Blade Runner 2049Movies 

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Villeneuve has confirmed that the question of Deckard's humanity will be raised, but there won't be a definitive answer.

Surely if Deckard is physically older and replicants are machines, while they have inception dates with an operating span since that date (say 4 years) would they physically age?

If so then Deckard may have found a way to get passed his operating end date and this is why the other Blade Runner is looking for him.

Is Harrison Ford going to have another of his iconic characters killed? Next will be Indiana Jones!
Surely if Deckard is physically older and replicants are machines, while they have inception dates with an operating span since that date (say 4 years) would they physically age?
It's unclear, because no replicants lived beyond the pre-determined lifespan. But it was implied that Rachael was a newer model than the Nexus-6 - or at least the prototype of a newer model - and may have been given an extended lifespan to observe the effects of a long life on a replicant.

My guess is that Tyrell ultimately wanted to use replicant bodies to achieve immortality, uploading and re-uploading human memories to replicant bodies. Hence the propaganda campaign against replicants - if a replicant could achieve self-awareness, then overwriting its memories would be tantamount to murder.
My guess is that Tyrell ultimately wanted to use replicant bodies to achieve immortality, uploading and re-uploading human memories to replicant bodies. Hence the propaganda campaign against replicants - if a replicant could achieve self-awareness, then overwriting its memories would be tantamount to murder.
I agree, but ultimately that will be up to the philosophers to decide.

Surprisingly, I feel that Ghost in the Shell (1995 animated original) addressed this question quite well. If no one really notices that Major's thought process and behavioral patterns were changed by whatever she picked up fighting the Puppet Master (if at all), then how is one know what to look for when running diagnostics?

To get back on topic, if a replicant were to somehow achieve self-awareness, then how will the replicant know with his new found awareness? Obviously, he/she should turn to the human memories that were uploaded to the body.
I agree, but ultimately that will be up to the philosophers to decide
Which is why Tyrell would have launched the campaign against the replicants - if the public turned against them and believed them to be a threat the moment they started operating outside their parameters, there would never be a discussion about whether replicants could achieve self-awareness and the implications of overwriting their memories, and Tyrell would be free to continue their experiments.

if a replicant were to somehow achieve self-awareness, then how will the replicant know with his new found awareness?
By realising that their memories are artificial. Deckard alluded to it when he told Rachael the story of the orange spider. The usual trope is to have the androids realise that they all have the same childhood memories, and thus conclude that they are not human after all.
While I understand you can be hyped, to imply it will be incredible is something I cannot agree with. And this is beyond whatever BR2049 turns out to be.

No where does it mention that it will be an automatic incredible movie, hyped =/= incredible. What is talked about is the fact once again, that it's harder to be let down when everything people asked for in a sequel is given. Most times a second take on the story fails because the people making it aren't the original visionaries of the first film.

Music is a different thing, though. It isn't telling a story. In Blade Runner, you don't know what happens with Deckard, and it's up to your imagination. When Blade Runner 2049 comes out, however, that imagination will be gone forever once you watch it.

Plenty of music tells a story...not sure how you don't see that. In regards to Blade Runner you may not fully know what happens to Deckard even with the sequel my point still stands that it doesn't matter, cause I still will see the first for what it was. I do that with all movies in a series.
Most times a second take on the story fails because the people making it aren't the original visionaries of the first film.
And to add to that, they often just do a retread of the original. If Blade Runner 2049 focuses on Officer K approaching Deckard to track down a group of escaped replicants, how on earth are audiences going to engage with that?
No where does it mention that it will be an automatic incredible movie, hyped =/= incredible.

I don't get hyped for something if I think it's going to be crap. What I mean is, I get hyped for something if I think it's going to be awesome. And I just can't get hyped because I have no indication it will be awesome.

Plenty of music tells a story...not sure how you don't see that.

I knew that when I posted my comment. But I don't care for stories in music, all I care is how the song sounds.

