"Daily" Race Discussion [Archive]

  • Thread starter LordDrift
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I haven't played all week because the mountain hates me and the more I drive there the more I hate it.

Hopped on to give the Ford GT a go just now and I can't get into the 2:03s.
Every time I'm on a decent lap there's always a bump or a curb that throws me off or I get led astray by the cambered braking zones and catch some grass.

So I figured I'd have a look at what Derek was doing on his lap and it turns out I'm taking the wrong line in (most of) the corners, trying to be too clever with a wide entry late apex approach.

Time to learn this track properly I guess.

Derek can back that thing in MotoGP style.
Changed cars once again, diced up my QT by a few mils, and the next race:

I can see why people choose the Merc-AMG GT3; it's an incredibly stable and predictable ride, even moreso than the Jag if I dare say! It's also naturally aspirated, of course I'd enjoy the smoothness of it. Kudos to those who have mastered the GT-R though. It's a super-fast car with the current BoP balancing, but it requires great consistency from the driver and a steady foot. It chews through tires, or, at least it does when I'm behind its wheel. Regardless, I've finally found a new Gr.3 car to drive after the 2K miles I've put on my Jag.
Got a bad run into Conrod and knew the guy behind me would be able to pass, so I gave him some space as we got to the chase, and he blew the corner, knocked me off the track, and took a big penalty. He had the audacity to call me an idiot. I watched the replay. I couldn’t have given him more room.

what’s the easiest way to take clips out of the game to post?
@roamingbard13, there are 2 ways that I know of.

1. You can hit the share button after the race and it will save the last 15 minutes by default. I changed mine to 30 minutes (somewhere in the system settings), in case I needed an entire C race. You can then go to the capture gallery and choose to share it to YouTube, and have the option to trim the clip.

2. Save the replay in the post-race screen, and it will be saved in your library. The advantage of doing it this way is you can see all of the other cars, and see any of the views. The 1st method will only show what you saw on your screen.
Go to your library and play back the video, and whenever you're ready to make a clip, double-click the share button. You should see a red dot pop up on the top left corner of your screen to let you know the recording started. Double-click the share button again to stop the recording (It's actually trickier than it should be. If you don't double-click it fast enough, it won't work).
Go to the capture gallery and your new clip should be there. Select the clip and push the share button to send to Youtube. You'll again have the option to trim the clip before sending it.
The key to the Merc is getting on the gas. It doesn't lose it's rear on uneven surfaces so i can get on the throttle so much earlier than everything else. It's the only car that i can carry near 210 through the apex at mcphillamy too, nothing else gets to 205 for me.
Gonna check my replays to see Big Lex speed through there. ;)
@roamingbard13, there are 2 ways that I know of.

1. You can hit the share button after the race and it will save the last 15 minutes by default. I changed mine to 30 minutes (somewhere in the system settings), in case I needed an entire C race. You can then go to the capture gallery and choose to share it to YouTube, and have the option to trim the clip.

2. Save the replay in the post-race screen, and it will be saved in your library. The advantage of doing it this way is you can see all of the other cars, and see any of the views. The 1st method will only show what you saw on your screen.
Go to your library and play back the video, and whenever you're ready to make a clip, double-click the share button. You should see a red dot pop up on the top left corner of your screen to let you know the recording started. Double-click the share button again to stop the recording (It's actually trickier than it should be. If you don't double-click it fast enough, it won't work).
Go to the capture gallery and your new clip should be there. Select the clip and push the share button to send to Youtube. You'll again have the option to trim the clip before sending it.

Super easy now that I know the steps. It's uploading now! Thanks for your help.

I won my first race at Panorama. It's purely luck of matchmaking -- the room was split B/C, and I passed the pole on the 3rd lap and then pulled a 15 second gap for the win.
Been hot lapping at Bathurst tonight.
Started off in the Mustang. Improved my time from earlier in the week to 2:05.005. BB +1.
Wasn't sure if I should just focus on the one car to get the time down. Decided to swap. Tried the Jag due to some of the feedback on this forum. Time in the Jag 2:04.145. BB at 0. Thanks for the tip! :)

Think I'll do the 8.30pm race on my alt account to see how the Jag feels in a race.

