Calling all Musicians, show off your compositions and covers here.Music 

  • Thread starter Skython
Thanks for the kind words, dude. There's been a really positive reaction from everyone getting involved so far.
Made a few more simple compositions. The first is very synthy, but all done on guitar in one take.

The second is more standard solo with backing, but done with a Burny Sustainer.

The third is just a simple piece but atmospheric.

My Soundcloud is here.
Very nice slackbladder, some beautiful tracks 👍

I just got my electric guitar back from years in exile at my Dad's place, only to find that the cable input is knackered - plus, the fretboard is slightly warped, so it may be some time until I record anything with my electric guitar :(
Here's my first guitar cover. Its of Green Days' song Who Wrote Holden Caufield.

Go easy on me, I've only been playing 2 months. ;)

Just went through this thread, and there's a surprising amount of talent in here. Lately, especially. Of what I've made, I think this is probably the only thing worth showing. A little four track set I made over the past few days:

I'm still learning, so any feedback would be appreciated :)👍
New song written and recorded last night...

I need to re-record it because the vocals and guitar are a single track, and I was improvising the lyrics/vocals - but they need to be a bit better, and I can't just edit out the vocal part because it's not a separate track.

I'm maybe going to add drums and keyboard/organ later, but at the moment it's just acoustic guitar.

Free download by the way :P
^Sounds good man! Your vocals are getting stronger from your earlier recordings. I like it! 👍
Cheers Chris! :cheers: Vocals were never my strong point, but I've got a decent mic and some decent recording/effects software that can really take the edge off some of the more glaringly awful bits. Have you got anything on SoundCloud yourself?


I recorded two more tracks last night - I uploaded one to SoundCloud yesterday but the other is still just a single track so I'll probably overdub it over the weekend and post it up some time next week. In the meantime, I've put together an 'EP' of five demos I've recorded in the last month, with a view to recording final versions of them in the next month or so and releasing it as a proper EP (or perhaps even a full album if I can muster the energy) through my mate's recording label.

Check it out if you have the time - any and all feedback is most welcome 👍 My latest track is second in this playlist:
Speaking of Sound Cloud, I just stumbled across this little gem we recorded close to 6 years ago from the Blue Onion days, never made it to CD. Since is says, "Track 6" I'm assuming there are atleast 5 more of these little treasures bobbing around in the sea of tracks in my backup folder. :D

I'm on bass of course, buddies on Drums and Guitar.
Check it out if you have the time - any and all feedback is most welcome 👍 My latest track is second in this playlist:

👍 The guitars sounds really nice, and the vocals suit in "New Promise." I like the vocal harmonies which come in, it really is quite a relaxing piece.

Let you Go sounds a little more lighter in its tone, makes a change in music without straying from the sound that is prominent in New Promise.

My Guard is Down then provides a nice change, moving away from the sound of the other tracks. Everything feels a bit clearer, the guitar lead that comes in at about 1 minute sounds great too. And only gets better throughout.

That's all I really had time to listen to. I'll probably give the others a listen later on. :D

Speaking of Sound Cloud, I just stumbled across this little gem we recorded close to 6 years ago from the Blue Onion days, never made it to CD. Since is says, "Track 6" I'm assuming there are atleast 5 more of these little treasures bobbing around in the sea of tracks in my backup folder. :D

I'm on bass of course, buddies on Drums and Guitar.

Now THAT is groovy! :D Maybe some of the guitar effects could have sounded better (maybe a little more refinement). Your bass sounded great, and so did the vocals. 👍


Thought I may as well upload one of my recorded assessment compositions from this year. This is the shortest one, the second one I recorded and the second best (recorded 3).

The only real instrument in this is my vocals, though I did play most of it on a MIDI keyboard in Garageband. This is the most simple comp I did, just a normal song structure and the instrumental section in the middle only lasts a minute. :P
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That's all I really had time to listen to. I'll probably give the others a listen later on. :D
Cheers for checking out my songs and for the comments, really appreciate it 👍 Just listening to your track now - classic heavy metal vocals! I wish I had the vocal range/power to sing like that, great stuff!

Sweet! Not bad sound quality given that it was recorded on your phone... got any other recording equipment...? Either way, you should stick some stuff on SoundCloud or equivalent if you haven't already done so. HB, by the way ;)

Nice one 👍 Love the bass, although the other guys are pretty spot on as well... hope you find and upload your other stuff 👍
Sweet! Not bad sound quality given that it was recorded on your phone... got any other recording equipment...? Either way, you should stick some stuff on SoundCloud or equivalent if you haven't already done so. HB, by the way ;)

Not in any accessible form, need to finally get around to finishing the loft conversion and turning it into a music room and then we will be good to go.
I forget that other people actually have families and can't just bring all the music stuff into the living room... here's a picture of my living room as it was a couple of months ago - it's still pretty much exactly the same except I have since bought a stand for my guitar atleast, so it no longer lives on the floor :scared:

If I did that I would not be alive for very long, that I have six guitars, one Orange combo and a VHT head and cab along with my pedal board in the dining room and two acoustics in the lounge right now is enough of an issue.

Can't wait for them all to finally have a home (by Christmas fingers crossed).
Wrote and recorded a few new songs in the last week - the results can be found in this new playlist:

Two of these three songs were written last Monday, and recorded later in the week. My newest track, and arguably one of the most depressing songs I've ever written ('On Our Own') was conceived on Thursday and recorded yesterday. The middle track, ('If I Know You'), may be updated later, as a girl in Denmark has offered to record a complementary vocal, which could be my first online collaboration... I'm very keen for other singers to add their talents to some of my tracks, since singing is definitely not my strong point!!

Anyway, check them out if you get the chance!
I just noticed this thread & was inspired to join Sound Cloud so I could upload an old Trance track I made back in 2005. I hope someone enjoys listening to it.

Surprisingly catchy, I must say. 👍 A little bit repetitive, but it did have an amazing ability to scare my cat. Which is sort of weird.

Wrote and recorded a few new songs in the last week - the results can be found in this new playlist:

Two of these three songs were written last Monday, and recorded later in the week. My newest track, and arguably one of the most depressing songs I've ever written ('On Our Own') was conceived on Thursday and recorded yesterday. The middle track, ('If I Know You'), may be updated later, as a girl in Denmark has offered to record a complementary vocal, which could be my first online collaboration... I'm very keen for other singers to add their talents to some of my tracks, since singing is definitely not my strong point!!

Anyway, check them out if you get the chance!

Sorry! We can't find that playlist."


Aaanyway, I decided I might do a few covers today, because I felt like it.

Queensryche's "The Whisper."

Singing Queensryche is what I do best really. Because Geoff Tate's notes are so clear and easy to find.

The first two minutes of Iron Maiden's Hallowed Be Thy Name. Because long notes are admirable or something. Managed to not quite hold the note, but managed to keep my breathe going for the entire 12 seconds.

And a X2 sped up version simply for the :lol:.
I never had a problem with that long note at the end of the opening on Hallowed Be Thy Name. Intersting.

I'm tempted to post that half hearted version of me playing the solo for Moonchild while half asleep and with broken equipment lol.
I never had a problem with that long note at the end of the opening on Hallowed Be Thy Name. Intersting.

I'm tempted to post that half hearted version of me playing the solo for Moonchild while half asleep and with broken equipment lol.

Because technique and volume. I can hit 20 seconds if I just use talking voice. But with singing voice, I haven't built it up enough to hold notes like that easily.
Queensryche / Iron Maiden
I like it 👍

Being able to hold long notes like that at full power is well beyond my capability and very impressive! I can only do long notes (by which I mean still under 10 seconds) when singing very quietly (i.e. harmonies), and even then it often ends in a coughing fit.

And a X2 sped up version simply for the :lol:.


Sorry! We can't find that playlist.

Oops... I deleted that playlist and have consolidated my recent recordings into one big playlist (my first album :P ) which can be found here:

I wrote and recorded a completely new track last night, although it still needs work, and it's very short, despite the fact that I spent nearly 7 hours making it, although I realise that this is not long when compared to how long most other people spend on compositions... anyway, you can hear it here:

I'm trying to think of any songs I have in the pipeline that could use a more powerful male vocal, although my musical style is almost as far away from Queensryche as it is possible to be :lol: Anyway, if you ever come across any tunes of mine that you might like to have a shot at vocally, let me know and I can send you the devocalised versions to play with... 👍
I like it 👍

Being able to hold long notes like that at full power is well beyond my capability and very impressive! I can only do long notes (by which I mean still under 10 seconds) when singing very quietly (i.e. harmonies), and even then it often ends in a coughing fit.

Thanks. :D It's taken me years to get to the point of getting the lengthy note, and I can thank my vocal teacher for that.

Oops... I deleted that playlist and have consolidated my recent recordings into one big playlist (my first album :P ) which can be found here:


I wrote and recorded a completely new track last night, although it still needs work, and it's very short, despite the fact that I spent nearly 7 hours making it, although I realise that this is not long when compared to how long most other people spend on compositions... anyway, you can hear it here:

Back in the Beginning

I'm trying to think of any songs I have in the pipeline that could use a more powerful male vocal, although my musical style is almost as far away from Queensryche as it is possible to be :lol: Anyway, if you ever come across any tunes of mine that you might like to have a shot at vocally, let me know and I can send you the devocalised versions to play with... 👍

👍 I'm a complete fool for vocal/guitar acoustic works. :D Is this the same EP (Sunrise) I heard a bit of last time? Because I remember My Guard is Down. I liked Silhouette, where I'm feeling where the vocal melodies work with the guitar now. Such a nice/mellow sound. Also enjoyed Northern Light. I've found that the ones I've listened to today have sort of stuck in my head better, because now I'm finding "If I know You" quite catchy too.

Back in the Beginning has some nice vocal harmonies, and now you're making me want to try and write something like any of your songs. 👍 I'd cover over one of yours, but I have no proper equipment. :(
I have bunch of orchestral stuff on my Soundcloud, but it's all MP3s from Sibelius Software, because unsurprisingly, finding orchestras willing to play your stuff is quite difficult.

I did get one piece sight-read by a local orchestra, which explains all the mistakes:

Because technique and volume. I can hit 20 seconds if I just use talking voice. But with singing voice, I haven't built it up enough to hold notes like that easily.
I find that surprising. Maybe it comes naturally to me then. I'm shy about it though.