Cote d' Azur B-Spec

  • Thread starter Menasor
Why is it that my driver lv40, always crashes on the last corner and losses 3 spots. Is there a way to prevent it, like he drives like a moron.
I was having the same issue until someone recommended using the Mazda Furai, problem fixed!
Was the same in the Historic Car cup. I know we asked for different tracks but I held my head in my hands when I saw this on the Online B-Spec Events.

I tried many different cars and cooling Bob down. In the end though its just luck. So long as the race pans out so that your BOB only crashes once or twice you win. If you keep getting overtakes at the "problem" Corners and Bob crashes more than twice you loose. Simple as!
I'm having the same problem. My BOB crashes on the first turn after the tunnel. I've tried two different BOB's with different traits, same thing. WTF?
Been struggling with this myself, what ended up working for me was manipulating the pace to guarantee that Bob wasn't next to another car in the problem spots. For me, all of his crashes into the wall were due to being out of position for the turn due to the proximity of another car. And using a 2J ;) hope that helps!
Figured it out the same day. I just kept on lowering his "temperament" and yes, when he tries to overtake on the inside into that turn, it messes him up. lol I think PD should fix that. Finally won it after several tries with the 2J.
Been struggling with this myself, what ended up working for me was manipulating the pace to guarantee that Bob wasn't next to another car in the problem spots. For me, all of his crashes into the wall were due to being out of position for the turn due to the proximity of another car. And using a 2J ;) hope that helps!

yeah i also lower it to the very bottom but i have no idea, they should honestly patch the stupidity level on bobs
I was having the same issue until someone recommended using the Mazda Furai, problem fixed!

^ This 👍

Worked brilliantly, and I didn't have to get the vacuum cleaner out of the cupboard :D
What a frustrating race, really exemplifies how stupid b-spec driver logic is but for some reason i wanted to actually win it and must have raced it like 30 times. So ironically, 'well played PD, well played'.

In the end, the Escudo with little aero, about 60kg additional weight and turn down power to make 650PP with short gears (so you can be in 6th on the straight) and you should be able to overtake up the hill, through the tunnel (before the problem corner), the short straight after the chicane and the main straight with relatively little problem.

Oh, and if you see my driver out on the street anytime soon, his name is L. Cortez, punch him in the face for me. Thanks.
Why is it that my driver lv40, always crashes on the last corner and losses 3 spots. Is there a way to prevent it, like he drives like a moron.

had the same problem your not on your own mate i were using the black gt40 test car spec 2 and yeah my bob crashed on the same corner too also level 40
What a frustrating race, really exemplifies how stupid b-spec driver logic is but for some reason i wanted to actually win it and must have raced it like 30 times. So ironically, 'well played PD, well played'.

In the end, the Escudo with little aero, about 60kg additional weight and turn down power to make 650PP with short gears (so you can be in 6th on the straight) and you should be able to overtake up the hill, through the tunnel (before the problem corner), the short straight after the chicane and the main straight with relatively little problem.

Oh, and if you see my driver out on the street anytime soon, his name is L. Cortez, punch him in the face for me. Thanks.

lol lol lol
This race is doing my head in. It's no exaggeration to say I have attempted this race over 40 times now with 3 different bobs.

I came closest using the Ford GT LM race car as it has a lot of grunt up the hill, and slides a little on the corners meaning he can mostly miss clipping the barrier.

Surely it is less to do with A.I and more to do with how they mark out the track with waypoints or however they do it? Shouldn't the racing line be made quite clear on the two troublesome corners? Codemasters seem to do a fairly good job of having almost twice as many cars navigate the same isn't rocket science.
To say this race is ****ing frustrating is an understatement, I cant believe that after all the updates the AI for cote/monaco still hasn't been fixed is an absolute joke
8/8 laps with the 2J car my bob nailed that corner after the tunnel on every single lap, hot or cold there was nothing I could do to make him NOT try and overtake on that corner. The worst was the last lap when the car in front of bob hit that same corner, what does bob do instead of going around the car? he wrecks into the same damn corner.

*Edit - just restarted the race and first lap, *doink* bob is in the corner again, he refuses to overtake on the outside line and that is the problem, he keeps trying to cut the corner on the inside and cutting it to sharply.
i'm just another in this long line barrier biters. no matter the driver or the car, he hits it.

PLEASE FIX THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Actually managed to do this earlier this evening. I decided to have another stab at the latest B Spec Nurburgring race first, and although it was amazingly close, Bob just pinched a win at that race.

Straight after it his arrow was pointing diagonally up so I threw him straight into this race using the Furai. I added downforce and lowered power to compensate and amazingly, by the end of lap 4 I was in the lead!!!!!

Just had to keep an eye on Bob and let him carry on around the track without pushing him at all. He got perilously close to coming up to back markers on the last lap and I started to flap a little bit. But kept telling him to slowdown and I finally cracked it. Over 50 attempts at one race though. Ridiculous.

It could be fixed somewhat by having a "don't pass" option.
Why is it that my driver lv40, always crashes on the last corner and losses 3 spots. Is there a way to prevent it, like he drives like a moron.

I suspect your same Bob also frequently cuts corners at all the other tracks, only in this case there happens to be a bunch of walls to "greet him" at coted d azur. If you use a Bob that has "high cornering skill" and a "cool personality" my experience is that you will win at coted d azur more easily and with less coaching. I've run approx. 50 races at cote d azur with no coaching 32-40 lvl Bobs and win about 50% of them. Cheers!
Ford GT settings: lsd reduced ca 10 % on all 3. trans ca 300 km\t max, brake balance o and o actually. hp adjusted to 650pp. best possible driver. i let him drive the first 5 laps alone, then i started pushing him a little and took the lead in the last lap. Yesss!
I had this same problem with my 2J. My Bob kept crashing into that corner because he decides to overtake on the left hand side despite my best efforts furiously tapping decrease speed leading up to the corner everytime he hit the corner, I'm sure most of you guys have had this same issue. I gave up on the 2J and decided to go for a Ford GT LM Spec II Test Car. For some reason un-beknown (to me anyway) he decided to not overtake on that corner this time, got 1st place a few laps in and won the race. This must be a bug or something, either way it was very annoying up until I switched cars.
I'm another one who is struggling on both the Historic Cup and the Seasonal event on this track. Tried the Toyota 7 with the tuning suggested on this forum-no joy.
The seasonal I used the Audi R8 race car and the Ford GT II with the tune ups suggested on here. No problem with pace but as with everyone else despite my instructions and pleading to the contrary my anus of a Bob still tries to overtake on the inside at the chicane after the tunnel, hits the wall and then sits there like a pillock for a few seconds before driving off again. Intensely frustrating as it is almost every lap!! Level 31 Cool headed Bob-it's only this track I'm struggling on!!
I use the Aventador on this course and it blitzes everything except the Mclaren, Zonda, and Ford GT specII, as long as those are not in the race even my lvl 30's can win. He still crashes occasionally when he tries to overtake after the tunnel though. With the C5R and Falcon lineup he is in 1st by lap 4 and hasn't lost yet.
I was trying to do this race for a long time with almost every car i had that fit the pp limit. I got the SH#TS, i used the 2J, Bobs in front by lap3 first go. I didnt have to give comands the rest of the race and he coasted to the flag in 1st.
Why is it that my driver lv40, always crashes on the last corner and losses 3 spots. Is there a way to prevent it, like he drives like a moron.

I got it to work - especially in the Historic Racing Car Cup - by having someone loan me a 2J (through the online/sharing thing) and you buy the biggest available turbo, set the top speed to 174mph and LSD to 20/50/20 and I did okay with a Level 27 bob. Just keep exiting and restarting until another 2J isn't starting in front of you. If there's other cars near you on that corner coming out of the tunnel, the driver will cut to the inside to try to overtake them even if you didn't tell him to and that's what makes the bob crash.
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I have one Bob who does this, and another who drives into the Armco at the chicane after the tunnel. Very frustrating and why I've lost interest in B spec now I've reached level 40 in it.
with the Pagani Zonda, i could only get to 2nd place.

i started using the Furai and, after my Bob got to LV 30 - and in a race the McLaren BMW Race Car wasn't in - i finally won.

always cool Bob down after Loew's so that at the chicane after the tunnel he does not try to overtake.
I'm just now getting back into GT5 after a short time away, and am also struggling with Cote d'Azur. I've tried several different cars, and it doesn't seem to matter. They hit either the chicane, or the last corner before the start/finish line, and if Bob is trying to pass he hits the wall.

There's one interesting thing I read in this thread that I'd like to ask about. It mentioned selecting a driver with better cornering ability. Now, it's been a very long time before I've picked any B-Spec drivers, but how do I know his cornering ability when making a selection?

Not sure how much more time I'm going to spend on this, especially considering we are just months away from GT6. Thanks for all of the great info, though!
I've been so mad at Bob on this race. The one time he was coming around the last turn on the first lap and absolutely slammed, and I mean SLAMMED, into the barrier while midfield and backed up into a few other cars and never caught the front half of the grid, mainly because I restarted the race.

EDIT: One of those cars Bob backed up into was a Chaparral 2J, and another was the 2D!:ouch: