something stupid outside it like a wind turbine or 300 basketball hoops. Yet to see any of that in the 5 months I've been on ps4.
That's why I never bought a place at Eclipse. Most of the garbage spawned by modders would be there since the majority of people owned an apartment in that place. It's also why my default spawn point is at my Paleto Bay property- so I don't have to deal with garbage like that the moment I spawn in a public session with modders in it.
I ran Point to Point in a public session to help my low level friend make some money and accidentally died during the challenge. The game spawned me on a Faggio and I was thrilled since I had never seen one before :D I headed towards LSC to insure it, only to find out that I couldn't. I then opened up Dynasty8, bought a cheap 10-car garage at the airport and made a beeline for it to store the unique Vespa. Meanwhile, a rival organization killed my helpless friend in a Buzzard. It wasn't until I had reached the Airport LSC that I saw the Buzzard carrying the opposing organization flying near me. They opened fire, apparently aiming for my... Vespa?


Fortunately for me the CEO's aim was all over the place, so they couldn't kill me or destroy my uninsured Faggio before I whipped out my homing launcher and sent them to the world beyond. After that I delivered the Faggio to my new garage safely :cheers:


Later in that session, me and my friend were cruising around in my fabulous Sabre Turbo Custom, when a dark pink dot showed up on the map and killed us both. Normally I would have let it go, but I noticed some suspicious wiggling on his part... it was pretty fast and he fired at a fast rate for a sniper.

He was using the marksman rifle.


I hate that weapon with a passion. He kept destroying my PVs too, so I chased him through all of Rockford Hills, Richman and Vinewood Hils, getting 10 kills on him before I left the session. It was good to be the bad guy for once ;)

Edit: Forgot to say that I got a pure black SecuroServ trophy at 50 crate missions. :cheers:
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Did the Prison Break finale as the Pilot for the first time with some randoms... only took 2 tries. Failed the first one. My level 44, a 42(host), a 66, and a 102.

Cause of death? I was trying to tail the fighter jets so they couldn't shoot me down, and I misjudged the distance on a turn I was doing. Hit one square on - I had no idea they don't actively avoid you. None of the other guys knew either, they thought it was pretty funny.

Also found out I'm excellent at the stunt races. 3/9 win/loss ratio, usually got a podium if I didn't win, worst finish in a lobby of about 12-14 people was a 7th on the track with the stupid orange loops over the water...
When you're going up against CEO and Associates in a 3v1 situation using Ghost Organisation and still wreck them regardless :lol:

Also doing stunt races with Jahgee on his created track 10/10 👍
I got a doozie of a story today! One of the funnier moments on GTA that I've had in awhile.

I decided to try some stunt races again today. (After my rant a few days ago.) After one race finishes, I become the host. Okay! First things first, catchup (Not ketchup, @250 GTO. :D) and slipstream are off! The less I have to deal with that, the more money I'll make, and the easier I can win these things!

First up, Double Loop, in the all powerful RE-7B! For some odd reason, I start dead last, but once the timer hits go, I jump up against the wall and make it up to third...and then promptly slam into the barier sending myself spinning... :banghead: I fall back to somewhere around fifth, but I'm back up to second by the time we get to the orange wall ride thing. Just after coming down off the wall, the leader crashes into one of the walls and I end up checking out on everyone for the rest of the race.

Whilst in the leaderboard screen getting ready for the next race, I hear someone on the mic: "Hey Leadfoot, you got a mic?" I wasn't really in the mood for chatting, (I never really am unless I'm playing with friends.) so I just let him be in silence. Shortly there after, he chimes in again. "How did Leadfoot win when he never passed me?" I'm sitting there thinking: Erm, bro, I either passed you at the start, or you're the bumbling idiot who hit the wall out of the wallride. He goes on about making claims that I was cheating, and such. I hear him exclaim that I must be cheating since I'm a level 496. :odd: Granted, I gained roughly 120ish levels from a folly on Rockstar's part, but that isn't cheating range In my opinion.

So the next race starts: Trench II in my Dominator Racecar. Two laps later, winner, winner, chicken dinner. Right before I cross the finish line though, I hear my secret admirer, "I wonder if Leadfoot will win again." Well...uh...:D. Again, another rant, about me being OP, and then the next race.

Maze Bank Ascent was up next. This is where, the two guys ripping on me, (The one guy made a friend! :lol:) decide to bet on me and earn a bit of extra cash. Long story short, I win, with a bit of a small battle from a Jester, and they get a few extra bucks. At this point my Dad stepped in my room, where I handed him my headset to have him listen to these two comedians. After raking my headset off and laughing, he says one of the guys just said, "I ain't gonna finish, so lets make this memorable." No idea what happened, but it was funny.

