
  • Thread starter GTP_Nail
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read post on Convo. Not an issue this week but please get it. Its really cool and we will use it for administrative purposes only. Not for chit chat. It will replace typing.

Yes... there will be a race tomorrow. Same time. Room opens at 1400 US Central with the race starting at 1430 sharp. There will be one room restart if anyone is stuck on the grid (especially if there are only 4 of :lol:)...16 laps....two pit stops...first stop a five min during the first hour and the second (any time in the second hour) of three min. Same settings as last week. Hopefully we will get over 8 drivers so we can split the field (be ready to drive EITHER car) if not we will give the M4 a go. Random grid with the host setting "slowest first". No passing :mad: until the sector two line (go see where it is. ). Maintain a decent speed ...lets try 100 MPH. If we have group 3 cars on the grid, they will follow the same rule but MAY NOT leave the grid until the Gr4s pass the third sector. The Leading M4 , or whoever is on either Discord or chat, will call "M4s past sector 4". The one additional lap will screw up some strategies but I for one will be running my RACE strategy. The race next Sunday will be the Real Race. It will be 3 hours with three pit stops (Two fives and a three). If you screw up your pit stop, you can pit again and finish the remaining time . Any other questions?? Feel free to post info on other threads. Have fun.
I lied....

Change one to plan two. The race tomorrow will be one hour EARLIER than previously announced. Room opens at ONE central with race starting between one thirty and one forty five.
All had a good time...except for me who fell off one time to many and was behind @TEX36 at the finish.....I'll get him next time :ouch:.
All finally settled on the four lap stint for the M4.

And @setted managed his time to avoid a three minute "you are going too fast" penalty. LMAO. ( This is a self imposed penalty which will require any driver in any class to take a three minute stop and go penalty during the final 4 laps of the race if he is more than 3:30 ahead of the next guy. Remember this is FUN.) And...should a driver fail to do this...he will start the next race 3:30 after the last group of cars cross the Sector 2 line.( or whatever draconian penalty the Committee of Doom can think up on the spot. )

So, next Sunday is a three hour event with the same settings and with three mandatory 5 min pit stops. There will be a "sorta" championship for the season. Each monthly event will be held on a Sunday TBD by all of us as to which of the last two weekends each month will allow the most participants. The championship will have one for each class and will be based on the total number of laps completed in the "24" hours (eight months). I like this because there is really no bookkeeping, no google docs...and can most likely be added up using available toes and fingers. Laps for incomplete races due to force majeure (like...the house is burning...gotta go) will be counted. Like Mike's Wheel!!!!. For those who are challenged in stupid French phrases used by the FIA.....

force ma·jeure
ˌfôrs mäˈZHər/
noun: force majeure
  1. 1.
    unforeseeable circumstances that prevent someone from fulfilling a contract.
  2. 2.
    irresistible compulsion or greater force.
  3. Something really stupid that the driver did to force his retirement (:lol: I just added that.....)

Now...what time do you want to race on this coming Sunday. The earliest will be 1:30 Central and the latest 2:30 Central.

We need 8 to race...and would prefer 12 (it gets really boring when fewer...and this leads to Nurburgring in Oh 🤬 where am I...followed by screeching tires and crumbling body work) .

Take pix and remember that the time for the stop is measured by the timer on the right.

Remember if we have two rooms (more than 14) each will be single class.

Please post on the RR convo as to your time and if you can or can not make it.
I know this put some pressure on the US guys but the earlier your side the better our side although this weekend is a holiday weekend some folks will unfortunately still be working. Even with a 1:30 Central that will still be a late finish for mainland European folks by the time the race is over

This Sunday at 1330 US Central time (UTC-5) we will run our first monthly race.
The room(s) will be set to practice endurance

Gr3 BMW Z4
Gr4 BMW M4

Three hours.....not laps

Three pit stops...all 5 minutes (One during each hour...they may not be combined. If you screw up and leave the pits too soon you may return to the pits and finish the stop.)

Take pictures when time of pit stop is completed. We may or may not request them, but if we do it might be a real good idea to have them.:crazy:

With over 8 drivers the room will be split between Gr3 and GR4. With 8 or fewer we will all race the Gr4 M4.