Edit - did the race. Started 17th, made it up to 10th. Punted into the sand at the chicane towards the end of the lap (driver did get a penalty, but I lost around 15 seconds). Down to 17th again. Ended up 12th. Blue SR.
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Here's how I handle things when I have the lead on the final lap. :dunce:
Bascially, what happened is that I did what I know I'm not supposed to do. I was thinking too much about the cars behind me, instead of focusing on doing my job.
If someone knocks me off the track to take my position, there's not much I can do about that, but what happened here was completely preventable.
Lesson learned. Again :lol:
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Here's how I handle things when I have the lead on the final lap. :dunce:
Bascially, what happened is that I did what I know I'm not supposed to do. I was thinking too much about the cars behind me, instead of focusing on doing my job.
If someone knocks me off the track to take my position, there's not much I can do about that.
What happened here was definitely preventable.
Lesson learned. Again :lol:

I've thrown a number of wins away by doing more or less the same thing.
You must have been kicking yourself for that mistake as it looks like you lost a podium too.
I'm learning the hard way here. Patiently racing through the field, dealing (or not) with the blocking and barging and then just run a bit tight through the kink at get the penalty. I didn't run the other car off, barge it etc, it followed me into the left hander. The new pens are punitive.

I'm learning the hard way here. Patiently racing through the field, dealing (or not) with the blocking and barging and then just run a bit tight through the kink at get the penalty. I didn't run the other car off, barge it etc, it followed me into the left hander. The new pens are punitive.

Nah thats poor form, you cut him off really badly. You needed to hang more to the left.
I counted 5 cars all slipstreaming of each other and ALL of them accounted for the extra speeding heading onto the braking zone?? And nobody died or got killed???
What DR is this????
Superb driving from all of you..
Everyone was either at A+ S, A S or B S. I'd say it was the second highest split in the region, below the aliens. How it didn't end up in disaster I will never know. I thought there'd be some contact, so you could understand how surprised I was when I got through.
WTF is going on with these "anonymous" penalties- we all make mistakes but 1 and 2 second penalties with no contact and no explanation.
my SR is important to me so please PD get your **** together......................
Some really rough racing tonight. I keep forgetting to save the replays, but I decided to do some driving for FIA this weekend and try set a new QT at Bathurst.

I tried a few different cars, and then finally tried the GT-R. The META is a META for a reason, right? I ran 3 laps in a row faster than my previous fasted time, and set a 1:04.996 on the third lap. I’m still last on my friends Top 10, of course, haha, but I’m getting better. My optimal was right around 4.5. Maybe by the end of the weekend. Putting the work in helps. My first laps were 2:09s this week.
WTF is going on with these "anonymous" penalties- we all make mistakes but 1 and 2 second penalties with no contact and no explanation.
my SR is important to me so please PD get your **** together......................
Your SR doesn't take a hit for leaving the track penalties, so chill?
@meekrab-both penalties were on track,in one race only (offroad is usually .05 secs and it tells you so)
will post replay as my beef is there are no explanation for the penalties,no collisions,no off track, no nudging,no bumping-i am chill now but it took me 3 extra races to get back from SR88 to SR99,tiptoeing around in 7th.
ps:would rather be known as a clean,aware driver than whatever it takes....
@meekrab-both penalties were on track,in one race only (offroad is usually .05 secs and it tells you so)
will post replay as my beef is there are no explanation for the penalties,no collisions,no off track, no nudging,no bumping-i am chill now but it took me 3 extra races to get back from SR88 to SR99,tiptoeing around in 7th.
ps:would rather be known as a clean,aware driver than whatever it takes....

I think you just got unlucky. My last race I started P7, got knocked down to P10, finished P5 and my SR went from 85 (it had dropped from 99 the race previously) to 98. The penalties may have been lag related if the game saw one thing and you saw another.
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