In films and books, sequels and prequels are an extension of the original story. When I see Jurassic Park, I don't just see what I'm being told. I also see that Dr. Grant will return to the islands later. Before the sequels came out, I could create my own idea of what happened later. Now I can't. And frankly, because I don't like Jurassic Park 3, I'm kind of upset about that.

Same with Blade Runner. If I feel "Blade Runner 2049 wasn't worth it" after watching it, the story of Deckard will be tainted to me, because something else happened after the movie and it just wasn't what I expected.

That's why I also don't want a sequel to Breaking Bad or Vagrant Story (videogame). It just may break the magic, and that's what I'm afraid will happen with this film.
I don't get hyped for something if I think it's going to be crap. What I mean is, I get hyped for something if I think it's going to be awesome. And I just can't get hyped because I have no indication it will be awesome.

Confused cause you say you don't get hyped if you think it will be crap, and then you say you can't get hyped cause you just don't know. So why aren't you excited again?

I knew that when I posted my comment. But I don't care for stories in music, all I care is how the song sounds.

Okay, that has nothing to do with the point being made.

In films and books, sequels and prequels are an extension of the original story. When I see Jurassic Park, I don't just see what I'm being told. I also see that Dr. Grant will return to the islands later. Before the sequels came out, I could create my own idea of what happened later. Now I can't. And frankly, because I don't like Jurassic Park 3, I'm kind of upset about that.

I don't see how you can see that when watching the movie, there is no indication of that, if you yourself start over thinking the one story and think "oh so this is how this fits in in part two". Then you never enjoy that singular piece. Now if it's a long running story, then that's different. But movies tends to be their own solo adventure even when part of a series. Books are the same. I don't really need to read book four to understand or fully appreciate book six. Sure some characters may be unclear to me, but the core of the story is the focus.

Same with Blade Runner. If I feel "Blade Runner 2049 wasn't worth it" after watching it, the story of Deckard will be tainted to me, because something else happened after the movie and it just wasn't what I expected.

So then once again don't think about it. The continuity, had no effect on how one should appreciate the original.

That's why I also don't want a sequel to Breaking Bad or Vagrant Story (videogame). It just may break the magic, and that's what I'm afraid will happen with this film.

The "magic" one again will still be there despite another story of the same ilk being told. This nostalgia for something seems to hinder potential great stories just because people don't want more. I say as long as the story is good, and produced with great care and quality. Then tell it. When it's the same people who told the first story, even better, and that's why it's fine to be excited even if there is a large unknown. At this point it's going to be much more of the same, so I'll leave you to your belief of a potential let down, and stick with mine that either could happen but for now I'll be excited until there isn't a reason to be.
Question(s): If Deckard is a replicant, would he be the first?

He's an authority figure. He feels pain. His job has high risk. Does that make him feel more human, because he knows he could die from injury?
Like the soldier replicants wouldn't know pain(or Priss as well).
Confused cause you say you don't get hyped if you think it will be crap, and then you say you can't get hyped cause you just don't know. So why aren't you excited again?

I don't know if it will be good, hence I cannot be hyped. And I personally think it will be crap as this movie would need to do some serious things for it to be worth it, in my book. As in: be even better than Blade Runner. So far, I've never seen a sequel long released after the original to live up to the original film.

Okay, that has nothing to do with the point being made.

You were the one who was talking about music, not me...

I don't see how you can see that when watching the movie, there is no indication of that, if you yourself start over thinking the one story and think "oh so this is how this fits in in part two". Then you never enjoy that singular piece. Now if it's a long running story, then that's different. But movies tends to be their own solo adventure even when part of a series. Books are the same. I don't really need to read book four to understand or fully appreciate book six. Sure some characters may be unclear to me, but the core of the story is the focus.

It's fairly easy, really. Just like I can't completely watch a series all over again without having the finale on my mind, the same happens with films in a series. When a film ends, I can't just think "I wonder what happened with Anakin", because "oh wait, he turns into Darth Vader" instantly comes to mind.

