
  • Thread starter andrea



Let the hype train begin
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Hope it's rated R. You can't have a foul mouthed violent mercenary in a PG13 movie.

Edit : screw that, it's rated R wohhooo !!
If they do the scarred up look properly then we don't need to worry about unnecessary scenes without a mask on the way some comic-based films tend to do things these days to maintain the actors get adequate face time on camera (looking at you Spidey).
If they do the scarred up look properly then we don't need to worry about unnecessary scenes without a mask on the way some comic-based films tend to do things these days to maintain the actors get adequate face time on camera (looking at you Spidey).
The Stallone version of Judge Dredd is most guilty of this. Roughly 2/3 of that movie was him without a helmet, which was not comic accurate at all (the whole murder conviction of a reporter aside).
How are they gonna do the narrator? I think that's the big question, here.
How are they gonna do the narrator? I think that's the big question, here.
The amount of internal dialogue will just be awesome.

I wonder what will they do with his emotion. Certainly they can't make the mask show his emotions.
Emotions can be done without facial expressions being visible.
Deadpool always delivers. Even on Mother's day...

[Removed - please READ things that you're posting before you post them]
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I spy Colossus. How they handle that will go a very long way toward my liking of the movie.

And completely ignoring the wolverine movie, I see. Excellent.

Deadpool is an intricate balance and this can go horribly wrong very quickly.
I won't live, first comic book movie I'm properly excited for (yes, didn't even care all that much for The Avengers). Deadpool's the only character who's comics I actually did read.

It's going to be awesome when done right and horrible when done wrong, though. No middle ground here, I feel.
...I dunno guys but the set pieces in the trailer look kinda amateurish to me...maybe it's still too early post production-wise, so the CGI and the effects will get cleared up later, hopefully.

I'm really looking forward to seeing this movie, y'know. Dear lord, please don't be a turkey.
Heard the director actually cries on set because he wanted it to be really, really good. Both Ryan Reynolds and the director are a big fan of Deadpool too so i'm positive it will be good.

Also, another Deadpool cameo :

I haven't watched the trailer yet but I just assume all of them are. :lol:

Oh, they are. But as this isn't a trailer, I thought I'd give ample warning!

Signs I have a great girlfriend: she has declared this is our plan for Valentines. No fancy dinner. No mushy cards. Just a wrinkly Reynolds. :D