The last race I did with these guys was Chilliad, which I loathe, but I decided to try and have a bit of fun with these guys. Time to bring out the Bullit! I then checked to make sure the guys had placed bets on me, which they did. I start the race, end up botching the start, and spend most of the race at the back. As we near the finish, I spot an RE-7B just ahead of me, whom I discovered to be my original #1 fan. We hit the last jump, and he ends up sliding to a stop, and not being able to get to the finish quickly. I manage to get the straightest landing I've ever gotten on the track, and pass him for fourth at the last second...IN A BULLIT!

After that, I decided enough was enough, and left the session. I couldn't stop laughing at these guys. How could you not assume someone to be good at racing with a name like mine?


@STI9, @Dan, @Sting
The last race I did with these guys was Chilliad, which I loathe, but I decided to try and have a bit of fun with these guys. Time to bring out the Bullit! I then checked to make sure the guys had placed bets on me, which they did. I start the race, end up botching the start, and spend most of the race at the back. As we near the finish, I spot an RE-7B just ahead of me, whom I discovered to be my original #1 fan. We hit the last jump, and he ends up sliding to a stop, and not being able to get to the finish quickly. I manage to get the straightest landing I've ever gotten on the track, and pass him for fourth at the last second...IN A BULLIT!

The Bullit is broken pls nerf I can only imagine how that guy felt :lol: Also, isn't that huge jump on Chiliad (not the one right before the finish line, the previous one) a bit random in the sense that you can't really control whether you slide and hit the rocks, or nail it and continue at full speed? Or is it just me?
The Bullit is broken pls nerf I can only imagine how that guy felt :lol: Also, isn't that huge jump on Chiliad (not the one right before the finish line, the previous one) a bit random in the sense that you can't really control whether you slide and hit the rocks, or nail it and continue at full speed? Or is it just me?

Two reasons why I have a Bullit:

1. I love the 2005-2006 Ford GT.
2. Beating scrubs in it feels oh so rewarding.

That jump is always kind of odd. If I remember correctly, you hit the jump with a tube. I always try fo stay as centered as possible to hold the car aligned with the landing. Obviously, you don't want to be riding the walls, or god knows how that landing would go. No flips or anything, either. Cars in this game hate frontflips, and they're sure to get you crossed up on landing.

Chilliad is the lottery of stunt races. All you can do is prepare for what you can control, pray, and hope for the best.
Two reasons why I have a Bullit:

1. I love the 2005-2006 Ford GT.
2. Beating scrubs in it feels oh so rewarding.

I'd probably stand no chance in races because my Bullet isn't even modded. It was the first car I bought though, and it's definitely a keeper. I've always loved the Ford GT so after I got my first car, a blue Zion, and the obligatory free Elegy I went straight for it. :D
The jump before the finish line on Chiliad has screwed me over a few times, but the worst one was when I won by about .250 seconds... going backwards into the circle. I had managed to get a good lead (I bought a RE-7B before I knew it was OP/broken) and the landing on that jump is so random every time. It was a close enough finish that I thought I lost, was so pissed that even when the results screen

Even my preferred alternate for certain Super class stunt races (stock Zentorno) has issues with that jump.
Earlier from today:

>chilling in session doing VIP/getting crates
>rival organisation constantly killing other people
>let this slide for awhile till I find out they're killing low level people
>what a bunch of scrubs
>doing executive search
>low level tries to find me
>rival associate follows him
>messages me not trying to kill you
>lol okay
>event ends and these scrubs are still going around killing people
>they start a special cargo mission
>one dude has one piece of cargo and the other is stuck out at sea
>spawn buzzard and fly to sea
>off the radar
>find tug with the noob
>spots me
>still wreck him with missiles
>fail his mission
>make him rage
>messages me with 'suck a fat one u rat'
>creativity 10/10
>since they're salty I start another executive search
>don't find me at all till the very end where I rack 3 kills on both players
>finish event and kill them some more
>instant double leave at the same time

RIP scrubs :lol:
Worst. Experience. Ever. Forgot to put Team Balancing on for a drop zone game to get the 2x GTA$ and the 2 people from the other team went to mine and I waited because I didn't want to be in a team on my own and would have joined them. When the game started, I was the ONLY one on my side and just not bothered and waiting in the back of the cargobob waiting for it to end.
Worst. Experience. Ever. Forgot to put Team Balancing on for a drop zone game to get the 2x GTA$ and the 2 people from the other team went to mine and I waited because I didn't want to be in a team on my own and would have joined them. When the game started, I was the ONLY one on my side and just not bothered and waiting in the back of the cargobob waiting for it to end.
Forgetting to put Team Balancing on is one thing. Blatantly refusing to do so is a whole different thing! One of the main reasons I stopped playing adversary modes is that the imbeciles who host them never, ever turn team balancing on. 4v1 may be fun for you brats, but not for me. :ouch:

Also, what's with this "checking your text for profanity" BS? Half of my texts end up never going through because of it. Jesus Rockstar, check people's messages all you want but at least send them or notify the sender of any profane words, don't put them in this endless loop!
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Old stories here, from the first week I had the game:

1. I was on a motorcycle heading toward the Eclipse Towers when I hit a light pole and fell off the bike. Someone was coming around the bend on a motorcycle as well, and they ran over mine which launched them into the air. Then I pan the camera just in time to see them smack into the side of the building at what had to be full speed and die.