Then you never enjoy that singular piece.

I enjoy the singular piece, but what comes later, I can't imagine, because everything has been laid out for me. And if I don't like it, I'm screwed.

Hence why I say: Blade Runner is awesome, but if BR2049 turns out to be awful, then what came after Blade Runner, the "I wonder what happened" magic, is lost.
I don't know if it will be good, hence I cannot be hyped. And I personally think it will be crap as this movie would need to do some serious things for it to be worth it, in my book. As in: be even better than Blade Runner. So far, I've never seen a sequel long released after the original to live up to the original film.

You were the one who was talking about music, not me...

It's fairly easy, really. Just like I can't completely watch a series all over again without having the finale on my mind, the same happens with films in a series. When a film ends, I can't just think "I wonder what happened with Anakin", because "oh wait, he turns into Darth Vader" instantly comes to mind.

I enjoy the singular piece, but what comes later, I can't imagine, because everything has been laid out for me. And if I don't like it, I'm screwed.

Hence why I say: Blade Runner is awesome, but if BR2049 turns out to be awful, then what came after Blade Runner, the "I wonder what happened" magic, is lost.

As I said rehash after rehash, we've come to the same conclusion in this conversation. No reason to keep running the cycle.
Agreed, its possible the current
Question(s): If Deckard is a replicant, would he be the first?

He's an authority figure. He feels pain. His job has high risk. Does that make him feel more human, because he knows he could die from injury?
Like the soldier replicants wouldn't know pain(or Priss as well).

Not nescisarily. If Deckard was programmed to think he had a life and cases beforhand (say from previous Bladerunners) he could be in his 30's (in the first film) and think he has done all those things. Also as with Racheal if he belives this he would have self presevation like the others he was hunting. Yes if he has memories then he would be the first or one of the first.

It also leads to the fact he was retired and they pulled him back into the fold sending officers to get him, why didnt they just call him and ask? If he refused then he could be killed/turned off/stopped and then another Replicant put in his place. Also this could be why he ran with Racheal at the end knowing he would be killed because he'd learnt of his own Replicant'ness, hence the Unicorn match figure left at the end of the film, symbolicly showing they know he knows hes a replicant because Admiral Adama wanted to ensure he never came back.
I hope it catches the essence of the first film and not look like Minority Report.
If it does, it's failed. Minority Report was always meant to be a shiny, polished vision of the future whereas Blade Runner was a sleazy, industrial wasteland. But given his work on Sicario and Arrival, I'm pretty confident Villeneuve can get it right. Especially with Roger Deakins behind the camera.
Looks good, hopefully they don't under use Harrison Ford and they nail the tone.
Came hear after a friend posted. I just have to see it. Blade Runner looked more gritty. Still looks like it is filmed "big" though. Good stuff.
....Looks like Vangelis is back as well. Yay!! It's only a trailer, but there's something about it that makes me break out the tired "Take My Money" meme all of a sudden and pasted it here. Do not fret, for I shall resist the urge.
....Earlier today, I was watching one of the older video blogs Mark Kermode did, called The Mystery of Blade Runner. I didn't know that he produced a documentary eons ago about Blade Runner and its legendary troubled behind the scenes shenanigans.

That's all good and well, but what surprised me the most was that....

.... Kermode did an interview with the director, Ridley Scott and he confirmed that Deckard was an android.

Now, here's the thing - I always assumed Deckard was a human. I really did. And whenever some "educated" bloke came over all flustered and said that's not the case, I politely pointed towards his climatic struggle with Rutger Hauer's android above the rain-drenched rooftop where Ford gets a thorough spanking. If they both were androids then their specs should have been similar if not the same so the disparity between them should not have been that great. Yet, we all know how that "fight" unfolds.

Imagine my shock that Scott himself confirms it. It's like, flip a bloody table moment.

Okay, rant over.