A second room will be opened with 14 or more. If that happens room A will be Gr3 and room B will be Gr4. So figure out where you want to race and be ready to be flexible.

Start procedure.
Random grid set to slowest first.
In a mixed room the M4s will leave the grid in single file holding position going @ 100 MPH until exiting the hatzen bach (all the squiggly corners that lead on to the long straight leading to Flug Platz) when they may accelerate/start racing as each car comes on to the straight. This point is on the beginning of the straight where the sector two line is located going uphill to the Flug Platz.

When the lead M4 crosses the sector 3 line after Swedish Cross and Aremberg he will announce "Gr4 Passing Sector 3" ( if he is voiceless...any of the M4s can make the call...if they are without chat or discord...the Gr3 guys can figure it out by watching their circuit display.) , the Gr3's will then leave the grid using the same procedure as the M4's. Single class races will use the same procedure.

Should a car be STUCK on the GRID we will attempt one QUICK restart after the stuckee exits the room, does a hard reboot, and reenters. Subsequent restarts are UNLIKELY due to race duration. If the other room has not started you may change cars and try it there if time permits.

Should you have to leave the race....please complete the lap you are on and leave your car in the pits. Drive in, touch NOTHING, and come back after the race is over or continue if the race is still in progress when your real life emergency is over. Remember the season rankings will be based on laps completed.

The race is over when the lead car crosses the line AFTER 3 hours of racing. All cars will see the FINAL LAP message . Finish your lap and save your replay...if the silly thing will let you. Save race results.

Room set up will be...
Practice/Endurance race
Filter by
Replace car on track......On
Counter steering /ASM..Off.

Remember that if you even THINK you hit a competitor or MIGHT have caused him to go MUST CONCEDE. That means that you have to wait for him to re-pass you. If he is a slower car and he TELLS YOU to go ahead w/o waiting you may do so. (Another wonderful reason to either be in the chat or on Discord.)

Failure to do so will entail a trip to the Big Trailer where you will meet the "Committee of Doom" All penalties handed down by those humorless individuals are final and will be draconian.

The room will open at 1230 Central for practice.

Note the sectors on the map below are not the proper ones for this is posted to get you more familiar with the turn names.

Nurburgring Map with splits.png
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Note: the ALIEN prevention rule is in effect. If the leader in either class with 3 laps to go has more than a 3.5 minute lead he must do a 3 minute elapsed time pit stop. We are an Alien friendly series. :lol:
Excellent racing tonight everyone, thanks very much and thanks to Ned for organising. :cheers:
All who there please write up things you would change or new ideas. Let us know how your race went, strategically and how we should change pit stops... if at all. Again ... that was serious fun. :gtpflag:
Not sure I would change anything. We could have got away with 2 pit stops but having 3 added a bit to the race for me and mixed up the strategies a bit.

Strategy wise I pretty much went to plan it was my concentration that dropped off after the 2.5 hour mark but that's lack of practice and my problem to solve. The second from last lap was horrendous for me and I must have had 3 or 4 off track moments

@mr_lab_rat and @roamer2629 will always make it a fun race for me because I can just about keep up with them but I guess it would have been less enjoyable if I'd spent the whole 3 hours running on my own

We had some great driving going on with the Gr.3 guys who showed impeccable driving etiquette when passing and @Mires who had to make way twice for me to pass him.

Thanks again to everyone, can't wait for the next one :cheers:
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Great race all around guys. Close racing among friends at Nurb is as good as it gets for me. We had an amazing battle with Mike and, well..., Mike :D
Ross Brawn has nothing on the rat when it comes to pit strategy, that was clever dude 👍
Race was great fun, I'd like to keep those 3 mandatory pits, they're good to take some rest. Once each hour is just enough to gain some strength for next part.

I need to work hard on my consistency, just to keep up with you guys ^^ had a 3 hour, 450 km race almost alone ^^ been passed few times, hope didn't brake anyone to much, as had hard time to keep myself on track. :D @Nolinar sorry for the tap when you passed me, tried to keep myself as far right on track as possible, but went a bit into grass and the car wanted to dance. ^^

@Argon thank you Mike, this is what I'm doing all the time, as you all are still faster than me and it is normal thing to do it like that. ^^

Thanks for the host of the race Ned and thanks for the great idea Ned and Mike @mr_lab_rat to run this endurance series of fun races. Hope I will be able to make more of them. :cheers::gtpflag:
Great fun and surprisingly close race.
I didn't have much practice so I was figuring out pit strategy on the fly. The first few laps I was very happy with my pace as I assumed I was on a fuel saving strategy and Javier and Mike were going all out. Somewhere on lap three when they finally passed me I realized we were all doing 3 lap stints and they were just simply faster than me :)
I kept it on the grey stuff and turned some consistent laps but the two leaders were slowly getting away from me. At the halfway point I realized the race distance could be 23 laps rather than 24. I ran another regular 3 lap stint to confirm my math. During that stint I had a very good battle with Mike, we traded few mistakes and I got lucky at the end when he got stuck against a railing. With 8 laps to go I decided to start saving fuel and run two 4 lap stints. I needed to stay within 25 seconds of Javier to have a chance.
It was not easy to save this much fuel and still go reasonably fast but I somehow managed to squeak through the start/finish straight in front of Javier during his final pit stop.
He must have been really surprised to see my silly bumper sticker with two laps to go after leading the whole race :)
He was being really patient behind me but I knew I didn't have a chance. At that point I had half a tank left and still had to make it two laps. He passed me cleanly on the back straight and never looked back.
Congrats on the win @roamer2629

For the next race I would love to go with NSX Gr.2 and Gr.4
I'll help testing fuel and tires on Tuesday. I think the BMWs would have been even more fun with lower fuel consumption to make the tire wear more important.
Thanks for hosting this @GTP_Nail :)

Nice write up @mr_lab_rat. @Argon you were missed in my class :(

Form my perspectice the race was interesting in the begining, but then we're all suddenly really far away from eachother. @PASM was close to me midrace after his bad start, but he disconnected after a joint pitstop, which was sad to see. Not that I had a chance anyway :D. No chance to catch Setted either, he was lone gone from the start, but I think he forgot the alien rule in the end ;). Not sure what his strategy was, might look at the replay to found out.

I lost the car so many times it was embarrasing (did have a bad day/week, so wasn't easy to concentrate, but then again, its an endurance so thats a factor as well). Slowed the pace down a bit and I was fine in the last third of the race. Also took an extra long normal pitstop, because of a bio break (6 total; 4 during race +pre and post race - this can't be normal)

So sadly a bit boring for me, but still great to test oneself with a 3 hour endurance race, haven't done that since I was a kid.

I think the format works good. Three long pitstops was just right for me for a 3 hour race, but wouldn't mind it going down to 2,5 hours. I did three lappers which was good. Would it make sense to try to imitate real racing, where its doable to doublestint tires? Perhaps it is already, I just can't.
Wish we were more racers in the class, so a suggestion is to do this as a single class sometime, as I also like the multiclass aspect.

PS; I had a sound bug, I couldn't hear my tires, surface or fence sounds - I think I hit the last corner fence several times without realising!
...I had a sound bug, I couldn't hear my tires, surface or fence sounds - I think I hit the last corner fence several times without realising!

The last update brought some sound issues with it along with the T500RS issue.....:grumpy:
Actually I had this noise bug 3 days, but all was working again in this race, and works everywhere. I thought they already fixed the issues, but i see, it still persists. Try to close the game, not just rest mode it. It should fix the noises
After a calming and theraputic ( not!) walk through the woods after driving three hours, with She who must be obeyed and the hounds at the local wilderness park, it came to me what was wrong. It has been nagging at me for a month or more. All the endurance races we ran in GT6 had full damage on. It FORCED a bit of smart as well as fast driving ( I also ran the Snail pre Christmas double one hour races with full damage on the 24 circuit and there were few if any cars damaged because minor offs leave the car either undamaged or slightly damaged). Today the winners went flat out for three hours. If we slid off or even smashed into the shrubbery the penalty was usually 4 or five seconds, or even 15 if you got pinned somewhere. The penalty for a screw up was essentially Zero since the lesser damage setting time is running while you try to find your way back to the track . Since we are imitating real life I'm going to engage Heavy damage for the next couple of practice races . The Fish and I tested it last night and a badly damaged car....(engine, right front suspension and front splitter) could still manage 140 MPH on long straights but was obviously harder to drive) took about 9 min lap time from a crash in sector 1 to the pits. This also provides some interesting strategy calls as it may be better to proceed with a damaged car at a slower pace and remain on strategy rather than pit to fix the damage.

Fish and I tried some Gr2 cars with the following results.....
The Acura is in need of tuning to be considered for our series
The Nissan and the Lexus are GREAT.
The Nissan is a bit more solid feeling but the Lexus brakes better and feels a bit more nimble. Both have great driving Gr3 and Gr4 cars.
As to racing with two classes...I too am feeling that unless we have a full room...or say...14 splitting the room is leaving both classes with too few cars.
The reason we run three hours is that it approximates a real endurance stint in a real (and online ) race where usually at the N24 you have four drivers each doing two three hour(ish) stints. We could shorten to 2:45 and still be in the real window. I assume that eventually AJ will get his race series going again and I for one plan to be in it so this series serves two gives all of us the fun of doing something that very few others do...and it prepares us for a possible entry into an endurance team in the future.

Lets take all our chat back to the Ring Rats Thread now....our act seems to be well enough in order to essentially go public.

Nice race guys....Discord works but we need to work on the background noise that the mikes pick up. Anyone have thoughts on that.

Lets try the Lexus and Nissans on Tuesday night.
During the race numerous ( all ?) T300 users experienced the glitch involving the Fuel Map window. When leaving the pits the fuel setting would increase ( demanding less fuel) In some cases it would jump from one to 3. This would also happen sporadically elsewhere on the track. It might be that this only happens when the fuel window is open, which it can be during an endurance race where fuel saving takes place over long periods of time and requires close monitoring.

In addition @PASM had the sound glitch where all car audio was gone and others have had the same problem. I did not realize this was still
with us... or is a reoccurring problem. The good news was the grid spacing was good and all got away from the grid in goid order.

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The occasional D-pad glitch has always been there with my T300. It just seems to be happening more often now. There is a chance it's coming from my DS4 that's also on when I want to use a headset (will test this theory).
The workaround is to have the Race Adjustment display switched to something like the track map or radar where the up/down arrows don't do anything. But that doesn't work well for people like me who often run on fumes.
I'm "taard" (Eastern Tennessee for Tired)..but I will be there tonight. I've narrowed it down to Gr4 and G2 Nissan or Lexus...bring both and we can do some short races to get the feel of them. Lets plan on racing either or not both unless we get some more players. We need 7 of each to split...unless anyone else has an idea. Perhaps both the Nissan and the Lexus are close enough without BOP to race or we can just BOP them...but it seems that when they are BOPed they are emasculated....I found the Gr4 Porsche to be more to drive w/o BOP. What do you guys think. Ok guys....who is driving the Ferrari and what model is it.
My point to the Gr.2/3/4 - there is much more difference between 2 and 3 than between 3 and 4. Surprisingly Gr.2's handle pretty sweet even on controller (I think the downforce helps pretty much with it), but I don't think I'll be able to keep these on track under heavy damage for full 3 hour race.

All I can focus on is my driving line in technical parts of track (mainly from Carousel to Dottinger höhe), so it is hard to keep an eye on anything around (mirror, gauges), but it is a lot of fun to race these. ^^ Personally I find the Nissan more forgiving, more sticky than the Lexus, yet both are well tamed by the downforces. Lexus hits the limiter in draft on exactly 300 km/h, I think same goes with Nissan.

Was really funny watching Ned and Mike fight half a last lap of the 3-lap race, from behind of them with actually listening to them :D was happy at least to keep their pace.

Fun is when you downgrade your Group car after these beasts. You feel so slow even in Gr.3 cars (even these are really fast too) and you need some time to adapt to the slower pace, here I can say Lexus is better for me.

Thanks to you guys for the opportunity to hang with you for some time again and looking forward to see you back on track soon. ^^
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