2. I was hiding in cover behind a giant rock at the Sandy Shores runway and someone was in a Maverick as a third player nearby tried to blow him up with a homing launcher. Well, he blew up the helicopter but after the player had already jumped out. The homing launcher user then turns his attention to me. He starts to combat roll while trying to find me. All of a sudden the cabin of the helicopter comes crashing down on top of him before he can fire a shot at me, which kills him.
Had some fun a few minutes ago...
(I'm in passive mode during this event)​
  • After a day of playing Lamar missions with the most skilled teams, I decided to end it with customizing my car.
  • I'm sitting in LSC (Burton) working on my Insight/Volt (I'm hip)
  • Some random walks in the shop and kills the mechanic, which kicks me out of the menus.
  • I reverse out of the shop only to see a Ruffian "blocking" my path.... I promptly back onto it.
  • He then starts complaining for me to get off his bike for several minutes.
  • (Guess he didn't know he could request his vehicle after walking away)
  • *More complaining yada yada* I kill time by going on the web browser (Steam)
  • He starts walking out to the street. (Maybe he knows he can request his vehicle...)
  • He starts punching pedestrians...
  • He notices I moved away from the bike and makes a dash for it. (Car vs feet. Hmmm....)
  • He tries to fake me out by going to the other side of the wall in the LSC parking lot thinking he'll lose me.
  • (3rd person buddo. I can see you)
  • He climbs over the wall at the blazing speeds of a slug. By the time he's over I'm already back on the bike.
  • He runs out to the streets a 2 more times punching the innocent before stealing a car.
  • Unsuccessfully tries to gun it to his bike. (Surge>FQ2) He tries one more time before getting out of the car.
  • He throws C4 at my car, but alas they go right through me.
  • He detonates it, blowing up his bike and the FQ2. Shortly after that he gained a wanted level.
  • I roll out to my garage and leave.
Just got trolled by a player in a Cargobob. I was in my Mesa and driving along when I piledrove some traffic. I was stopped for what would've been just a moment, but a player in said Cargobob picked me up with the hook and carried me over to the lake at Sandy Shores, where he dumped me (and my car) in the water. I would've jumped out had I not been curious to see where he was taking me.

And how did I retaliate? After I recovered my car from Mors Mutual and had it delivered I drove it to Trevor's trailer to hide it, but the other players car was in the garage. Here would be where I whipped out a proximity mine and sped away as he was coming back toward me in a pickup. I was in a Coquette and his personal vehicle was a T20 so he went to grab the Progen but blew his car and himself up. :lol::lol:
This was on GTAIV on PS3 but I hope it's alright to post it here.

Joined a lobby on TBoGT and from the start it looked to be a disaster, with the host just driving around and killing everyone with an APC. Soon the whole lobby (including myself) banded together to take out his APC, which we did after about 10 minutes, and after taking it out he left. Soon after I found a Police Stinger and started a chase with 2 guys in a blue Stallion. About 3 minutes in the ditched the car for a bike (might've been an Akuma), but not long after that he clipped a taxi which sent the passenger flying into a wall. He continued on until he hit a police car at over 120MPH.

Next, I found a Buzzard and started shooting at someone driving around in a Sabre, without trying to kill him. Not long after that started a second Buzzard started shooting both of us, and I returned fire. What ensued was the most fun dogfight I've ever had on GTA. We spent a few minutes over the projects area in Algonquin before one of his missiles exploded right next to my Buzzard, which made me lose most of my health.

This would be the only missile damage done to either chopper in the entire dogfight.

Despite the heavy damage, we continued fighting towards the industrial area of Bohan where I made a quick retreat to a nearby health pack before rejoining the fight. We continued dogfighting until we reached the airport where the fight really escalated. He kept flying ridiculously close to me and getting some good shots off against me, taking out half my health with the miniguns.

It was at this point another Buzzard joined in, but both of us were low on health. The new Buzzard first shot at me which then resulted in my chopper smoking, letting the original Buzzard to fire his miniguns some more until my Buzzard went on fire. I bailed and luckily was high enough (about the height of the air control tower) to use my parachute. Once I landed the new Buzzard immediately started firing rockets at me and we both ended up killing each other.
This was on GTAIV on PS3 but I hope it's alright to post it here.

Joined a lobby on TBoGT and from the start it looked to be a disaster, with the host just driving around and killing everyone with an APC. Soon the whole lobby (including myself) banded together to take out his APC, which we did after about 10 minutes, and after taking it out he left. Soon after I found a Police Stinger and started a chase with 2 guys in a blue Stallion. About 3 minutes in the ditched the car for a bike (might've been an Akuma), but not long after that he clipped a taxi which sent the passenger flying into a wall. He continued on until he hit a police car at over 120MPH.

Next, I found a Buzzard and started shooting at someone driving around in a Sabre, without trying to kill him. Not long after that started a second Buzzard started shooting both of us, and I returned fire. What ensued was the most fun dogfight I've ever had on GTA. We spent a few minutes over the projects area in Algonquin before one of his missiles exploded right next to my Buzzard, which made me lose most of my health.

This would be the only missile damage done to either chopper in the entire dogfight.

Despite the heavy damage, we continued fighting towards the industrial area of Bohan where I made a quick retreat to a nearby health pack before rejoining the fight. We continued dogfighting until we reached the airport where the fight really escalated. He kept flying ridiculously close to me and getting some good shots off against me, taking out half my health with the miniguns.

It was at this point another Buzzard joined in, but both of us were low on health. The new Buzzard first shot at me which then resulted in my chopper smoking, letting the original Buzzard to fire his miniguns some more until my Buzzard went on fire. I bailed and luckily was high enough (about the height of the air control tower) to use my parachute. Once I landed the new Buzzard immediately started firing rockets at me and we both ended up killing each other.

Even though the Annihilator might not be small or nimble, it's still faster and more heavily armored than the Buzzard with the added benefit of explosive ammunition. Sadly, this is no longer the case in GTA V Online, but dogfighting is still happening in GTA IV.
Since I wasn't satisfied by this, I've managed to do this again using an RPG.
One of my friends was accused of modding a while ago because he sniped a guy out of a jet. Meanwhile, that guy quit a few minutes later because my friend that sniped him slaughtered him after getting a jet of his own.
I think it's ridiculous how there's almost zero aircraft to be found in missions when you're below rank 50. Since my second character doesn't have a helicopter, I figured I could steal a Frogger or even a Maverick in Mixed Up With Coke and do my regular sniper route, then blow up the trucks individually. Nope. Couldn't find ANYTHING except for P-996 Lazers in Fort Zancudo. :grumpy:
Speaking of the Frogger and Fort Zancudo, I once flew one through the tunnel underneath the base albeit with a lot of damage being inflicted along the way. Then the moment I came out the other side of the tunnel, I just barely tapped a Sentinel and blew up. :lol::lol::lol:
Speaking of the Frogger and Fort Zancudo, I once flew one through the tunnel underneath the base albeit with a lot of damage being inflicted along the way. Then the moment I came out the other side of the tunnel, I just barely tapped a Sentinel and blew up. :lol::lol::lol:

I've done that on multiple occasions, mostly just to show off with friends. :D Tricks like that aren't particularly useful, especially in wide-open Los Santos, but if we ever get a map filled with buildings and skyscrapers like Liberty City, it's helpful to get out of hostile situations. You can easily lose inexperienced pilots by forcing them to go low where there's more objects they can crash into.
Even though the Annihilator might not be small or nimble, it's still faster and more heavily armored than the Buzzard with the added benefit of explosive ammunition. Sadly, this is no longer the case in GTA V Online, but dogfighting is still happening in GTA IV.
I know the Annihilator is much better, but the Buzzard was the first helicopter I found
Earlier today, I accepted an invite to the PacStan heist. The host made the cuts 0/30/30/40:tup: I got one of the 40% cuts, but figured that the host and the 40% knew each other, and were used to doing this, so no problem.

Everything went smooth as silk. Host takes the money, we got to the bikes, the host brought out his Kuruma and we arrived at the cliff with about 1,1 millions. No problem.

If it hadn't been for the dumbasses in the backseat that jumped out from the car when we were about to go downhill :banghead::banghead: And of course, one of them left before we could restart.

I respawned in a public lobby. On a small mountain"road". And on my way down from the mountain, I "accidentally":rolleyes: drove over one of the jackasses that left the car.
A couple of minutes after we'd gotten back to freemode, I got another invite, and a PSN-message where he begged me (that's how I interpreted it;)) to join back.

But i had to get my son him e from boyscouts, so i couldnt :indiff: That money could've been useful tomorrow:indiff: